Conservatives paid a woman to pretend she was raped

Investigative reporting. You send a mole in with fake information and see how willing the target it to run with it. We all know, including you, that O'Keefe wouldn't have reported his hoax failed.

We know this for a fact because O'Keefe published other recordings in which he tried to paint WaPo in a bad light, and didn't publish his failed hoax.

O'Keefe is not an investigative reporter. He's a hack. As are you.

Nice try.
Had he then claimed that the newspaper did something unethical that would have indeed been a lie. Where the fuck do you morons come from?

So you just made this standard up on the spot, which is trolling BTW. So you should hold yourself accountable and suspend your account.

No, dumbass. It is not a "standard" I just made up. It is a standard investigative technique. Here are a few instances where REPORTERS do the exact same thing.

I have an idea. Try looking up police sting and the methodologies and psychology behind it. 'd start with the FBI and then work your way down to local precincts.

So in your mind, O'Keefe is law enforcement?

I want to know why a Conservative felt the need to pay someone to lie?

Why do progressives pay to have people commit acts of violence at political rally's? What O'keefe did is a STANDARD news reporter technique. Kudo's to the newspaper for doing a good job ferreting out the underlying attempt. Negative kudo's for you for having your head up your ass.
Investigative reporting. You send a mole in with fake information and see how willing the target it to run with it.
It’s dishonest and rather vile but im sure you’re thrilled with the right’s bottomless bag of dirty tricks.
I have an idea. Try looking up police sting and the methodologies and psychology behind it. 'd start with the FBI and then work your way down to local precincts.

So in your mind, O'Keefe is law enforcement?

I want to know why a Conservative felt the need to pay someone to lie?

Why do progressives pay to have people commit acts of violence at political rally's? What O'keefe did is a STANDARD news reporter technique. Kudo's to the newspaper for doing a good job ferreting out the underlying attempt. Negative kudo's for you for having your head up your ass.
Bullshit. It’s not “ standard news reporter technique.”
It’s beyond dishonest. IT is standard gutter politics like Karl Rove and Steve Bannon employ however.This woman wanted to hurt real victims with her bogus claim.
Reminds me of what the Swiftboat liars did to John Kerry albeit not as furtively.
After all the leftist rape hoaxes, I simply can't bother with this. I doubt it's even true given the source, but certainly the projection displayed here is surreal.

What rape hoaxes from "the left"? None. You people had to stoop so low to pay someone to lie so you could score a cheap point.

And you couldn't even do that right.

Fucking losers.

Yeah, it's not like Trump wasn't surrounded by false rape accusations, that just suddenly happened to disappear after his insurmountably victory. The mattress girl never existed either.

You are full of shit. No surprises there.
not this shit again.
Incredible you think all 17 of Trump’s accusers lied. But believe a known pathological liar who lies 5.5 times a day every day. All documented.
And that old lame shit that the women “ disappeared.” IF they remained in the public view you’d call them attention seekers. When they went back to living their lives after giving great details of how the pussygrabber molested them, you say they disappeared.

Anyone who thinks this serial sex offendering pervert is innocent and ALL those women were lying needs a full psychiatric workup. I’ll make you an appointment.
I have an idea. Try looking up police sting and the methodologies and psychology behind it. 'd start with the FBI and then work your way down to local precincts.

So in your mind, O'Keefe is law enforcement?

I want to know why a Conservative felt the need to pay someone to lie?

Why do progressives pay to have people commit acts of violence at political rally's? What O'keefe did is a STANDARD news reporter technique. Kudo's to the newspaper for doing a good job ferreting out the underlying attempt. Negative kudo's for you for having your head up your ass.
Bullshit. It’s not “ standard news reporter technique.”
It’s beyond dishonest. IT is standard gutter politics like Karl Rove and Steve Bannon employ however.This woman wanted to hurt real victims with her bogus claim.
Reminds me of what the Swiftboat liars did to John Kerry albeit not as furtively.

The hell it isn't. i posted two out of HUNDREDS of investigative reports that are available on youtube. Go knock yourself out. You might (though I doubt it) learn something.
Hey O'Keefe!

I got an idea. Find a woman to claim that Roy Moore locked her in a dungeon for 30 years and forced her to have six kids

The liberal media will jump at it
Had he then claimed that the newspaper did something unethical that would have indeed been a lie. Where the fuck do you morons come from?

So you just made this standard up on the spot, which is trolling BTW. So you should hold yourself accountable and suspend your account.

No, dumbass. It is not a "standard" I just made up. It is a standard investigative technique. Here are a few instances where REPORTERS do the exact same thing.

Those reporters work for journalistic organizations. O'Keefe does not. So there's no standard there.
That is not a lie dip shit, that is a investigative tool.

According to no one but you. Not according to any journalistic standard. Do they teach you to pay people to lie in journalism school? No.

Had he then claimed that the newspaper did something unethical that would have indeed been a lie. Where the fuck do you morons come from?

Why do progressives pay to have people commit acts of violence at political rally's?

Whatabout your whatboutism? How come you feel compelled to whatabout whenever the conversation makes you look bad? Do you do that because you're trying to protect your ego? Why do you have so much invested in this that you have to whatabout? The only logical answer is that you're a paid propagandist.

What O'keefe did is a STANDARD news reporter technique.

It's standard to pay someone to lie to a newspaper? Since when? What journalism school teaches students that they should pay people to say lies? None, of course. Because you just made that shit up on the spot. Some mod you are.

"Kudo's to the newspaper for doing a good job ferreting out the underlying attempt. Negative kudo's for you for having your head up your ass.

No kudos are necessary for the WaPo doing its job. O'Keefe did his job too; propagandize. So effective was O'Keefe that he forced you into rhetoric pretzels to defend the practice of paying people to lie. Again, you don't deserve the position of "mod" if you don't have a set of standards to abide by. Pathetic.
True, you don’t have to pretend most of your ideas are shitty. They just are

Thing is, pal, you guys can't even address the ideas put forth by liberals because you simply lack the effort...because you're a bunch of lazy fuckers.
The hell it isn't. i posted two out of HUNDREDS of investigative reports that are available on youtube. Go knock yourself out. You might (though I doubt it) learn something.

So how many of those investigative reports were people being paid to lie? None of them.
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.

Even if you posted a source I would bet on it being fake news!

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This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.

He certainly represents what conservatism has devolved into the last 20 years. The literally don't have any barrier between lies and truth. The have embraced the lie as if they are a mother that is embracing a child they haven't seen for 30 years. Their worldview and beliefs don't win open debate so they have made the lie their one true ally. It is made incredibly more bizarre by them claiming others put out 'fake news'. Fox Fake News is the first and still champion of fake news. And now we have Dimwit Trump who gets his news from Alex Jones and other whackjob hacks online championing fake news that has been fully debunked. Soulless individuals.
The hell it isn't. i posted two out of HUNDREDS of investigative reports that are available on youtube. Go knock yourself out. You might (though I doubt it) learn something.

So how many of those investigative reports were people being paid to lie? None of them.

Wellllllll, the reporters are all paid by their employers, soooooo I would have to say ALL of them, you halfwit.
True, you don’t have to pretend most of your ideas are shitty. They just are

Thing is, pal, you guys can't even address the ideas put forth by liberals because you simply lack the effort...because you're a bunch of lazy fuckers.

No, the thing is, pal, liberals, conservatives and everyone else all have factions that employ the same tactics to forward their agendas. If you think you’re special just because you’re a liberal then you’re an idiot, which you are.
This is the level of what Conservatives are capable of stooping to as they put party before country.

Not only that, but O'Keefe, who masterminded the whole thing, was confronted and ran away like a coward.

Why did O'Keefe pay someone to pretend she was raped? Because throughout James O'Keefe's entire life, every single person he's ever known has betrayed him in some way. So he operates in a world where no one can be trusted. Imagine living your life assuming everyone is betraying or will betray you at some point. If I were a betting man, I'd bet O'Keefe kills himself before he turns 50.
Wear's yor link?

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