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Conservatives say Obama is like Neville Chamberlain. They said the same about Reagan.

"Conservatives say Obama is like Neville Chamberlain. They said the same about Reagan."


I never seem to get my fill of watching the Left's endless struggle with context.
"Conservatives say Obama is like Neville Chamberlain. They said the same about Reagan."


I never seem to get my fill of watching the Left's endless struggle with context.
We see it here every day. To stupid people two similar things are identical.
Reagan achieved something with the Soviets. I doubt Obama has ever had an agreement with Iran and if by some slim chance he does it won't last. He's been duped

LOL! Right?

The one screaming consistency in the Iran 'deal', is that neither side seems to have any sense of what they other has 'agreed' to.
Again, why don't you move to Israel? All you do is talk about her and defending her. You seem to care more about Israel than you do the USA

Please try to keep an open mind, Dante. Logic says the no-move decision might have been based on your own decision tree which precludes your moving to Pyongyang, where you'd obviously find the state of politics more comforting.

Clean up in aisle 3
Reagan used to be a Democrat......and he evolved.

He left about the time it became clear that the Democrats were the party of civil rights.


"Civil Rights"...

As IF there is such a thing.

(The Reader should know that "Civil Rights" are the pretense of rights. The Phrase was developed by the Ideological Left in the 1960s, as a means to lend the appearance that 'government gives rights', when in truth, thus in reality, the government can give no rights, as government has no rights. Government only has POWER. Thus all government can ever 'give' is temporal privilege... because once that government fails, as all government must... such rights evaporate with the power that provided such.

Rights can only exist alongside correlated, sustaining responsibilities... . There are no correlating responsibilities for 'civil rights', and as reason requires must be the case, the viability of the benefactors of 'civil rights' were virtually destroyed, upon being anointed with their faux-rights.)
Reagan used to be a Democrat......and he evolved.

He left about the time it became clear that the Democrats were the party of civil rights.


"Civil Rights"...

As IF there is such a thing.

(The Reader should know that "Civil Rights" are the pretense of rights. The Phrase was developed by the Ideological Left in the 1960s, )

The phrase "civil rights" is a translation of Latin ius civis (rights of a citizen). Roman citizens could be either free (libertas) or servile (servitus), but they all had rights in law.[5] After the Edict of Milan in 313, these rights included the freedom of religion.[6] Roman legal doctrine was lost during the Middle Ages, but claims of universal rights could still be made based on religious doctrine. According to the leaders of Kett's Rebellion (1549), "all bond men may be made free, for God made all free with his precious blood-shedding."[7]

In the 17th century, English common law judge Sir Edward Coke revived the idea of rights based on citizenship by arguing that Englishmen had historically enjoyed such rights. The Parliament of England adopted the English Bill of Rights in 1689. The Virginia Declaration of Rights, by George Mason and James Madison, was adopted in 1776. The Virginia declaration is the direct ancestor and model for the U.S. Bill of Rights (1789).

In early 19th century Britain, the phrase "civil rights" most commonly referred to the issue of legal discrimination against Catholics. In the House of Commons support for the British civil rights movement was divided, many more well-known politicians supported the discrimination towards Catholics. Independent MPs (such as Lewis Eves and Matthew Mountford) applied pressure for Catholic emancipation on the larger political parties. This process culminated in the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829 which restored the civil rights of Catholics.
Reagan's accomplishment meant are legendary and a matter of historical record. Something more intangible is that after a series of failed presidencies, begining witer, LBJ, Nixon, Ford and ending in Carter, Reagan was a breath of fresh air and where he went out to change America, he changed the world.

Best damn president anyone alive today has ever seen.
Adoration? :rofl:

The Reagan Legacy Project

5 Myths of Reagan Legacy
Once again, Reagan-love has clouded the memories of conservatives who just can't remember anything negative about Hollywood's most famous B actor. But at the time, conservatives were very critical of The Gipper and didn't think he was very conservative at all!

Are conservatives dishonest, or do they just name-call anyone whom they disagree with?

Conservatives say Obama is like Neville Chamberlain. They said the same about Reagan.

The accused: Neville Chamberlain
Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1937 to 1940.
Reasons for being accused of being Neville Chamberlain: Was in fact Neville Chamberlain.
Accuracy of accusations: Very accurate.

Chamberlain famously tried, unsuccessfully, to avert war by appeasing Hitler with the Munich Agreement. That agreement gave Hitler the Sudetenland, a large chunk of Czechoslovakia. The plan failed spectacularly: Hitler was not satisfied with the Sudetenland, and soon invaded Poland.

The accused: Ronald Reagan
Who: Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States.
Reasons for being accused of being Neville Chamberlain: Negotiated with the Soviet Union.
Accuracy of accusations: Not accurate.

Reagan is now the patron saint of the American right. But during his presidency he was accused of Chamberlain-style appeasement because of his negotiations with the Soviet Union. In 1985 Reagan met with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at the Geneva Summit, where the two leaders discussed the arms race, the Strategic Defense Initiative (the anti-ballistic missile system also known as "Star Wars"), and human rights. Newt Gingrich called the meeting ''the most dangerous summit for the West since Adolf Hitler met with Chamberlain in 1938 at Munich."

And in 1988, Conservative Caucus Chair Howard Phillips ran an ad that compared Reagan signing the INF arms-control treaty with the Soviet Union to Chamberlain signing the Munich Agreement with Hitler in 1938. "Appeasement Is As Unwise In 1988 As In 1938," said the ad, which showed pictures of Chamberlain, Hitler, Reagan and Gorbachev.

The accusations against Reagan are a clear reminder that the frequent cries of "Munich! Munich! Muuuniccccchhhh!" in American politics aren't really about appeasement: they're just code for "negotiation with dictators we don't like."

The accused: Barack Obama
Who: Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States.
Reasons for being accused of being Neville Chamberlain: Willingness to hold talks with Iran.
Accuracy of accusations: Not accurate.
Obama's willingness to negotiate with Iran, as well as with other hostile regimes around the world, has led to a steady stream of Chamberlain comparisons since before he even became president. In 2008, then-President Bush gave a speech in Israel that was a thinly veiled attack on Obama, who at the time was a US senator and presidential candidate, and had argued that the US should hold direct talks with countries like Iran and Syria.

"Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along," Bush said in the speech. "We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: 'Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided.'"


(Bush's speech also prompted the famously uncomfortable Hardball segment in which conservative radio host Kevin James criticized Obama for being like Neville Chamberlain, but turned out not to have any idea what Chamberlain had actually done.)

The Munich comparisons started cropping up again as the nuclear negotiations with Iran progressed. In 2013, Gingrich said the Iran negotiations were "the Munich of the Middle East,"and that "This is not a negotiation, this is a surrender to the Iranian dictatorship."

And just last week, Republican Senator Mark Kirk compared the negotiations over Iran's nuclear program to Chamberlain's negotiations with Hitler, telling Politico that Chamberlain "got more out of Hitler at Munich" than the Obama administration's negotiators had gotten out of Iran.

A good sign of desperation,dragging up a quote from one guy over 30 years ago,with no real relevance today at all. But that's what simple party hacks do.
Once again, Reagan-love has clouded the memories of conservatives who just can't remember anything negative about Hollywood's most famous B actor. But at the time, conservatives were very critical of The Gipper and didn't think he was very conservative at all!

Are conservatives dishonest, or do they just name-call anyone whom they disagree with?

Conservatives say Obama is like Neville Chamberlain. They said the same about Reagan.

The accused: Neville Chamberlain
Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1937 to 1940.
Reasons for being accused of being Neville Chamberlain: Was in fact Neville Chamberlain.
Accuracy of accusations: Very accurate.

Chamberlain famously tried, unsuccessfully, to avert war by appeasing Hitler with the Munich Agreement. That agreement gave Hitler the Sudetenland, a large chunk of Czechoslovakia. The plan failed spectacularly: Hitler was not satisfied with the Sudetenland, and soon invaded Poland.

The accused: Ronald Reagan
Who: Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States.
Reasons for being accused of being Neville Chamberlain: Negotiated with the Soviet Union.
Accuracy of accusations: Not accurate.

Reagan is now the patron saint of the American right. But during his presidency he was accused of Chamberlain-style appeasement because of his negotiations with the Soviet Union. In 1985 Reagan met with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at the Geneva Summit, where the two leaders discussed the arms race, the Strategic Defense Initiative (the anti-ballistic missile system also known as "Star Wars"), and human rights. Newt Gingrich called the meeting ''the most dangerous summit for the West since Adolf Hitler met with Chamberlain in 1938 at Munich."

And in 1988, Conservative Caucus Chair Howard Phillips ran an ad that compared Reagan signing the INF arms-control treaty with the Soviet Union to Chamberlain signing the Munich Agreement with Hitler in 1938. "Appeasement Is As Unwise In 1988 As In 1938," said the ad, which showed pictures of Chamberlain, Hitler, Reagan and Gorbachev.

The accusations against Reagan are a clear reminder that the frequent cries of "Munich! Munich! Muuuniccccchhhh!" in American politics aren't really about appeasement: they're just code for "negotiation with dictators we don't like."

The accused: Barack Obama
Who: Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States.
Reasons for being accused of being Neville Chamberlain: Willingness to hold talks with Iran.
Accuracy of accusations: Not accurate.
Obama's willingness to negotiate with Iran, as well as with other hostile regimes around the world, has led to a steady stream of Chamberlain comparisons since before he even became president. In 2008, then-President Bush gave a speech in Israel that was a thinly veiled attack on Obama, who at the time was a US senator and presidential candidate, and had argued that the US should hold direct talks with countries like Iran and Syria.

"Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along," Bush said in the speech. "We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: 'Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided.'"


(Bush's speech also prompted the famously uncomfortable Hardball segment in which conservative radio host Kevin James criticized Obama for being like Neville Chamberlain, but turned out not to have any idea what Chamberlain had actually done.)

The Munich comparisons started cropping up again as the nuclear negotiations with Iran progressed. In 2013, Gingrich said the Iran negotiations were "the Munich of the Middle East,"and that "This is not a negotiation, this is a surrender to the Iranian dictatorship."

And just last week, Republican Senator Mark Kirk compared the negotiations over Iran's nuclear program to Chamberlain's negotiations with Hitler, telling Politico that Chamberlain "got more out of Hitler at Munich" than the Obama administration's negotiators had gotten out of Iran.

A good sign of desperation,dragging up a quote from one guy over 30 years ago,with no real relevance today at all. But that's what simple party hacks do.
Reagan's accomplishment meant are legendary and a matter of historical record. Something more intangible is that after a series of failed presidencies, begining witer, LBJ, Nixon, Ford and ending in Carter, Reagan was a breath of fresh air and where he went out to change America, he changed the world.

Best damn president anyone alive today has ever seen.
Adoration? :rofl:

The Reagan Legacy Project

5 Myths of Reagan Legacy
Adoration is probably too strong of a word. However, I do respect him far more than any other American leader in whose time I lived. He was, and is still, a giant among midgets. If that were not already clear to some, the failures of Bush II and Obama leaves no room for doubt.

Reagan ushered in two decades of prosperity unseen since the aftermath of WWII and was extremely consequential not only in American history, but that of the world.
Reagan's accomplishment meant are legendary and a matter of historical record. Something more intangible is that after a series of failed presidencies, begining witer, LBJ, Nixon, Ford and ending in Carter, Reagan was a breath of fresh air and where he went out to change America, he changed the world.

Best damn president anyone alive today has ever seen.

Reagan had the most corrupt administration of all. Most convictions. Reagan tripled the national debt. Did Obama triple the debt he inherited? No ; Keep repeating opinion, I'll keep repeating the truth. Link below. Now post some links of the felonies and convictions in the Obama administration. If you can.

List of Reagan administration convictions.
Reagan's accomplishment meant are legendary and a matter of historical record. Something more intangible is that after a series of failed presidencies, begining witer, LBJ, Nixon, Ford and ending in Carter, Reagan was a breath of fresh air and where he went out to change America, he changed the world.

Best damn president anyone alive today has ever seen.

Reagan had the most corrupt administration of all. Most convictions. Reagan tripled the national debt. Did Obama triple the debt he inherited? No ; Keep repeating opinion, I'll keep repeating the truth. Link below. Now post some links of the felonies and convictions in the Obama administration. If you can.

List of Reagan administration convictions.
No. Sorry. Immature partisan dingbats don't get to rewrite history with idiotic links. Those of us who lived through the Reagan administration are not children to be duped.
Reagan's accomplishment meant are legendary and a matter of historical record. Something more intangible is that after a series of failed presidencies, begining witer, LBJ, Nixon, Ford and ending in Carter, Reagan was a breath of fresh air and where he went out to change America, he changed the world.

Best damn president anyone alive today has ever seen.

Reagan had the most corrupt administration of all. Most convictions. Reagan tripled the national debt. Did Obama triple the debt he inherited? No ; Keep repeating opinion, I'll keep repeating the truth. Link below. Now post some links of the felonies and convictions in the Obama administration. If you can.

List of Reagan administration convictions.
No. Sorry. Immature partisan dingbats don't get to rewrite history with idiotic links. Those of us who lived through the Reagan administration are not children to be duped.
Unlike Obama, Reagan built up our mitary he negotiated from a position of strength. Obama is the opposite of Ronald Reagan

And this right is the difference. Reagan rebuilt our military in his first term with the goal of destroying the Soviet Union. When he finally went into talks, the table was already set to accomplish that goal. SDI was the final piece to bring down the Soviet state.
Reagan's accomplishment meant are legendary and a matter of historical record. Something more intangible is that after a series of failed presidencies, begining witer, LBJ, Nixon, Ford and ending in Carter, Reagan was a breath of fresh air and where he went out to change America, he changed the world.

Best damn president anyone alive today has ever seen.

Reagan had the most corrupt administration of all. Most convictions. Reagan tripled the national debt. Did Obama triple the debt he inherited? No ; Keep repeating opinion, I'll keep repeating the truth. Link below. Now post some links of the felonies and convictions in the Obama administration. If you can.

List of Reagan administration convictions.
No. Sorry. Immature partisan dingbats don't get to rewrite history with idiotic links. Those of us who lived through the Reagan administration are not children to be duped.

I was already of middle age during Reagan's terms as president, and fully cognizant of what was going on. Seems like you weren't. The corruption of his administration, as well as Iran-Contra, is common knowledge to the knowledgeable among us, of which you're obviously not a member. The name you gave yourself should be a clue to your intelligence level. I'll not waste any more time trying to educate you.
Reagan's accomplishment meant are legendary and a matter of historical record. Something more intangible is that after a series of failed presidencies, begining witer, LBJ, Nixon, Ford and ending in Carter, Reagan was a breath of fresh air and where he went out to change America, he changed the world.

Best damn president anyone alive today has ever seen.

Reagan had the most corrupt administration of all. Most convictions. Reagan tripled the national debt. Did Obama triple the debt he inherited? No ; Keep repeating opinion, I'll keep repeating the truth. Link below. Now post some links of the felonies and convictions in the Obama administration. If you can.

List of Reagan administration convictions.
No. Sorry. Immature partisan dingbats don't get to rewrite history with idiotic links. Those of us who lived through the Reagan administration are not children to be duped.

I was already of middle age during Reagan's terms as president, and fully cognizant of what was going on. Seems like you weren't. The corruption of his administration, as well as Iran-Contra, is common knowledge to the knowledgeable among us, of which you're obviously not a member. The name you gave yourself should be a clue to your intelligence level. I'll not waste any more time trying to educate you.
Obviously, you've been licked all over. Reagan destroyed you dream. Get over it. It's finished!
You always have a choice it may not be a popular choice or one you like but you have one. The irony is Churchill who also lived though WW1 was out of favor with the government for opposing the very tactics Chamberllain was using with Hitler in trying to avoid a war through appeasement Chamberlian guaranteed it something Churchill predicated.

If Chamberlain hadn't tried the appeasement route all that would have happened was the war would have started a year earlier. If Chamberlain had refused to sign the Munich Pact do you think that would have stopped Hitler from invading Czechoslovakia?
It is said that humans are able to learn from the mistakes of others.

Chamberlain did not understand that his appeasement would make his name a term of mockery for generations.

Obama should have read about Chamberlain as part of his much-vaunted "education".

So it raises the questions:

1. Was he never taught anything about Chamberlain?

2. Was he unable to learn anything from Chamberlain's "experience" and, if so, is not his "humanity" brought into question?

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