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Conservatives say Obama is like Neville Chamberlain. They said the same about Reagan.

Lol Reagan kept Iran and Saddam busy fighting each other

Yeah. That didn't blow up in our faces or anything like when Saddam Invaded Kuwait or Bin Laden attacked the US.

Make sweet, sweet love to that hornet's nest.
Hey moron Your hero Hitler could have been easily defeated early on by France alone actually but the a appeasers allowed him to become the power he became

Um, no. The French weren't ready for a war in 1938. They got rolled in six weeks two years later despite stepping up their military spending after Munich.

The French, you see, didn't spend money on tanks or planes, the things you would need to carry out an offensive operation against Germany.
Shut up ....you support Obama's weakening of our country globally ...the only thing you really support is leftism

Again, why do we need to be a "global' power? The rest of the world has the wealth to take care of itself.
The difference between accusations against Reagan and Obama:

Reagan ended a global conflict

Obama is starting one.

Obama got us out of Bush's foolish wars.

The middle east has been fighting for thousands of years. It's really not our problem, is it?
lol, sad. Anyone who voted for Reagan who won by a landslide. something Obama wouldn't know anything about. Is sitting back laughing their asses off at these poor Obots.

their Obsession with him lately instead of focusing on their Dear One is amusing though

Reagan wasn't a petulant man/child and his voters weren't trying to make him into something he wasn't
Once again, Reagan-love has clouded the memories of conservatives who just can't remember anything negative about Hollywood's most famous B actor. But at the time, conservatives were very critical of The Gipper and didn't think he was very conservative at all!

Are conservatives dishonest, or do they just name-call anyone whom they disagree with?

Conservatives say Obama is like Neville Chamberlain. They said the same about Reagan.

The accused: Neville Chamberlain
Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1937 to 1940.
Reasons for being accused of being Neville Chamberlain: Was in fact Neville Chamberlain.
Accuracy of accusations: Very accurate.

Chamberlain famously tried, unsuccessfully, to avert war by appeasing Hitler with the Munich Agreement. That agreement gave Hitler the Sudetenland, a large chunk of Czechoslovakia. The plan failed spectacularly: Hitler was not satisfied with the Sudetenland, and soon invaded Poland.

The accused: Ronald Reagan
Who: Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States.
Reasons for being accused of being Neville Chamberlain: Negotiated with the Soviet Union.
Accuracy of accusations: Not accurate.

Reagan is now the patron saint of the American right. But during his presidency he was accused of Chamberlain-style appeasement because of his negotiations with the Soviet Union. In 1985 Reagan met with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at the Geneva Summit, where the two leaders discussed the arms race, the Strategic Defense Initiative (the anti-ballistic missile system also known as "Star Wars"), and human rights. Newt Gingrich called the meeting ''the most dangerous summit for the West since Adolf Hitler met with Chamberlain in 1938 at Munich."

And in 1988, Conservative Caucus Chair Howard Phillips ran an ad that compared Reagan signing the INF arms-control treaty with the Soviet Union to Chamberlain signing the Munich Agreement with Hitler in 1938. "Appeasement Is As Unwise In 1988 As In 1938," said the ad, which showed pictures of Chamberlain, Hitler, Reagan and Gorbachev.

The accusations against Reagan are a clear reminder that the frequent cries of "Munich! Munich! Muuuniccccchhhh!" in American politics aren't really about appeasement: they're just code for "negotiation with dictators we don't like."

The accused: Barack Obama
Who: Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States.
Reasons for being accused of being Neville Chamberlain: Willingness to hold talks with Iran.
Accuracy of accusations: Not accurate.
Obama's willingness to negotiate with Iran, as well as with other hostile regimes around the world, has led to a steady stream of Chamberlain comparisons since before he even became president. In 2008, then-President Bush gave a speech in Israel that was a thinly veiled attack on Obama, who at the time was a US senator and presidential candidate, and had argued that the US should hold direct talks with countries like Iran and Syria.

"Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along," Bush said in the speech. "We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: 'Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided.'"


(Bush's speech also prompted the famously uncomfortable Hardball segment in which conservative radio host Kevin James criticized Obama for being like Neville Chamberlain, but turned out not to have any idea what Chamberlain had actually done.)

The Munich comparisons started cropping up again as the nuclear negotiations with Iran progressed. In 2013, Gingrich said the Iran negotiations were "the Munich of the Middle East,"and that "This is not a negotiation, this is a surrender to the Iranian dictatorship."

And just last week, Republican Senator Mark Kirk compared the negotiations over Iran's nuclear program to Chamberlain's negotiations with Hitler, telling Politico that Chamberlain "got more out of Hitler at Munich" than the Obama administration's negotiators had gotten out of Iran.
Reagan cut and ran from Beruit.

Other Presidents quaked in fear of terrorists too, until BOOOSH hit them hard.

America hates BOOOSH for hitting them hard.
Republicans had a war with Iran all set to go then President Obama comes along and gets a diplomatic solution. President Obama is anti-business. ;)
Mainly because he is best known for signing the Munich Agreement with Adoplh Hitler in Sepetember of 1938 which gave part of Czechoslovakia to Germany in exchange for Germany taking no further aggressive action in Europe. The problem was by September of 1939 Hitler tossed the agreement and invaded Poland and the second World War in Europe began when a western leader is compared to Chamberlian it's because they either have made a bad deal with tyrant or it's believed they are in the process of making one.

The Munich Agreement didn't apply to anything but the Sudetenland. One could even argue that Chamberlain giving a blank check to the Polish Colonel's Regime over Danzig probably threw Hitler and Stalin into an alliance that started the war.
One could say that they would be wrong though Hitler was going to continue his aggression agreement or not. The person who understood this best Churchill was essentially run out of the government for trying to convince them of that.
It's easy to forget fiction.

I remember when Reagan sold AWACs and F-15 to the Saudis, and the Zionists whined like little bitches.

I remember when Reagan went to the Germany Military Cemetery at Bittburg, and the Zionists whined like little bitches because there were a handful of SS Soldiers buried there.

Sadly, that's before the GOP became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Zionist Lobby.
Wow, what a dilemma for you, Joe. Do you hate Reagan, Republicans, or the Jews more?
Lol Reagan kept Iran and Saddam busy fighting each other

Yeah. That didn't blow up in our faces or anything like when Saddam Invaded Kuwait or Bin Laden attacked the US.

Make sweet, sweet love to that hornet's nest.
Yes Reagan was deficient in not having powers of prophecy to see what Saddam would do over 10 years later.
The difference between accusations against Reagan and Obama:

Reagan ended a global conflict

Obama is starting one.

Obama got us out of Bush's foolish wars.

The middle east has been fighting for thousands of years. It's really not our problem, is it?
Let's see: Obama claimed credit for withdrawing troops. Until it was clear that was a mistake. Then he blamed Bush.
Obama ordered a surge in Afghanistan that cost thousands of American lives and left the Taliban intact in that country.
I'd say Obama has fucked up and killed far more people than Bush.
Reagan used to be a Democrat......and he evolved.

He left about the time it became clear that the Democrats were the party of civil rights.
When was that? Democrats blocked civil rights legislation. They were the impediment to getting things passed.
Again, why don't you move to Israel? All you do is talk about her and defending her. You seem to care more about Israel than you do the USA
Again, why don't you move to Israel? All you do is talk about her and defending her. You seem to care more about Israel than you do the USA

Please try to keep an open mind, Dante. Logic says the no-move decision might have been based on your own decision tree which precludes your moving to Pyongyang, where you'd obviously find the state of politics more comforting.

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