Conservatives, remember when you cherry picked cold North-east temperatures last year?

Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:
Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

So the warm winter is because of El Nino, and therefore they say this has nothing to do with global warming. But what caused the El Nino?


Oh god.

Look, there's climate change, and there's man made climate change. We're talking about the latter. Do we need to write "man made climate change" every time just in case some slow people don't quite get it?
See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?

No more than you asshats scream that every warm spell is due to global warming. Admit it, whenever it is hot you claim it is global warming even when NOAA comes out and says it's not. You fools are one trick ponies.
Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

So the warm winter is because of El Nino, and therefore they say this has nothing to do with global warming. But what caused the El Nino?

Seriouly? We never had one before?

Yes, they've existed before, and probably ended up with warmer weather in the winter, though I don't know if that is the case.

However the term has only been around since 2000. So......
Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:

And you have all of the media and all of the politicians and all of the academics desperate for grant money and still the people of the world...the smart ones that is, know you are all full of shit...
Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:

Yes the AGW cult are the true deniers of science..

Silly far left drone!

Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

So the warm winter is because of El Nino, and therefore they say this has nothing to do with global warming. But what caused the El Nino?

Seriouly? We never had one before?

Yes, they've existed before, and probably ended up with warmer weather in the winter, though I don't know if that is the case.

However the term has only been around since 2000. So......

Global Warming is a natural event that happens on this planet!

Silly far left drones!
Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

So the warm winter is because of El Nino, and therefore they say this has nothing to do with global warming. But what caused the El Nino?
Major El Nino events happened in 1790 and 1828.

Did anyone forget about the Midwest? This is the current temperatures map as of 11:30 PM EST:


Notice how it's 31 degrees in Flagstaff, Arizona. Arizona folks.

Also, it's completely against the point of the thread.

No it isn't. The OP is cherry picking temperatures out of the Northeastern US to show us how much "global warming" there is. I am simply showing, that if it is an unseasonably warm winter in the east, it is unseasonably cold in the west.

Yes, let's just forget the entire midwest and west coast. All of America consists of the Southeast and Eastern Seaboard.

You don't know how hilarious this is!

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

One problem, we haven't had a mild winter yet, winter didn't start until what, YESTERDAY. We still don't know what winter holds.

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

One problem, we haven't had a mild winter yet, winter didn't start until what, YESTERDAY. We still don't know what winter holds.
From my experiences down here, if it's this warm in December, it will be ungodly cold going into mid March and early April. My grandmother's a farmer's girl. She can read the weather like the back of her hand.
Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

One problem, we haven't had a mild winter yet, winter didn't start until what, YESTERDAY. We still don't know what winter holds.
From my experiences down here, if it's this warm in December, it will be ungodly cold going into mid March and early April. My grandmother's a farmer's girl. She can read the weather like the back of her hand.

Yep, but I'll be happy wearing t shirts and shorts through Sunday, Monday is going to turn to shit, upper 70,s to upper 40's overnight.
Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:

And you have all of the media and all of the politicians and all of the academics desperate for grant money and still the people of the world...the smart ones that is, know you are all full of shit...

Right, there is a conspiracy of PH.D's in the world.

I know conservatism leads to ignorance but Jesus, you people take it to the extreme.
Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:

And you have all of the media and all of the politicians and all of the academics desperate for grant money and still the people of the world...the smart ones that is, know you are all full of shit...

Right, there is a conspiracy of PH.D's in the world.

I know conservatism leads to ignorance but Jesus, you people take it to the extreme.

Follow the money junior. Who stands to gain the most...
See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?
No, we are just pointing out that the horrifying doom caused by "Global Warming" we should have already experienced according to the climate models hasn't happened.

You deny global warming because you are pro-pollution. You're evil.
Ha ha, you Liberals are all the same. I'm a Conservationist like most republicans. What the Global warming wacko's want to do is not conservation its wealth redistribution, There have been so many lie's and half truths from the Warming crowd I can't believe people still believe anything that comes from that camp.

You deny global warming because you are pro-pollution.
"If you are for abortion your pro-murder" see that's how you sound. I deny man made Global warming because I can read and do research for myself
Well, then do some research. Something real, not WUWT and Breibart. Here is a starting place, for the American Institute of Physics,

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Of course, if like most 'Conservatives' you prefer your science from obese junkies on the AM radio, fake British Lords, or undegreed ex-TV weathermen, then you won't bother to do real research.
Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:

And you have all of the media and all of the politicians and all of the academics desperate for grant money and still the people of the world...the smart ones that is, know you are all full of shit...

Right, there is a conspiracy of PH.D's in the world.

I know conservatism leads to ignorance but Jesus, you people take it to the extreme.

Follow the money junior. Who stands to gain the most...
Liars like Mr. Westwall, shilling for the energy corporations. Except now that the lost at Paris, the money may start drying up.
See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?
No, we are just pointing out that the horrifying doom caused by "Global Warming" we should have already experienced according to the climate models hasn't happened.

You deny global warming because you are pro-pollution. You're evil.

All of the above, you silly ignoramus.
Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

So the warm winter is because of El Nino, and therefore they say this has nothing to do with global warming. But what caused the El Nino?

Are you really that stupid? Yes, at that, I guess you are.

Were the Earth to get slammed by a six to 10 mile diameter asteroid in the near future, we, like the dinosaurs, will be extinct.
See if dim bulb Jim Inhofe will toss a hand full of grass in Congress this year.

Global Warming deniers can't discern between weather and climate. Between local phenomena and global energy. They see the world like a tribesman that has never seen his own photo so thinks you stole his soul when you show a picture of him you took.

Funny retard you don't post that during the summer posts and this also goes for the OP.

Are you trying to pretend that the deniers never try to make hay over cold spells?

Mocking you AGW cult members is not the same as believing that weather is climate as being demonstrated here on this thread..

Silly far left drone!
Silly knownothing ignoramus. Only the vast majority of scientists in the world that disagree with you.

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