Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

These are not responsible conservatives, they are the far right idiots who got their butts handed to them Tuesday night in the primaries.


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What I think is stupid is she even did a hashtag when these people don't even have the internet over there.. We need to care more about the thousands of missing kids in our own back yard first!!!
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened? Why the fuck wasn't it part of your awareness at that point? Why the fuck did you assholes wait until after Nigeria actually started arresting the protestors who were out on the street making noise about this before you deigned to notice that 200 girls were kidnapped?

What, you didn't know about that? So much for your fucking awareness, asshole.

That is what I have a fucking problem with, coupled with the fact that the State Department, in the infinite wisdom of the Twitter generation, declared #Hashtag war on Russia, and lost, all I have is contempt for anyone that thinks social media is the way to solve the worlds problems.

I have always believed that IF we are going to participate, that we should participate in a manner designed to result in the girls' retrieval, not just figuring-out where they are.

So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there? :lol:

I know, because since that isnt happening you are all for it now. Like you were for boots on the ground until boots were on the ground.

Why does EFFECTIVE participation involve such 'real' boots on the ground, in this situation, as opposed to simple lower-risk rear-echelon help?

Again, you wanted boots on the ground and got it, now you determined it to not be "real" boots.


Your poosition can be summed up as follows: Whatever is happening should be done a different way unless that different way is embraced then it should be another way completely
An entirely inadequate, albeit not unexpected, response.

You appear destined to be demoted from the Varsity Squad to the Scrimmage Squad.

Ah, well, you had your shot.

An open invitation to dismantle the argument for a more 'complete' engagement in the Nigerian search, or to call 'inappropriate partisanship' or 'false motives' or whatever, with some substance to back it up.

Here it is again in case you missed it heres what you said:
I have always believed that IF we are going to participate, that we should participate in a manner designed to result in the girls' retrieval, not just figuring-out where they are.

I asked: So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there?

Then you started talking about varsity teams and how you want a debate while ignoring the question. :lol:
Good Lord, this thread was sleeping soundly and you had the nerve to wake it with your r-wing propaganda bullshit?

When the girls are rescued I'll be sure to thank those responsible including Michelle and the rest of the hash tag awareness campaign individuals.

Now you crawl back into your hole and let a sleeping dog lay.

No, just thank the Soldiers. And leave it at that. I mean, where's your Queen Michelle now? I'm sure she's moved onto Vacation plans and the next Social Media fad. She will have absolutely nothing to do with the rescue of these girls. So when it's all over with, just thank those 'Evil Conservative gun-toting 2nd Amender Soldiers.'

Why do you insist on calling them... those 'Evil Conservative gun-toting 2nd Amender Soldiers.' ?

Because most of our Soldiers are Conservatives who pledge to defend our Constitution, and especially the 2nd Amendment. They are not Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the OP and Queen Michelle. So it will be Conservatives to the rescue once again. They will bring these girls home. So thank them when it happens. Queen Michelle will have nothing to do with it.
So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there? :lol:

I know, because since that isnt happening you are all for it now. Like you were for boots on the ground until boots were on the ground.

Again, you wanted boots on the ground and got it, now you determined it to not be "real" boots.


Your poosition can be summed up as follows: Whatever is happening should be done a different way unless that different way is embraced then it should be another way completely
An entirely inadequate, albeit not unexpected, response.

You appear destined to be demoted from the Varsity Squad to the Scrimmage Squad.

Ah, well, you had your shot.

An open invitation to dismantle the argument for a more 'complete' engagement in the Nigerian search, or to call 'inappropriate partisanship' or 'false motives' or whatever, with some substance to back it up.

Here it is again in case you missed it heres what you said:
I have always believed that IF we are going to participate, that we should participate in a manner designed to result in the girls' retrieval, not just figuring-out where they are.

I asked: So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there?

Then you started talking about varsity teams and how you want a debate while ignoring the question. :lol:

"So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there?"

That was supposed to be an intelligent question?

The public has been told that our 80-man role there is to provide recon and intel and logistics support to the Nigerians.

Based on what the Obama Administration has told us so far, the answer appears to be 'Yes'; leaving this as a Nigerian internal matter.

Do you see any reason to interpret what we've been told any differently from what you've seen me do here?

================================ carried by HuffPo, yesterday...

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States has deployed 80 military personnel to Chad to help locate the nearly 300 girls kidnapped in Nigeria last month, President Barack Obama said Wednesday.

Obama, in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner and the Senate, notified lawmakers about the latest steps underway to assist in the return of the abducted girls.

Obama said the service members will help with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft for missions over northern Nigeria and the nearby region. He says the force will stay in Chad until its support is no longer necessary.

Chad shares a portion of its western border with northeastern Nigeria.

According to Lt. Col. Myles Caggins, the 80 U.S. military personnel will help expand drone searches of the region. About 40 of the troops make up the launch and recovering teams for the drone being deployed there and the other 40 make up the security force for the team.

Caggins said this latest deployment will not involve ground searches by the troops...

U.S. Deploys 80-Man Force To Help Find Abducted Nigerian Girls


Half of 'em are techies...

Half of 'em are guards for the techies...

Not a Search-and-Rescue team nor a Commando team nor air support anywhere on our scopes.

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No, just thank the Soldiers. And leave it at that. I mean, where's your Queen Michelle now? I'm sure she's moved onto Vacation plans and the next Social Media fad. She will have absolutely nothing to do with the rescue of these girls. So when it's all over with, just thank those 'Evil Conservative gun-toting 2nd Amender Soldiers.'

Why do you insist on calling them... those 'Evil Conservative gun-toting 2nd Amender Soldiers.' ?

Because most of our Soldiers are Conservatives who pledge to defend our Constitution, and especially the 2nd Amendment. They are not Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the OP and Queen Michelle. So it will be Conservatives to the rescue once again. They will bring these girls home. So thank them when it happens. Queen Michelle will have nothing to do with it.

--- Link?
No, just thank the Soldiers. And leave it at that. I mean, where's your Queen Michelle now? I'm sure she's moved onto Vacation plans and the next Social Media fad. She will have absolutely nothing to do with the rescue of these girls. So when it's all over with, just thank those 'Evil Conservative gun-toting 2nd Amender Soldiers.'

Why do you insist on calling them... those 'Evil Conservative gun-toting 2nd Amender Soldiers.' ?

Because most of our Soldiers are Conservatives who pledge to defend our Constitution, and especially the 2nd Amendment. They are not Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the OP and Queen Michelle. So it will be Conservatives to the rescue once again. They will bring these girls home. So thank them when it happens. Queen Michelle will have nothing to do with it.

Prove "most of our soldiers are Conservatives........"
An entirely inadequate, albeit not unexpected, response.

You appear destined to be demoted from the Varsity Squad to the Scrimmage Squad.

Ah, well, you had your shot.

An open invitation to dismantle the argument for a more 'complete' engagement in the Nigerian search, or to call 'inappropriate partisanship' or 'false motives' or whatever, with some substance to back it up.

Here it is again in case you missed it heres what you said:
I have always believed that IF we are going to participate, that we should participate in a manner designed to result in the girls' retrieval, not just figuring-out where they are.

I asked: So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there?

Then you started talking about varsity teams and how you want a debate while ignoring the question. :lol:

"So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there?"

That was supposed to be an intelligent question?

No thats because it was unintelligent statement to assume they werent trying to retrieve them.
Here it is again in case you missed it heres what you said:

I asked: So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there?

Then you started talking about varsity teams and how you want a debate while ignoring the question. :lol:
"So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there?"

That was supposed to be an intelligent question?

No thats because it was unintelligent statement to assume they werent trying to retrieve them.
I think you'd better go back and re-read the "EDITED TO ADD" segment in Post #1405...
No, just thank the Soldiers. And leave it at that. I mean, where's your Queen Michelle now? I'm sure she's moved onto Vacation plans and the next Social Media fad. She will have absolutely nothing to do with the rescue of these girls. So when it's all over with, just thank those 'Evil Conservative gun-toting 2nd Amender Soldiers.'

Why do you insist on calling them... those 'Evil Conservative gun-toting 2nd Amender Soldiers.' ?

Because most of our Soldiers are Conservatives who pledge to defend our Constitution, and especially the 2nd Amendment. They are not Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the OP and Queen Michelle. So it will be Conservatives to the rescue once again. They will bring these girls home. So thank them when it happens. Queen Michelle will have nothing to do with it.

no, it won't
"So you think they are going to find them then leave 'em there?"

That was supposed to be an intelligent question?

No thats because it was unintelligent statement to assume they werent trying to retrieve them.
I think you'd better go back and re-read the "EDITED TO ADD" segment in Post #1405...

No thanks, you already believe that soldiers are over there just to look at the nigerian girls and not to engage them. Thats enough stupid for one day
The far right bed wetting wankers are upset today.

Dems, centrists, and responsible mainstream Pubs despise you, including almost all of our service people.
The far right bed wetting wankers are upset today.

Dems, centrists, and responsible mainstream Pubs despise you, including almost all of our service people.

Nah, most Service People despise you and your Dear Leader. That's the reality. Most of our Military is made up of good Church-going Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative men & women. I assure you it's not made up of Communist wankas like you and the OP. Good Conservatives will rescue these girls. Bet on that...And you're welcome.
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The far right bed wetting wankers are upset today.

Dems, centrists, and responsible mainstream Pubs despise you, including almost all of our service people.

Nah, most Service People despise you and your Dear Leader. That's the reality. Most of our Military is made up of good Church-going Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative men & women. I assure you it's not made up of Communist wankas like you and the OP. Good Conservatives will rescue these girls. Bet on that...And you're welcome.

.... Link??


Is this question too complex? Need help?

She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened? Why the fuck wasn't it part of your awareness at that point? Why the fuck did you assholes wait until after Nigeria actually started arresting the protestors who were out on the street making noise about this before you deigned to notice that 200 girls were kidnapped?

What, you didn't know about that? So much for your fucking awareness, asshole.

That is what I have a fucking problem with, coupled with the fact that the State Department, in the infinite wisdom of the Twitter generation, declared #Hashtag war on Russia, and lost, all I have is contempt for anyone that thinks social media is the way to solve the worlds problems.

Does that mean you are full of shit that this is about spreading awareness?
Why do you insist on calling them... those 'Evil Conservative gun-toting 2nd Amender Soldiers.' ?

Because most of our Soldiers are Conservatives who pledge to defend our Constitution, and especially the 2nd Amendment. They are not Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the OP and Queen Michelle. So it will be Conservatives to the rescue once again. They will bring these girls home. So thank them when it happens. Queen Michelle will have nothing to do with it.

Prove "most of our soldiers are Conservatives........"

Would a DHS report count as proof?
No thats because it was unintelligent statement to assume they werent trying to retrieve them.
I think you'd better go back and re-read the "EDITED TO ADD" segment in Post #1405...

No thanks, you already believe that soldiers are over there just to look at the nigerian girls and not to engage them. Thats enough stupid for one day
You can't even articulate the issues correctly, never mind address them.

The point of contention between us is my criticism of the Obama Administration's response, to date, and your unfounded, groundless belief that they are there to do more than just drone-based recon and intel and logistics support.

And then I show you the text of an AP article, carried by HuffPo (a Liberal-leaning publication, no less!) which demonstrates the precise drone-recon and intel and logistics support mission that I'd cited earlier, quoting a military spokesman...

And you still continue to insist upon your baseless, unfounded, groundless belief that we are going to do more than the 80-man mission already described by military authorities...

And when I ask you to support your claim or opinion in some substantive way, you slink-away like a weasel, failing to substantiate your claim, and resort to elementary-school name-calling...

And I'm the one acting 'stupid'?

Put down the bong, son, you've been at it too long.

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