Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

What I think is stupid is she even did a hashtag when these people don't even have the internet over there.. We need to care more about the thousands of missing kids in our own back yard first!!!
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

great point dimwit; i'm sure the government of Nigeria cares so much now that they have received a flood of hashtags from concerned liberals
Well, since Conservatives love to mock hastags, cuz y'all know, this is the interweebs and therefore VERY VERY IMPORTANT, here is another:

#bedowin62SchoolOfTrollingExcellenceAward - bringThoseTrollsBack!

Now, back to the OP:

Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

They just don't get it at Fox News... do they?

Conservatives mock 'Bring Back Our Girls' hashtag | MSNBC

Fox News contributors on Sunday scoffed at the “Bring Back Our Girls” hashtag recently created in support of finding the nearly 300 missing schoolgirls in Nigeria.

The international community has taken to Twitter using #BringBackOurGirls to encourage the release of the teenage girls. Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants, attacked a school in Chibok nearly one month ago and kidnapped 276 individuals. Since, they took eight additional girls and threatened to “sell” them all on the market.

“I do not know how adults stand there facing a camera and say, ‘Bring Back Our Girls.’ Are these barbarians in the wilds of Nigeria supposed to check their Twitter accounts and say, ‘Uh-oh Michelle Obama is very cross with us, we better change our behavior?’” Will said on Fox News Sunday.

So, here's my take on the OP:

Ok. The next time the Right has a Hashtag campaign, Lefties should remember this moment and howl with laughter at those Righties.

Goose = Gander


See, bedowin, it IS possible to stay on topic. Just some intelligence and some elbow grease!! Give it a try, Rightard!
What I think is stupid is she even did a hashtag when these people don't even have the internet over there.. We need to care more about the thousands of missing kids in our own back yard first!!!
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

great point dimwit; i'm sure the government of Nigeria cares so much now that they have received a flood of hashtags from concerned liberals

no kidding, so now that the almighty first lady has "raised" awareness now what ?
they just go on and continue kidnapping these girls which they've doing though out all of Obama's Presidency...It only took them six years to make a poster and a pouty sad face and don't we all know that Sean Penn has so much pull around the world
good grief
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80 troops?

A bunch of drone-operators, trailer-drivers and an electrician and repair-guy and IT guy or two, and a couple of photo-intel types?

Pfffffttttt... any sign of US boots on the ground... REAL boots... even in simple Search-and-Rescue mode?

More proof by Konder3's above post that dittoheads don't give a shit about the girls. All they care about is taking cheap-shots at our brave American troops sent to find and possibly rescue the girls in Nigeria.
1. I'm no ditto-head; although I doubt you're capable of distinguishing between someone who (a) thinks your Hashtag Fetish is hilarious and (b) has you pegged for one of the few remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots --- and a true ditto-head.

2. I don't really care all that much about those girls, other than wanting to see them safely returned.

3. I take no cheap-shots at our troops.

4. I have done my time AS a troop and earned my stripes. Have you?

5. I criticize the weak, limp-wristed "logistics" and "recon" -only role we've taken on.

6. I would have rather seen us do what we are doing, plus much more, including multiple ground-based search-and-rescue teams, a fast-strike team or two, and some lethal air-support in the way of Air-Cav choppers, A-10 backups, and a modicum of CAP assets.

Do not let my laughing at you over your teenage Hashtag Campaign angst cloud your judgment concerning my positions, message and abilities relative to your own.

Told you! Debbie Downer cant ever be happy even when things are done the way they supported they have to be sure to complain and change their minds


6. I would have rather seen us do what we are doing, plus much more, including multiple ground-based search-and-rescue teams, a fast-strike team or two, and some lethal air-support in the way of Air-Cav choppers, A-10 backups, and a modicum of CAP assets.

Of course. You dont like whatever is happening and always want something different. You wanted boots on the you got 'em...Debbie Downer has to change her mind now and advocate for something different because what is happening is never good enough :lol:
I saw a church sign that said they were praying for the girls in Nigeria. What I didnt see was a mob of assholes yelling about how that was purely symbolic and accomplishes nothing.

Weird huh

Praying in a church is not a First Lady social media "movement" designed to "raise awareness" of a problem which is already well known and used in PLACE of the President actually DOING anything about the terrorist behavior.

But other than the fact that there's damn little if any analog in your would be analogy, good post, CloseMinded.

You simpleton.

Got it hashtags dont do anything but praying does. I thought you had a problem with people not doing anything now praying is doing something right.....yeeeaaaa suuuuure
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

great point dimwit; i'm sure the government of Nigeria cares so much now that they have received a flood of hashtags from concerned liberals

no kidding, so now that the almighty first lady has "raised" awareness now what ?
they just go on and continue kidnapping these girls which they've doing though out all of Obama's Presidency...It only took them six years to make a poster and a pouty sad face and don't we all know that Sean Penn has so much pull around the world
good grief

"Let's roll, Steph! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
More proof by Konder3's above post that dittoheads don't give a shit about the girls. All they care about is taking cheap-shots at our brave American troops sent to find and possibly rescue the girls in Nigeria.
1. I'm no ditto-head; although I doubt you're capable of distinguishing between someone who (a) thinks your Hashtag Fetish is hilarious and (b) has you pegged for one of the few remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots --- and a true ditto-head.

2. I don't really care all that much about those girls, other than wanting to see them safely returned.

3. I take no cheap-shots at our troops.

4. I have done my time AS a troop and earned my stripes. Have you?

5. I criticize the weak, limp-wristed "logistics" and "recon" -only role we've taken on.

6. I would have rather seen us do what we are doing, plus much more, including multiple ground-based search-and-rescue teams, a fast-strike team or two, and some lethal air-support in the way of Air-Cav choppers, A-10 backups, and a modicum of CAP assets.

Do not let my laughing at you over your teenage Hashtag Campaign angst cloud your judgment concerning my positions, message and abilities relative to your own.

Told you! Debbie Downer cant ever be happy even when things are done the way they supported they have to be sure to complain and change their minds


6. I would have rather seen us do what we are doing, plus much more, including multiple ground-based search-and-rescue teams, a fast-strike team or two, and some lethal air-support in the way of Air-Cav choppers, A-10 backups, and a modicum of CAP assets.

Of course. You dont like whatever is happening and always want something different. You wanted boots on the you got 'em...Debbie Downer has to change her mind now and advocate for something different because what is happening is never good enough :lol:

I have always believed that IF we are going to participate, that we should participate in a manner designed to result in the girls' retrieval, not just figuring-out where they are.

That means ground-level Search-and-Rescue and Commando teams, with air support, as well as the surveillance and logistics rear-echelon services that we are currently providing.

Why does EFFECTIVE participation involve such 'real' boots on the ground, in this situation, as opposed to simple lower-risk rear-echelon help?

Because the Nigerians have a disintegrating country on their hands, including whole provinces where the Nigerian military dare not show its face; the country appears to be slowly descending into chaos, and I, for one, have zero confidence in its military, to be able to act effectively upon the intelligence we feed them, and to effect a successful rescue on their own.

It's called not being willing to half-step... not being willing to do things as half-meaures... not being willing to do things half-assed.

Assuming that our 'surveillance' and 'logistics' assistance, as articulated in the media, is, indeed, all that we are doing at present, and assuming that the Nigerians have no trouble with the idea of us lending them boots-on-the-ground, and assuming that we are, indeed, sufficiently interested in rescuing those poor girls, to the extent where we are willing to metaphorically put our money where our mouth is, then...

We are, indeed, presently engaged in half-assed measures, and the criticism or bemoaning of us doing so much less than is needed, has merit.

All juvenile name-calling and attributions and hyper-partisan pissing and moaning to the contrary notwithstanding.

If you can find a substantive hole in that line of reasoning, or an inappropriate level of partisanship or criticism in that line of reasoning, then, by all means, enlighten the audience.

I, for one, am awaiting this flash of intellectual brilliance with the utmost anticipation, and the utmost confidence that you will give a good account of yourself.

But, if not, then, get off my back.
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1. I'm no ditto-head; although I doubt you're capable of distinguishing between someone who (a) thinks your Hashtag Fetish is hilarious and (b) has you pegged for one of the few remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots --- and a true ditto-head.

2. I don't really care all that much about those girls, other than wanting to see them safely returned.

3. I take no cheap-shots at our troops.

4. I have done my time AS a troop and earned my stripes. Have you?

5. I criticize the weak, limp-wristed "logistics" and "recon" -only role we've taken on.

6. I would have rather seen us do what we are doing, plus much more, including multiple ground-based search-and-rescue teams, a fast-strike team or two, and some lethal air-support in the way of Air-Cav choppers, A-10 backups, and a modicum of CAP assets.

Do not let my laughing at you over your teenage Hashtag Campaign angst cloud your judgment concerning my positions, message and abilities relative to your own.


6. I would have rather seen us do what we are doing, plus much more, including multiple ground-based search-and-rescue teams, a fast-strike team or two, and some lethal air-support in the way of Air-Cav choppers, A-10 backups, and a modicum of CAP assets.

Of course. You dont like whatever is happening and always want something different. You wanted boots on the you got 'em...Debbie Downer has to change her mind now and advocate for something different because what is happening is never good enough :lol:

I have always believed that IF we are going to participate, that we should participate in a manner designed to result in the girls' retrieval, not just figuring-out where they are.

So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there? :lol:

That means ground-level Search-and-Rescue and Commando teams, with air support, as well as the surveillance and logistics rear-echelon services that we are currently providing.

I know, because since that isnt happening you are all for it now. Like you were for boots on the ground until boots were on the ground.

Why does EFFECTIVE participation involve such 'real' boots on the ground, in this situation, as opposed to simple lower-risk rear-echelon help?

Again, you wanted boots on the ground and got it, now you determined it to not be "real" boots.


Your poosition can be summed up as follows: Whatever is happening should be done a different way unless that different way is embraced then it should be another way completely
What I think is stupid is she even did a hashtag when these people don't even have the internet over there.. We need to care more about the thousands of missing kids in our own back yard first!!!
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened? Why the fuck wasn't it part of your awareness at that point? Why the fuck did you assholes wait until after Nigeria actually started arresting the protestors who were out on the street making noise about this before you deigned to notice that 200 girls were kidnapped?

What, you didn't know about that? So much for your fucking awareness, asshole.

That is what I have a fucking problem with, coupled with the fact that the State Department, in the infinite wisdom of the Twitter generation, declared #Hashtag war on Russia, and lost, all I have is contempt for anyone that thinks social media is the way to solve the worlds problems.
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Of course. You dont like whatever is happening and always want something different. You wanted boots on the you got 'em...Debbie Downer has to change her mind now and advocate for something different because what is happening is never good enough :lol:

I have always believed that IF we are going to participate, that we should participate in a manner designed to result in the girls' retrieval, not just figuring-out where they are.

So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there? :lol:

That means ground-level Search-and-Rescue and Commando teams, with air support, as well as the surveillance and logistics rear-echelon services that we are currently providing.
I know, because since that isnt happening you are all for it now. Like you were for boots on the ground until boots were on the ground.

Why does EFFECTIVE participation involve such 'real' boots on the ground, in this situation, as opposed to simple lower-risk rear-echelon help?
Again, you wanted boots on the ground and got it, now you determined it to not be "real" boots.


Your poosition can be summed up as follows: Whatever is happening should be done a different way unless that different way is embraced then it should be another way completely

Boko Haran just got in a battle with a village a few days ago, the end result was that the vialalgers killed 200 of them while they kkillled 300 villagers. Not sure it it was in Twitter, so you probably don't know about it, but I doubt that, given those numbers, 80 people are going to get those girls free.
What I think is stupid is she even did a hashtag when these people don't even have the internet over there.. We need to care more about the thousands of missing kids in our own back yard first!!!
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened

The Nigerian govt covered it up.

Why the fuck wasn't it part of your awareness at that point?

Because the govt covered it up

Why the fuck did you assholes wait until after Nigeria actually started arresting the protestors who were out on the street making noise about this before you deigned to notice that 200 girls were kidnapped?

Because the govt covered it up

What, you didn't know about that? So much for your fuciking awareness, asshle.

No everyone doesnt know everything. I know your mind is blown but its true.

That is what I have a fucking problem with, coupled with the fact that the State Department, in the infinite wisdom of the Twitter generation, declared #Hashtag war on Russia, and lost, all I have is contempt for anyone that thinks social media is the way to solve the worlds problems.

Not to solve problems, to bring awareness to spur action. Which is exactly what happened and you are still mad :lol:
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened

The Nigerian govt covered it up.

Because the govt covered it up

Because the govt covered it up

What, you didn't know about that? So much for your fuciking awareness, asshle.
No everyone doesnt know everything. I know your mind is blown but its true.

That is what I have a fucking problem with, coupled with the fact that the State Department, in the infinite wisdom of the Twitter generation, declared #Hashtag war on Russia, and lost, all I have is contempt for anyone that thinks social media is the way to solve the worlds problems.
Not to solve problems, to bring awareness to spur action. Which is exactly what happened and you are still mad :lol:

The Nigerian government covered it up so well that it was all over the blogoshpere the day after the kidnapping, but the wife of the First Lady of the United States didn't here about t until a week after it got on Twitter.

Thanks for making my point for me, idiot.
I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened

The Nigerian govt covered it up.

Because the govt covered it up

Because the govt covered it up

No everyone doesnt know everything. I know your mind is blown but its true.

That is what I have a fucking problem with, coupled with the fact that the State Department, in the infinite wisdom of the Twitter generation, declared #Hashtag war on Russia, and lost, all I have is contempt for anyone that thinks social media is the way to solve the worlds problems.
Not to solve problems, to bring awareness to spur action. Which is exactly what happened and you are still mad :lol:

The Nigerian government covered it up so well that it was all over the blogoshpere the day after the kidnapping, but the wife of the First Lady of the United States didn't here about t until a week after it got on Twitter.

Thanks for making my point for me, idiot.

No it wasnt you little liar you
Of course. You dont like whatever is happening and always want something different. You wanted boots on the you got 'em...Debbie Downer has to change her mind now and advocate for something different because what is happening is never good enough :lol:

I have always believed that IF we are going to participate, that we should participate in a manner designed to result in the girls' retrieval, not just figuring-out where they are.

So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there? :lol:

That means ground-level Search-and-Rescue and Commando teams, with air support, as well as the surveillance and logistics rear-echelon services that we are currently providing.

I know, because since that isnt happening you are all for it now. Like you were for boots on the ground until boots were on the ground.

Why does EFFECTIVE participation involve such 'real' boots on the ground, in this situation, as opposed to simple lower-risk rear-echelon help?

Again, you wanted boots on the ground and got it, now you determined it to not be "real" boots.


Your poosition can be summed up as follows: Whatever is happening should be done a different way unless that different way is embraced then it should be another way completely
An entirely inadequate, albeit not unexpected, response.

You appear destined to be demoted from the Varsity Squad to the Scrimmage Squad.

Ah, well, you had your shot.

An open invitation to dismantle the argument for a more 'complete' engagement in the Nigerian search, or to call 'inappropriate partisanship' or 'false motives' or whatever, with some substance to back it up.

And you couldn't even do that much.

You shot off your big mouth and started throwing monkey-poo simply because I derided the Administration's flacid and inadequate response.

And you couldn't even back up your big mouth with fact, or even informed opinion, and a rational argument.

A damned-poor showing.

Rather embarrassing, actually.

My condolences.
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