Conservatives waking up to climate change

Saying nothing in lots of words is the skill of trolls everywhere. Recognizing that saying nothing in many words still says nothing though, is completely beyond them.

That's why their contribution to the progress of the human race is, and must always be, zero.

Thinkers and doers drag them through life as dead weight.

And talking in a circle is your domain junior...
It's interesting that Republicans claim to be advocates of personal responsibility but are represented here by some world class parasites who contribute nothing to the solutions to AGW but live off the whining about those solutions. They need to be carried into the future by responsible people after having actively campaigned against responsibility.

But what responsible people do is always more than their share making up for the parasites always doing less.

The world's oldest story.
It's interesting that Republicans claim to be advocates of personal responsibility but are represented here by some world class parasites who contribute nothing to the solutions to AGW but live off the whining about those solutions. They need to be carried into the future by responsible people after having actively campaigned against responsibility.

But what responsible people do is always more than their share making up for the parasites always doing less.

The world's oldest story.

So says the collectivist dickheads who want to take everyone else's money away so they can't afford to do anything but service your needs....

Piss off lout!
If by servicing our needs you mean finding the least expensive path from here to a sustainable future I agree wholeheartedly that's what we need.

If instead you mean push off the cost of our lives to future generations, that's the kind of parasitic irresponsibility that I'm talking about.

Humanity doesn't need jerkwad cultists like you Dittoheads.

Are you actually poster GSlack? He seems to care a great deal about reps and managed to single-handedly turn every liberal poster's rep incarnadine. Is that you?

LOL, KWC is actually me?

It seems entirely possible.

ROFL, first KWC is nothing like me..

That seems to be irrelevant. The people of whom you said I was a clone or a sock puppet are nothing like me.

First he or she is much nicer than I am..

I disagree.

Remember I'm the prick who makes you cry..

You've never made me cry. You've made me cringe a few times, but most of the time you just make me chuckle and laugh.

Secomd, I don't need a sock to make you cry and post about me junior, which we see all too often...

I normally have you on my ignore list so you don't see me complaining about you too often. But I do see others complain about you. And, from the little I've seen, their complaints are fully justified.

You recently spent nearly a whole page of space posting small posts about me, or to me when I didn't respond fast enough...

I'm not sure I remember that. But don't worry about it. That must have been when I thought you were capable of maintaining an interesting conversation... when I thought you mattered.

Time to get real junior...

Oh, pardon me... Pops.

You are currently well on past 24 hours straight on here, and this is not the first time we have seen you do this. Proving, you don't have a job

I don't ? ! ? ! ? That's terrible. Or is it? Maybe I'm independently wealthy. Perhaps I've an inherited fortune and just wile the day away doing whatever I want. Or perhaps I'm too young to work yet. Maybe I'm in high school, or even younger. Or maybe I'm actually a convicted mass murderer messaging you from the prison rec room, trying to arrange for a safe house for when I bust outta here. Or maybe you don't have a clue.

and you have serious issues...

You mean, worse than the not having a job issue? What sort of issues could they be? Do I owe the IRS back taxes? Am I developing a hairy back? Does my nose run and my feet smell? Or maybe it's just that mass murderer thing again. What a pain that keeps cropping up...

And now we know you have a very creepy fixation on me...

Yes... yes I do. I can't stop... well... you know. You're so bald and smooth and round. When I look at you I can't stop thinking about... about... well... you know... a penis.
This has been a long time coming but worth the wait. There is nothing served by tolerating trolls on a site dedicated to science and the people who dedicate their lives to using science to further the progress of mankind.

Those of us who support the IPCC and the science that they ipitomise need to be less tolerant of the political cretins who try to sell irresponsibility and ignorance as anything but the least investment in life.
Are you actually poster GSlack? He seems to care a great deal about reps and managed to single-handedly turn every liberal poster's rep incarnadine. Is that you?

LOL, KWC is actually me?

It seems entirely possible.

That seems to be irrelevant. The people of whom you said I was a clone or a sock puppet are nothing like me.

I disagree.

You've never made me cry. You've made me cringe a few times, but most of the time you just make me chuckle and laugh.

I normally have you on my ignore list so you don't see me complaining about you too often. But I do see others complain about you. And, from the little I've seen, their complaints are fully justified.

I'm not sure I remember that. But don't worry about it. That must have been when I thought you were capable of maintaining an interesting conversation... when I thought you mattered.

Oh, pardon me... Pops.

I don't ? ! ? ! ? That's terrible. Or is it? Maybe I'm independently wealthy. Perhaps I've an inherited fortune and just wile the day away doing whatever I want. Or perhaps I'm too young to work yet. Maybe I'm in high school, or even younger. Or maybe I'm actually a convicted mass murderer messaging you from the prison rec room, trying to arrange for a safe house for when I bust outta here. Or maybe you don't have a clue.

and you have serious issues...

You mean, worse than the not having a job issue? What sort of issues could they be? Do I owe the IRS back taxes? Am I developing a hairy back? Does my nose run and my feet smell? Or maybe it's just that mass murderer thing again. What a pain that keeps cropping up...

And now we know you have a very creepy fixation on me...

Yes... yes I do. I can't stop... well... you know. You're so bald and smooth and round. When I look at you I can't stop thinking about... about... well... you know... a penis.

I'm sorry but pedantic quoting of every line causes me to doze off from boredom... What did you say?

You can't stop thinking about me? Yes I implied that... Remember you responded to it?

As far as your hair and nose, I don't really care... See, I'm not here to make you feel good about being....Well you...Talk to your mom if you need confirmation...

Damn you're creepy..
This has been a long time coming but worth the wait. There is nothing served by tolerating trolls on a site dedicated to science and the people who dedicate their lives to using science to further the progress of mankind.

Those of us who support the IPCC and the science that they ipitomise need to be less tolerant of the political cretins who try to sell irresponsibility and ignorance as anything but the least investment in life.

LOL, this site is neither dedicated to science or the people who dedicate their lives to it... It's a political web forum, with a section for debating climate and environmental concerns numbnuts... You seem to think that requires you to be a fake scientist to debate here, we know socko... But it just isn't so...
So, in your opinion, AGW is a political issue, not related to science, and that's why you're relevant here.

I don't think so.

The science is compelling enough to overwhelm politics. Basically the political resolution is unaffordable.

Not that you're capable of understanding that.
MMGW is a farce perpetrated by power hungry politicians to control people through fear that they can't control otherwise.
MMGW is a farce perpetrated by power hungry politicians to control people through fear that they can't control otherwise.

CONSERVATIVE politicians, apparently.

Rather than just spew the same old ridiculous cliches on every thread - why not present some facts? Evidence? Actually try and build a coherent case?

Why do you think anyone would simply believe it because you say so?
So, in your opinion, AGW is a political issue, not related to science, and that's why you're relevant here.

I don't think so.

The science is compelling enough to overwhelm politics. Basically the political resolution is unaffordable.

Not that you're capable of understanding that.

No socko, I explained what this site is. You seemed to think it was a site dedicated to science... it's not.. It even says it's purpose on the main page... Notice the name of this particular board section? It's Environment... Not pseudo-science, not warmer science, not even tweaking wierdos pulling 30+ hours at a time science... Matter of fact it doesn't even say science in the section title...

As far as my relevance goes, it's not your call who is relevent here.. last I checked, it didn't say PMZ message board anywhere either...

Please, you're the forum joke tweaker boy.. Those who aren't laughung at you are using you for cannon fodder....ROFL.
MMGW is a farce perpetrated by power hungry politicians to control people through fear that they can't control otherwise.

CONSERVATIVE politicians, apparently.

Rather than just spew the same old ridiculous cliches on every thread - why not present some facts? Evidence? Actually try and build a coherent case?

Why do you think anyone would simply believe it because you say so?

Finnish fraud, since when is the IPCC a conservative political body?

LOL, OH NO!!! You're going to neg rep me again... BOO HOOO!!!
MMGW is a farce perpetrated by power hungry politicians to control people through fear that they can't control otherwise.

CONSERVATIVE politicians, apparently.

Rather than just spew the same old ridiculous cliches on every thread - why not present some facts? Evidence? Actually try and build a coherent case?

Why do you think anyone would simply believe it because you say so?
Get back to me when you get some proof, some data that hasn't been manipulated. Something other than Al Gore talking points.

There are - obviously - IMMENSE amounts of proof.

I'd be more than happy to post, say, three studies produced in conservatively governed countries, and produced by agencies with fairly consevative reputations. Each on a slightly different aspect of climate change. Let's say one on glaciers, one of the Arctic, and one on the link between CO2 & temperature.

Are you willing to commit to reading and thinking about them with an open mind?
This has been a long time coming but worth the wait. There is nothing served by tolerating trolls on a site dedicated to science and the people who dedicate their lives to using science to further the progress of mankind.

Those of us who support the IPCC and the science that they ipitomise need to be less tolerant of the political cretins who try to sell irresponsibility and ignorance as anything but the least investment in life.

^ From the "I feel that 3*4 should = 11" school of science

IPCC is a fraud, they're to science what Bernie Madoff was to investing

There are - obviously - IMMENSE amounts of proof.

I'd be more than happy to post, say, three studies produced in conservatively governed countries, and produced by agencies with fairly consevative reputations. Each on a slightly different aspect of climate change. Let's say one on glaciers, one of the Arctic, and one on the link between CO2 & temperature.

Are you willing to commit to reading and thinking about them with an open mind?

AGWCult: 200ppm of CO2 is causing warming, melting the ice caps, killing the snail darter, and causing Cat 5 hurricanes

Normal people: Can you show us this in a lab?

AGWCult: You fool! Of course, we can't! The weather is far too complicated, with too many variable to replicate in a lab

Normal people: Then how can you say you've isolated all the variables save for the 200PPM added to the atmosphere the last 150 years?

AGWCult: We have consensus, the science is settled

Normal People: That's not science and you have a real scary look in your eyes like some crazy person
Frank -

Please stop spamming interesting threads with your brainless garbage.

I know you are here purely and simply to stop any rational discussion, and so does everyone else.

Have a little respect for your fellow posters, and allow people to discuss the topics they choose to.
Saigon stop being a clueless dictator attempting to shut down rational discussing except for parroting back the non-science from your AGWCult

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