Conservatives sold themselves two lies

I'm sure they have noticed. They have noticed the lowest black unemployment rate in years, the lowest number of welfare recipients in years, the reduction of regulations that allows minority businesses to flourish. Yes, they have noticed, and they thank President Trump.
That's #2 in my OP, assuming that your priorities are everyone's priorities. They are not.

that's exactly the problem, we have become two countries. Might be time to separate and see which system works best.
that's exactly the problem, we have become two countries. Might be time to separate and see which system works best.

Yep. Blow it up! :cuckoo:

California already has, that state is openly ignoring and defying federal law.
Just not in the way you suggested, loser.
Who do you plan on shooting first?
My mother, my wife or my daughter?
This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why we can't get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

And that is why we need bi-partisan comprehensive immigration reform, not bandaid approaches. It seems to me that if the parties could apply the same energy, determination, and give and take that they did to the budget bill - they could accomplish this instead of kicking it down the road again and again.

I agree with you completely. I don't believe it's an issue anyone wants die on. But Trump was able to get where he is by stirring up long hidden fears and misgivings over these people to the point where elected officials are hesitant to make a stand. IOW, Trump screwed the pooch by making it such an issue.
Nobody in the rust belt has been labeled racist simply for concern over losing jobs. That's especially true since the REAL reason jobs were lost has nothing to do with ethnic minorities.
They have been lumping of those people into one label...deploarable. And that automatically negates their concerns.

And yes, the reasons for job loss are not because of immigrants, they are diverse, complex and regional. But it isn’t about facts it is about perceptions and addressing them. How can you address them when you have already decided they aren’t worth listening to? Go in there and dog jobs, pensions, community revival, drug addiction treatment and prevention, healthcare, and boosting education and vocational retraining. These people don’t want to hear about lgbtq rights, they need their immediate concerns addressed.

If I told you that all of those things are addressed in the Dem platform but they aren't perceived as being addressed by those in the rust belt because they have been led to focus on the things like LTBQ rights as they have real disdain for gay people....would you see merit in my comment?

homosexuality and lesbianism are mental illnesses. to pretend that they are anything else is to be ignorant of human biology.

But, we should be tolerant of people with mental issues and treat them with respect, not make them something "special".
Like not labeling it a mental illness since it isn’t according to the DMSV and treating them like any one else with that same rights and equal protection? Sure I can agree with that.

a mental illness is an abnormal mental condition. Then we get into the definition of what is "normal", that takes us to human biology and anatomy which make it quite clear that human bodies are designed for bisexual reproduction and copulation. Anything else is abnormal and therefor, a mental illness. I don't care what some left wing "medical" group says, I defer to common sense and logical thinking.

I lot of things used to be considered "abnormal mental conditions" but aren't now.

10 Obsolete Mental Disorders - Listverse

What are your thoughts on these?
This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why they can get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

That's bull shit. We have an illegal immigration problem because we don't have a southern border, we have better jobs than in Mexico and we pay tons of welfare to illegal criminals who ignore our laws.

That has the impact that we can't bring in more legals.

No, it really doesn't. We can widen the pipeline for legal immigrants regardless.

I don't understand how someone who keeps claiming to be a libertarian constantly vomits authoritarian leftist talking points

That's because you don't understand liberty. Most libertarians think your wall is asinine.

You're full of shit. Libertarians are split on the wall and both sides feel strongly about it

Which then makes their opinion moot like most subjects that both sides feel strongly about amongst themselves.
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.

You are selling yourself a lie...and the first starts with "conservatism". It has been a failure. It is THAT recognition which put Trump in office and will keep him there.
Nobody thought it would go "swimmingly". Well nobody with a brain. You can check my previous posts on this back as long as I have been a member. Trump is doing fine but we know we face an entrenched elite. Trump was the political hand grenade we threw into the swamp but that is only part of the battle.
If you are speaking of the spending bill we know democrats will always hold the military hostage for their constituents overseas. I think Trump knows it as well.

But you snicker because the people are thwarted again. That only makes your reckoning worse.
I think that "political hand grenade" is a very appropriate metaphor for Trump. Lots of destruction and collateral damage. And sometimes the grenade goes off in the thrower's hand.

That actually brings up a third lie they told themselves: That the hand grenade known as Trump was the only option they had left. That trotting out a grotesque, vulgar man-child as a middle finger to the country was all they could do. Dubya, then Palin, now Trump - when did the GOP become so anti-intellectual, so shallow, so simplistic?

My guess is that Trump is a primal scream, a last gasp. We'll see.
Do tell. Instead we could have had President Hillary instead and that fascist dreamer utopia she would have forced on us. Trump sucks, true. But if he puts a roadblock in all that weirdo lefty group think gay rights pro illegal alien propaganda, for a while, anyway. I really truly just want America to be American, not weirdo sex perverts illegal aliens pseudo whatever fill in the blanks America. Really truly America.
An example of my point. The country has changed, in part because the Right did nothing as the Left created a new culture over the last couple of generations.

So now, if you want your old America back, you'll have to change minds. I don't see anyone on the Right actually trying to do that. All I see is denial of the obvious and a circling of the wagons. A parroting of the phrases and (worse) thought processes they pick up from talk radio.

You'll have to do better than that. I don't think the Right knows how.
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Do tell. Instead we could have had President Hillary instead and that fascist dreamer utopia she would have forced on us. Trump sucks, true. But if he puts a roadblock in all that weirdo lefty group think gay rights pro illegal alien propaganda, for a while, anyway. I really truly just want America to be American, not weirdo sex perverts illegal aliens pseudo whatever fill in the blanks America. Really truly America.
An example of my point. The country has changed, in part because the Right did nothing as the Left created a new culture over the last couple of generations.

I still think it's a mistake to use government to force social change, regardless of which side it's coming from, regardless of the change in question. The government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not our master.
Do tell. Instead we could have had President Hillary instead and that fascist dreamer utopia she would have forced on us. Trump sucks, true. But if he puts a roadblock in all that weirdo lefty group think gay rights pro illegal alien propaganda, for a while, anyway. I really truly just want America to be American, not weirdo sex perverts illegal aliens pseudo whatever fill in the blanks America. Really truly America.
An example of my point. The country has changed, in part because the Right did nothing as the Left created a new culture over the last couple of generations.

I still think it's a mistake to use government to force social change, regardless of which side it's coming from, regardless of the change in question. The government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not their master.
Yeah, you'd think. But this culture is changing rapidly, and we're definitely headed in that direction.
Do tell. Instead we could have had President Hillary instead and that fascist dreamer utopia she would have forced on us. Trump sucks, true. But if he puts a roadblock in all that weirdo lefty group think gay rights pro illegal alien propaganda, for a while, anyway. I really truly just want America to be American, not weirdo sex perverts illegal aliens pseudo whatever fill in the blanks America. Really truly America.
An example of my point. The country has changed, in part because the Right did nothing as the Left created a new culture over the last couple of generations.

I still think it's a mistake to use government to force social change, regardless of which side it's coming from, regardless of the change in question. The government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not their master.
Yeah, you'd think. But this culture is changing rapidly, and we're definitely headed in that direction.

The culture changing rapidly doesn't bother me. Special interest groups using government to manipulate that change does. The Democrats have been guilty of indulging that, and it's cost us. And they don't seem to have learned anything from their mistakes.
Do tell. Instead we could have had President Hillary instead and that fascist dreamer utopia she would have forced on us. Trump sucks, true. But if he puts a roadblock in all that weirdo lefty group think gay rights pro illegal alien propaganda, for a while, anyway. I really truly just want America to be American, not weirdo sex perverts illegal aliens pseudo whatever fill in the blanks America. Really truly America.
An example of my point. The country has changed, in part because the Right did nothing as the Left created a new culture over the last couple of generations.

I still think it's a mistake to use government to force social change, regardless of which side it's coming from, regardless of the change in question. The government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not their master.
Yeah, you'd think. But this culture is changing rapidly, and we're definitely headed in that direction.

The culture changing rapidly doesn't bother me. Special interest groups using government to manipulate that change does. The Democrats have been guilty of indulging that, and it's cost us. And they don't seem to have learned anything from their mistakes.
Well, that depends on how "culture" is defined. Identity Politics created those special interest groups, and I'd file that under culture because it's now so ingrained in our society.
Do tell. Instead we could have had President Hillary instead and that fascist dreamer utopia she would have forced on us. Trump sucks, true. But if he puts a roadblock in all that weirdo lefty group think gay rights pro illegal alien propaganda, for a while, anyway. I really truly just want America to be American, not weirdo sex perverts illegal aliens pseudo whatever fill in the blanks America. Really truly America.
An example of my point. The country has changed, in part because the Right did nothing as the Left created a new culture over the last couple of generations.

I still think it's a mistake to use government to force social change, regardless of which side it's coming from, regardless of the change in question. The government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not their master.
Yeah, you'd think. But this culture is changing rapidly, and we're definitely headed in that direction.

The culture changing rapidly doesn't bother me. Special interest groups using government to manipulate that change does. The Democrats have been guilty of indulging that, and it's cost us. And they don't seem to have learned anything from their mistakes.
Well, that depends on how "culture" is defined. Identity Politics created those special interest groups, and I'd file that under culture because it's now so ingrained in our society.

I don't know what that's supposed to mean.
An example of my point. The country has changed, in part because the Right did nothing as the Left created a new culture over the last couple of generations.

I still think it's a mistake to use government to force social change, regardless of which side it's coming from, regardless of the change in question. The government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not their master.
Yeah, you'd think. But this culture is changing rapidly, and we're definitely headed in that direction.

The culture changing rapidly doesn't bother me. Special interest groups using government to manipulate that change does. The Democrats have been guilty of indulging that, and it's cost us. And they don't seem to have learned anything from their mistakes.
Well, that depends on how "culture" is defined. Identity Politics created those special interest groups, and I'd file that under culture because it's now so ingrained in our society.

I don't know what that's supposed to mean.
Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet. I agree with you that special interest groups using government to manipulate change is probably not a good thing. My point is that many of those special interest groups have come about as a result of Identity Politics.

Where we may disagree is that I think we're a culture in decay.
My point is that many of those special interest groups have come about as a result of Identity Politics.

This is the part I didn't get from the previous post. It seems like a rather obvious truism. Identity politics is essentially just a special case of special interest politics. Are you saying that this as, somehow, NOT forcing social change with government?
My point is that many of those special interest groups have come about as a result of Identity Politics.
This is the part I didn't get from the previous post. It seems like a rather obvious truism. Identity politics is essentially just a special case of special interest politics. Are you saying that this as, somehow, NOT forcing social change with government?
No, just the opposite. Those who push Identity Politics would LOVE to leverage government to make their opinions and agendas statutory.
My point is that many of those special interest groups have come about as a result of Identity Politics.
This is the part I didn't get from the previous post. It seems like a rather obvious truism. Identity politics is essentially just a special case of special interest politics. Are you saying that this as, somehow, NOT forcing social change with government?
No, just the opposite. Those who push Identity Politics would LOVE to leverage government to make their opinions and agendas statutory.

Well, the Democrats eat, sleep and breath identity politics, so their "victory" in the culture wars doesn't seem like anything to celebrate.

You accused Republicans of wanting their "old America" back, and there's definitely many of them who do. But I think the bulk of the anger among Republicans and independents hinges on the perception that the change is being forced on them with government - that their views aren't just becoming minority opinions in society, but are being actively targeted for suppression by leftist government.

That, to me, is the perception Democrats need to come to terms with - if they want to govern from consensus rather than merely seeking short-term partisan gain. The cake-baking thing is an embarrassingly trivial thing to argue about, but it's emblematic of the hubris that is alienating so many people. Regardless of ideology, Democrats need to recognize that that kind of micro-management of society is a bridge too far, that it's harming more than it's helping.
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My point is that many of those special interest groups have come about as a result of Identity Politics.
This is the part I didn't get from the previous post. It seems like a rather obvious truism. Identity politics is essentially just a special case of special interest politics. Are you saying that this as, somehow, NOT forcing social change with government?
No, just the opposite. Those who push Identity Politics would LOVE to leverage government to make their opinions and agendas statutory.

Well, the Democrats eat, sleep and breath identity politics, so their "victory" in the culture wars doesn't seem like anything to celebrate.

You accused Republicans of wanting their "old America" back, and there's definitely many of them who do. But I think the bulk of the anger among Republicans and independents is the perception that the change is being forced on them with government - that their views aren't just becoming minority opinions, but are being actively targeted for suppression by leftist government.

That, to me, is the perception Democrats need to come to terms with - if they want to govern from consensus rather than merely seeking short-term partisan gain. The cake-baking thing is an embarrassingly trivial thing to argue about, but it's emblematic of the hubris that is alienating so many people. Regardless of ideology, Democrats need to recognize that that kind of micro-management of society as bridge too far, that it's alienating more people than it's helping.
I think where we disagree is that I don't think the Left (and I'm talking about the Regressive Left, the illiberal authoritarian Left) is as focused on leveraging government as you do. Yes, they'll happily take what they can get there, but they don't NEED to. They have something far more powerful.

This country has changed significantly through the culture, not the government. The government merely follows the culture. That's why I say the Right has simply watched over the last couple of generations as the culture has moved and decayed, right in front of their noses.

So we just may not agree on the source of this.
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.

You are selling yourself a lie...and the first starts with "conservatism". It has been a failure. It is THAT recognition which put Trump in office and will keep him there.
Nobody thought it would go "swimmingly". Well nobody with a brain. You can check my previous posts on this back as long as I have been a member. Trump is doing fine but we know we face an entrenched elite. Trump was the political hand grenade we threw into the swamp but that is only part of the battle.
If you are speaking of the spending bill we know democrats will always hold the military hostage for their constituents overseas. I think Trump knows it as well.

But you snicker because the people are thwarted again. That only makes your reckoning worse.
I think that "political hand grenade" is a very appropriate metaphor for Trump. Lots of destruction and collateral damage. And sometimes the grenade goes off in the thrower's hand.

That actually brings up a third lie they told themselves: That the hand grenade known as Trump was the only option they had left. That trotting out a grotesque, vulgar man-child as a middle finger to the country was all they could do. Dubya, then Palin, now Trump - when did the GOP become so anti-intellectual, so shallow, so simplistic?

My guess is that Trump is a primal scream, a last gasp. We'll see.

Back to claiming that the left are all "intellectuals", Mac? Like Nancy Pelosi is a "deep thinker"? Give that nonsense a had Joe Biden who's so stupid he had to cheat to get through law school.

As for how we ended up with Trump? Take a look in the mirror my friend. It was the liberal media that pushed Trump hard when he was running against other Republicans for the nomination. CNN LOVED Trump! Why? Because you all thought he was the guy that Hillary damaged and corrupt as she was...could beat! Your analogy of Trump being a hand grenade that sometimes goes off in your hand is rather apt but in this case he was the hand grenade that many on the left wanted but now he has in essence gone off in their hands!
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.

You are selling yourself a lie...and the first starts with "conservatism". It has been a failure. It is THAT recognition which put Trump in office and will keep him there.
Nobody thought it would go "swimmingly". Well nobody with a brain. You can check my previous posts on this back as long as I have been a member. Trump is doing fine but we know we face an entrenched elite. Trump was the political hand grenade we threw into the swamp but that is only part of the battle.
If you are speaking of the spending bill we know democrats will always hold the military hostage for their constituents overseas. I think Trump knows it as well.

But you snicker because the people are thwarted again. That only makes your reckoning worse.
I think that "political hand grenade" is a very appropriate metaphor for Trump. Lots of destruction and collateral damage. And sometimes the grenade goes off in the thrower's hand.

That actually brings up a third lie they told themselves: That the hand grenade known as Trump was the only option they had left. That trotting out a grotesque, vulgar man-child as a middle finger to the country was all they could do. Dubya, then Palin, now Trump - when did the GOP become so anti-intellectual, so shallow, so simplistic?

My guess is that Trump is a primal scream, a last gasp. We'll see.

Back to claiming that the left are all "intellectuals", Mac? Like Nancy Pelosi is a "deep thinker"? Give that nonsense a had Joe Biden who's so stupid he had to cheat to get through law school.

As for how we ended up with Trump? Take a look in the mirror my friend. It was the liberal media that pushed Trump hard when he was running against other Republicans for the nomination. CNN LOVED Trump! Why? Because you all thought he was the guy that Hillary damaged and corrupt as she was...could beat! Your analogy of Trump being a hand grenade that sometimes goes off in your hand is rather apt but in this case he was the hand grenade that many on the left wanted but now he has in essence gone off in their hands!
Nope, didn't say the Left are all intellectuals. So, that straw man can be tossed.

You have the guy you want, and the Regressive Left is licking its chops for '18 and '20. We'll see how it goes.
I think where we disagree is that I don't think the Left (and I'm talking about the Regressive Left, the illiberal authoritarian Left) is as focused on leveraging government as you do. Yes, they'll happily take what they can get there, but they don't NEED to. They have something far more powerful.

No, I actually agree. We don't need government to pursue social change. But they've been employing it regardless. Their motivations don't mitigate the damage.

This country has changed significantly through the culture, not the government. The government merely follows the culture.

I agree. Yet Democrats are still pursuing laws to accelerate that change. I think it's a mistake. It makes it impossible for me to vote Democrat, even when faced with a buffoon like Trump.
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.

You are selling yourself a lie...and the first starts with "conservatism". It has been a failure. It is THAT recognition which put Trump in office and will keep him there.
Nobody thought it would go "swimmingly". Well nobody with a brain. You can check my previous posts on this back as long as I have been a member. Trump is doing fine but we know we face an entrenched elite. Trump was the political hand grenade we threw into the swamp but that is only part of the battle.
If you are speaking of the spending bill we know democrats will always hold the military hostage for their constituents overseas. I think Trump knows it as well.

But you snicker because the people are thwarted again. That only makes your reckoning worse.
I think that "political hand grenade" is a very appropriate metaphor for Trump. Lots of destruction and collateral damage. And sometimes the grenade goes off in the thrower's hand.

That actually brings up a third lie they told themselves: That the hand grenade known as Trump was the only option they had left. That trotting out a grotesque, vulgar man-child as a middle finger to the country was all they could do. Dubya, then Palin, now Trump - when did the GOP become so anti-intellectual, so shallow, so simplistic?

My guess is that Trump is a primal scream, a last gasp. We'll see.

Back to claiming that the left are all "intellectuals", Mac? Like Nancy Pelosi is a "deep thinker"? Give that nonsense a had Joe Biden who's so stupid he had to cheat to get through law school.

As for how we ended up with Trump? Take a look in the mirror my friend. It was the liberal media that pushed Trump hard when he was running against other Republicans for the nomination. CNN LOVED Trump! Why? Because you all thought he was the guy that Hillary damaged and corrupt as she was...could beat! Your analogy of Trump being a hand grenade that sometimes goes off in your hand is rather apt but in this case he was the hand grenade that many on the left wanted but now he has in essence gone off in their hands!
Nope, didn't say the Left are all intellectuals. So, that straw man can be tossed.

You have the guy you want, and the Regressive Left is licking its chops for '18 and '20. We'll see how it goes.

The Regressive Left got the guy THEY wanted, Mac! The problem is THAT GUY BEAT HILLARY! Something that they didn't think could happen in a million years. Now they're licking their wounds trying to figure out what they're going to do if Trump fulfills campaign promises. If he does...they're in trouble because they're going to run another Obama...someone with very few accomplishments but a good stage presence. I'm guessing it will be Kamala Harris.

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