Conservatives, the fight is not over!

I don't contradict myself

What killed ALL the American auto industry was the unreasonable labor unions

Detroit recovered in the 80s and began producing better and more fuel efficient cars. That's not what killed the industry.

For a guy who doesn't believe he contradicts himself. LMAO.

So boss. In the 80ties the unions started designing better cars or what?

The same UAW has been involved in car building for a long time.

Contradict yourself some more. It's funny.
Note that American cars are still being built, they're just not being built HERE.

"Here" as in not at your house?

You know Bowling Green, KY? If so, don't tell those people in BG they are not building Corvettes. They take great pride in building Corvettes. And have for.many years.

You don't know much about the car industry.
You're talking about something that happened in the 70s. Detroit recovered in the 80s and began producing better and more fuel efficient cars. That's not what killed the industry. You can blame that but you're probably a union guy. The labor unions have a strong lobby in America.

Uh, guy, my Piece of shit Chevette was built in 1984. My next car after that was a 1988 FORD (Fix or Repair daily) Escort. It was really hilarious the time the engine caught on fire.

Wasn't because the Unions weren't doing their jobs, it was because the executives decided to produce crappy cars as a business decision.

Note that American cars are still being built, they're just not being built HERE.

Exactly the problem. Which is why they have so little of the market share today.

Well, I had an '87 Nova... one of the best cars I ever owned. Had over 250k miles on it when I sold it. Also had an '88 Tempo with a 2.0 ltr. that wouldn't quit. Most reliable little car I ever saw... never failed to start, never broke down... keep oil and water in it and it ran like a sewing machine.

All through the 90s I drove big cars... Oldsmobile Eighty-eight... Chrysler Concorde... Chevy Caprice... all great cars with exceptional rides... especially the Caprice. Loved those cars, and they were cheap to work on.

I can contrast that with my '88 Supra which was a total piece of shit... rare for Toyota, but it was. Replaced two head gaskets, never could get the turbo to work right... it was a hot mess of a car. I loved the way it looked but it never did run right. Worst Toyota I've ever owned.

Again... what KILLED the American auto industry was $27.50 hr. pay rates, 11 wks. paid vacation, 4 wks. family leave, unreal pension plans, benefits out the wazoo, for ever tom, dick and harry with a union card. Meanwhile... Mercedes comes into Alabama and builds one of the most reliable and dependable cars in the world for a fraction of the cost. Honda, Toyota and Kia... same thing... building great cars in the South... where they don't believe in union thugs shaking down management for more and more until they kill their golden goose.
I don't contradict myself

What killed ALL the American auto industry was the unreasonable labor unions

Detroit recovered in the 80s and began producing better and more fuel efficient cars. That's not what killed the industry.

For a guy who doesn't believe he contradicts himself. LMAO.

So boss. In the 80ties the unions started designing better cars or what?

The same UAW has been involved in car building for a long time.

Contradict yourself some more. It's funny.

The union never designed a damn thing (except for ways to extort management.)
Note that American cars are still being built, they're just not being built HERE.

"Here" as in not at your house?

You know Bowling Green, KY? If so, don't tell those people in BG they are not building Corvettes. They take great pride in building Corvettes. And have for.many years.

You don't know much about the car industry.

Here, as in DETROIT.
Again... what KILLED the American auto industry was $27.50 hr. pay rates, 11 wks. paid vacation, 4 wks. family leave, unreal pension plans, benefits out the wazoo, for ever tom, dick and harry with a union card. Meanwhile... Mercedes comes into Alabama and builds one of the most reliable and dependable cars in the world for a fraction of the cost. Honda, Toyota and Kia... same thing... building great cars in the South... where they don't believe in union thugs shaking down management for more and more until they kill their golden goose.

Uh, guy, do you really want to tun our Auto Industry the way Germany runs theirs? Frankly, I think German Work councils would be pretty awesome, but you'd crap your pants at the thought.
Are you saying that folks in Texas done have them a work ethic, Cleetus? No, man, the reason why businesses are moving to your state is that no one in your government cares if they poison your water and air, and you rednecks are too stupid to complain.

Keep talking and showing exactly how ignorant you are, you're definitely good entertainment.
Are you saying that folks in Texas done have them a work ethic, Cleetus? No, man, the reason why businesses are moving to your state is that no one in your government cares if they poison your water and air, and you rednecks are too stupid to complain.

Keep talking and showing exactly how ignorant you are, you're definitely good entertainment.

Let's not forget, your dumb ass state elected George W. Bush and Rick Perry.

Is there something in the water, Cleetus.?
Are you saying that folks in Texas done have them a work ethic, Cleetus? No, man, the reason why businesses are moving to your state is that no one in your government cares if they poison your water and air, and you rednecks are too stupid to complain.

Keep talking and showing exactly how ignorant you are, you're definitely good entertainment.

Let's not forget, your dumb ass state elected George W. Bush and Rick Perry.

Is there something in the water, Cleetus.?

More regressive ignorance, when are you going to figure out your Alinsky tactics don't work on me. You're dismissed dumb ass.
The far right's political health monitor below

“You know, when you put out a tax plan, you are going to start negotiating,” he said. “You don’t say, ‘OK, this is our tax plan, lots of luck, folks.’ There will be negotiation back and forth. And I can see that going up, to be honest with you.”

But you're NOT NEGOTIATING YET, Mr. Trump! You're not even to the general election yet! All that happened was a liberal goofball reporter confronted you about your tax plan and you BAILED!

They will excuse anything he says. It's like 2008 and obama all over again.
What was Obama inconsistent about though?

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If you like your plan you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. The un-aca won't add one dime to the deficit. Still waiting on my $2,500.

Oh wait, they weren't inconsistencies they were lies ... which he is consistent about. My bad.
I see. That's all you got?

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Again... what KILLED the American auto industry was $27.50 hr. pay rates, 11 wks. paid vacation, 4 wks. family leave, unreal pension plans, benefits out the wazoo, for ever tom, dick and harry with a union card. Meanwhile... Mercedes comes into Alabama and builds one of the most reliable and dependable cars in the world for a fraction of the cost. Honda, Toyota and Kia... same thing... building great cars in the South... where they don't believe in union thugs shaking down management for more and more until they kill their golden goose.

Uh, guy, do you really want to tun our Auto Industry the way Germany runs theirs? Frankly, I think German Work councils would be pretty awesome, but you'd crap your pants at the thought.

What the fuck is wrong with Liberals that they automatically assume foreign countries (usually European) have the better ideas? No... I don't want to copy Germany... or Italy... or France... or Sweden... or the UK! I want the United States to do what the United States has always done best... lead the fucking world in showing how it's done. With free market capitalism and free enterprise.

That's really the ONLY way you get the American auto industry back and remain competitive in the world. Now, what we're doing discussing the auto industry in a thread about the fight for Conservatism, I don't know... but it's a great example of how Liberalism and liberal policies destroyed one of our greatest assets. At some point way back, people said... yeah, we probably need some governmental oversight on those car makers to ensure safety... and the floodgates were opened. Now there are endless mountains of regulations and mandates heaped on the backs of free market capitalists because Liberals simply don't know when to stop.
Now there are endless mountains of regulations and mandates heaped on the backs of free market capitalists because Liberals simply don't know when to stop.

Damn dude. Which is it now destroying those car companies?
Government regulations or the unions. You have both arguments going on with yourself.

You do know those foreign car companies pay union wages and comply with our government regulations?

How could that be bossy?
Now there are endless mountains of regulations and mandates heaped on the backs of free market capitalists because Liberals simply don't know when to stop.

Damn dude. Which is it now destroying those car companies?
Government regulations or the unions. You have both arguments going on with yourself.

You do know those foreign car companies pay union wages and comply with our government regulations?

How could that be bossy?

Because they HAVE to in order to sell to the US market. And BOTH are detrimental to free market capitalism.
Well, I had an '87 Nova... one of the best cars I ever owned.

Funny. You use a joint venture car NUMMI (toyota/gm) as your example of one of your best American made cars. Why?

It was built by the UAW. Driveline designed and built by Toyota. Basically a Toyota corolla. Not a bad car..But not one designed by GM designers and engineers.

Try again.

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