Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

hey, if that's what you need to make your life happy, have at it
we all need goals in life no matter how sad and pathetic they can be

the saying, "Lets roll", came from one of the passengers who charged the terrorist to divert the plane from it's course and they died doing it and saved who know how many lives

I think that's a movie line, Steph. The reality is we shot that plane down. Blew it out of the sky. The information channels on this type of thing are heavily "managed" (did you know we dropped a nuclear bomb on North Carolina? At the time, nobody did.)

Nice to create a mythology about it and all but there's the Hollywood script and there's the real world.


Geeze Louise.... somebody needs to change their foil hat.

The hashtag didn't do ANYTHING. The stupid media frenzy over the response to our dumbass politicians tweeting is why this subject is so popular.
Morons substitute social media for actual actions

Suit up Grandpa. Show us some actual action. :eusa_clap:
Gramps' ability to show 'actual action' is not related to the accuracy of his observation on the complete futility and useless-ness of such activity...

For 'actual action', we need to turn to the President...

Any sign of Obumble committing sufficient resources yet, to effect a favorable resolution?

How does one always side with doing nothing and encouraging everyone else to do something while you sit there?
hey, if that's what you need to make your life happy, have at it
we all need goals in life no matter how sad and pathetic they can be

the saying, "Lets roll", came from one of the passengers who charged the terrorist to divert the plane from it's course and they died doing it and saved who know how many lives

I think that's a movie line, Steph. The reality is we shot that plane down. Blew it out of the sky. The information channels on this type of thing are heavily "managed" (did you know we dropped a nuclear bomb on North Carolina? At the time, nobody did.)

Nice to create a mythology about it and all but there's the Hollywood script and there's the real world.


Geeze Louise.... somebody needs to change their foil hat.


You need help with it?
You know what's crucial about that thing? The ground wire. I recommend a copper pipe buried 8 feet in the ground.

Hey I just prefer reality over fairy tales. So sue me.

>> The U.S. Air Force nearly detonated an atomic bomb over North Carolina in 1961 that would have been 260 times more powerful than the device that destroyed Hiroshima, according to a declassified report published Friday in The Guardian.

The 1969 document, obtained by investigative journalist Eric Schlosser under the Freedom of Information Act, details the Jan. 23, 1961, B-52 crash near Goldsboro, North Carolina, that saw two Mark 39 hydrogen bombs break up in mid-air.

The report said that one of the two bombs behaved exactly as nuclear weapon is designed to function in wartime and that only a single low-voltage switch prevented detonation. Fallout could have been deposited over Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York City, according to the report.<<
-- Fox Noise; original story

My name's not Paulitician -- I don't just pull this shit out of my ass.
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Suit up Grandpa. Show us some actual action. :eusa_clap:

Yeah, we'll count on you Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers to save these girls. Yeah, we'll do that. Brave Conservative men & women in our Military are these girls' only hope. It's all they have left.

Dittoheads unite!

Well, you are an Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wanker. I just call em like i see em. And thank God our Military isn't made of people like you. Instead it's made up of gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservatives. And they'll be the ones to save these girls. Make sure you thank em afterwards.
Yeah, we'll count on you Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers to save these girls. Yeah, we'll do that. Brave Conservative men & women in our Military are these girls' only hope. It's all they have left.

Dittoheads unite!

Well, you are an Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wanker. I just call em like i see em. And thank God our Military isn't made of people like you. Instead it's made up of gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservatives. And they'll be the ones to save these girls. Make sure you thank em afterwards.

Oh, fer fux's sakes, get off yer g-ddamned high horse, yer gonna get a nose bleed up there. Poor thing.
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All i can say is, thank God our Military isn't made up of Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the idiot First Lady and OP. Most of our men & women in our Military are brave gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservatives. And they're these girls' only hope now. So remember to thank them after they save em. Peace out.
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God Bless our brave gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment CONSERVATIVE men & women in our Military. I'm confident they'll bring these girls home. It wouldn't be wise to count on Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the First lady and her husband. They will not save these girls. It'll be the Conservatives to the rescue once again. You're welcome. :)

If the only thing lamer than hashtagging about a crisis is piling up a message board thread to complain about hashtagging about a crisis --- perhaps the lamest thing yet is making a political tool out of the very instrument that would actually execute action.

Said team will assemble at 0500 to map out strategy and the first agenda item is to weed out "conservatives" from political "wankers", the latter of which will be excused from the mission, along with the majority who are apolitical. The three guys left are the away team. :thup:

You are batshit insane.
Dittoheads unite!

Well, you are an Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wanker. I just call em like i see em. And thank God our Military isn't made of people like you. Instead it's made up of gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservatives. And they'll be the ones to save these girls. Make sure you thank em afterwards.

Oh, fer fux's sakes, get off yer g-ddamned high horse, yer gonna get a nose bleed up there. Poor thing.

'Evil gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservatives' protect you and this Nation. Who did you think did that? Your fellow Anti-Constitution Communist jerks? Well, think again.
Suit up Grandpa. Show us some actual action. :eusa_clap:
Gramps' ability to show 'actual action' is not related to the accuracy of his observation on the complete futility and useless-ness of such activity...

For 'actual action', we need to turn to the President...

Any sign of Obumble committing sufficient resources yet, to effect a favorable resolution?

How does one always side with doing nothing and encouraging everyone else to do something while you sit there?
I've taken no-such side, nor have I undertaken any such encouragement, have I?
Well, you are an Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wanker. I just call em like i see em. And thank God our Military isn't made of people like you. Instead it's made up of gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservatives. And they'll be the ones to save these girls. Make sure you thank em afterwards.

Oh, fer fux's sakes, get off yer g-ddamned high horse, yer gonna get a nose bleed up there. Poor thing.

'Evil gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservatives' protect you and this Nation. Who did you think did that? Your fellow Anti-Constitution Communist jerks? Well, think again.

There are lots and lots of liberal families in the military, so get over yourself. No sane person here is falling for your stupid trolling.
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I think Paul believes that if he says military and conservative enough times it will "propel the propaganda"
Gramps' ability to show 'actual action' is not related to the accuracy of his observation on the complete futility and useless-ness of such activity...

For 'actual action', we need to turn to the President...

Any sign of Obumble committing sufficient resources yet, to effect a favorable resolution?

How does one always side with doing nothing and encouraging everyone else to do something while you sit there?
I've taken no-such side, nor have I undertaken any such encouragement, have I?

Nooooo noooo not you. Nope :eusa_shifty:
Folks aren't throwing rocks at the hashtaggers because they're doing something...

Folks are throwing rocks at hashtaggers because they delude themselves that they're doing something, and, in turn, because that delusion is comical, and pathetic...

Throw in some strident insistence by hashtaggers that their critics are wrong, and you have just the right volatile combination, to give non-hashtaggers a Belly Laugh for the Ages...

It's not all that difficult a concept to grasp...

( turns-off Restating the Bloody Obvious switch )

Of course the fatal flaw in this premise is and has been throughout, the assumption that when one "hashtags" it's by definition the only thing they do.
The fatal flaw in this analysis is and has been throughout the assumption that the Hashtag Campaign was held-up in Stand-Alone Mode, without reference to complementary action, and must therefore be weighed in Stand-Alone Mode.

No fair moving the goal-posts, this deep into the game.

Of course, to be fair, if the Hashtag Campaign, as a 'collective', is also doing something else, as a 'collective', that has some realistic chance of effecting a substantive change in the situation or a successful resolution to the crisis, then, by all means, present that for all to see, as well.

Otherwise, that's both (a) outside the Stand-Alone Mode parameters of any such assessment and (b) largely non sequitur to the matter of the efficacy of the Hashtag Campaign, methinks.
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Folks aren't throwing rocks at the hashtaggers because they're doing something...

Folks are throwing rocks at hashtaggers because they delude themselves that they're doing something, and, in turn, because that delusion is comical, and pathetic...

Throw in some strident insistence by hashtaggers that their critics are wrong, and you have just the right volatile combination, to give non-hashtaggers a Belly Laugh for the Ages...

It's not all that difficult a concept to grasp...

( turns-off Restating the Bloody Obvious switch )

Of course the fatal flaw in this premise is and has been throughout, the assumption that when one "hashtags" it's by definition the only thing they do.
The fatal flaw in this analysis is and has been throughout the assumption that the Hashtag Campaign was held-up in Stand-Alone Mode, without reference to complementary action, and must therefore be weighed in Stand-Alone Mode.

That's what I just said.

Why would it have needed such a reference? What is it about a hashtag campaign (and I'm not a Twit-er so I don't know) that makes it behave like a fertilized egg where no more action-sperm are allowed in? I just don't see that mutual exclusivity. :dunno:
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