Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

What I think is stupid is she even did a hashtag when these people don't even have the internet over there.. We need to care more about the thousands of missing kids in our own back yard first!!!
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened? Why the fuck wasn't it part of your awareness at that point? Why the fuck did you assholes wait until after Nigeria actually started arresting the protestors who were out on the street making noise about this before you deigned to notice that 200 girls were kidnapped?

What, you didn't know about that? So much for your fucking awareness, asshole.

That is what I have a fucking problem with, coupled with the fact that the State Department, in the infinite wisdom of the Twitter generation, declared #Hashtag war on Russia, and lost, all I have is contempt for anyone that thinks social media is the way to solve the worlds problems.
Like it or not, social media is now central to political and activist movements.

After analyzing more than 3 million tweets, gigabytes of YouTube content and thousands of blog posts, a new study finds that social media played a central role in shaping political debates in the Arab Spring. Conversations about revolution often preceded major events, and social media has carried inspiring stories of protest across international borders.

“In other words,” Howard said, “people throughout the region were drawn into an extended conversation about social uprising. The success of demands for political change in Egypt and Tunisia led individuals in other countries to pick up the conversation. It helped create discussion across the region.”

Howard said that although social media did not cause the upheaval in North Africa, they altered the capacity of citizens to affect domestic politics. Online activists created a virtual ecology of civil society, debating contentious issues that could not be discussed in public.
New study quantifies use of social media in Arab Spring | UW Today
Like it or not, social media is now central to political and activist movements.
Ancillary? Perhaps, to some modest degree.

Does it hold potential for grass-roots political movements in developed countries in which a critical mass of the populace utilizes such media? Absolutely.

Are we there yet?

Not really.

All of the speculation coming out of academia about this is just that, speculation; with incomplete and sketchy data in support of such speculation being mostly drawn from nations where the state controls other media with an iron grip and the populace can circumvent that with Internet connectivity that is not (yet) controlled like more traditional media.

But, methinks, it's just a wee-bit premature, to start calling it 'central'.

IMHO, we're looking at an adjunct to such activism, at the most optimistic.

Your mileage may vary.
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If the town got its daughters back, would the libs be moved by a hashtag campaign from old Procol Haram or Yoko Ono or whatever that fucking asshole's name is?

If the town got its daughters back, would the libs be moved by a hashtag campaign from old Procol Haram or Yoko Ono or whatever that fucking asshole's name is?

Uhhhhhh... Boko Whorehouse, I think...
The far right bed wetting wankers are upset today.

Dems, centrists, and responsible mainstream Pubs despise you, including almost all of our service people.

Nah, most Service People despise you and your Dear Leader. That's the reality. Most of our Military is made up of good Church-going Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative men & women. I assure you it's not made up of Communist wankas like you and the OP. Good Conservatives will rescue these girls. Bet on that...And you're welcome.

.... Link??


Is this question too complex? Need help?

He's not going to post a link since no such link exists.
I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened? Why the fuck wasn't it part of your awareness at that point? Why the fuck did you assholes wait until after Nigeria actually started arresting the protestors who were out on the street making noise about this before you deigned to notice that 200 girls were kidnapped?

What, you didn't know about that? So much for your fucking awareness, asshole.

That is what I have a fucking problem with, coupled with the fact that the State Department, in the infinite wisdom of the Twitter generation, declared #Hashtag war on Russia, and lost, all I have is contempt for anyone that thinks social media is the way to solve the worlds problems.

Does that mean you are full of shit that this is about spreading awareness?
Nope, it doesn't mean that at all.
Because most of our Soldiers are Conservatives who pledge to defend our Constitution, and especially the 2nd Amendment. They are not Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the OP and Queen Michelle. So it will be Conservatives to the rescue once again. They will bring these girls home. So thank them when it happens. Queen Michelle will have nothing to do with it.

Prove "most of our soldiers are Conservatives........"

Would a DHS report count as proof?
Sure, if you're trying to prove that rightwing extremists are crazy.
Sure, if you're trying to prove that rightwing extremists are crazy.
How does that compare to leftwing extremist crazies?

No doubt, they're just as crazy. But what does that have to do with some imbecile posting a document on the dangers of rightwing extremism as proof that most soldiers in our military are Conservative? :cuckoo:
Because most of our Soldiers are Conservatives who pledge to defend our Constitution, and especially the 2nd Amendment. They are not Anti-2nd Amendment Communist wankers like the OP and Queen Michelle. So it will be Conservatives to the rescue once again. They will bring these girls home. So thank them when it happens. Queen Michelle will have nothing to do with it.

Prove "most of our soldiers are Conservatives........"

Would a DHS report count as proof?
We've got communists running our government, and you're concerned about the Tea Party, and Iraqi vets, which is the Middle-class voter.....

Pretty fucking pathetic.
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Btw, are your girls safe yet?

Awareness really get things done, aye?

their little childish ways of bringing "awareness" was weak and all it showed to them is we are weak as a country
the Obama's have brought the office of the Presidency down to grade school stupidity
take this thread as an example

four five day now of the whining over gawd waaa
Sure, if you're trying to prove that rightwing extremists are crazy.
How does that compare to leftwing extremist crazies?

No doubt, they're just as crazy. But what does that have to do with some imbecile posting a document on the dangers of rightwing extremism as proof that most soldiers in our military are Conservative? :cuckoo:

Just seeing if you passed the Sniff Test for bottom-line objectivity, and absence of hyper-partisanship.

You did.

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Btw, are your girls safe yet?

Awareness really get things done, aye?

their little childish ways of bringing "awareness" was weak and all it showed to them is we are weak as a country
the Obama's have brought the office of the Presidency down to grade school stupidity
take this thread as an example

four five day now of the whining over gawd waaa
"Let's roll," Steph!
What I think is stupid is she even did a hashtag when these people don't even have the internet over there.. We need to care more about the thousands of missing kids in our own back yard first!!!
She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened? Why the fuck wasn't it part of your awareness at that point? Why the fuck did you assholes wait until after Nigeria actually started arresting the protestors who were out on the street making noise about this before you deigned to notice that 200 girls were kidnapped?

What, you didn't know about that? So much for your fucking awareness, asshole.

Fucking aren't you fucking making the fucking argument that fucking hashtags fucking ARE fucking effective, if your fucking claim is that the fucking FLOTUS wasn't fucking aware until fucking the fucking fucking hashtags fucking campaign fucking started, asshole? Aren't you fucking saying if fucking not for fucking hashtagging this fucking incident would have fucking stayed the fuck under the fucking radar?

I fucking mean, unfuckingless you're fucking willing to fucking prove the fucking negafuckingtive that she fucking didn't fucking know, afuckingssuming that you fucking can fucking do that. I fucking don't fucking know fucking how the fucking fuck you're fucking going to fucking do that...

(Hope this post makes sense to those too drugged to drive. I tried to convert it into your native tongue using Google Translate. :eusa_angel: )
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