Conservatives shouldn't participate in racism discussions


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Yeah there might be some dimwit with a Nazi flag on the street but the real people who are bringing out the flags are the Socialist Left.

They're trying to make it look like racism is going on all over the place because of Trump.

Yep, there will be morons in the public who get scared , vote for loons like Hillary, and give money to the Commie ACLU.

You have your multi-million dollar , phony conservative, talk show hosts on the radio saying "I don't think Trump is racist meh meh meh" ...following the left-wing media agenda for topics.

Right now, anytime someone brings up a racism issue, your response should be "Go die"
Yeah there might be some dimwit with a Nazi flag on the street but the real people who are bringing out the flags are the Socialist Left.

They're trying to make it look like racism is going on all over the place because of Trump.

Yep, there will be morons in the public who get scared , vote for loons like Hillary, and give money to the Commie ACLU.

You have your multi-million dollar , phony conservative, talk show hosts on the radio saying "I don't think Trump is racist meh meh meh" ...following the left-wing media agenda for topics.

Right now, anytime someone brings up a racism issue, your response should be "Go die"

I'm going to quote the BNP's (British National Party) language discipline document from about 2009

Rule #1: The BNP is not a ā€˜racistā€™ or ā€˜racialā€™ party. It should never be referred to as such by BNP activists, and anyone else who does so must be politely but firmly corrected. The precisely correct description of what we are, in the standard terminology of international comparative politics, is a ā€˜patrioticā€™ or ā€˜ethno-nationalistā€™ party."

. If you are accused of being a ā€˜racistā€™ then do not try and get into a definition of what is meant by that. The answer is simply ā€œno, the BNP is not racistā€ and that is all. Do not fall into the media trap of trying to debate what racism is ā€” as soon as you hedge the question, you are giving them an opportunity to exploit. See the 2008 booklet Folk and Nation: Underpinning the Ethnostate for more details."
Yeah there might be some dimwit with a Nazi flag on the street but the real people who are bringing out the flags are the Socialist Left.

They're trying to make it look like racism is going on all over the place because of Trump.

Yep, there will be morons in the public who get scared , vote for loons like Hillary, and give money to the Commie ACLU.

You have your multi-million dollar , phony conservative, talk show hosts on the radio saying "I don't think Trump is racist meh meh meh" ...following the left-wing media agenda for topics.

Right now, anytime someone brings up a racism issue, your response should be "Go die"

I'm going to quote the BNP's (British National Party) language discipline document from about 2009

Rule #1: The BNP is not a ā€˜racistā€™ or ā€˜racialā€™ party. It should never be referred to as such by BNP activists, and anyone else who does so must be politely but firmly corrected. The precisely correct description of what we are, in the standard terminology of international comparative politics, is a ā€˜patrioticā€™ or ā€˜ethno-nationalistā€™ party."

. If you are accused of being a ā€˜racistā€™ then do not try and get into a definition of what is meant by that. The answer is simply ā€œno, the BNP is not racistā€ and that is all. Do not fall into the media trap of trying to debate what racism is ā€” as soon as you hedge the question, you are giving them an opportunity to exploit. See the 2008 booklet Folk and Nation: Underpinning the Ethnostate for more details."
Frequently Asked Questions & Suggested Readings/Videos ā€“ Start Here ā€“ Philly Antifa

2) I have heard that Antifa are violent, is this true?

Anyone who is resisting Neo-Nazi, KKK or other Fascist groups will inevitably be forced to at least defend themselves from violence. Liberal and Pacifist Anti-Racists are attacked for their completely legal and non-violent work regularly. Antifa know that when you oppose fascism and Racism, or if you are a member of a population being targeted by fascists, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Furthermore, since militant Antifa have hostile relationships with the state and law enforcement, we have only each other to depend on when fascists are on the move.

Many Anti-Fascists do not engage in direct confrontation with fascists for a variety of reasons or concerns. But all Antifa know that confrontation is an important element in defeating fascism. An important part of fascist ideology is centered around ā€œcontrolling the streets,ā€ meaning establishing a hegemony over the political sphere and subcultures, unfettered access to young people for recruits, and a stage to perform their elaborate street theater propaganda rallies. When Anti-Fascists are successful, it means the Nazis and fascists in their town are completely neutralized on the streets, forcing them to act in a totally clandestine way.

Antifa generally adhere to a ā€œno platformā€ policy for racists and fascists, meaning we would oppose their organizations attempts to speak in public, hold political demonstrations, or recruit openly. History has shown time and time again what happens when demagogues are allowed to lie and inflame peopleā€™s bigotries in short-sighted pursuit of power. Only the most privileged or naive can still assume a ā€œwait and seeā€ attitude towards Nazis and Fascists.

ā€œIf fascism could be defeated in debate, I assure you that it would never have happened, neither in Germany, nor in Italy, nor anywhere else. Those who recognized its threat at the time and tried to stop it were, I assume, also called ā€œa mobā€. Regrettably too many ā€œfair-mindedā€ people didnā€™t either try, or want to stop it, and, as I witnessed myself during the war, accommodated themselves when it took over ā€¦ People who witnessed fascism at its height are dying out, but the ideology is still here, and its apologists are working hard at a comeback. Past experience should teach us that fascism must be stopped before it takes hold again of too many minds, and becomes useful once again to some powerful interests.ā€
ā€“ Franz Frison, Holocaust survivor, 12th December, 1988

More reading on violence and no platform policy:

The Failure of Nonviolence by Peter Gelderoos
Why no platform is still relevant, and the trouble with liberal "anti-fascism"
Yeah there might be some dimwit with a Nazi flag on the street but the real people who are bringing out the flags are the Socialist Left.

They're trying to make it look like racism is going on all over the place because of Trump.

Yep, there will be morons in the public who get scared , vote for loons like Hillary, and give money to the Commie ACLU.

You have your multi-million dollar , phony conservative, talk show hosts on the radio saying "I don't think Trump is racist meh meh meh" ...following the left-wing media agenda for topics.

Right now, anytime someone brings up a racism issue, your response should be "Go die"

I disagree, we don't say go die, because then we're reducing ourselves down to their level. I prefer get fucked.
I know I shouldn't take the race bait, but when libtards chuck up such racist and stupidity crap, I just want rub their noses in their racist stupidity.
Race and Party Politics, Part II ā€“ Senator Fullbright and Justice Black | The Other Half of History

J. William Fulbright: Enemy of Joseph McCarthy and Equal Rights

Fulbright was certainly no ā€œallyā€ of black Americans. Bitterly racist, he fought to protect the Jim Crow laws that denied black citizens their constitutional rights. In 1956 Fulbright was one of ninety-nine congressional Democrats to sign the Southern Manifesto, which declared that the Southern states had a right to keep their populations segregated by race. (It should be mentioned in passing that only two Republicans signed the document.)

In 1964 Fulbright was one of a group of tenacious Democrats who filibustered for fifty-seven days in an attempt to block the Civil Rights Act that outlawed segregation in public accommodations.

Contrary to the stereotypes that Dr. Foner and other liberals try so hard to promote, Fulbright was also a very liberal Democrat. He was a staunch supporter of labor unions. He always lobbied for appeasement of the Soviet Union; and opposed American aid to Israel, which was, at that time, the only Middle-Eastern nation aligned with the United States against the Soviet Union.

He also did all he could to impair Americaā€™s fight against Communism in Vietnam, writing two books on the subject, and using his position as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to undermine the war effort.

Fulbrightā€™s office provided assistance to young men who wanted to avoid the draft, including a young future President of the United States named Bill Clinton, whom Fulbright hired as a clerk just two years after filibustering to block the 1964 Civil Rights Act.5

As for ā€œMcCarthyism,ā€ Senator Fulbright hated it just about as much as Professor Foner does..

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 ā€“ February 9, 1995) was a United States Senator representing Arkansas from January 1945 until his resignation in December 1974. Fulbright is the longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist who supported the creation of the United Nations, he was also a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto. Fulbright opposed McCarthyism and the House Un-American Activities Committee and later became known for his opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War...

...One of Fulbright's local staffers in Arkansas was James McDougal. While working for Fulbright, McDougal met the future Arkansas governor and US President Bill Clinton and the two of them, along with their wives, began investing in various development properties, including the parcel of land along the White River in the Ozarks that would later be the subject of an independent counsel investigation during Clinton's first term in office.[26]...

...Fulbright died of a stroke in 1995 at the age of 89 in Washington, D.C. A year later, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary dinner of the Fulbright Program held June 5, 1996 at the White House, President Bill Clinton said, "Hillary and I have looked forward for some time to celebrating this 50th anniversary of the Fulbright Program, to honor the dream and legacy of a great American, a citizen of the world, a native of my home state and my mentor and friend, Senator Fulbright."[29]...
Yeah there might be some dimwit with a Nazi flag on the street but the real people who are bringing out the flags are the Socialist Left.

They're trying to make it look like racism is going on all over the place because of Trump.

Yep, there will be morons in the public who get scared , vote for loons like Hillary, and give money to the Commie ACLU.

You have your multi-million dollar , phony conservative, talk show hosts on the radio saying "I don't think Trump is racist meh meh meh" ...following the left-wing media agenda for topics.

Right now, anytime someone brings up a racism issue, your response should be "Go die"

I'm going to quote the BNP's (British National Party) language discipline document from about 2009

Rule #1: The BNP is not a ā€˜racistā€™ or ā€˜racialā€™ party. It should never be referred to as such by BNP activists, and anyone else who does so must be politely but firmly corrected. The precisely correct description of what we are, in the standard terminology of international comparative politics, is a ā€˜patrioticā€™ or ā€˜ethno-nationalistā€™ party."

. If you are accused of being a ā€˜racistā€™ then do not try and get into a definition of what is meant by that. The answer is simply ā€œno, the BNP is not racistā€ and that is all. Do not fall into the media trap of trying to debate what racism is ā€” as soon as you hedge the question, you are giving them an opportunity to exploit. See the 2008 booklet Folk and Nation: Underpinning the Ethnostate for more details."
Frequently Asked Questions & Suggested Readings/Videos ā€“ Start Here ā€“ Philly Antifa

2) I have heard that Antifa are violent, is this true?

Anyone who is resisting Neo-Nazi, KKK or other Fascist groups will inevitably be forced to at least defend themselves from violence. Liberal and Pacifist Anti-Racists are attacked for their completely legal and non-violent work regularly. Antifa know that when you oppose fascism and Racism, or if you are a member of a population being targeted by fascists, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Furthermore, since militant Antifa have hostile relationships with the state and law enforcement, we have only each other to depend on when fascists are on the move.

Many Anti-Fascists do not engage in direct confrontation with fascists for a variety of reasons or concerns. But all Antifa know that confrontation is an important element in defeating fascism. An important part of fascist ideology is centered around ā€œcontrolling the streets,ā€ meaning establishing a hegemony over the political sphere and subcultures, unfettered access to young people for recruits, and a stage to perform their elaborate street theater propaganda rallies. When Anti-Fascists are successful, it means the Nazis and fascists in their town are completely neutralized on the streets, forcing them to act in a totally clandestine way.

Antifa generally adhere to a ā€œno platformā€ policy for racists and fascists, meaning we would oppose their organizations attempts to speak in public, hold political demonstrations, or recruit openly. History has shown time and time again what happens when demagogues are allowed to lie and inflame peopleā€™s bigotries in short-sighted pursuit of power. Only the most privileged or naive can still assume a ā€œwait and seeā€ attitude towards Nazis and Fascists.

ā€œIf fascism could be defeated in debate, I assure you that it would never have happened, neither in Germany, nor in Italy, nor anywhere else. Those who recognized its threat at the time and tried to stop it were, I assume, also called ā€œa mobā€. Regrettably too many ā€œfair-mindedā€ people didnā€™t either try, or want to stop it, and, as I witnessed myself during the war, accommodated themselves when it took over ā€¦ People who witnessed fascism at its height are dying out, but the ideology is still here, and its apologists are working hard at a comeback. Past experience should teach us that fascism must be stopped before it takes hold again of too many minds, and becomes useful once again to some powerful interests.ā€
ā€“ Franz Frison, Holocaust survivor, 12th December, 1988

More reading on violence and no platform policy:

The Failure of Nonviolence by Peter Gelderoos
Why no platform is still relevant, and the trouble with liberal "anti-fascism"
In other words becoming what you supposedly hate.
Yeah there might be some dimwit with a Nazi flag on the street but the real people who are bringing out the flags are the Socialist Left.

They're trying to make it look like racism is going on all over the place because of Trump.

Yep, there will be morons in the public who get scared , vote for loons like Hillary, and give money to the Commie ACLU.

You have your multi-million dollar , phony conservative, talk show hosts on the radio saying "I don't think Trump is racist meh meh meh" ...following the left-wing media agenda for topics.

Right now, anytime someone brings up a racism issue, your response should be "Go die"

Dear Wolfstrike: (1) The best way to discuss with someone is to AGREE with points you
do agree are bad, then point out these SAME THINGS on both sides of the fence they are trying to reinforce.

I generally discuss biases in general and include race as one of those areas.
People also discriminate, exclude and bully based on:
* religious beliefs (Atheists vs. Christians for example) and
* political groups (liberal Democrats vs. conservative Republicans).
Sexism is also easy to point out, such as how one political group will demean
Hillary Clinton and the other Sarah Palin, both claiming it isn't sexist while using
words and terms that only demean women.

(2) I would answer accusations with questions. For example for those who
insist there are no races, I ask.
What about the Bone Marrow registry, is that racist?

After all, to save lives, they target specific ethnic groups,
distinguished as African, Asian, Latino and Native; and have set up separate
nonprofit campaigns to target each of these groups in order to recruit more donors.

Caucasians have a 90% chance of finding a bone marrow match
because they are generally HLA-compatible as a group.
But with people from ANY of these 4 minority groups, the chances of finding a match
are only 10% because the HLA is harder to match. 8-9 out of 10 factors
have to match, and even then the transplant may still cause rejection.

The best chance that patients have who are from these groups is to seek matches within their
own family, then people of the same nationality, and then their racial group. For biracial
children, searches have been done worldwide to find parents of the same two races
in order to find a child or offspring and hope for a match; where the chances are almost 0.

Is that racist to recognize differences between groups based on ethnicity?
When medical nonprofits fighting around the clock to find donors in time
DEPEND on racial and ethnic matches in order to save lives?

(3) for LGBT issues, I point out that beliefs on both sides are FAITH BASED.
NEITHER is proven by science. So until it is proven, both sides have equal right to their OWN BELIEFS.
If people get pushy or defensive about including gay marriage,
I bring up how prayer and Christmas have been ordered removed from public institutions.
Not because they "imposed" on anyone but because they were faith-based and
represented "beliefs" that others did not share. So if those have to be removed
if people of "different beliefs" object (who aren't "FORCED" to accommodate "diversity")
then isn't it just as fair to remove gay parades and gay marriage from public institutions
if people "of different beliefs" object to those activities and what they symbolize?

You will still get into a fight, but at least it will be a fair one.
It's one side's BELIEFS vs. the other: either allow both creeds
to be included and treated the same, or agree to exclude both so at least they are treated equal under law
as faith based BELIEFS.
In other words becoming what you supposedly hate.
Exactly. I read more of that ANTIFA tripe. It was loaded with a lack of self awareness and complete bullshitery. Make no mistake--Capitalism is their true enemy. Fascism is simply their boogyman. They have a police of "no platform" for "fascists" which means they want to deny a platform to anyone they disagree with, using violence.
In other words becoming what you supposedly hate.
Exactly. I read more of that ANTIFA tripe. It was loaded with a lack of self awareness and complete bullshitery. Make no mistake--Capitalism is their true enemy. Fascism is simply their boogyman. They have a police of "no platform" for "fascists" which means they want to deny a platform to anyone they disagree with, using violence.

I guess I would challenge such groups to define the "fascist" behavior
they so oppose, without implicating themselves in the process!!
Good luck with that!
Yeah there might be some dimwit with a Nazi flag on the street but the real people who are bringing out the flags are the Socialist Left.

They're trying to make it look like racism is going on all over the place because of Trump.

Yep, there will be morons in the public who get scared , vote for loons like Hillary, and give money to the Commie ACLU.

You have your multi-million dollar , phony conservative, talk show hosts on the radio saying "I don't think Trump is racist meh meh meh" ...following the left-wing media agenda for topics.

Right now, anytime someone brings up a racism issue, your response should be "Go die"

I'm going to quote the BNP's (British National Party) language discipline document from about 2009

Rule #1: The BNP is not a ā€˜racistā€™ or ā€˜racialā€™ party. It should never be referred to as such by BNP activists, and anyone else who does so must be politely but firmly corrected. The precisely correct description of what we are, in the standard terminology of international comparative politics, is a ā€˜patrioticā€™ or ā€˜ethno-nationalistā€™ party."

. If you are accused of being a ā€˜racistā€™ then do not try and get into a definition of what is meant by that. The answer is simply ā€œno, the BNP is not racistā€ and that is all. Do not fall into the media trap of trying to debate what racism is ā€” as soon as you hedge the question, you are giving them an opportunity to exploit. See the 2008 booklet Folk and Nation: Underpinning the Ethnostate for more details."
Frequently Asked Questions & Suggested Readings/Videos ā€“ Start Here ā€“ Philly Antifa

2) I have heard that Antifa are violent, is this true?

Anyone who is resisting Neo-Nazi, KKK or other Fascist groups will inevitably be forced to at least defend themselves from violence. Liberal and Pacifist Anti-Racists are attacked for their completely legal and non-violent work regularly. Antifa know that when you oppose fascism and Racism, or if you are a member of a population being targeted by fascists, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Furthermore, since militant Antifa have hostile relationships with the state and law enforcement, we have only each other to depend on when fascists are on the move.

Many Anti-Fascists do not engage in direct confrontation with fascists for a variety of reasons or concerns. But all Antifa know that confrontation is an important element in defeating fascism. An important part of fascist ideology is centered around ā€œcontrolling the streets,ā€ meaning establishing a hegemony over the political sphere and subcultures, unfettered access to young people for recruits, and a stage to perform their elaborate street theater propaganda rallies. When Anti-Fascists are successful, it means the Nazis and fascists in their town are completely neutralized on the streets, forcing them to act in a totally clandestine way.

Antifa generally adhere to a ā€œno platformā€ policy for racists and fascists, meaning we would oppose their organizations attempts to speak in public, hold political demonstrations, or recruit openly. History has shown time and time again what happens when demagogues are allowed to lie and inflame peopleā€™s bigotries in short-sighted pursuit of power. Only the most privileged or naive can still assume a ā€œwait and seeā€ attitude towards Nazis and Fascists.

ā€œIf fascism could be defeated in debate, I assure you that it would never have happened, neither in Germany, nor in Italy, nor anywhere else. Those who recognized its threat at the time and tried to stop it were, I assume, also called ā€œa mobā€. Regrettably too many ā€œfair-mindedā€ people didnā€™t either try, or want to stop it, and, as I witnessed myself during the war, accommodated themselves when it took over ā€¦ People who witnessed fascism at its height are dying out, but the ideology is still here, and its apologists are working hard at a comeback. Past experience should teach us that fascism must be stopped before it takes hold again of too many minds, and becomes useful once again to some powerful interests.ā€
ā€“ Franz Frison, Holocaust survivor, 12th December, 1988

More reading on violence and no platform policy:

The Failure of Nonviolence by Peter Gelderoos
Why no platform is still relevant, and the trouble with liberal "anti-fascism"

The problem here is that you're dealing with lots of individuals. Individuals might attach themselves to groups but do their own thing.

Certainly there are people on the left, as on the right, who will resort to violence. Usually this is a minority, but they're the ones people hear. That's the problem, how do you get yourself heard? The more shocking you are, the more people listen.
I came across this pamphlet that presorts to be an ANTIFA document. I can't confirm its authenticity, but if it is real, holy shit. These are some fucked up communist revolutionaries of the highest order and their ONLY target is the "cis white male" what ever the fuck that means.










Cliff notes: White Man Bad. Commie Good.

Pretty fucked up if this is real. It would not surprise me, based on the stuff I have seen lately.
Yeah there might be some dimwit with a Nazi flag on the street but the real people who are bringing out the flags are the Socialist Left.

They're trying to make it look like racism is going on all over the place because of Trump.

Yep, there will be morons in the public who get scared , vote for loons like Hillary, and give money to the Commie ACLU.

You have your multi-million dollar , phony conservative, talk show hosts on the radio saying "I don't think Trump is racist meh meh meh" ...following the left-wing media agenda for topics.

Right now, anytime someone brings up a racism issue, your response should be "Go die"

I'm going to quote the BNP's (British National Party) language discipline document from about 2009

Rule #1: The BNP is not a ā€˜racistā€™ or ā€˜racialā€™ party. It should never be referred to as such by BNP activists, and anyone else who does so must be politely but firmly corrected. The precisely correct description of what we are, in the standard terminology of international comparative politics, is a ā€˜patrioticā€™ or ā€˜ethno-nationalistā€™ party."

. If you are accused of being a ā€˜racistā€™ then do not try and get into a definition of what is meant by that. The answer is simply ā€œno, the BNP is not racistā€ and that is all. Do not fall into the media trap of trying to debate what racism is ā€” as soon as you hedge the question, you are giving them an opportunity to exploit. See the 2008 booklet Folk and Nation: Underpinning the Ethnostate for more details."
Frequently Asked Questions & Suggested Readings/Videos ā€“ Start Here ā€“ Philly Antifa

2) I have heard that Antifa are violent, is this true?

Anyone who is resisting Neo-Nazi, KKK or other Fascist groups will inevitably be forced to at least defend themselves from violence. Liberal and Pacifist Anti-Racists are attacked for their completely legal and non-violent work regularly. Antifa know that when you oppose fascism and Racism, or if you are a member of a population being targeted by fascists, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Furthermore, since militant Antifa have hostile relationships with the state and law enforcement, we have only each other to depend on when fascists are on the move.

Many Anti-Fascists do not engage in direct confrontation with fascists for a variety of reasons or concerns. But all Antifa know that confrontation is an important element in defeating fascism. An important part of fascist ideology is centered around ā€œcontrolling the streets,ā€ meaning establishing a hegemony over the political sphere and subcultures, unfettered access to young people for recruits, and a stage to perform their elaborate street theater propaganda rallies. When Anti-Fascists are successful, it means the Nazis and fascists in their town are completely neutralized on the streets, forcing them to act in a totally clandestine way.

Antifa generally adhere to a ā€œno platformā€ policy for racists and fascists, meaning we would oppose their organizations attempts to speak in public, hold political demonstrations, or recruit openly. History has shown time and time again what happens when demagogues are allowed to lie and inflame peopleā€™s bigotries in short-sighted pursuit of power. Only the most privileged or naive can still assume a ā€œwait and seeā€ attitude towards Nazis and Fascists.

ā€œIf fascism could be defeated in debate, I assure you that it would never have happened, neither in Germany, nor in Italy, nor anywhere else. Those who recognized its threat at the time and tried to stop it were, I assume, also called ā€œa mobā€. Regrettably too many ā€œfair-mindedā€ people didnā€™t either try, or want to stop it, and, as I witnessed myself during the war, accommodated themselves when it took over ā€¦ People who witnessed fascism at its height are dying out, but the ideology is still here, and its apologists are working hard at a comeback. Past experience should teach us that fascism must be stopped before it takes hold again of too many minds, and becomes useful once again to some powerful interests.ā€
ā€“ Franz Frison, Holocaust survivor, 12th December, 1988

More reading on violence and no platform policy:

The Failure of Nonviolence by Peter Gelderoos
Why no platform is still relevant, and the trouble with liberal "anti-fascism"
In other words becoming what you supposedly hate.

Well, some people take on an ideology because it gives them a sense of purpose, rather than because they actually believe what they're doing. Those who are ideological often manage to avoid lots of things that are inconvenient for their theories. As if you can just wish away reality. We see it on forums like this all the time from all sides.

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