Conservatives sold themselves two lies

Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.

There’s just no way to govern for all anymore...there’s no common or middle ground...Democrats are Alt-Left...period.
How do you work with that?
The DNC has busted their ass to execute a long term’s super simple...they need the filth in this nation to outnumber good quality REAL Americans...through illegal immigration and at the compromise of constitutional authority they’ve done a great job generating a populous of dependent bottom feeders thus a larger Democratic constituency.
Simple shit...forget what you knew about bipartisanship politics...those days are long gone bud.
Bottom Feeders...Deplorables. Just more labeling.

"Deplorable" is shorthand for "white people who refuse to kiss black ass"

No. "Deplorables" was used to describe the behavior of attendees at Trump rallies. Nothing more.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.

We have to prove ourselves over time? Dude, it's been a little over a year since Trump was sworn in as President and he's been under nonstop attack from the main stream media and you on the left ever since he beat Hillary yet he's STILL managing to accomplish much of what he promised to do when he campaigned.

You seem to think because he DIDN'T yank the entire country over to his way of looking things overnight...that he's failed! That's quite frankly one of the dumber things someone's posted on here in quite some time. Let's be honest here...there is a HUGE part of the population that will still hate Trump no matter how successful his policies are and quite a few of them will hate him MORE if he's successful! You might want to "examine" that!

Eight years, and you never accepted Obama. Until Trump stops having tantrums and chaos, he is dangerous and I will not make that the new normal.

I’d damn near kill for a “tan suit” news cycle.
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.

We have to prove ourselves over time? Dude, it's been a little over a year since Trump was sworn in as President and he's been under nonstop attack from the main stream media and you on the left ever since he beat Hillary yet he's STILL managing to accomplish much of what he promised to do when he campaigned.

You seem to think because he DIDN'T yank the entire country over to his way of looking things overnight...that he's failed! That's quite frankly one of the dumber things someone's posted on here in quite some time. Let's be honest here...there is a HUGE part of the population that will still hate Trump no matter how successful his policies are and quite a few of them will hate him MORE if he's successful! You might want to "examine" that!

Eight years, and you never accepted Obama. Until Trump stops having tantrums and chaos, he is dangerous and I will not make that the new normal.

I’d damn near kill for a “tan suit” news cycle.

There's absolutely no equivalence to Obama's opposition and the 24/7 sky is falling hysteria around Trump.
Gee.....I wonder why?

Libs are successful because they offer inclusion.
Cons offer exclusion at ever opportunity.

Lib "inclusion":

You're too white, too straight, too christian. So ignorant and stupid. And worst of all, BIGOTED.

Completely inaccurate and false.

Liberals believe that all races, gays, straights, and all religions , not just white, straight, Christians, deserve rights, respect and opportunity.
I can pretty much guarantee you that the Dems are very hopeful you'll fight back

LMAO. OMG, you're delusional. Democrat's whole shtick is that they are zealots and Republicans are weak and pathetic. That's why you're in meltdown over Trump, who is fighting back
I can pretty much guarantee you that the Dems are very hopeful you'll fight back.
LMAO. OMG, you're delusional. Democrat's whole shtick is that they are zealots and Republicans are weak and pathetic. That's why you're in meltdown over Trump, who is fighting back
Okay. Different universes. We'll see soon enough.
I'm merely pointing out that there is plenty of "equivalence to Obama's opposition and the 24/7 sky is falling hysteria around Trump".

I could post much, much more. The two ends have largely become mirror images in many ways.
I'm merely pointing out that there is plenty of "equivalence to Obama's opposition and the 24/7 sky is falling hysteria around Trump".

I could post much, much more. The two ends have largely become mirror images in many ways.

Sorry but you're wrong. The left has complete ownership of mainstream news media and entertainment to spread their propaganda. We have Fox and Breitbart.
Yep, very good point. And "rejection" is a very good term.

The GOP is doing this to themselves, and they don't have to. They've been led down the wrong road.

You know what I find most amusing about the left these days, Mac? It's their habit of accusing the opposition of the very thing that they themselves are guilty of. The GOP plays "identity politics"? Really?
Partisan ideologues do that. I can't speak for Coyote, but I think the two sides play that game differently. The Left is aggressive, cynical and blatant in its use of Identity Politics, and with the Right it's a more de facto, indirect thing.

The left says "you don't have what you deserve because that person over there took it from you"...the right says "we can help you become that person over there." That's the "game".
Not from a minority person's perspective. The GOP can ignore that if it wants to.

What is that minority person's "perspective" built upon, Mac? When you're told over and over again that you are a's human nature to start to believe what you've been told. It's a seductive message. Failure isn't YOUR's that person over there's fault and if you vote for me...I'll help you get some of THEIR stuff that rightfully belongs to you! Isn't that the left's message?

No it’s not.

The message is this: we want everyone to have the same opportunities as that guy. What you do with them is up to you.
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.

There’s just no way to govern for all anymore...there’s no common or middle ground...Democrats are Alt-Left...period.
How do you work with that?
The DNC has busted their ass to execute a long term’s super simple...they need the filth in this nation to outnumber good quality REAL Americans...through illegal immigration and at the compromise of constitutional authority they’ve done a great job generating a populous of dependent bottom feeders thus a larger Democratic constituency.
Simple shit...forget what you knew about bipartisanship politics...those days are long gone bud.
Bottom Feeders...Deplorables. Just more labeling.

"Deplorable" is shorthand for "white people who refuse to kiss black ass"

No. "Deplorables" was used to describe the behavior of attendees at Trump rallies. Nothing more.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

View attachment 184549

I corrected my post.

My error does not alter the ignorance presented in the post I responded to.

No it was "secret muslim" and a "muslim brotherhood sympathizer".
I can pretty much guarantee you that the Dems are very hopeful you'll fight back

LMAO. OMG, you're delusional. Democrat's whole shtick is that they are zealots and Republicans are weak and pathetic. That's why you're in meltdown over Trump, who is fighting back

You want to live in the past. Or maybe more specifically, you want to recreate the past now. You want white, Christian males to be at the top of the heap, and make decisions for everybody.

That part of history is on its way out the door.
I am very disappointed that the current GOP under Trump seems to have made white nationalists feel empowered and the push back has been very weak.
.. and minorities have noticed.

Been lied to by the vile media.

The only people empowering the white nationalists are the media that have a vested interests in lying about their size and relevance.
You can't blame everything on the media.

People watch and listen and live, and they see.

Was it the media's fault when Trump claimed to not know who David Duke is? Was that fake news?

Come on.

Trump has denounced white supremacists over and over, before and after that single example.

After a certain point, the question becomes not a question, but a propaganda smear, where by asking it, you make the implication that it is a reasonable question to ask, when it is not.

WHat should have happened in any sane world, is that Trump should have punched that fucker in the face for asking the question.

ANd now, because he blows off that question, that one time, the media never lets it die, lies about it, and creates the false impression that Trump is racist.

I do blame the media. I hold them accountable.

Trump is a bully! He may or may not be a racist or a bigot (his record suggests he is), but for sure he is a demagogue (& a charlatan) whose rhetoric is directed to appeal to racists and misogynists; which also includes bigots who fear and thus hate all sizes, shapes, colors and creeds who hold opinions which do not support their fears.

He has (according to you and yours) another seven years of that coming.

Quick question. Any regrets for the shit storm y'all put Obama through? If the answer is no then no. Your boy still needs to do seven years in the barrel.
I can pretty much guarantee you that the Dems are very hopeful you'll fight back.
LMAO. OMG, you're delusional. Democrat's whole shtick is that they are zealots and Republicans are weak and pathetic. That's why you're in meltdown over Trump, who is fighting back
Okay. Different universes. We'll see soon enough.

You're proving my point begging the Republicans not to fight back. Of course you don't want them to
So, the same sort of hubris that bit the Dems in the ass?
Life isn't either/or, one or the other, binary. Maybe there's another way.

I'm not sure our political infrastructure is capable of producing it, but there has never been a better time for a party that actually seeks consensus, rather than a narrow majority, when formulating policy goals.

How can we reach general agreement with a party that wants us to have no southern border and import a million illegal aliens a year to vote for their socialist agenda?
I don't know if you can get broad consensus for your agenda or not. But for large symbolic changes - like ACA, like the border wall - shoving something through with slim, partisan support benefits no one. It just leaves a pissed off minority who will undercut whatever you're trying to accomplish as soon as they're back in power. It's senseless thrashing. Even if it's only a few things, wouldn't it be better to pursue changes that (most) everyone can agree on?

Look at Social Security. Regardless of what we might think of it (I'm not a fan), it's been a "successful" government program. In as much as it has never been under any real threat, and still has the broad support of voters. Now look at the vote totals: House: 372/33 Senate: 77/6 with the wide majority of Republicans voting in favor in both houses.

There is common ground to be had. It won't be your ideal. I'm sure it won't be mine. But it might be something we can live with, without leaving behind a bevy of angry partisans ready to undo it all on the next election cycle.

Comparing the ACA, which is socialism, with the wall is insane for two reasons. The ACA is socialism, the wall is security. Redistribution of wealth and protecting us from criminals and poor people draining our educational and medical system and filling our jails is a false equivalency.

Second, "border security" polls highly, it's not a slim margin. The wall has been stigmatized as a political issue by Democrats and people are afraid to be for it lest they be called a racist. But if you look at what the wall does, it has broad support. It's hard to see that there's going to be an issue when it is built (fingers crossed) and works.

Social Security is again socialism. It's armed robbery regardless of who supports it. You'd get that if you were a libertarian

Affordable health care is WAY more security than a stupid wall that can be tunneled under.

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