Conservatives, the fight is not over!

“You know, when you put out a tax plan, you are going to start negotiating,” he said. “You don’t say, ‘OK, this is our tax plan, lots of luck, folks.’ There will be negotiation back and forth. And I can see that going up, to be honest with you.”

But you're NOT NEGOTIATING YET, Mr. Trump! You're not even to the general election yet! All that happened was a liberal goofball reporter confronted you about your tax plan and you BAILED!

They will excuse anything he says. It's like 2008 and obama all over again.
What was Obama inconsistent about though?

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If you like your plan you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. The un-aca won't add one dime to the deficit. Still waiting on my $2,500.

Oh wait, they weren't inconsistencies they were lies ... which he is consistent about. My bad.
I told you what I am, a Classic Liberal.

Best I can tell, you're not a classic anything except maybe a classic moron.
Sure, as I thought, you haven't the first clue about what a Classic Liberal is, I even provided a link for you so that you could understand what a Classic Liberal is. And here yesterday you told me to grow the fuck up and now here you are still with calling names. Typical. :YAWN:

Actually, you are proving what an illiterate dumbass you are because you don't even know the proper term for what you claim to be. There is no such thing as "Classic Liberal" ...there is "Classical Liberalism" but that isn't what Trump is. Not a thing he has ever said is in line with Classical Liberalism. Many things he has supported is in complete contradiction of Classical Liberalism. Federal land grabs, for instance.

What you ARE is a neo-populist nationalist agrarian. Now you know.
LMFAO Your an utter fucking idiot, Yes there is Classical Liberalism as a philosophy, then there are Classic Liberals who have the basic view of rights and role of government that Jefferson and his contemporaries had. Moreover, they do not tend to make any important distinction between economic liberties and civil liberties. There's even a Classic Liberal Economic Theory, oh my!
Classic Liberals are good with eminent domain to acquire specific assets needed for public use, it is limited there for a reason.

Trump isn't for Federal Land Grabs, I suggest you do some much needed research.
Donald Trump takes on federal land control

Trump’s rise deflates land transfer push
Trump supports “shared governance” of federal lands between federal agencies and state and local governments in many circumstances, Clovis said. Under such management, he said state and local governments would benefit from better access to minerals on federal lands and would retain revenues coming off the properties above what’s required for maintenance of the land.
You continue to prove you don't know as much as you think you do.
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when will you Cruz supporters get it through your head? The country is far too left of center to elect a hard line far right conservative. And besides for the millionth time Americans are fed up with Washington and politics as usual.
LMFAO Your an utter fucking idiot, Yes there is Classical Liberalism as a philosophy, then there are Classic Liberals who have the basic view of rights and role of government that Jefferson and his contemporaries had. Moreover, they do not tend to make any important distinction between economic liberties and civil liberties. There's even a Classic Liberal Economic Theory, oh my!

There's no such thing as "Classic Liberals" you mean CLASSICAL.

YOU are the DUMBASS here!
when will you Cruz supporters get it through your head?

When will you Trump supporters get it through YOUR heads... you cannot defeat the Democrats with 42% of the GOP vote! It was enough to win the nomination... it's not enough to win the general. When will you get it through your head that most of the 58% of the GOP who didn't vote for Trump are Conservatives?

Us Conservatives are just as upset with Washington and the Establishment. We're not ready to abandon Conservatism... and we're not going to just so we can elect Donald Trump.
when will you Cruz supporters get it through your head?

When will you Trump supporters get it through YOUR heads... you cannot defeat the Democrats with 42% of the GOP vote! It was enough to win the nomination... it's not enough to win the general. When will you get it through your head that most of the 58% of the GOP who didn't vote for Trump are Conservatives?

Us Conservatives are just as upset with Washington and the Establishment. We're not ready to abandon Conservatism... and we're not going to just so we can elect Donald Trump.

hello? hello? Trump gets lots of moderates and liberals in the general.
The Tea Party helped create the largest GOP midterm landslide in modern political history. Tea Party people took a lot of flack over it in the last couple of years by the hate mongers in the democrat party, the media and even fellow republicans including this forum.

Well, it depends on what caused it. One could argue that apathy caused the "landslide", as we had the lowest voter turnout in 70 years in 2014. The fact is when voters show up, you guys tend to lose.

Everyone said the Tea Party movement was dead and not many people defended the Tea Party except for myself and a couple of others. Now all of a sudden we get lectures from people who claim to be conservatives about not supporting the presumed GOP candidate.

While I think the term "Conservative" has become meaningless, as it represents a coalition of Libertarians, Religious Zealots, Plutocrats and Neo-Con Imperialists, I see all of these groups having genuine reservations about the Trumpster. Trump's support comes from nativists. Other groups have glommed onto him because everyone loves a winner..

But the NeoCons are concerned that Trump has rejected the Bush Doctrine of projecting military force in the middle east and protecting the Zionist Entity.

The Plutocrats are concerned Trumps protectionist policies will hurt their ability to make money.

The Libertarians are genuinely concerned about Trump's willingness to use government force to acheive goals.

And "Values Voters" (assholes who want to impose their bronze age superstitions on the rest of us) are concerned Trump doesn't hate the gays and the abortions as much as they do... and he likes to have lots of sex with lots of women.

Frankly I smell a rat. You can support a candidate or stay home but when you claim to be a conservative republican and take the time to try to convince other people not to support the GOP candidate it looks like a cheap Alinsky trick.

Frankly, a lot of the Conservatives I've argue with here for years like Rabbi and others are just as conservative as you are. Are you saying they cleverly pretended to be Conservatives for years here, just in case you got out there and decided to support a Reality TV Rodeo Clown?

Anyway they said the same thing about the big Hollywood lib who ran for president a couple of years ago but Reagan worked out pretty well.

You mean other than creating Al Qaeda, destroying the American Middle Class, and tripling the National debt?
Very well said.

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H1B's are nothing but "skilled" workers, they are not "high" or "highly" skilled, the H1B page doesn't use High or Highly skilled, only skilled workers. Trumps page doesn't use "high" or "highly" skilled either. Not only that but Trump doesn't use H1B's, he uses H2B's for temporary workers. The only wrong information is coming from you and your "article" who got the information wrong.

International Professional, as stated in the link I provided, is highly skilled.

From the American Immigration Council:

"According to the study, the H-1B visa program for highly skilled foreign professionals “has played an important role in U.S. innovation patterns” over the past 15 years. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of inventions, as measured by patents, has increased when H-1B caps are higher due to “the direct contributions of immigrant inventors.”

From the WP link:

"Some H-1B workers are highly skilled, which can be determined by their degree and by their wages. The majority of H-1B workers are in computer-related occupations. The median salary H-1B recipients in fiscal 2014 was $75,000, and 55 percent of them had degrees higher than a bachelor’s. Nearly 72 percent of all workers who were granted continuing or initial employment with H-1B visas in fiscal 2014 were 25 to 34 years old."

Kelly asking Trump about highly skilled workers was H1B. Trump answered about F visas? So he didn't even answer the question asked.
H1-Bs receive their degrees in India; their ACTUAL skill level receives ZERO scrutiny due to their low wage in the US.
They DO NOT receive the prevailing wage listed on WEB sites.
Most of them have Master's Degrees, which in India is equivalent to American bathroom tissue.

You forgot to prove any of that.
Right, you probably worked for the folks that produced all those defective ignition switches that consumers got screwed on.

Nope. But nice try.

Screw you asshole, I know first had the culture of the workers at GM, they weren't worth saving, they killed the company. And I'm damned ashamed I have to say I was related to some of them.

Are you saying that folks in Texas done have them a work ethic, Cleetus? No, man, the reason why businesses are moving to your state is that no one in your government cares if they poison your water and air, and you rednecks are too stupid to complain.

What killed GM was greed. They kept making crappy cars with shitty fuel efficiency while the Japanese and Germans were designing quality.

You see, here's the thing. Japanese and German auto workers have rights that American Auto Workers can only DREAM of.
Conservative voters are left in the lurch without a candidate to support for president of the United States.


This is a direct contradiction to the thread you posted earlier. Perhaps you could reconcile this?

I don't contradict myself so you've obviously misconstrued something. However, since you didn't elaborate, I have no idea. I post a lot of threads, I say a lot of things. I can't be bothered with sitting here trying to guess what you're talking about.
What killed GM was greed. They kept making crappy cars with shitty fuel efficiency while the Japanese and Germans were designing quality.

That's not true. It's a meme... it's something a lot of morons say... that doesn't mean it's correct.

What killed ALL the American auto industry was the unreasonable labor unions. Year after year of demanding more or going on strike finally took it's toll. They simply couldn't cut any more corners to remain competitive.
What killed ALL the American auto industry was the unreasonable labor unions. Year after year of demanding more or going on strike finally took it's toll. They simply couldn't cut any more corners to remain competitive.

You don't have any idea how markets work do you?

The designers, engineers and upper management was to stupid to understand the changes going on in the market for cars. They designed poor quality and poor gas mileage.

The union worker built the cars the management wanted built.

The fact that what was built was not what buyers wanted to purchase was the unions fault how?
That's not true. It's a meme... it's something a lot of morons say... that doesn't mean it's correct.

What killed ALL the American auto industry was the unreasonable labor unions. Year after year of demanding more or going on strike finally took it's toll. They simply couldn't cut any more corners to remain competitive.

Well, let's look at that.

again, your argument would make sense if Japanese and German Auto Workers made less than UAW workers in this country.... but, um, they don't.

In fact, Auto Workers at Toyota or Volkswagen have a say in who the CEO of the company is.

NO, what went wrong is CEO's at American companies being too fucking greedy. For instance, my first car was a Chevy Chevette. It was at true piece of shit, because of the design that the executives decided to passive-aggressively put on the market. While the Japanese were producing good designs, American companies were producing crappy designs for working people market. Cars that weren't designed to last so you'd need to buy a new one every few years.

You look at any list of the "Worst cars ever designed", you usually get the Yugo and 9 American models. There's a reason for that.

My favorite was the Ford Pinto, the "Barbecue that seats Four" because Ford EXECUTIVES (not Union workers) decided it would be cheaper to pay off the few people burned to death than do an $11.00 recall on millions of units.
You don't have any idea how markets work do you?

The designers, engineers and upper management was to stupid to understand the changes going on in the market for cars. They designed poor quality and poor gas mileage.

The union worker built the cars the management wanted built.

The fact that what was built was not what buyers wanted to purchase was the unions fault how?

Now, Wilbur, you got to be sympathetic to Boss Hogg. He's one of these "battered wife" conservatives who keeps making excuses for the 1% no matter how badly they abuse him. That's why he lives in a state with the country's largest Toxic Waste dump, because the 1% are showering their love on his state.
You look at any list of the "Worst cars ever designed", you usually get the Yugo and 9 American models. There's a reason for that.

Good point.

Maybe boss will point out which cars were designed by the union bosses.

Was it the; Chevette, Pinto, Cavalier, Vega, etc

Come on back boss. Explain how the union screwed up the automobile design portion of their jobs. Oh wait..unions don't design cars.
What killed ALL the American auto industry was the unreasonable labor unions. Year after year of demanding more or going on strike finally took it's toll. They simply couldn't cut any more corners to remain competitive.

You don't have any idea how markets work do you?

The designers, engineers and upper management was to stupid to understand the changes going on in the market for cars. They designed poor quality and poor gas mileage.

The union worker built the cars the management wanted built.

The fact that what was built was not what buyers wanted to purchase was the unions fault how?

You're talking about something that happened in the 70s. Detroit recovered in the 80s and began producing better and more fuel efficient cars. That's not what killed the industry. You can blame that but you're probably a union guy. The labor unions have a strong lobby in America.

Note that American cars are still being built, they're just not being built HERE.
That's not true. It's a meme... it's something a lot of morons say... that doesn't mean it's correct.

What killed ALL the American auto industry was the unreasonable labor unions. Year after year of demanding more or going on strike finally took it's toll. They simply couldn't cut any more corners to remain competitive.

Well, let's look at that.

again, your argument would make sense if Japanese and German Auto Workers made less than UAW workers in this country.... but, um, they don't.

In fact, Auto Workers at Toyota or Volkswagen have a say in who the CEO of the company is.

NO, what went wrong is CEO's at American companies being too fucking greedy. For instance, my first car was a Chevy Chevette. It was at true piece of shit, because of the design that the executives decided to passive-aggressively put on the market. While the Japanese were producing good designs, American companies were producing crappy designs for working people market. Cars that weren't designed to last so you'd need to buy a new one every few years.

You look at any list of the "Worst cars ever designed", you usually get the Yugo and 9 American models. There's a reason for that.

My favorite was the Ford Pinto, the "Barbecue that seats Four" because Ford EXECUTIVES (not Union workers) decided it would be cheaper to pay off the few people burned to death than do an $11.00 recall on millions of units.

Spoken like the Big Union Idiot you are. Thanks
You're talking about something that happened in the 70s. Detroit recovered in the 80s and began producing better and more fuel efficient cars. That's not what killed the industry. You can blame that but you're probably a union guy. The labor unions have a strong lobby in America.

Uh, guy, my Piece of shit Chevette was built in 1984. My next car after that was a 1988 FORD (Fix or Repair daily) Escort. It was really hilarious the time the engine caught on fire.

Wasn't because the Unions weren't doing their jobs, it was because the executives decided to produce crappy cars as a business decision.

Note that American cars are still being built, they're just not being built HERE.

Exactly the problem. Which is why they have so little of the market share today.

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