Conservatives sold themselves two lies


On #2 I disagree, racial disparities in the criminal justice system was never really addressed until Obama became, and even then it was baby steps.

The only racial disparity in the criminal justice system is the race of the people committing the crimes. People who acknowledge the simple truth that black people commit crime at a higher rate than whites which is why they get arrested more often are called racist white supremacists. It's like the left wants us to live in denial.
Well I disagree but that is probably stuff for another thread.

It's really not though. Conservatives aren't the ones living in denial when it's the left who's unspoken dogma about so-called minority groups is: "Stop noticing the bad things they do!"

I don't think so. The denial is in the fact that these "bad things" are are driven by a variety of causes, not the least of which are often associated with poverty. The conservatives try to simplify it and make it all about race when it's not.
This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why they can get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

That's bull shit. We have an illegal immigration problem because we don't have a southern border, we have better jobs than in Mexico and we pay tons of welfare to illegal criminals who ignore our laws.

That has the impact that we can't bring in more legals. There is no chicken and the egg. None of the low end Mexicans who go on welfare would be coming in if we only had legal immigration. We'd be accepting middle class Mexicans and others from across the world who can support themselves instead.

I don't understand how someone who keeps claiming to be a libertarian constantly vomits authoritarian leftist talking points

Wrong. Visa overstays outnumber illegal border crossings; trend likely to continue
Guys - this thread is going way off topic - please review the OP, and take the fisticuffs and pissing contests to the Flame Zone. This is CDZ after all.
LMAO. OMG, you're delusional. Democrat's whole shtick is that they are zealots and Republicans are weak and pathetic. That's why you're in meltdown over Trump, who is fighting back
Okay. Different universes. We'll see soon enough.
You're proving my point begging the Republicans not to fight back. Of course you don't want them to
I realize Trumpsters have been sold that there's only one way to fight back: Like petulant teenagers. That's up to you.

You're just illustrating the OP for me.

Yes, you want Republicans to roll over. They've done that all my life, and it's worked out great for you. You just want the ride to continue

Were you asleep in 2010? Seriously. Remember the Tea Party? Remember how they swept to victory in the midterms? Remember how much damage they did, which you no doubt perceived as progress?

Revisionist History doesn't work when we all saw the original as it played out.

That made no sense. It's just more of your empty Marxist rhetoric
This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why we can't get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

And that is why we need bi-partisan comprehensive immigration reform, not bandaid approaches. It seems to me that if the parties could apply the same energy, determination, and give and take that they did to the budget bill - they could accomplish this instead of kicking it down the road again and again.
You can't be serious. Publicly traded company means they are free of political bias? The New York Times, Google and Facebook to name a few are massive publicly traded companies with equally massive Liberal bias.

The biases are not “massive”. That’s another FOX/Breitbart lie. They “lean” left, but unlike FOX which I have never heard of criticizing a Republican policy or stance, the MSM has no qualms about criticizing the left.
Oops - my mistake - thought topic was in the CDZ...usually...usually it's the other way around. It's in Politics - carry on, but try to stay on topic. Apologe.
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This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why they can get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

That's bull shit. We have an illegal immigration problem because we don't have a southern border, we have better jobs than in Mexico and we pay tons of welfare to illegal criminals who ignore our laws.

That has the impact that we can't bring in more legals.

No, it really doesn't. We can widen the pipeline for legal immigrants regardless.

I don't understand how someone who keeps claiming to be a libertarian constantly vomits authoritarian leftist talking points

That's because you don't understand liberty. Most libertarians think your wall is asinine.

You're full of shit. Libertarians are split on the wall and both sides feel strongly about it
This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why we can't get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

And that is why we need bi-partisan comprehensive immigration reform, not bandaid approaches. It seems to me that if the parties could apply the same energy, determination, and give and take that they did to the budget bill - they could accomplish this instead of kicking it down the road again and again.

The problem is, our voting system drives the take-no-prisoners, partisan mindset. This would help a lot: Fair Representation Act - Fairvote
This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why we can't get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

And that is why we need bi-partisan comprehensive immigration reform, not bandaid approaches. It seems to me that if the parties could apply the same energy, determination, and give and take that they did to the budget bill - they could accomplish this instead of kicking it down the road again and again.

The problem is, our voting system drives the take-no-prisoners, partisan mindset. This would help a lot: Fair Representation Act - Fairvote

I actually find that a very intriguing concept - worth a thread on it's own in fact!
This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why they can get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

That's bull shit. We have an illegal immigration problem because we don't have a southern border, we have better jobs than in Mexico and we pay tons of welfare to illegal criminals who ignore our laws.

That has the impact that we can't bring in more legals.

No, it really doesn't. We can widen the pipeline for legal immigrants regardless.

I don't understand how someone who keeps claiming to be a libertarian constantly vomits authoritarian leftist talking points

That's because you don't understand liberty. Most libertarians think your wall is asinine.

You're full of shit. Libertarians are split on the wall and both sides feel strongly about it

Heh.. sure. Tell yourself that, while you lace up your jackboots.
This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why they can get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

That's bull shit. We have an illegal immigration problem because we don't have a southern border, we have better jobs than in Mexico and we pay tons of welfare to illegal criminals who ignore our laws.

That has the impact that we can't bring in more legals.

No, it really doesn't. We can widen the pipeline for legal immigrants regardless.

I don't understand how someone who keeps claiming to be a libertarian constantly vomits authoritarian leftist talking points

That's because you don't understand liberty. Most libertarians think your wall is asinine.

You're full of shit. Libertarians are split on the wall and both sides feel strongly about it

Heh.. sure. Tell yourself that, while you lace up your jackboots.

From the guy who thinks libertarians speak in leftist talking points ...

Apparently you're not only a fake libertarian, but you don't know any. Yes, some libertarians are against border control. But if you don't know that there are lots of us on both sides, you just don't know what you're talking about. The war on terror and abortion are two more split issues.

LOL, you just want to be a libertarian if everyone has the same position on every issue, maybe that's why you're more comfortable as a leftist
From the guy who thinks libertarians speak in leftist talking points ...

I'd ask what your definition of "leftist" is, but it's pretty clear it's just a label you attach to anyone who disagrees with you.
That's bull shit. We have an illegal immigration problem because we don't have a southern border, we have better jobs than in Mexico and we pay tons of welfare to illegal criminals who ignore our laws.

That has the impact that we can't bring in more legals.

No, it really doesn't. We can widen the pipeline for legal immigrants regardless.

I don't understand how someone who keeps claiming to be a libertarian constantly vomits authoritarian leftist talking points

That's because you don't understand liberty. Most libertarians think your wall is asinine.

You're full of shit. Libertarians are split on the wall and both sides feel strongly about it

Heh.. sure. Tell yourself that, while you lace up your jackboots.

From the guy who thinks libertarians speak in leftist talking points ...

Apparently you're not only a fake libertarian, but you don't know any. Yes, some libertarians are against border control. But if you don't know that there are lots of us on both sides, you just don't know what you're talking about. The war on terror and abortion are two more split issues.

LOL, you just want to be a libertarian if everyone has the same position on every issue, maybe that's why you're more comfortable as a leftist

I'd ask what your definition of "leftist" is, but it's pretty clear it's just a label you attach to anyone who disagrees with you.

The obvious is way beyond your comprehension. That's what leftists do exactly. You have the same position on ever issue, and everyone who isn't a leftist is a Republican/Trump supporter.

I actually oppose leftists, neocons, socons and other groups who are clearly not the same. And unlike you, I don't use the same Democrat talking points for them all either.

You're a libertarian who thinks libertarians all have the same view on every issue. That one was classic
This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why they can get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

That's bull shit. We have an illegal immigration problem because we don't have a southern border, we have better jobs than in Mexico and we pay tons of welfare to illegal criminals who ignore our laws.

That has the impact that we can't bring in more legals.

No, it really doesn't. We can widen the pipeline for legal immigrants regardless.

I don't understand how someone who keeps claiming to be a libertarian constantly vomits authoritarian leftist talking points

That's because you don't understand liberty. Most libertarians think your wall is asinine.

You're full of shit. Libertarians are split on the wall and both sides feel strongly about it

Heh.. sure. Tell yourself that, while you lace up your jackboots.

BTW, you're not very observant, but most of the libertarians on this board support the wall and having a southern ...
You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why they can get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

That's bull shit. We have an illegal immigration problem because we don't have a southern border, we have better jobs than in Mexico and we pay tons of welfare to illegal criminals who ignore our laws.

That has the impact that we can't bring in more legals.

No, it really doesn't. We can widen the pipeline for legal immigrants regardless.

I don't understand how someone who keeps claiming to be a libertarian constantly vomits authoritarian leftist talking points

That's because you don't understand liberty. Most libertarians think your wall is asinine.

You're full of shit. Libertarians are split on the wall and both sides feel strongly about it

Heh.. sure. Tell yourself that, while you lace up your jackboots.

BTW, you're not very observant, but most of the libertarians on this board support the wall and having a southern ...

Proving that anyone can call themselves a libertarian - even Trump supporters. They can also call themselves unicorns.
Oops - my mistake - thought topic was in the CDZ...usually...usually it's the other way around. It's in Politics - carry on, but try to stay on topic. Apologe.

I think we should all get two days free game time.

Oh. Wrong board.

All apologies.

Liberals pushed for that until it reached a tipping point, then it became widespread. Parties and ideologies are two different things as the southern Dems were absolutely conservative. But here is where I think the GOP does make them feel like their voices are not heard, Black Lives Matter. What is ignored is the huge groundswell of anger at their concerns being ignored for years. Instead of listening they are demonized, their kids are labeled thugs. How is that different than the rust belt being labeled racist because they see illegal immigrants as taking their jobs?

Nobody in the rust belt has been labeled racist simply for concern over losing jobs. That's especially true since the REAL reason jobs were lost has nothing to do with ethnic minorities.
They have been lumping of those people into one label...deploarable. And that automatically negates their concerns.

And yes, the reasons for job loss are not because of immigrants, they are diverse, complex and regional. But it isn’t about facts it is about perceptions and addressing them. How can you address them when you have already decided they aren’t worth listening to? Go in there and dog jobs, pensions, community revival, drug addiction treatment and prevention, healthcare, and boosting education and vocational retraining. These people don’t want to hear about lgbtq rights, they need their immediate concerns addressed.

If I told you that all of those things are addressed in the Dem platform but they aren't perceived as being addressed by those in the rust belt because they have been led to focus on the things like LTBQ rights as they have real disdain for gay people....would you see merit in my comment?

homosexuality and lesbianism are mental illnesses. to pretend that they are anything else is to be ignorant of human biology.

But, we should be tolerant of people with mental issues and treat them with respect, not make them something "special".
Like not labeling it a mental illness since it isn’t according to the DMSV and treating them like any one else with that same rights and equal protection? Sure I can agree with that.

a mental illness is an abnormal mental condition. Then we get into the definition of what is "normal", that takes us to human biology and anatomy which make it quite clear that human bodies are designed for bisexual reproduction and copulation. Anything else is abnormal and therefor, a mental illness. I don't care what some left wing "medical" group says, I defer to common sense and logical thinking.
I'm sure they have noticed. They have noticed the lowest black unemployment rate in years, the lowest number of welfare recipients in years, the reduction of regulations that allows minority businesses to flourish. Yes, they have noticed, and they thank President Trump.
That's #2 in my OP, assuming that your priorities are everyone's priorities. They are not.

that's exactly the problem, we have become two countries. Might be time to separate and see which system works best.
that's exactly the problem, we have become two countries. Might be time to separate and see which system works best.

Yep. Blow it up! :cuckoo:

California already has, that state is openly ignoring and defying federal law.

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