Conservatives paid a woman to pretend she was raped

Hey deep-a-derp! It was a sting operation funded only by O’Keefe. Your bull shit attempt to link it to all conservatives is a great example of the low-life scum tactics you pretend to be lamenting.

A "sting" operation on behalf of whom? Trump, who donated $10K to Project Veritas. So Trump funded propagandists to try and attack the credibility of a newspaper that prints the truth about Trump and his Conservative & Russian enablers and supporters, yourself included.

That newspaper hasn’t printed anything true in years.

You lame as attempt to paint all conservatives with the same brush exposes you as nothing but a pathetic hack. But, we all knew that.
Who says they're false? How about Trump sues these women and everyone can all go under oath and tell their side of the story? Why hasn't Trump done that? Same reason why Moore won't...because he's guilty.
Trump sues everyone at the drop of a hat, he sued Bill Maher over a joke! So his not suing any of the women is his tacit admission that they are telling the truth.
Who says they're false? How about Trump sues these women and everyone can all go under oath and tell their side of the story? Why hasn't Trump done that? Same reason why Moore won't...because he's guilty.
Trump sues everyone at the drop of a hat, he sued Bill Maher over a joke! So his not suing any of the women is his tacit admission that they are telling the truth.

You are about as sharp as a bowling ball.
That newspaper hasn’t printed anything true in years.

What the fuck would a Russian troll know about the free market and the free press? You have neither in your shit country.

You lame as attempt to paint all conservatives with the same brush exposes you as nothing but a pathetic hack. But, we all knew that.

Conservatives are all the same; willing to sell out their principles just to vicariously "win" something because they've been losers their entire lives.

Not only did Trump pay Project Veritas $10K, the woman Project Veritas paid to lie about being raped was a Trump donor.

Conservatives and Russians are scumbags.
You are about as sharp as a bowling ball.

Fuck you, Boris. Go back to your shitty existence in Russia where everyone sucks and everything is miserable. Because Russians have such shitty lives they take it upon themselves to make everyone else's lives shitty too.

What the fuck would these Russian trolls know about the free market and free press anyway? They have neither in their garbage country.
That newspaper hasn’t printed anything true in years.

What the fuck would a Russian troll know about the free market and the free press? You have neither in your shit country.

You lame as attempt to paint all conservatives with the same brush exposes you as nothing but a pathetic hack. But, we all knew that.

Conservatives are all the same; willing to sell out their principles just to vicariously "win" something because they've been losers their entire lives.

Not only did Trump pay Project Veritas $10K, the woman Project Veritas paid to lie about being raped was a Trump donor.

Conservatives and Russians are scumbags.

Pathetic hack.
You are about as sharp as a bowling ball.

Fuck you, Boris. Go back to your shitty existence in Russia where everyone sucks and everything is miserable. Because Russians have such shitty lives they take it upon themselves to make everyone else's lives shitty too.

What the fuck would these Russian trolls know about the free market and free press anyway? They have neither in their garbage country.

I’ll bet you are just stupid enough to think that bothers me.
I’ll bet you are just stupid enough to think that bothers me.

I know it doesn't. It's more for effect. You don't give a shit what anyone calls you because it's not your job to think for yourself.
Did he lied about their deaths?

Yes. He lied by omission. He hasn't said what they were doing there, why they were there, and what even happened. He didn't even bother to tell anyone until after it became public knowledge. He was pressured into calling the families after the news had already gotten out. He didn't even bother to go to the air base where the coffins arrived.

That's because he sent them to their deaths without knowing anything. Because he's a know-nothing, like you.
You do realize that Obama originally sent them there?
Hermain Cains and Ben Carson's accusers disappeared.

No they didn't. You just stopped paying attention to them because Cain and Carson weren't relevant anymore. If the accusations are false, why didn't Cain or Carson sue them in court?????? Don't they care about their good names?????
Clinton said he was falsely accused, why didn't he sue?
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.

Ah, the projection post of the week has arrived.

It seems that the entire political strategy of the left revolves around paying false rape accusers to beat your political opponents.

And here we are.

You seem a bit confused- James O'Keefe is a notorious right wing activist who has paid someone to make a false rape accusation against a politician.

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