Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

She didn't create the hashtag, she was merely publicizing it to raise awareness. Amazingly, the right condemns her for that. By the way, the hashtag was created by someone "over there," where you seem to think the Internet doesn't reach. And it was intended to raise awareness of the problem because their own government was apparently making little to no effort to rescue the missing girls.

I have a question for you, and all the other assholes that claim this is about awareness, why the fuck wasn't she aware of it when it first happened? Why the fuck wasn't it part of your awareness at that point? Why the fuck did you assholes wait until after Nigeria actually started arresting the protestors who were out on the street making noise about this before you deigned to notice that 200 girls were kidnapped?

What, you didn't know about that? So much for your fucking awareness, asshole.

Fucking aren't you fucking making the fucking argument that fucking hashtags fucking ARE fucking effective, if your fucking claim is that the fucking FLOTUS wasn't fucking aware until fucking the fucking fucking hashtags fucking campaign fucking started, asshole? Aren't you fucking saying if fucking not for fucking hashtagging this fucking incident would have fucking stayed the fuck under the fucking radar?

I fucking mean, unfuckingless you're fucking willing to fucking prove the fucking negafuckingtive that she fucking didn't fucking know, afuckingssuming that you fucking can fucking do that. I fucking don't fucking know fucking how the fucking fuck you're fucking going to fucking do that...

(Hope this post makes sense to those too drugged to drive. I tried to convert it into your native tongue using Google Translate. :eusa_angel: )

Fuck, I fucking think that was unbefuckingbelievably great, fuckin eh!!!

Let's roll!!!

That miserable fucking scummy bunch of girl stealing terrorists may be of no value on Earth, but that doesn't mean their name is wrong.
Btw, are your girls safe yet?

Awareness really gets things done, aye?

Well your racist hatred for Michelle made you aware of the missing girls, didn't it? So yes, Michelle Obama's picture of her #BBOG's stirred up the passion of the haters enough to get their panties in a collective wad here on this forum.

And here they all are... collectively mocking and hating.

Otherwise, the normal, everyday dittohead couldn't even point to Nigeria on the globe even if their miserable lives depended on it.

Good job Michelle... good job #awareness campaign! :eusa_clap:
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