Conservatives, remember when you cherry picked cold North-east temperatures last year?

Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:

Yes the AGW cult are the true deniers of science..

Silly far left drone!


After record-shattering September, 2015 in commanding lead for Earth’s hottest year on record

Now look at your graph, and then look at this one. 0.8 puts it above the combined
prediction line. 1998 was a record year, and a super El Nino. Seven years later 2005 was a moderate El Nino, and was close to 1998 in temperature. Five years later, 2010 was a moderate El Nino, and matched or came close to matching 1998. Four years later, 2014 was an ENSO neutral year and matched or exceeded 1998. The next year, 2015, this year, has completely blown away 1998. And it looks like next year may do the same.

Note the decreasing time periods between record years? Note that the temperature is still going up? That is why the Treaty at Paris.
Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:

And you have all of the media and all of the politicians and all of the academics desperate for grant money and still the people of the world...the smart ones that is, know you are all full of shit...

Right, there is a conspiracy of PH.D's in the world.

I know conservatism leads to ignorance but Jesus, you people take it to the extreme.

Follow the money junior. Who stands to gain the most...

Business and industry stand to gain the most from selling the denialist story.
Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Drudge is touting the “record heat” forecast for Christmas Eve, even though most of the country will be below normal temperature. The best Drudge could come up with was 86 degrees at Orlando.


Christmas Eve 1955 was much warmer. Three fourths of the country was over 60 degrees, and Ashland Kansas, Geary Oklahoma and Encinal Texas were all over 90 degrees. Fort Lauderdale was 85 degrees. All of the stations below were over 60 degrees on Christmas Eve, 1955.


Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Drudge is touting the “record heat” forecast for Christmas Eve, even though most of the country will be below normal temperature. The best Drudge could come up with was 86 degrees at Orlando.


Christmas Eve 1955 was much warmer. Three fourths of the country was over 60 degrees, and Ashland Kansas, Geary Oklahoma and Encinal Texas were all over 90 degrees. Fort Lauderdale was 85 degrees. All of the stations below were over 60 degrees on Christmas Eve, 1955.


Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer
Your map doesn't show most of the USA under normal temperatures. The blue area is smaller than the areas whose colors represent above-normal temperatures. Moron. You shot yourself in the foot. Don't post maps if they aren't good for your argument.

You did read the map correctly didn't you? The blue white and red show cooler areas.

Does that mean we are going back to calling this global warming instead of climate change?
No, it will just mean that we continue to call those that deny reality stupid bastards.

1955 was well into the Industrial era.

The coldest winter on record in the US was 1979-1980. Was the industrial era over by then?

Does that mean we are going back to calling this global warming instead of climate change?
No, it will just mean that we continue to call those that deny reality stupid bastards.

Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:

Yes the AGW cult are the true deniers of science..

Silly far left drone!


After record-shattering September, 2015 in commanding lead for Earth’s hottest year on record

Now look at your graph, and then look at this one. 0.8 puts it above the combined
prediction line. 1998 was a record year, and a super El Nino. Seven years later 2005 was a moderate El Nino, and was close to 1998 in temperature. Five years later, 2010 was a moderate El Nino, and matched or came close to matching 1998. Four years later, 2014 was an ENSO neutral year and matched or exceeded 1998. The next year, 2015, this year, has completely blown away 1998. And it looks like next year may do the same.

Note the decreasing time periods between record years? Note that the temperature is still going up? That is why the Treaty at Paris.


SO what?

Its a small region of the earth. As Old fraud and the rest of you alarmists clap traps stated last year the US is only 2% of the earth and it doesn't mean shit that these small areas are warmer. They are still within the natural variation range seen on this planet. (where is my chicken little icon when I need it?)

Now lets look at empirical evidence for the hemisphere and the globe in general;


During the last week there has been a dramatic drop in temperature anomaly, globally by about 0.5degC (black line) and NH by nearly 1degC (blue line).

Empirical evidence and facts are not your friend. We conservatives are using real science, Not your political crap science with all of its adjusted up data crap.
Why This May Be the Warmest Christmas of Your Lifetime

Does the warm weather have something to do with climate change?

Just as Senator Inhofe's snowball did not actually disprove that humans are altering the Earth's climate, wearing shorts on Christmas Day in New York doesn't necessarily mean that we're hurtling toward our doom. Experts generally agree that the strong El Niño and the polar vortex are the main causes for our mild winter. That led several outlets to declare that there's no connection to global warming, so we shouldn't be stressed about our parka-free December.

The National Weather Service's Mike Halpert told NPR that if climate change is involved "it's probably fairly insignificant at this point."

So the warm winter is because of El Nino, and therefore they say this has nothing to do with global warming. But what caused the El Nino?
Major El Nino events happened in 1790 and 1828.

There you go putting up facts again for the cult members to dismiss by slight of hand and data adjustments..
Ignore the denier cult. The whole body of the human race is finally waking from its stupor as the recent agreement on Global Warming has shown. Lets hope action will follow.

The denier cult now stands alone against 10,000 PH.D's around the world and the entire roster of nations.

On the other hand the denier cult has the lawyers and lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry on their side. :whip:

And you have all of the media and all of the politicians and all of the academics desperate for grant money and still the people of the world...the smart ones that is, know you are all full of shit...

Right, there is a conspiracy of PH.D's in the world.

I know conservatism leads to ignorance but Jesus, you people take it to the extreme.

There it is,,, Appeal to authority and ignore the facts... You alarmists are so predictable..

Does that mean we are going back to calling this global warming instead of climate change?
No, it will just mean that we continue to call those that deny reality stupid bastards.

Glad to see your self identification.. So you admit your a really stupid bastard.. Great! Now we can make some Real progress
Reality? How's that physics degree working out for ya?

I'm not sure I see the point of this thread. Last year and the year before, deniers attempted to use the cold wave of our local Rossby wave to argue that global warming wasn't real or that it had stopped. To my knowledge, no one is arguing that the warm weather in the NE proves AGW. It's a small part of the evidence, but it doesn't prove jack squat. This is natural science. Nothing proves any of it. If you're looking for better evidence, check out the level of global temperatures for 2015 posted earlier in a different thread (Tx to whoever that was).


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