Conservatives paid a woman to pretend she was raped

And how many times did BILL ride on that plane? Oh, and he lied about it. He also visited the island many times. Ditching his secret service protection. There are also several now women, threatening to come clean about Clinton. Oh and also they weren't women when he did something with them.
LOL the "Bill " defense...sad weak

this is what the article says LOL does not Mention "Bill"...I would like to mention that you are a weak sad Trump submissive
Trump Bragged: ‘Nothing in the World Like First-Rate P**sy’
In 2000, Corcoran was a guest on Trump’s 727 that weekend, and he wasn’t the only one. The article published in Maximum Golf magazine notes Trump had to wait at the marine terminal for now-disgraced pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his society gal-pal Ghislaine Maxwell—who have since been accused by dozens of women of running what amounted to a “sex slave” ring. Corcoran, who didn’t know the pair at the time, remembers Trump standing in the doorway of the plane yelling to them, “You broke the cardinal rule, Jeffery! Never be late for someone else’s plane!”
Trump Bragged: ‘Nothing in the World Like First-Rate P**sy’

At dinner that evening, Corcoran describes Trump scanning the diners on the veranda and a “young socialite” catching his eye, inspiring the vulgar quote.

Corcoran used the quote as the kicker in his piece, but says it was changed by the editor in chief, who replaced the obscenity with the word “talent.”

Joe Bargmann, Corcoran’s editor at Maximum Golf, confirmed Corcoran’s account.

“I was asked to change the last word of the story from ‘pussy.’ When I refused, my top editor changed the quote,” Bargmann told The Daily Beast.

So you still believe Bengali was a sudden protest, that was started because of a movie?
I believe the results of the Investigations..:badgrin:

do you still believe that Trump declared that he has the Right to grab at women';s genitals like he said ?
So which was the results of the investigation? If the reason that bengazi was the result from a movie. Then Obama and Hillary lied about four Americans being murdered. Trump said he could, not that he did. You still whining about that not destroying Trump? Lol, next time don't run a treasonous bitch as your candidate.
There are thousands of Democrats doing the same thing O’Keefe does every day.

No there isn't and you cannot even find proof to support this. You're just a Russian troll disseminating propaganda because it's not your job to think for yourself.
He is simply fighting raging forest fires with a tiny ember.
It is too bad Democrats are too stupid to understand what irony is.

So a Russian troll (how do we know you're a Russian troll? Your profile creation date and your posting style that appears to be using a Google Russian-to-English translator) is spreading bullshit propaganda. What else is new?
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.

Hey deep-a-derp! It was a sting operation funded only by O’Keefe. Your bull shit attempt to link it to all conservatives is a great example of the low-life scum tactics you pretend to be lamenting.
Every Republican presidential candidate since I can remember has had an affair. Until they win, then the accusers disappear. Democrats have zero morals.

The accusers don't disappear, you just stop paying attention to them.

If the accusations are false, then let Trump and the Conservatives sue them for slander in court. Why haven't you all done that, if this is such an orchestrated campaign? Simple; because the Conservatives and Trump are fuckin' guilty and are cowards.
And yet he still beat hillary, should tell you something, liberalism is dying. Thank God!

Did he? That's unclear. He didn't win the popular vote and it looks like he couldn't win the electoral college without an assist from Russian propagandists, yourself included.
Every Republican presidential candidate since I can remember has had an affair. Until they win, then the accusers disappear. Democrats have zero morals.

The accusers don't disappear, you just stop paying attention to them.

If the accusations are false, then let Trump and the Conservatives sue them for slander in court. Why haven't you all done that, if this is such an orchestrated campaign? Simple; because the Conservatives and Trump are fuckin' guilty and are cowards.
Hermain Cains and Ben Carson's accusers disappeared.
Hey deep-a-derp! It was a sting operation funded only by O’Keefe. Your bull shit attempt to link it to all conservatives is a great example of the low-life scum tactics you pretend to be lamenting.

A "sting" operation on behalf of whom? Trump, who donated $10K to Project Veritas. So Trump funded propagandists to try and attack the credibility of a newspaper that prints the truth about Trump and his Conservative & Russian enablers and supporters, yourself included.
Hermain Cains and Ben Carson's accusers disappeared.

No they didn't. You just stopped paying attention to them because Cain and Carson weren't relevant anymore. If the accusations are false, why didn't Cain or Carson sue them in court?????? Don't they care about their good names?????
Did he lied about their deaths?

Yes. He lied by omission. He hasn't said what they were doing there, why they were there, and what even happened. He didn't even bother to tell anyone until after it became public knowledge. He was pressured into calling the families after the news had already gotten out. He didn't even bother to go to the air base where the coffins arrived.

That's because he sent them to their deaths without knowing anything. Because he's a know-nothing, like you.

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