Conservatives paid a woman to pretend she was raped

This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.
Liberals get girls to do it for free on college campuses. What's the old line about buying the cow when you get the milk for free?
Project Veritas is an awesome group, they uncovered bunch of lies.

Nope. They have not uncovered a single lie in their entire existence. They've created lies, been arrested for lying, yet you fall for all of it because you're a dupe.

Can you recall the "nothingburger" clip where CNN admits they are full of shit for all.Very well done...

Not what happened and you can't trust Conservatives to be truthful. Anyone can make anyone look full of shit by creatively editing. For instance:

Project Veritas...are full of shit

Minimal effort, maximum reward.
ACORN did nothing wrong, and it doesn't sound like you really understood what the sting was about and what it was trying to accomplish.
There is nothing wrong with importing children for prostitution. We get it.
Yeah, it's not like Trump wasn't surrounded by false rape accusations

Who says they're false? How about Trump sues these women and everyone can all go under oath and tell their side of the story? Why hasn't Trump done that? Same reason why Moore won't...because he's guilty.

, that just suddenly happened to disappear after his insurmountably victory. The mattress girl never existed either.

They didn't disappear, you just stopped paying attention because you didn't want to. I thought Trump was going to sue all of them? What happened there?
iberals get girls to do it for free on college campuses. What's the old line about buying the cow when you get the milk for free?

No proof, of course, and all women are out to get you, aren't they? Is it because they won't sleep with you? That's probably why.
There is nothing wrong with importing children for prostitution. We get it.

They didn't do that. Why are you still falling for this shit? It's a 9 year old in a couple years, Roy Moore will want to date it.
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.
WAPO kicked the sting up the Alt Right's ass.
Republicans just ain't as good as democrats in the dirty tricks political race and they never will be as long as the MSM is an arm of the democrat party.
Republicans just ain't as good as democrats in the dirty tricks race.

Hold on a you're admitting that O'Keefe was trying to play dirty tricks.

OK, why? Why was O'Keefe, who isn't a politician, trying to play dirty tricks? What's the reason? Does it have anything to do with the fact that Project Veritas received $10K in donations from Trump? Probably.
View attachment 163245 Not surprised this thread didn’t get traction. The right wing crazies don’t like to talk about their side looking like shit..
One thing this story does show is the journalistic integrity of the Wash post who refused to print the lies.
If the Post had printed the story, you would see a dozen threads on it

Nothing about the journalistic integrity of the post
Make no mistake, O'Keefe paying a woman to pretend she was raped in order to discredit the Washington Post is just a tactic that Conservatives use on these boards to discredit Obamacare, Democratic economic plans, etc. They invent or inflate credentials or circumstances that are used to deliberately deceive people into accepting a false narrative. In the case of O'Keefe, it was to discredit the Washington Post. In the case of Conservatives on these boards, it's to discredit criticism of their shitty ideas.

So O'Keefe pays a woman to pretend she was raped, that way the WaPo is discredited, and Conservatives can claim a victory.

A right-wing troll on these boards pretends their health insurance premiums increased (insert obscene amount here), that way Obamacare is discredited, and Conservatives can claim a victory.

A right-wing troll on these boards pretends to be a "small business owner", that way any fiscal or taxation proposals from the left can be discredited by the troll's fake "experience", and Conservatives can claim a victory.

They do it all the time; work in unverifiable personal anecdotes to shape the debate then abscond responsibility the moment they are questioned. Like, you say you're a small business owner? Prove it. They never can and never do because they're liars. And they know it.

Lying is the only way Conservatives can stay relevant anymore. O'Keefe is future of Conservatism.

What exactly did he "lie" about?
No doubt a welcome distraction for libs from credible allegations against Conyers and Frankin.
No doubt a welcome distraction for libs from credible allegations against Conyers and Frankin.

This is different. This is about Conservatives doing what they always do; lie in order to make the world's shittiest arguments.
No doubt a welcome distraction for libs from credible allegations against Conyers and Frankin.

Whatabout your whataboutism? What about that? How come you feel compelled to whatabout all the time? Is it because you're a piece of shit and need to desperately not feel like a piece of shit? Is it because you simply lack any ethics or morality? What about all that, anyway?

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