Conservatives paid a woman to pretend she was raped

There is nothing wrong with importing children for prostitution. We get it.

They didn't do that. Why are you still falling for this shit? It's a 9 year old in a couple years, Roy Moore will want to date it.

WTF does a troll in the Czech Republic know about anything?
This "troll" in the Czech Republic knows a hell of a lot more than you do. ACORN became such a scandal and a bad joke, it had to be defunded during the administration of a community organizer, such was the sleaze.

Child prostitution is a bad thing, do you get that? Taxpayers' money should not be spent supporting it, I don't care how progressive you think you are.
The difference is, if ACORN didn't take the bait, PV wouldn't be accused of trying to defraud the program with fake applicants.

ACORN did nothing wrong, and it doesn't sound like you really understood what the sting was about and what it was trying to accomplish.

ACORN did nothing wrong??? LOL

Obama's ACORN Connection To Voter Fraud

More Acorn Voter Fraud Comes to Light

ACORN Pleads Guilty to Voter Registration Fraud in Nevada
There is nothing wrong with importing children for prostitution. We get it.

They didn't do that. Why are you still falling for this shit? It's a 9 year old in a couple years, Roy Moore will want to date it.

So that video's a fake. O'Keefe laid in fake dialogue in order to make it look like the ACORN rep was saying something different than what he was actually saying. But I understand why you posted that video; it's your orders. You have to post that video because you're a propagandist. It's your job to spread bullshit.
Care to provide a link for the subject.

Do you not know how to use Google?

Here's the National Review, a Conservative website, criticizing O'Keefe for doing what he did (and does).

Do you not understand how to follow the rules of this Board?

  • When starting a new Thread, please first check and confirm that there are not Current Threads, on the Same Topic, This will Avoid Merges. Please select the forum that best relates to the subject matter of your topic. Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own. When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock.
The difference is, if ACORN didn't take the bait, PV wouldn't be accused of trying to defraud the program with fake applicants.

ACORN did nothing wrong, and it doesn't sound like you really understood what the sting was about and what it was trying to accomplish.

ACORN did nothing wrong??? LOL

Obama's ACORN Connection To Voter Fraud

More Acorn Voter Fraud Comes to Light

ACORN Pleads Guilty to Voter Registration Fraud in Nevada

So, what you're posting there has nothing to do with the video your friend posted before. So now you're conflating two different things into one screech because you're a propagandist, or because you don't know any better.

In either case, you suck as a human being.
Make no mistake, O'Keefe paying a woman to pretend she was raped in order to discredit the Washington Post is just a tactic that Conservatives use on these boards to discredit Obamacare, Democratic economic plans, etc. They invent or inflate credentials or circumstances that are used to deliberately deceive people into accepting a false narrative. In the case of O'Keefe, it was to discredit the Washington Post. In the case of Conservatives on these boards, it's to discredit criticism of their shitty ideas.

In other words, conservatives behave exactly the way you guys do? Who'd a thunk it
What exactly did he "lie" about?

That his organization found a credible woman who was raped by Moore.

From what I understand he sent a plant into a newspaper with a false claim about Moore to see what the paper would do with it. The paper actually did their due diligence and weren't caught making a false report. O'keefe didn't lie about anything, nor did he get the "gotcha" that he so desperately wanted. The newspaper did their job correctly and O'keefe did what he does. I see no lie anywhere.

Where do you see the lie?
Anyone who spreads this lie should be actionable for criminal libel.

No one will hold him liable because no one cares.

He's going to end up killing himself before he turns 50; following in the footsteps of Breitbart, who drank himself to death.
Make no mistake, O'Keefe paying a woman to pretend she was raped in order to discredit the Washington Post is just a tactic that Conservatives use on these boards to discredit Obamacare, Democratic economic plans, etc. They invent or inflate credentials or circumstances that are used to deliberately deceive people into accepting a false narrative. In the case of O'Keefe, it was to discredit the Washington Post. In the case of Conservatives on these boards, it's to discredit criticism of their shitty ideas.

So O'Keefe pays a woman to pretend she was raped, that way the WaPo is discredited, and Conservatives can claim a victory.

A right-wing troll on these boards pretends their health insurance premiums increased (insert obscene amount here), that way Obamacare is discredited, and Conservatives can claim a victory.

A right-wing troll on these boards pretends to be a "small business owner", that way any fiscal or taxation proposals from the left can be discredited by the troll's fake "experience", and Conservatives can claim a victory.

They do it all the time; work in unverifiable personal anecdotes to shape the debate then abscond responsibility the moment they are questioned. Like, you say you're a small business owner? Prove it. They never can and never do because they're liars. And they know it.

Lying is the only way Conservatives can stay relevant anymore. O'Keefe is future of Conservatism.

Bruh, what are you saying?? Liberals don’t lie?? FOH
Investigative reporting. You send a mole in with fake information and see how willing the target it to run with it.
The funny thing is, Allie, is that the Washington Post didn't run with O'Keefe's fake info at all.....not at all. Which was a great way to show that the WaPo's initial story on Molester Moore was even more legit. We can all thank O'Keefe and his financiers for that. And throw in an extra "thank you" to trumpanzees that defend him.
Dear The Derp
See other thread where I posted how PV operates:
Another Roy Moore Accuser Outed: Court Documents Reveal Tina Johnson’s Criminal and Abusive Past

They purposely set up fake bait to try to document the fraud on the institution they are trying to expose.
In the past, they exposed ACORN by bringing in fake bait.
this time they tried to entrap the WP, but they didn't take the bait.

The difference is, if ACORN didn't take the bait, PV wouldn't be accused of trying to defraud the program with fake applicants.
But here, so what if WP didn't take the bait. Good for them.
that doesn't mean PV really wants to get a fake news story run.
they just wanted to make the liberal media look bad, but they didn't take the bait and run with it.

Good for them!

The hit piece on ACORN was done by deceptive editing of surreptitiously obtained footage. Then they broadcast the deception and let the fauxrage take hold before the truth came out. They did the same thing to that Shirley Sherrod. What's that old saying about a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth wakes up? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. They tried the hat trick with PP but the truth about their deceptive ways won the day. Now O'Keefe is a joke that only the far, far right believe.
They probably all still believe the 'muslim prayer rugs at the Southern border' thingee.
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.
Conservatives didn't. Project Veritas did.

If it helps you any, look at it like an unofficial sting operation to see if the credibility of the source is any good. condemn the Veritas sting?
Make no mistake, O'Keefe paying a woman to pretend she was raped in order to discredit the Washington Post is just a tactic that Conservatives use on these boards to discredit Obamacare, Democratic economic plans, etc. They invent or inflate credentials or circumstances that are used to deliberately deceive people into accepting a false narrative. In the case of O'Keefe, it was to discredit the Washington Post. In the case of Conservatives on these boards, it's to discredit criticism of their shitty ideas.

In other words, conservatives behave exactly the way you guys do? Who'd a thunk it

Libertarians too, you guys aren’t special.
This "troll" in the Czech Republic knows a hell of a lot more than you do.

Not true. You've just been told what to think. And you obey those orders because that's what you're capable of doing. I don't think that much of you to assume you think for yourself. That's a bridge too far in my book.

ACORN became such a scandal and a bad joke, it had to be defunded during the administration of a community organizer, such was the sleaze.

No, it didn't. What happened was that an organization that benefited a lot of people, including Trump voters, was unfairly targeted by Conservatives who just can't seem to form honest arguments about anything.

I can do what PV does's really easy. Watch:

This "troll" in the Czech Republic knows Child prostitution and Taxpayers' money should be spent...supporting it
So you know all about Child prostitution and you think it should be funded with taxpayer money. Why do you think child prostitution should be funded with taxpayers' money?
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.
Conservatives didn't. Project Veritas did.

If it helps you any, look at it like an unofficial sting operation to see if the credibility of the source is any good. condemn the Veritas stin
Project Veritas is an awesome group, they uncovered bunch of lies.

Can you recall the "nothingburger" clip where CNN admits they are full of shit for all.

Very well done... is one of Veritas's supporters. A supporter of paying a woman to fake being raped as a teenager. Awesome.
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.
Conservatives didn't. Project Veritas did.

If it helps you any, look at it like an unofficial sting operation to see if the credibility of the source is any good. condemn the Veritas sting?
I do. It was stupid. Knowing full well that the majority of the country was in agreement that these unsubstantiated accusations were nothing more than a political ploy, they should have recognized that the Post would be ready for this kind of thing.
Care to provide a link for the subject.

Do you not know how to use Google?

Here's the National Review, a Conservative website, criticizing O'Keefe for doing what he did (and does).

Do you not understand how to follow the rules of this Board?

  • When starting a new Thread, please first check and confirm that there are not Current Threads, on the Same Topic, This will Avoid Merges. Please select the forum that best relates to the subject matter of your topic. Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own. When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock.

As I understand it, the rules of the boards prevent trolling, which you're doing here. So maybe you should suspend yourself.

Or go fuck yourself.

I don't care which.
After all the leftist rape hoaxes, I simply can't bother with this. I doubt it's even true given the source, but certainly the projection displayed here is surreal.

What rape hoaxes from "the left"? None. You people had to stoop so low to pay someone to lie so you could score a cheap point.

And you couldn't even do that right.

Fucking losers.

Yeah, it's not like Trump wasn't surrounded by false rape accusations, that just suddenly happened to disappear after his insurmountably victory. The mattress girl never existed either.

You are full of shit. No surprises there.
You think those trump accusers went away? :rofl: :rofl: Of course. You were groomed to believe any of that.

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