Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Since the purpose of the hashtag was to gain attention and since it gained a huge amount of attention, then yes, it was a success in that regard. Silly hypocritical righties can deny that success, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a success.

And where are the girls today?
Don't know. Since Twitter is designed to spread messages, #bringbackourgirls doesn't reveal the kidnappers' location.

Soggy thought that the hashtag had GPS capabilities. But to be fair they also think the Hashtag was supposed to repel into the area that grab the girls too :lol:

They are a special bunch
Since the purpose of the hashtag was to gain attention and since it gained a huge amount of attention, then yes, it was a success in that regard. Silly hypocritical righties can deny that success, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a success.

And where are the girls today?
Don't know. Since Twitter is designed to spread messages, #bringbackourgirls doesn't reveal the kidnappers' location.

That may have been too much for him to understand.
Most of our Military is made up of brave Conservative men & women. They've been raised on guns and are staunch Pro-2nd Amendment advocates. Who do people think are defending our nation? Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like Queen Michelle and her husband? Well, think again. Most in our Military are brave Conservatives. And they'll likely bring these girls home. Bet on that. Have a nice day. :)
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Folks aren't throwing rocks at the hashtaggers because they're doing something...

Folks are throwing rocks at hashtaggers because they delude themselves that they're doing something, and, in turn, because that delusion is comical, and pathetic...

Throw in some strident insistence by hashtaggers that their critics are wrong, and you have just the right volatile combination, to give non-hashtaggers a Belly Laugh for the Ages...

It's not all that difficult a concept to grasp...

( turns-off Restating the Bloody Obvious switch )

Since the purpose of the hashtag was to bring attention to the dire situation, seems to me that it was immensely successful in it's intent.
That's why God invented the BBC and CNN and al-Jazeera and all the rest.

I seriously doubt that the BBC, et al, needed any help from twit(ter)s, nor that the twit(ter)s did one iota more good than had they done nothing.
And where are the girls today?
Don't know. Since Twitter is designed to spread messages, #bringbackourgirls doesn't reveal the kidnappers' location.

The hashtag didn't do ANYTHING. The stupid media frenzy over the response to our dumbass politicians tweeting is why this subject is so popular.
Morons substitute social media for actual actions

Suit up Grandpa. Show us some actual action. :eusa_clap:
Today I learned God created the BBC on the 8th day
Liberal misinformation... it was the 9th day...
Hashtags are not meant to free hostages. They're meant to garner attention. It's silly hypocritical Conservatives who are attacking the strawman of their own creation that the hashtag was meant to somehow coerce Boko Haram to free the girls.

Meanwhile, the hashtag has drawn huge attention. That's a success.

Well said Faun. That sums it up nicely. Good job. :eusa_clap:

Oddly enough, I don't recall anyone from the right ever criticizing Sarah "The Quitter on Twitter" Palin for her use of social media.

What? No one refudiated that? No one put it in the crosshairs?

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.
Don't know. Since Twitter is designed to spread messages, #bringbackourgirls doesn't reveal the kidnappers' location.

The hashtag didn't do ANYTHING. The stupid media frenzy over the response to our dumbass politicians tweeting is why this subject is so popular.
Morons substitute social media for actual actions

Suit up Grandpa. Show us some actual action. :eusa_clap:
Gramps' ability to show 'actual action' is not related to the accuracy of his observation on the complete futility and useless-ness of such activity...

For 'actual action', we need to turn to the President...

Any sign of Obumble committing sufficient resources yet, to effect a favorable resolution?

hey, if that's what you need to make your life happy, have at it
we all need goals in life no matter how sad and pathetic they can be

the saying, "Lets roll", came from one of the passengers who charged the terrorist to divert the plane from it's course and they died doing it and saved who know how many lives

I think that's a movie line, Steph. The reality is we shot that plane down. Blew it out of the sky. The information channels on this type of thing are heavily "managed" (did you know we dropped a nuclear bomb on North Carolina? At the time, nobody did.)

Nice to create a mythology about it and all but there's the Hollywood script and there's the real world.

Don't know. Since Twitter is designed to spread messages, #bringbackourgirls doesn't reveal the kidnappers' location.

The hashtag didn't do ANYTHING. The stupid media frenzy over the response to our dumbass politicians tweeting is why this subject is so popular.
Morons substitute social media for actual actions

Suit up Grandpa. Show us some actual action. :eusa_clap:

Yeah, we'll count on you Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers to save these girls. Yeah, we'll do that. Brave Conservative men & women in our Military are these girls' only hope. It's all they have left.
The hashtag didn't do ANYTHING. The stupid media frenzy over the response to our dumbass politicians tweeting is why this subject is so popular.
Morons substitute social media for actual actions

Suit up Grandpa. Show us some actual action. :eusa_clap:
Gramps' ability to show 'actual action' is not related to the accuracy of his observation on the complete futility and useless-ness of such activity...

For 'actual action', we need to turn to the President...

Any sign of Obumble committing sufficient resources yet, to effect a favorable resolution?

As has been noted over and over in this thread, any action would not exhibit "signs". That would defeat the whole purpose. There's the public thrust and there's the covert one. They are by definition executed by known and unknown methods respectively. So if we knew about "Obumble committing sufficient resources", those resources would by that knowing already be undermined. Think about it.

Far as we're concerned this is one of those Rumsfeldian "known unknowns".
The hashtag didn't do ANYTHING. The stupid media frenzy over the response to our dumbass politicians tweeting is why this subject is so popular.
Morons substitute social media for actual actions

Suit up Grandpa. Show us some actual action. :eusa_clap:
Gramps' ability to show 'actual action' is not related to the accuracy of his observation on the complete futility and useless-ness of such activity...

For 'actual action', we need to turn to the President...

Any sign of Obumble committing sufficient resources yet, to effect a favorable resolution?

Don't underestimate Grandpa and his trusty typewriter.
Folks aren't throwing rocks at the hashtaggers because they're doing something...

Folks are throwing rocks at hashtaggers because they delude themselves that they're doing something, and, in turn, because that delusion is comical, and pathetic...

Throw in some strident insistence by hashtaggers that their critics are wrong, and you have just the right volatile combination, to give non-hashtaggers a Belly Laugh for the Ages...

It's not all that difficult a concept to grasp...

( turns-off Restating the Bloody Obvious switch )

Of course the fatal flaw in this premise is and has been throughout, the assumption that when one "hashtags" it's by definition the only thing they do.
God Bless our brave gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment CONSERVATIVE men & women in our Military. I'm confident they'll bring these girls home. It wouldn't be wise to count on Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the First lady and her husband. They will not save these girls. It'll be the Conservatives to the rescue once again. You're welcome. :)
The hashtag didn't do ANYTHING. The stupid media frenzy over the response to our dumbass politicians tweeting is why this subject is so popular.
Morons substitute social media for actual actions

Suit up Grandpa. Show us some actual action. :eusa_clap:

Yeah, we'll count on you Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers to save these girls. Yeah, we'll do that. Brave Conservative men & women in our Military are these girls' only hope. It's all they have left.

Dittoheads unite!

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