Conservatives, remember when you cherry picked cold North-east temperatures last year?


After record-shattering September, 2015 in commanding lead for Earth’s hottest year on record

While the Christmas Temperatures are impressive, the chart above is what is important. Note that all the high temperature are since 1998. This years temperature has demonstrated that there was no pause. We are still warming up, and we are liable to have three years in a row of record temperatures.

See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?

That's not the point.

That's what I predicted you would say.
See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?

That's not the point.

That's what I predicted you would say.

See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?
No, we are just pointing out that the horrifying doom caused by "Global Warming" we should have already experienced according to the climate models hasn't happened.
See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?
No, we are just pointing out that the horrifying doom caused by "Global Warming" we should have already experienced according to the climate models hasn't happened.

You deny global warming because you are pro-pollution. You're evil.
Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Drudge is touting the “record heat” forecast for Christmas Eve, even though most of the country will be below normal temperature. The best Drudge could come up with was 86 degrees at Orlando.


Christmas Eve 1955 was much warmer. Three fourths of the country was over 60 degrees, and Ashland Kansas, Geary Oklahoma and Encinal Texas were all over 90 degrees. Fort Lauderdale was 85 degrees. All of the stations below were over 60 degrees on Christmas Eve, 1955.


Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Drudge is touting the “record heat” forecast for Christmas Eve, even though most of the country will be below normal temperature. The best Drudge could come up with was 86 degrees at Orlando.


Christmas Eve 1955 was much warmer. Three fourths of the country was over 60 degrees, and Ashland Kansas, Geary Oklahoma and Encinal Texas were all over 90 degrees. Fort Lauderdale was 85 degrees. All of the stations below were over 60 degrees on Christmas Eve, 1955.


Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer
Your map doesn't show most of the USA under normal temperatures. The blue area is smaller than the areas whose colors represent above-normal temperatures. Moron. You shot yourself in the foot. Don't post maps if they aren't good for your argument.
See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?
No, we are just pointing out that the horrifying doom caused by "Global Warming" we should have already experienced according to the climate models hasn't happened.

You deny global warming because you are pro-pollution. You're evil.
Ha ha, you Liberals are all the same. I'm a Conservationist like most republicans. What the Global warming wacko's want to do is not conservation its wealth redistribution, There have been so many lie's and half truths from the Warming crowd I can't believe people still believe anything that comes from that camp.

You deny global warming because you are pro-pollution.
"If you are for abortion your pro-murder" see that's how you sound. I deny man made Global warming because I can read and do research for myself
Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Drudge is touting the “record heat” forecast for Christmas Eve, even though most of the country will be below normal temperature. The best Drudge could come up with was 86 degrees at Orlando.


Christmas Eve 1955 was much warmer. Three fourths of the country was over 60 degrees, and Ashland Kansas, Geary Oklahoma and Encinal Texas were all over 90 degrees. Fort Lauderdale was 85 degrees. All of the stations below were over 60 degrees on Christmas Eve, 1955.


Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Drudge is touting the “record heat” forecast for Christmas Eve, even though most of the country will be below normal temperature. The best Drudge could come up with was 86 degrees at Orlando.


Christmas Eve 1955 was much warmer. Three fourths of the country was over 60 degrees, and Ashland Kansas, Geary Oklahoma and Encinal Texas were all over 90 degrees. Fort Lauderdale was 85 degrees. All of the stations below were over 60 degrees on Christmas Eve, 1955.


Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer
Your map doesn't show most of the USA under normal temperatures. The blue area is smaller than the areas whose colors represent above-normal temperatures. Moron. You shot yourself in the foot. Don't post maps if they aren't good for your argument.

Don't shoot down arguments unless you have a better one of your own. Got it smart alec?
See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?
No, we are just pointing out that the horrifying doom caused by "Global Warming" we should have already experienced according to the climate models hasn't happened.

You deny global warming because you are pro-pollution. You're evil.

See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?
No, we are just pointing out that the horrifying doom caused by "Global Warming" we should have already experienced according to the climate models hasn't happened.

You deny global warming because you are pro-pollution. You're evil.
Ha ha, you Liberals are all the same. I'm a Conservationist like most republicans. What the Global warming wacko's want to do is not conservation its wealth redistribution, There have been so many lie's and half truths from the Warming crowd I can't believe people still believe anything that comes from that camp.

You deny global warming because you are pro-pollution.
"If you are for abortion your pro-murder" see that's how you sound. I deny man made Global warming because I can read and do research for myself

They are really trying to change the terminology again ...

Did anyone forget about the Midwest? This is the current temperatures map as of 11:30 PM EST:


Notice how it's 31 degrees in Flagstaff, Arizona. Arizona folks.
Last edited:

Did anyone forget about the Midwest? This is the current temperatures map as of 11:30 PM EST:


Notice how it's 31 degrees in Flagstaff, Arizona. Arizona folks.
That's normal for Flagstaff. Northern Arizona is mountain country. The whole state isn't Phoenix.
Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

So the warm winter is because of El Nino, and therefore they say this has nothing to do with global warming. But what caused the El Nino?
Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

So the warm winter is because of El Nino, and therefore they say this has nothing to do with global warming. But what caused the El Nino?

Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

So the warm winter is because of El Nino, and therefore they say this has nothing to do with global warming. But what caused the El Nino?

Seriouly? We never had one before?
Cherry picking is exactly what the AGW believers do every year all the time.

The real argument is not wether the planet is getting colder or warmer, the real argument is wether man has anything at all to do with it. The reason that the warmers avoid that argument is because they know that there is zero proof that man is affecting climate.
See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?

Mocking you AGW cult members is not the same as believing that weather is climate as being demonstrated here on this thread..

Silly far left drone!

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