Conservatives paid a woman to pretend she was raped

After all the leftist rape hoaxes, I simply can't bother with this. I doubt it's even true given the source, but certainly the projection displayed here is surreal.

What rape hoaxes from "the left"? None. You people had to stoop so low to pay someone to lie so you could score a cheap point.

And you couldn't even do that right.

Fucking losers.

Yeah, it's not like Trump wasn't surrounded by false rape accusations, that just suddenly happened to disappear after his insurmountably victory. The mattress girl never existed either.

You are full of shit. No surprises there.
You think those trump accusers went away? :rofl: :rofl: Of course. You were groomed to believe any of that.

Yes I think so since it's a fact. Not that you would care as someone entrenched in anti-Trump mythology.
From what I understand he sent a plant into a newspaper with a false claim about Moore to see what the paper would do with it.

So he deliberately lied to catch his political opponent in wrongdoing?

So that's the essence of dishonesty. If you don't see that, then you have no business being a USMB mod.
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.
Conservatives didn't. Project Veritas did.

If it helps you any, look at it like an unofficial sting operation to see if the credibility of the source is any good. condemn the Veritas sting?
I do. It was stupid. Knowing full well that the majority of the country was in agreement that these unsubstantiated accusations were nothing more than a political ploy, they should have recognized that the Post would be ready for this kind of thing.
Well thank you then.
Bruh, what are you saying?? Liberals don’t lie?? FOH

Nope. Not like you guys. Liberals don't pretend they're something they're not, just for the sake of scoring cheap political points.

No Conservative has ever been truthful about anything. Particularly Conservatives on this board.
Investigative reporting. You send a mole in with fake information and see how willing the target it to run with it.
The funny thing is, Allie, is that the Washington Post didn't run with O'Keefe's fake info at all.....not at all. Which was a great way to show that the WaPo's initial story on Molester Moore was even more legit. We can all thank O'Keefe and his financiers for that. And throw in an extra "thank you" to trumpanzees that defend him.

Wait, wait, wait...koshergrl's real name is Allie? What's her last name? Let's unmask a troll.
I do. It was stupid. Knowing full well that the majority of the country was in agreement that these unsubstantiated accusations were nothing more than a political ploy, they should have recognized that the Post would be ready for this kind of thing.

What's the mentality behind doing this thing in the first place? That's the pathology I want to explore.
Bruh, what are you saying?? Liberals don’t lie?? FOH

Nope. Not like you guys. Liberals don't pretend they're something they're not, just for the sake of scoring cheap political points.

No Conservative has ever been truthful about anything. Particularly Conservatives on this board.

Prove it. What’s that? You can’t. So I guess I’ll chalk your OP as another meaningless piece of crap. Thanks
I do. It was stupid. Knowing full well that the majority of the country was in agreement that these unsubstantiated accusations were nothing more than a political ploy, they should have recognized that the Post would be ready for this kind of thing.

What's the mentality behind doing this thing in the first place? That's the pathology I want to explore.
I have an idea. Try looking up police sting and the methodologies and psychology behind it.

I'd start with the FBI and then work your way down to local precincts.
That is not a lie dip shit

Yes, it's a lie! You even said it was a lie! That he paid a woman to spread false claims (your words) to the WaPo.

So you have no business being a USMB mod if you don't know what a fucking lie is.

that is a investigative tool.

Oh really? So what newspaper does he work for? What journalistic organization is he a part? None, you say!? he's just a prankster. Like Candid Camera, except really shitty and no laughs.

I can do what he does too, watch:

Your words! Just edited in such a way to make you say something you didn't. But I did it because I was "investigating" your bias being a USMB mod.
Had he then claimed that the newspaper did something unethical that would have indeed been a lie. Where the fuck do you morons come from?

So you just made this standard up on the spot, which is trolling BTW. So you should hold yourself accountable and suspend your account.
Prove it. What’s that? You can’t. So I guess I’ll chalk your OP as another meaningless piece of crap. Thanks

Proof? I just posted proof of O'Keefe lying. You would like me to prove you're lying about your personal anecdotes and credentials?
I have an idea. Try looking up police sting and the methodologies and psychology behind it. 'd start with the FBI and then work your way down to local precincts.

So in your mind, O'Keefe is law enforcement?

I want to know why a Conservative felt the need to pay someone to lie?
Conyers and Franken's problems are a difference of kind not degree.

Moore is in boiling soup.
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.

O'Keefe (Project Veritas Propaganda Film Studios) was put up to this by Steve Bannon, who is running Roy Moore's campaign behind the scenes.
They tried to set up the Washington Post for a fake story and the ruse failed...miserably. WaPo turned the tables on 'em.
The difference is, if ACORN didn't take the bait, PV wouldn't be accused of trying to defraud the program with fake applicants.

ACORN did nothing wrong, and it doesn't sound like you really understood what the sting was about and what it was trying to accomplish.

ACORN did nothing wrong??? LOL

Obama's ACORN Connection To Voter Fraud

More Acorn Voter Fraud Comes to Light

ACORN Pleads Guilty to Voter Registration Fraud in Nevada

So, what you're posting there has nothing to do with the video your friend posted before. So now you're conflating two different things into one screech because you're a propagandist, or because you don't know any better.

In either case, you suck as a human being.

Yup, wasn't me that said ACORN did nothing wrong. Once your head stops spinning you can get back to your screeching.

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