Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag


again leftard; "real results" would be finding them; and rescuing them....... a long time ago

Or the... "Why now? - What's Obama up to in Nigeria?" conspiracy.


again leftard; "real results" would be finding them; and rescuing them....... a long time ago

Just sayin - if you would actually debate instead of simply calling anyone with whom you don't agree a "leftard", people may actually start to listen to what you have to say - instead of just laughing at you.

Thats why he's on ignore. He adds absolutely nothing to the convo...evar :lol:

again leftard; "real results" would be finding them; and rescuing them....... a long time ago

Just sayin - if you would actually debate instead of simply calling anyone with whom you don't agree a "leftard", people may actually start to listen to what you have to say - instead of just laughing at you.

Thats why he's on ignore. He adds absolutely nothing to the convo...evar :lol:

even on ignore i'm important enough to you to bother making a comment on

If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Mocking #BringBackOurGirls is the equivalent to making rape jokes. That's what these Moonhammad-worshiping Koranimals are going to do to those young womyn, and have probably already done because misogynistic fascists like you didn't take it seriously to begin with.

coming from the COWARDLY left who does anything they can to avoid offending Muslims; simply comical

"misogynistic, fascist"

left-wing nutjobs always have an -ist, or -ic label to throw at people; and they cant even back up the vitriol
Looks like the symbolic gesture brought about real results. Now the repubs will change from boots being on the ground being a good thing to complaining about the number of troops..or better the cost of it!

80 troops?

A bunch of drone-operators, trailer-drivers and an electrician and repair-guy and IT guy or two, and a couple of photo-intel types?

Pfffffttttt... any sign of US boots on the ground... REAL boots... even in simple Search-and-Rescue mode?

More proof by Konder3's above post that dittoheads don't give a shit about the girls. All they care about is taking cheap-shots at our brave American troops sent to find and possibly rescue the girls in Nigeria.
80 troops?

A bunch of drone-operators, trailer-drivers and an electrician and repair-guy and IT guy or two, and a couple of photo-intel types?

Pfffffttttt... any sign of US boots on the ground... REAL boots... even in simple Search-and-Rescue mode?

More proof by Konder3's above post that dittoheads don't give a shit about the girls. All they care about is taking cheap-shots at our brave American troops sent to find and possibly rescue the girls in Nigeria.


it's a good thing nobody of importance takes a sanctimonious left-wing nutjob seriously at all
If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Mocking #BringBackOurGirls is the equivalent to making rape jokes. That's what these Moonhammad-worshiping Koranimals are going to do to those young womyn, and have probably already done because misogynistic fascists like you didn't take it seriously to begin with.

oh no spare us...then hop on a plane or go make a poster
If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Mocking #BringBackOurGirls is the equivalent to making rape jokes. That's what these Moonhammad-worshiping Koranimals are going to do to those young womyn, and have probably already done because misogynistic fascists like you didn't take it seriously to begin with.

oh no spare us...then hop on a plane or go make a poster

Boy, you told that person off, Stephanie. Let's roll!!! Yeehaw!!!

80 troops?

A bunch of drone-operators, trailer-drivers and an electrician and repair-guy and IT guy or two, and a couple of photo-intel types?

Pfffffttttt... any sign of US boots on the ground... REAL boots... even in simple Search-and-Rescue mode?

More proof by Konder3's above post that dittoheads don't give a shit about the girls. All they care about is taking cheap-shots at our brave American troops sent to find and possibly rescue the girls in Nigeria.
1. I'm no ditto-head; although I doubt you're capable of distinguishing between someone who (a) thinks your Hashtag Fetish is hilarious and (b) has you pegged for one of the few remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots --- and a true ditto-head.

2. I don't really care all that much about those girls, other than wanting to see them safely returned.

3. I take no cheap-shots at our troops.

4. I have done my time AS a troop and earned my stripes. Have you?

5. I criticize the weak, limp-wristed "logistics" and "recon" -only role we've taken on.

6. I would have rather seen us do what we are doing, plus much more, including multiple ground-based search-and-rescue teams, a fast-strike team or two, and some lethal air-support in the way of Air-Cav choppers, A-10 backups, and a modicum of CAP assets.

Do not let my laughing at you over your teenage Hashtag Campaign angst cloud your judgment concerning my positions, message and abilities relative to your own.

Told you! Debbie Downer cant ever be happy even when things are done the way they supported they have to be sure to complain and change their minds


6. I would have rather seen us do what we are doing, plus much more, including multiple ground-based search-and-rescue teams, a fast-strike team or two, and some lethal air-support in the way of Air-Cav choppers, A-10 backups, and a modicum of CAP assets.
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80 troops?

A bunch of drone-operators, trailer-drivers and an electrician and repair-guy and IT guy or two, and a couple of photo-intel types?

Pfffffttttt... any sign of US boots on the ground... REAL boots... even in simple Search-and-Rescue mode?

More proof by Konder3's above post that dittoheads don't give a shit about the girls. All they care about is taking cheap-shots at our brave American troops sent to find and possibly rescue the girls in Nigeria.

Gotta jump in here, Kid...

I have never seen Kondor take a "cheap shot", ever. As far as approach he's a class act. You could learn a lot.

Just sayin'.

Rant off, back to the flame...

again leftard; "real results" would be finding them; and rescuing them....... a long time ago

Or the... "Why now? - What's Obama up to in Nigeria?" conspiracy.


again leftard; "real results" would be finding them; and rescuing them....... a long time ago

Just sayin - if you would actually debate instead of simply calling anyone with whom you don't agree a "leftard", people may actually start to listen to what you have to say - instead of just laughing at you.

I think that's why he does it -- without it people might actually start to listen to what he's saying.
THEN where would he be... :rofl:
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Looks like the symbolic gesture brought about real results. Now the repubs will change from boots being on the ground being a good thing to complaining about the number of troops..or better the cost of it!

80 troops?

A bunch of drone-operators, trailer-drivers and an electrician and repair-guy and IT guy or two, and a couple of photo-intel types?

Pfffffttttt... any sign of US boots on the ground... REAL boots... even in simple Search-and-Rescue mode?

For about the 48th time -- why would an operation on the ground, if it had any hope of success, show "signs"? Does a football team tell the other team's defense what play they're about to run?

Seems to me if there's an operation going on what we should hear in the outside world is nothing. Or even better, maybe a decoy, like "80 troops over that way".
Thanks for the kind words, guys.

I can be as big a hard-ass (or jack-ass) as anyone else, I suppose; hell, worse, sometimes.

But I don't go out of my way to insult and provoke my colleagues, unless I've been smacked first.

It was nice to hear a shout-out, recognizing that sort of thing.

Best regards


( turns-off Humility and Gratitude switch and jumps back into the s--t )
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If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Mocking #BringBackOurGirls is the equivalent to making rape jokes. That's what these Moonhammad-worshiping Koranimals are going to do to those young womyn, and have probably already done because misogynistic fascists like you didn't take it seriously to begin with.

WHEN are YOU leaving to go get those girls?


If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Mocking #BringBackOurGirls is the equivalent to making rape jokes. That's what these Moonhammad-worshiping Koranimals are going to do to those young womyn, and have probably already done because misogynistic fascists like you didn't take it seriously to begin with.


Holy twaddle!


Mocking bullshit is much more akin to making fun of mock-worthy bullshit. In fact, it's exactly like that. It IS that.

Wanna know what's cheap, tawdry and so sub-par as to be more akin to making fun of rape victims? Glad you asked:

It's suggesting that mocking liberal hashtag pablum has any similarity to making fun of rape victims.
I'm almost positive the girls will thank Michelle Obama for her participation in the #BBOG's campaign once they are freed.

The ones who were "freed" escaped all on their own.

It is unlikely in the extreme that if anybody else gets out of that bad situation it will have ANY connection to the First Lady.

So, why on Earth would they "thank" the First Lady for her utterly useless public awareness via social media crap?

I can see Michelle and President Obama hosting the girls at a special White House dinner celebration celebrating the freedom of the girls from their capturers. Nice.

They are free? When did that happen?
I saw a church sign that said they were praying for the girls in Nigeria. What I didnt see was a mob of assholes yelling about how that was purely symbolic and accomplishes nothing.

Weird huh

I see a mob of assholes right yelling about it right here.

My mistake, it is actually just one really big asshole.
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I saw a church sign that said they were praying for the girls in Nigeria. What I didnt see was a mob of assholes yelling about how that was purely symbolic and accomplishes nothing.

Weird huh

Praying in a church is not a First Lady social media "movement" designed to "raise awareness" of a problem which is already well known and used in PLACE of the President actually DOING anything about the terrorist behavior.

But other than the fact that there's damn little if any analog in your would be analogy, good post, CloseMinded.

You simpleton.
What I think is stupid is she even did a hashtag when these people don't even have the internet over there.. We need to care more about the thousands of missing kids in our own back yard first!!!
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

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