Conservatives, the fight is not over!

That's right, he said we'll have to look at that. At no point does he exclaim he is going to increase minimum wage as you have been exclaiming. And what was it I already stated in regards to this? The Fed Min. Wage is lower than almost every States Min Wage. So if for whatever reason the Fed Min Wage may or may not be increased, will it ever be more than every States own Min Wage? And to this you came back with Trump said he was going to raise the minimum wage, when the reality is he never once stated he would.

You don't "look at" something that you're not going to do because it kills jobs, you tell the ignorant liberal that you're NOT going to look at that because it would kill jobs.

I have stated the specific loophole that Trump was talking about closing, Carried Interest.

Wasn't what he was asked about and wasn't what he was talking about. Just like with the MW, it was an opportunity for Trump to correct the ignorance of the liberal and instead, he agreed with the liberal.

Wealthy people don't pay taxes? Are you fucking kidding me? Do they not pay Capital Gains Taxes? Is that not an income tax? Do all not have an actual income?

No, I am not fucking kidding you. To the extent wealthy people pay any tax at all, it is by their choice. Their WEALTH is not taxed... it was already taxed whenever they earned it. They may ELECT to invest and pay tax on their investment income... that's THEIR CHOICE! And no, Capital Gains taxes are not Earned Income taxes and have nothing to do with the earned income tax brackets Trump "is not a big fan of" giving cuts to.

They will sometimes use their wealth to grow their wealth, through investments and such... and they pay taxes on the wealth they grow. But this is very important to remember... they don't HAVE to grow their wealth! It's purely THEIR choice!

You pointed to the few and labeled them as all. :YAWN:

All you keep reiterating are sounbites that you take out of context, or you take from headlines and incorrectly stated opinions of "journalists".

I labeled them as ALL because there are no rich people out there who don't make decisions on what to do with their wealth. They can invest it, they can hide it, they can sit on it, they can sock it away in tax-free municipals and securities... they don't HAVE to do any damn thing with it. What I am reiterating are the bytes of sound coming out of Trump's pie hole since he has secured the GOP nomination, and it ain't Conservatism.

Look... You and his sycophants can do the Trump Apology Tour all you like... I don't blame you.... you've gone to the mat for this man and it's a matter of pride now.... I expect that. But if you think for one minute that I am going to abandon my Conservative principles to support him, you need to go tug on your crack pipe some more. That ain't gonna happen. I will be here to point out everything he says from now until November that isn't Conservative and that flies in the face of Conservative principle... and if you don't like that, you can kiss my ass.
Trump has came right out and stated minimum wage is a states issue. As a claimed constitutional conservative, or do you want to be the social libertarian you also claim to be, do you not agree with that?

Your whole issue sounds once again like because Trump doesn't speak in Conservative soundbites then he isn't a conservative. The rest of your ramblings are just that, ramblings. :blahblah:

Well then, why didn't Trump "come right out and say" to Wolf Blitzer, that MW was state's rights? Why did he state that he would "look at it" if he believes it's state's rights? I agreed with Trump in the debate, I disagree with Trump in his interview with a liberal. And I never said I was a "social libertarian" ...I said that, socially, I am more libertarian. I am a constitutional conservative... a free market conservative. We don't really know what you are... it depends on what Trump is and that depends on who he is talking to on any given day.

If you ARE a free market conservative, you DON'T submit to the liberal memes because your conservative argument doesn't make sense when you do that. You have to make the case with liberals, you have to educate them on conservative principles and explain how you're right. If you're unable to do that because you don't really understand conservatism, the liberals are going to steamroller you and leave you looking like a buffoon.

If you just want to stubbornly run to the safety of criticizing me as "rambling" over and over, you're not interested in Conservatism, you're not a Conservative and there is no point in talking to you about Conservatism. You and your boy Trump can go out there and try to win this election sounding like Liberals if you like... I won't be a part of that and millions of conservative Americans won't be a part of it either. If you're going to submit to liberal arguments, you may as well vote for the Democrat.
Wow... what an idiot! So you think rich people buy stock hoping to profit when businesses collapse? How the hell does THAT work??? :dunno:

You know very well that anyone who was still holding GM stock was hoping for a payday when it was liquidated. Cocksuckers. I'm sooooo glad they got screwed.

And I guess you don't understand that every person who works and has a 401k, owns stock? When a stock tanks, they lose money... rich people, poor people, people in between.... all people who own the stock lose money.

The GM bailout didn't save anything or prevent anything, other than saving union bosses and preventing them from losing their jobs... they are big democrat supporters and that's important to people like you and John McCain.

Yeah, here's the thing. Folks like me who had 401K's weren't going to see any money from that bailout. ON the other hand, the job I had in 2009 was DIRECTLY TIED to supplying GM. And, no, we weren't members of a union.

So the thousands of GM assembly line workers who had GM stocks as part of their benefits are cocksuckers who deserved to get screwed? If you had a job that was directly tied to GM, and with that job you received employer-matched 401k contributions, you had some of your 401k invested in GM. So you are telling me YOU are a cocksucker who deserved to get screwed.

The bottom line is, the bailout failed... GM still filed Chapter 11. So we just basically threw taxpayer money down a rat hole screaming "too big to fail!" You're okay with that because the big wigs at GM got their golden parachutes while you and other schleps took it in the shorts. ...Some people are just too dumb to have money!
Face it. In this election cycle, in the GOP nomination race, the conservatives got thumped.

This does NOT in fact mean that the fight is over. If anything, the fight is more urgent now than ever. The Republic itself is changing under our noses and feet. That's hardly a rational time to just give up.

The GOP is a flop of a political institution. The liberals/progressives and socialist have a stranglehold on the federal bureaucracy. They effectively now control the major component of the Federal Judicial system, too. There is no conservative in the race for President. The liberals are likely to reclaim the Executive Branch. From their perspective, they are not just "winning" at present, but they are in danger of making it institutional for many years to come.

But although the liberals have a right to feel victorious at present, their notion of "winning" is actually a long term very damaging thing. So, the conservative fight to preserve our Constitutional system and individual liberties is more important than ever before.
Doesn't matter, same with Bush, they both walk. That's our exceptional system.

No, it does matter because if one's going to use the term "lawless", it oughtta mean something. In Shrub's case it doesn't appear that he himself ever broke any laws, either, so of course he "walked".

Bush violated the first amendment (signed the so called campaign finance reform which is a flagrant violation of freedom of speech). He violated the fifth with the patriot act and holding American Citizens without trial inside the US. He violated the 10th repeatedly with things like the so called transportation bill, which was just a Christmas Tree of spending and the No Child Gets ahead program, neither had constitutional authority. He violated the 10th also by trying to overturn euthanasia laws in Oregon and the fourth, fifth, ninth and tenth in the war on drugs. And then there's the flagrantly Unconstitutional war on terror where he keeps engaging us in wars that are not for defense, the only Constitutional basis for using the military.

Obama did all that and more turning the Presidency into a dictatorship with his endless executive orders bypassing the legislature and judiciary. Executive actions legitimately only apply to his own powers in the executive branch, they were not to be a shortcut to bypass the other branches of government

You can rehash all the reasons you believe President Obama to be a dictator all you want. In the case of the auto bailout, there was no compelling legal reason for him to do things any other way.

Violation of the 10th amendment and rewarding marketplace losers for failure harms the winners as well as consumers. Let failures fail, that's how 5% of the world population because a third of the world economy until the leftist leaches started dragging us back

We subsidize corporate entities all day long, every day.

Most of the time by that liberals mean corporations can deduct their expenses, the rest of the time you're blaming corporations while letting the politicians you vote for off the hook. Wall Street just calls Hillary bitch and tells her what to do
Face it. In this election cycle, in the GOP nomination race, the conservatives got thumped.

I don't see it that way at all. A principled and proven conservative came in a close second to a man who fooled enough people into believing he had changed his stripes and was ready to lead as a conservative.
If Trump had not been in the race, Cruz still would not have gotten the nomination. Most likely it would have been Jeb Bush.
You're probably right. One good thing Trump did was focus on Bush and the FAILED Bush legacy, and didn't let up until he stomped his ass out the race.

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I don't think this is a kick in the pants, I think it's a changing of the guard. The GOP electorate is old, and quite frankly dying off, being replaced by a shiny object crowd of regressives and isolationists who sew the seeds of fear at every turn. Blame the Right Wing media for a lot of this.
The GOP needs to rebuild from the ground up and take a hard line against the blithering idiot talking heads that damage the brand, and the whack jobs like Cruz, Santorum, King, Bachman, Palin, and the myriad other dumbasses that speak before they think, making headlines that make the GOP look like a bunch of unhinged escapees from an asylum. They also have to lay off the fake scandals and focus that time, money, and energy on real ideas instead of rehashing the same old disproven theories.
Harsh? Yeah, but that's what it's going to take to rebuild the brand.
All conservatives need to do is become conservatives again, and reject the social right, reactionary libertarians, and TPM nitwits who misappropriated conservatism and the GOP.
Yep, but they won't.

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If Trump had not been in the race, Cruz still would not have gotten the nomination. Most likely it would have been Jeb Bush.
You're probably right. One good thing Trump did was focus on Bush and the FAILED Bush legacy, and didn't let up until he stomped his ass out the race.

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I'm not the establishment, I am a conservative. I didn't ask him to kiss anyone's ass. I didn't realize conservatives were obligated to make their case to Donald Trump. I don't have a problem with women or blacks in the white house. I don't like Marxists, Communists and Fascists in the white house. I would prefer a conservative. I will not vote for someone who is anti-conservative.

Yeah, whatever, guy. YOu know what, when Obama saved GM, he was doign a pretty shitty job as a Marxist. You see, a Marxist would have nationalized GM and then took out the Capitalists and buried them out back in a shallow grave. While that does have a certain appeal, most people would have considered that harsh.

Here's the problem. "Conservatism" stopped being about ideas a long time ago, and now is mostly about playing to white male resentments that they only hold MOST of the power instead of all of it. All Donald Trump did was just boil the argument of all the bullshit about "the constitution" and "supply side" and "right to life" and just left the white male resentment, which won't win him the general election, but WILL did win the nomination for him.

Personally, I don't really care what Donald Trump does. I would like to be able to vote for the man because I don't want Hillary or Bernie to be elected. But my vote is not automatic and I won't be cajoled or insulted into voting for Trump. And there are millions just like me who are waiting for this man to make his case to us as to why he deserves our vote. If he doesn't care, he doesn't care.... Maybe Gary Johnson cares?

I think conservatives need to rally behind Gary Johnson and the Libertarians. Ab-so-fucking-lutely. But if you go that route, and Johnson only gets 3% of the vote, you guys are kind of admitting you aren't that much of the electorate and the GOP establishment will have more of a reason to ignore you in the future.
Nailed it!

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Face it. In this election cycle, in the GOP nomination race, the conservatives got thumped.

I don't see it that way at all. A principled and proven conservative came in a close second to a man who fooled enough people into believing he had changed his stripes and was ready to lead as a conservative.
You're in dreamland...Republicans DON'T want a Conservative.
Well then, why didn't Trump "come right out and say" to Wolf Blitzer, that MW was state's rights? Why did he state that he would "look at it" if he believes it's state's rights? I agreed with Trump in the debate, I disagree with Trump in his interview with a liberal. And I never said I was a "social libertarian" ...I said that, socially, I am more libertarian. I am a constitutional conservative... a free market conservative. We don't really know what you are... it depends on what Trump is and that depends on who he is talking to on any given day.
I told you what I am, a Classic Liberal.

If you ARE a free market conservative, you DON'T submit to the liberal memes because your conservative argument doesn't make sense when you do that. You have to make the case with liberals, you have to educate them on conservative principles and explain how you're right. If you're unable to do that because you don't really understand conservatism, the liberals are going to steamroller you and leave you looking like a buffoon.
Subjective opinion. Constantly repeating the same tired conservative meme and soundbites didn't bode well for Cruz, did it?

If you just want to stubbornly run to the safety of criticizing me as "rambling" over and over, you're not interested in Conservatism, you're not a Conservative and there is no point in talking to you about Conservatism. You and your boy Trump can go out there and try to win this election sounding like Liberals if you like... I won't be a part of that and millions of conservative Americans won't be a part of it either. If you're going to submit to liberal arguments, you may as well vote for the Democrat.
So your entire argument is reduced to if Trump or posters comments aren't "conservative" talking points or soundbites, then they aren't really conservatives. :YAWN:
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I told you what I am, a Classic Liberal.

Best I can tell, you're not a classic anything except maybe a classic moron.
Sure, as I thought, you haven't the first clue about what a Classic Liberal is, I even provided a link for you so that you could understand what a Classic Liberal is. And here yesterday you told me to grow the fuck up and now here you are still with calling names. Typical. :YAWN:
So the thousands of GM assembly line workers who had GM stocks as part of their benefits are cocksuckers who deserved to get screwed? If you had a job that was directly tied to GM, and with that job you received employer-matched 401k contributions, you had some of your 401k invested in GM. So you are telling me YOU are a cocksucker who deserved to get screwed.

No, I would have realized I would have gotten nothing if GM collapsed... but at least I got to keep my job after the bailout. We all got screwed on th 401K deal in 2008, thanks to your boy Bush.

The bottom line is, the bailout failed... GM still filed Chapter 11. So we just basically threw taxpayer money down a rat hole screaming "too big to fail!" You're okay with that because the big wigs at GM got their golden parachutes while you and other schleps took it in the shorts. ...Some people are just too dumb to have money!

Point is, GM is still alive. And yes, the bankruptcy filing was still part of the bailout.

But once again, the only reason why you hate the GM bailout is because.. wait for it ... the Black Guy Did It.
You really are dumb as a box of rocks. The 2007 bailouts didn't save GM, they filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2009, so yes bankruptcy laws do apply. They not only fucked over vendors and investors but also customers by not honoring recalls on the defective products they sold prior to 2009. All Americans lost in that deal, except the fucking union.

I think you are a little confused. The 2007 Bailout didn't save GM. The 2009 Bailout, the one Romney supported before the Black Guy was for it, was the one that saved GM.

But you once again show the brain disease of ODS. - You are all for something... until the black guy did it. Then you have to find a reason why it was "bad".

"Oh, some poor rich people lost their already risky investment".

As someone who worked for one of GM's vendors, we all breathed a sigh of relief when the the bailout happened. It meant we weren't sitting on years of inventory.

Right, you probably worked for the folks that produced all those defective ignition switches that consumers got screwed on.
You know why, because the way the administration set up the sale of assets and using federal funds to buy them to form the new GM. It would have never happened the way it did without federal money.

So? The problem with GM is that the stakeholders were all a straightjacket. They needed a fresh slate.

But fuck those working folks. The Shifty Negro screwed some rich people.

Screw you asshole, I know first had the culture of the workers at GM, they weren't worth saving, they killed the company. And I'm damned ashamed I have to say I was related to some of them.
You know why, because the way the administration set up the sale of assets and using federal funds to buy them to form the new GM. It would have never happened the way it did without federal money.

So? The problem with GM is that the stakeholders were all a straightjacket. They needed a fresh slate.

But fuck those working folks. The Shifty Negro screwed some rich people.

Screw you asshole, I know first had the culture of the workers at GM, they weren't worth saving, they killed the company. And I'm damned ashamed I have to say I was related to some of them.

Yup, as usual he resorts to anecdotes.
You know why, because the way the administration set up the sale of assets and using federal funds to buy them to form the new GM. It would have never happened the way it did without federal money.

So? The problem with GM is that the stakeholders were all a straightjacket. They needed a fresh slate.

But fuck those working folks. The Shifty Negro screwed some rich people.

Screw you asshole, I know first had the culture of the workers at GM, they weren't worth saving, they killed the company. And I'm damned ashamed I have to say I was related to some of them.

Yup, as usual he resorts to anecdotes.

I thought you regressive were impressed by anecdotes, your dear leader and other regressive use them all the time. Are you telling me they aren't making valid points when they do that? Come on hypocrite, let's see exactly how intellectually honest your are.
I told you what I am, a Classic Liberal.

Best I can tell, you're not a classic anything except maybe a classic moron.
Sure, as I thought, you haven't the first clue about what a Classic Liberal is, I even provided a link for you so that you could understand what a Classic Liberal is. And here yesterday you told me to grow the fuck up and now here you are still with calling names. Typical. :YAWN:

Actually, you are proving what an illiterate dumbass you are because you don't even know the proper term for what you claim to be. There is no such thing as "Classic Liberal" ...there is "Classical Liberalism" but that isn't what Trump is. Not a thing he has ever said is in line with Classical Liberalism. Many things he has supported is in complete contradiction of Classical Liberalism. Federal land grabs, for instance.

What you ARE is a neo-populist nationalist agrarian. Now you know.
“You know, when you put out a tax plan, you are going to start negotiating,” he said. “You don’t say, ‘OK, this is our tax plan, lots of luck, folks.’ There will be negotiation back and forth. And I can see that going up, to be honest with you.”

But you're NOT NEGOTIATING YET, Mr. Trump! You're not even to the general election yet! All that happened was a liberal goofball reporter confronted you about your tax plan and you BAILED!

They will excuse anything he says. It's like 2008 and obama all over again.
What was Obama inconsistent about though?

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