Conservatives sold themselves two lies

This is a huge reason we need a border wall. It's so unfair for people to go through that and then we have option B of walk across our southern border and cut in line. We could accept so many more legal immigrants who follow the law if we didn't do that and accept the criminals who walk across our southern border now

You don't see the chicken-and-egg in that? The reason we have a problem with illegal immigration is because we aren't accepting enough legal immigrants. If we opened that up, most people would use the legal channels, and we could be pretty certain that those who weren't were 'bad guys'. As it is, most Americans recognize that most 'illegal' immigrants are just poor people trying to feed their families. That's why they can get behind putting them all in jail, or building a wall, or whatever authoritarian horseshit Trumpsters are cheering for.

That's bull shit. We have an illegal immigration problem because we don't have a southern border, we have better jobs than in Mexico and we pay tons of welfare to illegal criminals who ignore our laws.

That has the impact that we can't bring in more legals.

No, it really doesn't. We can widen the pipeline for legal immigrants regardless.

I don't understand how someone who keeps claiming to be a libertarian constantly vomits authoritarian leftist talking points

That's because you don't understand liberty. Most libertarians think your wall is asinine.

You're full of shit. Libertarians are split on the wall and both sides feel strongly about it

Which then makes their opinion moot like most subjects that both sides feel strongly about amongst themselves.

Well, I guess you take pride in that every Democrats has the same position on every issue and I like the libertarians don't.

George Patton: If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking.

That's the Democrat party

You're going to lose because you've been listening to the wrong voices. You've been led down the wrong path by people whose highest priorities are ratings.

You bought into it. That's your own fault.

You just made my point.

You think it is the right path for this country to become a socialist shithole.

Let me guess. You think Obama did a wonderful job and that Crooked Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever for President and you were with Her.

You Moon Bats are delusional as hell.

You will probably win in the long run and this country will be another Venezuela but hey, at least you will getting a nice welfare check for awhile so who cares?[
Well, there's a nice, simplistic Straw Man to start the day with.

Either we're obedient Trumpsters or we're Venezuelan socialists. That's it.

That's the kind of binary thinking that has blinded you to what's coming.

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

Lots of welfare queens in this country and The Swamp is deep and wide. We know that.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?


Yes we know that the illegals, queers, welfare queens, antoi gun nuts, Feminazi. Moon Bats and environmental wackos have different priorities. We have been fighting those sonofbitches for a long time. What welse is new?
And there's my point.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Conservatives know that his country is turning into a socialist shithole and it is a uphill battle to fight that destruction.

In the long run we probably won't win.
You're going to lose because you've been listening to the wrong voices. You've been led down the wrong path by people whose highest priorities are ratings.

You bought into it. That's your own fault.

No Moon Bat, you are confused.

You are winning because we live in a representative democracy and you butt pirates have imported enough welfare queens to sway elections. That is the failure of democracy when the 51% finds out it can use the filthy government to steal from the 49%.

LBJ's idea to put everybody on welfare so that they will be compelled to vote for Democrats to keep the welfare checks coming in worked out pretty damn well. Of course when it slowed down you turds made sure that the welfare queens would flood across the border to boost your numbers.

Without the the welfare queens and illegals you little Moon Bat shitheads would never get more than 25% of the vote, would you?

You're going to lose because you've been listening to the wrong voices. You've been led down the wrong path by people whose highest priorities are ratings.

You bought into it. That's your own fault.

You just made my point.

You think it is the right path for this country to become a socialist shithole.

Let me guess. You think Obama did a wonderful job and that Crooked Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever for President and you were with Her.

You Moon Bats are delusional as hell.

You will probably win in the long run and this country will be another Venezuela but hey, at least you will getting a nice welfare check for awhile so who cares?[
Well, there's a nice, simplistic Straw Man to start the day with.

Either we're obedient Trumpsters or we're Venezuelan socialists. That's it.

That's the kind of binary thinking that has blinded you to what's coming.

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the despicable assholes in this country.

Negroes that vote their welfare checks, Illegals, anti gun nuts, environmental wackos, Feminazis, greedy union bosses, welfare queens, queers, pink pussy hat Moon Bats and confused college kids and their batshit crazy Marxist professors.

That is the Democrat Party now. The scum of this country.

The only valid point you can make is that there are a shitload of the assholes in this country that can sway elections.

The greedy asshole liberals will have the numbers to fuck up this country because they allowed Central America to import its poverty onto our welfare system so don't you worry your pink pussy hat head about it. You will get your socialist shithole.

You're going to lose because you've been listening to the wrong voices. You've been led down the wrong path by people whose highest priorities are ratings.

You bought into it. That's your own fault.

You just made my point.

You think it is the right path for this country to become a socialist shithole.

Let me guess. You think Obama did a wonderful job and that Crooked Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever for President and you were with Her.

You Moon Bats are delusional as hell.

You will probably win in the long run and this country will be another Venezuela but hey, at least you will getting a nice welfare check for awhile so who cares?[
Well, there's a nice, simplistic Straw Man to start the day with.

Either we're obedient Trumpsters or we're Venezuelan socialists. That's it.

That's the kind of binary thinking that has blinded you to what's coming.

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the despicable assholes in this country.

Negroes that vote their welfare checks, Illegals, anti gun nuts, environmental wackos, Feminazis, greedy union bosses, welfare queens, queers, pink pussy hat Moon Bats and confused college kids and their batshit crazy Marxist professors.

That is the Democrat Party now. The scum of this country.

The only valid point you can make is that there are a shitload of the assholes in this country that can sway elections.

The greedy asshole liberals will have the numbers to fuck up this country because they allowed Central America to import its poverty onto our welfare system so don't you worry your pink pussy hat head about it. You will get your socialist shithole.
Every Democrat in the country thanks you for your little tirade there.
.. and minorities have noticed.

Been lied to by the vile media.

The only people empowering the white nationalists are the media that have a vested interests in lying about their size and relevance.
You can't blame everything on the media.

People watch and listen and live, and they see.

Was it the media's fault when Trump claimed to not know who David Duke is? Was that fake news?

Come on.

Trump has denounced white supremacists over and over, before and after that single example.

After a certain point, the question becomes not a question, but a propaganda smear, where by asking it, you make the implication that it is a reasonable question to ask, when it is not.

WHat should have happened in any sane world, is that Trump should have punched that fucker in the face for asking the question.

ANd now, because he blows off that question, that one time, the media never lets it die, lies about it, and creates the false impression that Trump is racist.

I do blame the media. I hold them accountable.

Trump is a bully! He may or may not be a racist or a bigot (his record suggests he is), but for sure he is a demagogue (& a charlatan) whose rhetoric is directed to appeal to racists and misogynists; which also includes bigots who fear and thus hate all sizes, shapes, colors and creeds who hold opinions which do not support their fears.

That's an excellent answer. If your goal was to inform us that you hate Trump.

It in no way addressed the point, ie the terrible damage the Left's lies are doing to this nation, by setting vast segments of the nation at each other's throats with their vile lies,

specifically regarding the lie that Trump defended or sympathized with or sides with White Supremacists, with the lie

about the "some good people on both sides" comment.

I ever tell you about my discussions with pro life blacks who vote for pro-abortion dems over pro-life republicans?

You have people who literally believe that abortion is killing hundreds of thousands of black babies a year and they are voting for candidates who support that.

YOu have terrorized tens of millions Americans with your lies, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

I don't hate trump, I don't hate anyone. Hate is an emotion as strong as love, and true love like true hate is rare.

Abortion is not the issue, and those who want to eliminate abortions and support efforts to deny contraceptives and age appropriate education in the public schools enable abortions!

I am not tearing this nation apart. you and your support of the NRA and easy access to guns tear apart families everytime a gun is used to kill a human being.
OP appears to be in denial about how the majority of Americans see the issues.
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.
Do tell. Instead we could have had President Hillary instead and that fascist dreamer utopia she would have forced on us. Trump sucks, true. But if he puts a roadblock in all that weirdo lefty group think gay rights pro illegal alien propaganda, for a while, anyway. I really truly just want America to be American, not weirdo sex perverts illegal aliens pseudo whatever fill in the blanks America. Really truly America.
MaryL: A Fascist government is one where the state (government) controls everything. The Republican party, strives for a minimal government where the individual succeeds or fails on his/her own. The Republican party isn't about handing out huge sums of money to lazy individuals who feel that the fact that their mother opened her legs and spit them out, means the government is responsible for being their crutch. Again, Fascist means total government control, Trump and his party are about a SMALL federal government of a "sovereign nation," with strong border control to ensure that those who come in, are not a danger to society. If you want to look toward a Fascist party, look no further than the rioting, screaming left, in the streets.
Has it really changed? I think you're rather naive if you think it has, Mac! People look at how things affect THEM. Especially people who are only now starting to recover from the Great Recession. Hard to vote out someone who put money in your 401K and created jobs for you and your neighbors. Just saying...
You're completely missing my point, which is exactly what I'm talking about. The GOP just isn't seeing what's coming. Here are a couple of points I made earlier:
Look at our massive cultural changes, including entertainment, social mores, PC, Identity Politics. None of that happened overnight, they've all been expanding in influence over time, and the GOP is on the opposite side of all of them. This isn't economic or political, it's cultural. This has been brewing for at least two generations now, and the scale is about to tip.

The GOP can choose to do nothing about it. It can choose to ignore the priorities of this massive wave. That's up to them.
I'm of mixed race. I married into a mixed-race family, and I'm telling ya: With minorities and the GOP, it ain't about jobs or the economy or the stock market. That's the mistake conservatives are making, assuming that minorities have the same priorities. They. Do. Not.

Minorities still feel like outcasts in their own country. And until the GOP recognizes that and specifically addresses it, nothing else is going to matter. Now, if you respond with "the Democrats have essentially cheated with their divisive Identity Politics and PC", well, yeah, I agree. But it is what it is. We are where we are. So the GOP can either continue to not see this, or they can wake up. I don't think they're going to wake up.

I've heard different variations on that theme for the better part of sixty years, Mac. Has our culture changed in that time? Oh, yeah. Has it changed for the better? In some ways yes but in others no. One of the bad changes is the culture of "victim hood" that is now ingrained into Americans! It's never my's always the fault of someone else! I smoked? I got cancer? It's the tobacco companies fault! I didn't watch my diet? I got fat? It's those fast food restaurant's fault! I didn't work hard in school? I didn't graduate? It's the school system's fault! I didn't work as hard as the person next to me and they got promoted and I didn't? It's racism...sexism...or some other "ism" that's to blame...not me!

So who's been hurt by all of this? The GOP? I guess you could say that if you think some old time American values were essential to our success and now when the GOP espouses those values...they're called racists. My question to you as a Democrat is what have you "won" if the country that you've created with your culture changes isn't viable? Is it a win?
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.
The pseudocons sold themselves a helluva lot more than two lies.

They drank the piss that Trump and the GOP had an ObamaCare replacement.

They drank the piss that Trump and the GOP wouldn't run up massive deficits.

They had no clue Trump had neither the intention nor the ability to fulfill his campaign promises.

They drank the piss that Trump is a conservative.

They drank the piss that Putin is a nice guy with whom we should make friends.

They drank the piss that Russia didn't interfere in our election.

The list is long.
Has it really changed? I think you're rather naive if you think it has, Mac! People look at how things affect THEM. Especially people who are only now starting to recover from the Great Recession. Hard to vote out someone who put money in your 401K and created jobs for you and your neighbors. Just saying...
You're completely missing my point, which is exactly what I'm talking about. The GOP just isn't seeing what's coming. Here are a couple of points I made earlier:
Look at our massive cultural changes, including entertainment, social mores, PC, Identity Politics. None of that happened overnight, they've all been expanding in influence over time, and the GOP is on the opposite side of all of them. This isn't economic or political, it's cultural. This has been brewing for at least two generations now, and the scale is about to tip.

The GOP can choose to do nothing about it. It can choose to ignore the priorities of this massive wave. That's up to them.
I'm of mixed race. I married into a mixed-race family, and I'm telling ya: With minorities and the GOP, it ain't about jobs or the economy or the stock market. That's the mistake conservatives are making, assuming that minorities have the same priorities. They. Do. Not.

Minorities still feel like outcasts in their own country. And until the GOP recognizes that and specifically addresses it, nothing else is going to matter. Now, if you respond with "the Democrats have essentially cheated with their divisive Identity Politics and PC", well, yeah, I agree. But it is what it is. We are where we are. So the GOP can either continue to not see this, or they can wake up. I don't think they're going to wake up.

I've heard different variations on that theme for the better part of sixty years, Mac. Has our culture changed in that time? Oh, yeah. Has it changed for the better? In some ways yes but in others no. One of the bad changes is the culture of "victim hood" that is now ingrained into Americans! It's never my's always the fault of someone else! I smoked? I got cancer? It's the tobacco companies fault! I didn't watch my diet? I got fat? It's those fast food restaurant's fault! I didn't work hard in school? I didn't graduate? It's the school system's fault! I didn't work as hard as the person next to me and they got promoted and I didn't? It's racism...sexism...or some other "ism" that's to blame...not me!

So who's been hurt by all of this? The GOP? I guess you could say that if you think some old time American values were essential to our success and now when the GOP espouses those values...they're called racists. My question to you as a Democrat is what have you "won" if the country that you've created with your culture changes isn't viable? Is it a win?
Well first, I'm a left-leaning Independent. The Democratic Party has been taken over by the Regressive Left, illiberal leftist authoritarians who have created what you describe.

No, a culture in decay is not a win for the country, and that's what these people have created. Remember that many of them don't hold a terribly high opinion of this country, so this decay is not a bad thing to them.

This is what concerns me, and in fact I started another thread on it: That Trump & Co would screw up so bigly and so quickly that the Democratic Party won't have to go through the Reformation it so desperately needs. Those Regressives are sitting there, biding their time, and the GOP clearly doesn't think the country's changing demographics are a problem.
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.
The pseudocons sold themselves a helluva lot more than two lies.

They drank the piss that Trump and the GOP had an ObamaCare replacement.

They drank the piss that Trump and the GOP wouldn't run up massive deficits.

They had no clue Trump had neither the intention nor the ability to fulfill his campaign promises.

They drank the piss that Trump is a conservative.

They drank the piss that Putin is a nice guy with whom we should make friends.

They drank the piss that Russia didn't interfere in our election.

The list is long.
Well, the GOP has been led down the wrong path for a long time by people who have the wrong priorities.

So, this was predictable, I guess.
Looking at the threads, it's pretty clear that many of Trump's supporters are throwing up their hands right now. Understandable. Some are blaming Trump, others are blaming the GOP "swamp". Whichever.

Conservatives allowed themselves to believe two lies:

First, that overnight, they could just yank this entire country over to their way of looking at things. Mention "incrementalism" and they'd laugh. They figured things would just go so swimmingly, so quickly, that we'd all just mindlessly fall in line behind them. That's not how it works, guys. You have to prove yourselves. Bit by bit. Over time. You haven't.

that their national priorities are shared by everyone else. Wrong again. You point to the stock market and unemployment as the reasons we should all fall in line. That shows you don't understand that a growing number of people have different priorities. I wonder if you know what they are. You never bring them up. Would any of you like to guess?

We'll know more in eight months. But at some level, you have to know this hasn't been a rousing success so far, and the current trajectory ain't favorable. Outside of blaming someone else, you may want to examine why.
The pseudocons sold themselves a helluva lot more than two lies.

They drank the piss that Trump and the GOP had an ObamaCare replacement.

They drank the piss that Trump and the GOP wouldn't run up massive deficits.

They had no clue Trump had neither the intention nor the ability to fulfill his campaign promises.

They drank the piss that Trump is a conservative.

They drank the piss that Putin is a nice guy with whom we should make friends.

They drank the piss that Russia didn't interfere in our election.

The list is long.
Well, the GOP has been led down the wrong path for a long time by people who have the wrong priorities.

So, this was predictable, I guess.
Yes, it was just a matter of time before a con man saw the opportunity presented by a party which abandoned its principles and beliefs a long time ago and took advantage of it.
Has it really changed? I think you're rather naive if you think it has, Mac! People look at how things affect THEM. Especially people who are only now starting to recover from the Great Recession. Hard to vote out someone who put money in your 401K and created jobs for you and your neighbors. Just saying...
You're completely missing my point, which is exactly what I'm talking about. The GOP just isn't seeing what's coming. Here are a couple of points I made earlier:
Look at our massive cultural changes, including entertainment, social mores, PC, Identity Politics. None of that happened overnight, they've all been expanding in influence over time, and the GOP is on the opposite side of all of them. This isn't economic or political, it's cultural. This has been brewing for at least two generations now, and the scale is about to tip.

The GOP can choose to do nothing about it. It can choose to ignore the priorities of this massive wave. That's up to them.
I'm of mixed race. I married into a mixed-race family, and I'm telling ya: With minorities and the GOP, it ain't about jobs or the economy or the stock market. That's the mistake conservatives are making, assuming that minorities have the same priorities. They. Do. Not.

Minorities still feel like outcasts in their own country. And until the GOP recognizes that and specifically addresses it, nothing else is going to matter. Now, if you respond with "the Democrats have essentially cheated with their divisive Identity Politics and PC", well, yeah, I agree. But it is what it is. We are where we are. So the GOP can either continue to not see this, or they can wake up. I don't think they're going to wake up.

I've heard different variations on that theme for the better part of sixty years, Mac. Has our culture changed in that time? Oh, yeah. Has it changed for the better? In some ways yes but in others no. One of the bad changes is the culture of "victim hood" that is now ingrained into Americans! It's never my's always the fault of someone else! I smoked? I got cancer? It's the tobacco companies fault! I didn't watch my diet? I got fat? It's those fast food restaurant's fault! I didn't work hard in school? I didn't graduate? It's the school system's fault! I didn't work as hard as the person next to me and they got promoted and I didn't? It's racism...sexism...or some other "ism" that's to blame...not me!

So who's been hurt by all of this? The GOP? I guess you could say that if you think some old time American values were essential to our success and now when the GOP espouses those values...they're called racists. My question to you as a Democrat is what have you "won" if the country that you've created with your culture changes isn't viable? Is it a win?
Well first, I'm a left-leaning Independent. The Democratic Party has been taken over by the Regressive Left, illiberal leftist authoritarians who have created what you describe.

No, a culture in decay is not a win for the country, and that's what these people have created. Remember that many of them don't hold a terribly high opinion of this country, so this decay is not a bad thing to them.

This is what concerns me, and in fact I started another thread on it: That Trump & Co would screw up so bigly and so quickly that the Democratic Party won't have to go through the Reformation it so desperately needs. Those Regressives are sitting there, biding their time, and the GOP clearly doesn't think the country's changing demographics are a problem.

I assure you that the GOP is well aware that the country's changing demographics are a problem! It's also a problem for black Democrats as well but they haven't quite figured that out yet. Hispanics hold the whip hand in American politics because we've flooded the country with them for the past forty years. "Minority power" now rests in the hands of people speaking Spanish and they understand how to leverage that power far more than the black community ever did. That's going to be an issue for black Democrats because things that used to go to THEIR communities to ensure votes for Democrats will now more and more be headed for Hispanic communities.
Has it really changed? I think you're rather naive if you think it has, Mac! People look at how things affect THEM. Especially people who are only now starting to recover from the Great Recession. Hard to vote out someone who put money in your 401K and created jobs for you and your neighbors. Just saying...
You're completely missing my point, which is exactly what I'm talking about. The GOP just isn't seeing what's coming. Here are a couple of points I made earlier:
Look at our massive cultural changes, including entertainment, social mores, PC, Identity Politics. None of that happened overnight, they've all been expanding in influence over time, and the GOP is on the opposite side of all of them. This isn't economic or political, it's cultural. This has been brewing for at least two generations now, and the scale is about to tip.

The GOP can choose to do nothing about it. It can choose to ignore the priorities of this massive wave. That's up to them.
I'm of mixed race. I married into a mixed-race family, and I'm telling ya: With minorities and the GOP, it ain't about jobs or the economy or the stock market. That's the mistake conservatives are making, assuming that minorities have the same priorities. They. Do. Not.

Minorities still feel like outcasts in their own country. And until the GOP recognizes that and specifically addresses it, nothing else is going to matter. Now, if you respond with "the Democrats have essentially cheated with their divisive Identity Politics and PC", well, yeah, I agree. But it is what it is. We are where we are. So the GOP can either continue to not see this, or they can wake up. I don't think they're going to wake up.

I've heard different variations on that theme for the better part of sixty years, Mac. Has our culture changed in that time? Oh, yeah. Has it changed for the better? In some ways yes but in others no. One of the bad changes is the culture of "victim hood" that is now ingrained into Americans! It's never my's always the fault of someone else! I smoked? I got cancer? It's the tobacco companies fault! I didn't watch my diet? I got fat? It's those fast food restaurant's fault! I didn't work hard in school? I didn't graduate? It's the school system's fault! I didn't work as hard as the person next to me and they got promoted and I didn't? It's racism...sexism...or some other "ism" that's to blame...not me!

So who's been hurt by all of this? The GOP? I guess you could say that if you think some old time American values were essential to our success and now when the GOP espouses those values...they're called racists. My question to you as a Democrat is what have you "won" if the country that you've created with your culture changes isn't viable? Is it a win?
Well first, I'm a left-leaning Independent. The Democratic Party has been taken over by the Regressive Left, illiberal leftist authoritarians who have created what you describe.

No, a culture in decay is not a win for the country, and that's what these people have created. Remember that many of them don't hold a terribly high opinion of this country, so this decay is not a bad thing to them.

This is what concerns me, and in fact I started another thread on it: That Trump & Co would screw up so bigly and so quickly that the Democratic Party won't have to go through the Reformation it so desperately needs. Those Regressives are sitting there, biding their time, and the GOP clearly doesn't think the country's changing demographics are a problem.

I assure you that the GOP is well aware that the country's changing demographics are a problem! It's also a problem for black Democrats as well but they haven't quite figured that out yet. Hispanics hold the whip hand in American politics because we've flooded the country with them for the past forty years. "Minority power" now rests in the hands of people speaking Spanish and they understand how to leverage that power far more than the black community ever did. That's going to be an issue for black Democrats because things that used to go to THEIR communities to ensure votes for Democrats will now more and more be headed for Hispanic communities.
The Republican party blew a golden opportunity with Hispanics.

The immigrants who come here are trying to save their families. They are deeply Christian, family-oriented, and hard working. In short, they are natural born Republican.

But the GOP and its propaganda outlets like Fox News portray them as criminals, rapists, drug smugglers with only "some" being good people.

What a stupid, dumb fuck, self-destructive, long term strategy!

The same is true of refugees. The fucking dumb shit pseudocons paint the refugees as the terrorists they are fleeing!

You just can't get more retarded than that.
Been lied to by the vile media.

The only people empowering the white nationalists are the media that have a vested interests in lying about their size and relevance.
You can't blame everything on the media.

People watch and listen and live, and they see.

Was it the media's fault when Trump claimed to not know who David Duke is? Was that fake news?

Come on.

Trump has denounced white supremacists over and over, before and after that single example.

After a certain point, the question becomes not a question, but a propaganda smear, where by asking it, you make the implication that it is a reasonable question to ask, when it is not.

WHat should have happened in any sane world, is that Trump should have punched that fucker in the face for asking the question.

ANd now, because he blows off that question, that one time, the media never lets it die, lies about it, and creates the false impression that Trump is racist.

I do blame the media. I hold them accountable.

Trump is a bully! He may or may not be a racist or a bigot (his record suggests he is), but for sure he is a demagogue (& a charlatan) whose rhetoric is directed to appeal to racists and misogynists; which also includes bigots who fear and thus hate all sizes, shapes, colors and creeds who hold opinions which do not support their fears.

That's an excellent answer. If your goal was to inform us that you hate Trump.

It in no way addressed the point, ie the terrible damage the Left's lies are doing to this nation, by setting vast segments of the nation at each other's throats with their vile lies,

specifically regarding the lie that Trump defended or sympathized with or sides with White Supremacists, with the lie

about the "some good people on both sides" comment.

I ever tell you about my discussions with pro life blacks who vote for pro-abortion dems over pro-life republicans?

You have people who literally believe that abortion is killing hundreds of thousands of black babies a year and they are voting for candidates who support that.

YOu have terrorized tens of millions Americans with your lies, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

I don't hate trump, I don't hate anyone. Hate is an emotion as strong as love, and true love like true hate is rare.

You hate filled and hysterical rhetoric makes a lie of your claim to not hate Trump.

Abortion is not the issue, and those who want to eliminate abortions and support efforts to deny contraceptives and age appropriate education in the public schools enable abortions!

Nice dodge of my point, ie the effect your lies have on people, such as pro life blacks who vote for, FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE, the murder of millions of black babies.

I am not tearing this nation apart. you and your support of the NRA and easy access to guns tear apart families everytime a gun is used to kill a human being.

YOu are telling half the nation that the other half is literally out to get them, to the point that, in one limited example, they are willing to support the murder of millions of their children in order to keep those scary people out of power.

If you don't see how you are tearing the nation apart, it is nothing but willful blindness on your part.
I assure you that the GOP is well aware that the country's changing demographics are a problem! It's also a problem for black Democrats as well but they haven't quite figured that out yet. Hispanics hold the whip hand in American politics because we've flooded the country with them for the past forty years. "Minority power" now rests in the hands of people speaking Spanish and they understand how to leverage that power far more than the black community ever did. That's going to be an issue for black Democrats because things that used to go to THEIR communities to ensure votes for Democrats will now more and more be headed for Hispanic communities.
What happens next is pretty much up to the GOP, unless it's just too late. Look through this thread, and you'll see many posts by conservatives who say either (1) they've tried to reach to minorities and it didn't work, or (2) minorities are freeloaders and commies and blah blah blah. Well, either way, the GOP loses.

For how many decades has the GOP just stood back and allowed the Democrats to placate minorities? Three? Four? Five? This didn't happen overnight, and is mentioned above, the GOP really fucked up with Hispanics. Even if the GOP did decide to really reach out, which I don't see happening, it would take time, and I don't think the party has that much time.
I assure you that the GOP is well aware that the country's changing demographics are a problem! It's also a problem for black Democrats as well but they haven't quite figured that out yet. Hispanics hold the whip hand in American politics because we've flooded the country with them for the past forty years. "Minority power" now rests in the hands of people speaking Spanish and they understand how to leverage that power far more than the black community ever did. That's going to be an issue for black Democrats because things that used to go to THEIR communities to ensure votes for Democrats will now more and more be headed for Hispanic communities.
What happens next is pretty much up to the GOP, unless it's just too late. Look through this thread, and you'll see many posts by conservatives who say either (1) they've tried to reach to minorities and it didn't work, or (2) minorities are freeloaders and commies and blah blah blah. Well, either way, the GOP loses.

For how many decades has the GOP just stood back and allowed the Democrats to placate minorities? Three? Four? Five? This didn't happen overnight, and is mentioned above, the GOP really fucked up with Hispanics. Even if the GOP did decide to really reach out, which I don't see happening, it would take time, and I don't think the party has that much time.

Why would you want to be "placated", Mac? Do you even grasp what it is you're saying there? Democrats have "placated" minorities for decades...taking their votes in return for a lot of empty promises and very little delivered. I viewed the Barack Obama Administration as a watershed moment in black politics...not because he was the first black President (as important as that was!) but because even though blacks had one of "theirs" in the White House...things didn't change for them. If the narrative is that your people are being held down "by the man" but the man in charge is black and nothing changes...then might the narrative be false?

What Trump offered the black community was his promise to do things to make their lives better with a stronger economy and jobs. Not handouts. Not something to placate them. No, Trump offered to give them real opportunity to make their own lives better by themselves...not because some big government agency gave them some crumbs to get by on. I think that message resonates DESPITE how the main stream media and the Democrats try to brand Trump as a racist. Talk is cheap and liberals have done little but talk when it comes to helping the black community.
I assure you that the GOP is well aware that the country's changing demographics are a problem! It's also a problem for black Democrats as well but they haven't quite figured that out yet. Hispanics hold the whip hand in American politics because we've flooded the country with them for the past forty years. "Minority power" now rests in the hands of people speaking Spanish and they understand how to leverage that power far more than the black community ever did. That's going to be an issue for black Democrats because things that used to go to THEIR communities to ensure votes for Democrats will now more and more be headed for Hispanic communities.
What happens next is pretty much up to the GOP, unless it's just too late. Look through this thread, and you'll see many posts by conservatives who say either (1) they've tried to reach to minorities and it didn't work, or (2) minorities are freeloaders and commies and blah blah blah. Well, either way, the GOP loses.

For how many decades has the GOP just stood back and allowed the Democrats to placate minorities? Three? Four? Five? This didn't happen overnight, and is mentioned above, the GOP really fucked up with Hispanics. Even if the GOP did decide to really reach out, which I don't see happening, it would take time, and I don't think the party has that much time.

Why would you want to be "placated", Mac? Do you even grasp what it is you're saying there? Democrats have "placated" minorities for decades...taking their votes in return for a lot of empty promises and very little delivered. I viewed the Barack Obama Administration as a watershed moment in black politics...not because he was the first black President (as important as that was!) but because even though blacks had one of "theirs" in the White House...things didn't change for them. If the narrative is that your people are being held down "by the man" but the man in charge is black and nothing changes...then might the narrative be false?

What Trump offered the black community was his promise to do things to make their lives better with a stronger economy and jobs. Not handouts. Not something to placate them. No, Trump offered to give them real opportunity to make their own lives better by themselves...not because some big government agency gave them some crumbs to get by on. I think that message resonates DESPITE how the main stream media and the Democrats try to brand Trump as a racist. Talk is cheap and liberals have done little but talk when it comes to helping the black community.
I don't want to be placated, and I find the whole notion insulting. That's not what I'm saying.

I'm talking about perception. Perception is everything in politics. And the perception in the minority communities, from black to brown to yellow, is that the GOP doesn't want them here. And that's a shitload more important than the stock market or the unemployment rate. It doesn't matter if it's true. It doesn't matter if the Democrats got the advantage in an unfair way. It's the perception.

That's the fact.That's where we are, right now, today.

So, (a) is the GOP planning on doing anything about that, and (b) if so, what? Because I'm not seeing any effort at all. Nothing that matters.
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