Conservatives paid a woman to pretend she was raped

No, the thing is, pal, liberals, conservatives and everyone else all have factions that employ the same tactics to forward their agendas. If you think you’re special just because you’re a liberal then you’re an idiot, which you are.

Not really, dude. One side uses deception (like paying women to say they're raped), the other side doesn't. Liberals don't go on message boards pretending to be "veterans" or "small business owners" or "Obamacare victims" or "married to a (insert minority group here)" just to lend their argument credibility it doesn't have on the facts.

Every single Conservative argument always devolves into a personal anecdote in some way, shape, or form. You lean on those because you know they're not verifiable one way or the other, so you substitute in shit you make up out of thin air for facts in a debate and you think that lends your argument credibility.

Here's an example:

You might claim that your Obamacare premiums spiked 4000%. The hard data shows that the average premium increases are but a fraction of that. So what that means is that your unverifiable personal anecdote is bullshit because it doesn't align with the facts that can be verified. But you maintain that unverifiable anecdote is a fact because you say so. But that's not what facts are. No one can verify your wild claim about being an Obamacare victim, but we can verify the average premium increases for everyone and compare that to you. When we do, we see that either a) you're bullshitting or b) you're an exception. But too many b's would affect the verifiable data, spiking it upward. But the average premium increases are substantially lower than what you're claiming. What that all means is that you are full of shit and lying about yourself to score a cheap point.
Wellllllll, the reporters are all paid by their employers, soooooo I would have to say ALL of them, you halfwit.

Reporters paid by newspapers and are those reporters going in with a pack of lies? No. You're confusing investigative journalism with Punk'd, and you do that because you're fuckin' lazy.
A woman lied about rape?

I thought questioning "victims" was a no no
A woman lied about rape?
I thought questioning "victims" was a no no

Nope. She was paid by Conservative propagandists to pretend she was raped because they were hoping they could discredit the Washington Post because it accurately reports the facts of the shitty things Conservatives say, do, and believe.
No, the thing is, pal, liberals, conservatives and everyone else all have factions that employ the same tactics to forward their agendas. If you think you’re special just because you’re a liberal then you’re an idiot, which you are.

Not really, dude. One side uses deception (like paying women to say they're raped), the other side doesn't. Liberals don't go on message boards pretending to be "veterans" or "small business owners" or "Obamacare victims" or "married to a (insert minority group here)" just to lend their argument credibility it doesn't have on the facts.

Every single Conservative argument always devolves into a personal anecdote in some way, shape, or form. You lean on those because you know they're not verifiable one way or the other, so you substitute in shit you make up out of thin air for facts in a debate and you think that lends your argument credibility.

Here's an example:

You might claim that your Obamacare premiums spiked 4000%. The hard data shows that the average premium increases are but a fraction of that. So what that means is that your unverifiable personal anecdote is bullshit because it doesn't align with the facts that can be verified. But you maintain that unverifiable anecdote is a fact because you say so. But that's not what facts are. No one can verify your wild claim about being an Obamacare victim, but we can verify the average premium increases for everyone and compare that to you. When we do, we see that either a) you're bullshitting or b) you're an exception. But too many b's would affect the verifiable data, spiking it upward. But the average premium increases are substantially lower than what you're claiming. What that all means is that you are full of shit and lying about yourself to score a cheap point.

You’re willfully ignorant of the tactics your side uses. What you think because someone is a liberal that makes them more honest than someone else?! GFY
You’re willfully ignorant of the tactics your side uses. What you think because someone is a liberal that makes them more honest than someone else?! GFY

Check the OP.

This isn't about whataboutism. And to that point, why do you feel the need to whatabout? Do you have some sort of personal stake in whatabouting? The only way that would be the case is if you are paid to whatabout. So are you? Be honest.
You’re willfully ignorant of the tactics your side uses. What you think because someone is a liberal that makes them more honest than someone else?! GFY

Conservatives ideologically oppose Obamacare. So Conservatives make up stories about personally being Obamacare victims, that way they think their criticism of Obamacare has credibility. The most famous case is Julie Boonstra. You know who she is, right?

That's the type of shit you guys do all the fucking time
A woman lied about rape?
I thought questioning "victims" was a no no

Nope. She was paid by Conservative propagandists to pretend she was raped because they were hoping they could discredit the Washington Post because it accurately reports the facts of the shitty things Conservatives say, do, and believe.

Nope? So she didn't lie?
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.
Here is who this fake news rape woman supported with her money
Jamie Phillips the woman who lied about being statutory raped by Roy Moore as a child to the Washington Post


She's a Trump donor.

This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.

Ah, the projection post of the week has arrived.

It seems that the entire political strategy of the left revolves around paying false rape accusers to beat your political opponents.

And here we are.

You mean like Republicans paying Paula Jones to bring a phony sexual harassment suit against Bill Clinton, a suit that that the judge dismissed “with prejudice” as baseless?

Republicans are the ones who weaponized sex scandals as political tools because they couldn’t get anything else on Clinton. Prior to Clinton, both sides let sexual peccadilloes slide since neither party had clean hands in that department, although Republicans tend to get caught in homisexuals scandals more than heterosexual stuff.
Junior planned a sexual assault on a reporter after drugging her order to embarrass CNN
James O'Keefe Owes Supporters an Explanation Over CNN Plot
Andrew Breitbart: Scheme was 'gross and offensive'
(Newser) - The weird plot by James O'Keefe (aka ACORN pimp) to seduce a CNN reporter and secretly film it is too much even for one of his biggest supporters. "From what I’ve read about this script, though not executed, it is patently gross and offensive," writes Andrew Breitbart... More »
So you agree that this believe any accuser because women don't lie about rape meme is false?

No, I say that Conservatives are such shitty people they have to pay people to lie because they can't win a debate on facts.
Junior planned a sexual assault on a reporter after drugging her order to embarrass CNN
James O'Keefe Owes Supporters an Explanation Over CNN Plot
Andrew Breitbart: Scheme was 'gross and offensive'

(Newser) - The weird plot by James O'Keefe (aka ACORN pimp) to seduce a CNN reporter and secretly film it is too much even for one of his biggest supporters. "From what I’ve read about this script, though not executed, it is patently gross and offensive," writes Andrew Breitbart... More »

He's a sad man. He will likely follow in Andrew Brietbart's footsteps and drink himself to death before he turns 50.
Nope? So she didn't lie?

She was paid to lie. She got caught.

So you agree that this believe any accuser because women don't lie about rape meme is false?

I believe stories should be verified where possible. There were inconsistencies in this woman's story which is how liars are usually caught.

The original Post story about Roy Moore had 30 corroborating sources. This woman had no one to corroborate her story.

The attempt to dupe the Post into publishing a false accusation backfired utterly because not only did they not publish the fake news, they flat out nailed Project Veritas in the attempt, proving Post reporters do their homework, and have high standards for truth.

As an aside, it’s so like a lying right wing organization which has used carefully edited footage to make false accusations against ACORN, and others, name itself Project “Truth”.

Of course the Republican Party bills itself as the “family values” party while voting against health care for families, School lunch programs for children, maternity leave, and other family-friendly workers’ rights.

Republicans also bill themselves as the party of fiscal responsibility as they prepare to slash taxes for the rich on the backs of the poor and middle class - again, and increase the deficit, again. These are the same people who a year ago were pissing and moaning that Obama’s deficits were crippling the future of the country.
Nope? So she didn't lie?

She was paid to lie. She got caught.

So you agree that this believe any accuser because women don't lie about rape meme is false?

I believe stories should be verified where possible. There were inconsistencies in this woman's story which is how liars are usually caught.

The original Post story about Roy Moore had 30 corroborating sources. This woman had no one to corroborate her story.

Oh? Who corroborated what?

Let's have some names.

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