Conservatives waking up to climate change

Ok, maybe we can get back to this planet.

It's interesting to consider in how many countries conservative parties are up to speed on climate change science, versus the Luddites in the GOP.

In New Zealand, UK, France, Germany and right across Scandinavia, Conservatives have presented science-based policies.

The GOP is holding out, and conservatives in Australia seem to be with them. Are they the last?

Here is what one REPUBLICAN blog says about climate change - its interesting to compare this with the positions of posters here -

A detour into the undisputed facts about climate change illustrates why this strategy makes sense. Nobody seriously involved in the policy debate over climate change—not even those the left unfairly labels as “deniers”—actually denies that humans influence global climate. There’s also no dispute that the Earth is warmer than it was before the Industrial Revolution or that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases can trap heat energy.

Likewise, there’s little doubt that the worst plausible projections of sea level rise and temperature change resulting from this warming trend would present major problems in almost every corner of the globe. While more carbon in the atmosphere could have some benefits, such as fewer deaths from cold, it’s also likely to pose a variety of severe problems ranging from droughts and floods to the destruction of commercial fishing. Nearly any accounting of these costs indicates they will exceed the benefits.

These guys need to talk to a few of our posters here!!!
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Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see the man made climate change theory is a complete fraud and most people don't believe it any longer.

Damn, what the hell have you been reading? Physicists are the people that study the interaction of the incoming solar energy and the earth and it's atmosphere. Here are their findings over the course of two centuries, from the American Institute of Physics, the largest scientific society on this planet;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Now if you want to just flap yap, like the rest of the bozos on this board, be my guest. And show yourself to be a willfully ignorant fool. Otherwise, don't just post a sentence like that without scientific links that support your point of view. Preferably from a peer reviewed journal.

Idiots like you will believe just about anything.

2013 extreme weather events - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perturbed European late spring and early summer[edit source]

After a cold March and early April in Finland and Scandinavia a late, but very strong and widespread spring caused fast snow melting and bad floods around Finland. Floods occurred mainly in the Province of Northern Ostrobothnia, where floods hit hardest in Pyhäjoki.[43]

In May the weather became exceptionally warm. Thermal summer began about half-month earlier than usually in a whole country, and after mid-month Finland got totally nine heat-days (highest temperature over 25°C) at May 2013, and usually there is recorded three heat-days. The heat of May 2013 broke also records around Finland's Lapland, which got the warmest temperatures of month. The highest temperature, 30,5°C, was recorded at May 31, 2013 in Utsjoki.[44] June got also exceptionally warm weather, especially because there was recorded totally seventeen heat-days at the whole month, and usually there is recorded eight heat-days. The highest temperature, 32,4°C, was recorded at June 26, 2013 in Liperi.[45] The hot weather brought exceptional huge monthly number of thunderstorms and flashes.[45] There was recorded totally 78,000 flashes, and It was the biggest flash record from June in Finland after June 1995.[45] The day record, 28,500 lightnings recorded at June 27, and It was the biggest daily number of flashes in Finland from 2000s and 2010s.[45] May and June 2013 were both at top five of the warmest May and June at Finland's history. While Germany and areas of Central Europe had their wettest ever May, followed by the severe flooding during the 2013 European floods.

Southwest USA heatwave[edit source]

In late June 2013, an intense heat wave struck Southwestern United States. Various places in Southern California reached up to 122 °F (50 °C).[46] On June 30, Death Valley, California hit 129.2 °F (54.0 °C) which is the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth during the month of June. It was five degrees shy of the highest temperature recorded in Death Valley, which was 134 °F (57 °C), recorded in July 1913.[47]

European heatwave[edit source]

After six days in early July with temperatures over 40ºC (104ºF), Portugal officially entered a heat wave. Temperatures reached as high as 45ºC in some places in Alentejo and Ribatejo. Rising temperatures led to heat health warnings being issued for Southern England and the Midlands in the UK's first prolonged heatwave since 2006 on 17 July.[48] The UK recorded its hottest day since July 2006, with 33.5C (92.3F) recorded at Heathrow and Northolt in west London on 22 July.[49] Epidemiological statisticians at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine using models developed in 2011 estimated the heatwave in England and Wales would have led to the premature deaths of 650 people.[50] London Fire Brigade reported that it had attended on average 29 grass fires a day between 1-21 July, seven times the number of call outs for grass fires than the same period in 2012.[51] In Hungary the July heatwave set new daily records for the 27th, 28th and 29th being the hottest day of the year with 40°C only 2 degrees from the absolute record. A day earlier the 2013 Formula One Hungarian Grand Prix was the 2nd hottest in recent Grand Prix history just behind the 2005 Bahrain Grand Prix. Track temperature reached 56°C and air temperature was 38°C.

China heatwave[edit source]

In July a heat wave struck China with alerts covering nine provinces, including Anhui, Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei, Shanghai and Chongqing. Shanghai has seen 24 days with temperatures at or above 35˚C in July. Temperatures in Shanghai reached 40.6 degrees Celsius, the highest ever temperature recorded in 140 years of weather recording in the city.[52]

As predicted, wider and wilder weather swings, with an overall warming. Exactly what we are seeing.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see the man made climate change theory is a complete fraud and most people don't believe it any longer.

Damn, what the hell have you been reading? Physicists are the people that study the interaction of the incoming solar energy and the earth and it's atmosphere. Here are their findings over the course of two centuries, from the American Institute of Physics, the largest scientific society on this planet;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Now if you want to just flap yap, like the rest of the bozos on this board, be my guest. And show yourself to be a willfully ignorant fool. Otherwise, don't just post a sentence like that without scientific links that support your point of view. Preferably from a peer reviewed journal.


"Who needs science when we have a tree ring on our side?"
S.J. -

Your point here is to try to convince me that you are far more stupid than you really are. That is what I see.

Let's say that there are 1,000 papers which confirm evidence of climate change.

And let's say 10 contain serious errors.

Your suggestion is that we dump the entire 1,000 in the bin.

Mine is that we take the 990 good papers seriously.

The question is - why are you working SO hard to avoid what you know is that 990 papers?
Let's say you're being accused of murder, and the prosecution presents a stack of evidence that indicates you are the killer, including DNA samples and eye witnesses. Then, just as the jury is getting ready to deliberate, it's discovered that the prosecution has ANOTHER stack of evidence that shows the DNA evidence was tainted and that you were nowhere near the scene of the crime. Do we ignore the exculpatory evidence that the prosecution hid, or do we execute you anyway?

Some politically appointed wanker

Firstly, you forgot to mention - a CONSERVATIVE politially apppointed wanker. Which is the basis of this thread, i.e. that real conservative politicians have come to understand climate change.

What this means for sceptics, is that there is now virtually no one left in your corner. We have seen oil companies and auto manufacturers abandon climate denial, and now conservative politicians and parties have joined them.

Secondly, and as explained earlier, the conservative PM obviously appoints an adviser he feels best equipped to keep him up to speed. If you are suggesting that he delierately chooses someone poor, I suggest you don't understand the process terribly well.

Thirdyl, if you had read the data, you would have seen that many of the changes have already occured and are occuring now - they are not 100 years in the future.

Lastly, I do agree with the scientists quoted - not all changes can be predicted at a local level. NZ is too small, and has too many micro-climates.

The thread is a joke.. Your conclusions are a joke.. You are not even funny..

I AM SUGGESTING that "... he deliberately chooses someone poor, (for the job).. That's evidenced by even YOU running away from any "science" in this OP.. A wanker is a wanker...

Don't care HOW or WHO or WHY he was appointed.. The conclusions are a travesty of science. And you posted this to make the conclusion that I am completely ISOLATED in my belief that BAD SCIENCE is rampant within your cult.. You demonstrate that right here..

It's all the validation I need today, tomorrow or in 2100... As I am CERTAIN -- you will use this thread as an excuse to drag your failed hysteria about Climate Change all over the map..
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But the trend is not going down. Quite the opposite - there is more evidence of climate change every week. As this thread shows, the information available becomes more and more precise, and more and more based on what people can see and measure outside their windows.

You can cling to those vague 'what ifs?' all you want, but I don't see a great deal of comfort in dodging facts.

And yes, you do find this difficult to understand. At the point you realise that the 13 hottest years on record all occuring in the past 15 years is clear and obvious evidence a warming trend, you'll be making progress.

This is really looking like one of those episodes of mass public hysteria.. Like the 12 screaming H.S. girls that all start having seizures with no known medical reason..

"... more evidence of climate change every week".. PLEASE cite ANY credible sources that are claiming one of this week's "weather events" as evidence of Global Warming..

The Dow Jones has hit 6 of it's all time highs in the past month.. What do you think it will be by the end of the year?

Idiots like you will believe just about anything.

2013 extreme weather events - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perturbed European late spring and early summer[edit source]

After a cold March and early April in Finland and Scandinavia a late, but very strong and widespread spring caused fast snow melting and bad floods around Finland. Floods occurred mainly in the Province of Northern Ostrobothnia, where floods hit hardest in Pyhäjoki.[43]

In May the weather became exceptionally warm. Thermal summer began about half-month earlier than usually in a whole country, and after mid-month Finland got totally nine heat-days (highest temperature over 25°C) at May 2013, and usually there is recorded three heat-days. The heat of May 2013 broke also records around Finland's Lapland, which got the warmest temperatures of month. The highest temperature, 30,5°C, was recorded at May 31, 2013 in Utsjoki.[44] June got also exceptionally warm weather, especially because there was recorded totally seventeen heat-days at the whole month, and usually there is recorded eight heat-days. The highest temperature, 32,4°C, was recorded at June 26, 2013 in Liperi.[45] The hot weather brought exceptional huge monthly number of thunderstorms and flashes.[45] There was recorded totally 78,000 flashes, and It was the biggest flash record from June in Finland after June 1995.[45] The day record, 28,500 lightnings recorded at June 27, and It was the biggest daily number of flashes in Finland from 2000s and 2010s.[45] May and June 2013 were both at top five of the warmest May and June at Finland's history. While Germany and areas of Central Europe had their wettest ever May, followed by the severe flooding during the 2013 European floods.

Southwest USA heatwave[edit source]

In late June 2013, an intense heat wave struck Southwestern United States. Various places in Southern California reached up to 122 °F (50 °C).[46] On June 30, Death Valley, California hit 129.2 °F (54.0 °C) which is the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth during the month of June. It was five degrees shy of the highest temperature recorded in Death Valley, which was 134 °F (57 °C), recorded in July 1913.[47]

European heatwave[edit source]

After six days in early July with temperatures over 40ºC (104ºF), Portugal officially entered a heat wave. Temperatures reached as high as 45ºC in some places in Alentejo and Ribatejo. Rising temperatures led to heat health warnings being issued for Southern England and the Midlands in the UK's first prolonged heatwave since 2006 on 17 July.[48] The UK recorded its hottest day since July 2006, with 33.5C (92.3F) recorded at Heathrow and Northolt in west London on 22 July.[49] Epidemiological statisticians at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine using models developed in 2011 estimated the heatwave in England and Wales would have led to the premature deaths of 650 people.[50] London Fire Brigade reported that it had attended on average 29 grass fires a day between 1-21 July, seven times the number of call outs for grass fires than the same period in 2012.[51] In Hungary the July heatwave set new daily records for the 27th, 28th and 29th being the hottest day of the year with 40°C only 2 degrees from the absolute record. A day earlier the 2013 Formula One Hungarian Grand Prix was the 2nd hottest in recent Grand Prix history just behind the 2005 Bahrain Grand Prix. Track temperature reached 56°C and air temperature was 38°C.

China heatwave[edit source]

In July a heat wave struck China with alerts covering nine provinces, including Anhui, Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei, Shanghai and Chongqing. Shanghai has seen 24 days with temperatures at or above 35˚C in July. Temperatures in Shanghai reached 40.6 degrees Celsius, the highest ever temperature recorded in 140 years of weather recording in the city.[52]

As predicted, wider and wilder weather swings, with an overall warming. Exactly what we are seeing.

Cold springs -- early summers.. You really are some kind of primitive charlatan aren't you?
I suggest you recruit a virgin to throw into a volcano.. THAT will provide better weather for the tribe..

Idiots like you will believe just about anything.

2013 extreme weather events - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perturbed European late spring and early summer[edit source]

After a cold March and early April in Finland and Scandinavia a late, but very strong and widespread spring caused fast snow melting and bad floods around Finland. Floods occurred mainly in the Province of Northern Ostrobothnia, where floods hit hardest in Pyhäjoki.[43]

In May the weather became exceptionally warm. Thermal summer began about half-month earlier than usually in a whole country, and after mid-month Finland got totally nine heat-days (highest temperature over 25°C) at May 2013, and usually there is recorded three heat-days. The heat of May 2013 broke also records around Finland's Lapland, which got the warmest temperatures of month. The highest temperature, 30,5°C, was recorded at May 31, 2013 in Utsjoki.[44] June got also exceptionally warm weather, especially because there was recorded totally seventeen heat-days at the whole month, and usually there is recorded eight heat-days. The highest temperature, 32,4°C, was recorded at June 26, 2013 in Liperi.[45] The hot weather brought exceptional huge monthly number of thunderstorms and flashes.[45] There was recorded totally 78,000 flashes, and It was the biggest flash record from June in Finland after June 1995.[45] The day record, 28,500 lightnings recorded at June 27, and It was the biggest daily number of flashes in Finland from 2000s and 2010s.[45] May and June 2013 were both at top five of the warmest May and June at Finland's history. While Germany and areas of Central Europe had their wettest ever May, followed by the severe flooding during the 2013 European floods.

Southwest USA heatwave[edit source]

In late June 2013, an intense heat wave struck Southwestern United States. Various places in Southern California reached up to 122 °F (50 °C).[46] On June 30, Death Valley, California hit 129.2 °F (54.0 °C) which is the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth during the month of June. It was five degrees shy of the highest temperature recorded in Death Valley, which was 134 °F (57 °C), recorded in July 1913.[47]

European heatwave[edit source]

After six days in early July with temperatures over 40ºC (104ºF), Portugal officially entered a heat wave. Temperatures reached as high as 45ºC in some places in Alentejo and Ribatejo. Rising temperatures led to heat health warnings being issued for Southern England and the Midlands in the UK's first prolonged heatwave since 2006 on 17 July.[48] The UK recorded its hottest day since July 2006, with 33.5C (92.3F) recorded at Heathrow and Northolt in west London on 22 July.[49] Epidemiological statisticians at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine using models developed in 2011 estimated the heatwave in England and Wales would have led to the premature deaths of 650 people.[50] London Fire Brigade reported that it had attended on average 29 grass fires a day between 1-21 July, seven times the number of call outs for grass fires than the same period in 2012.[51] In Hungary the July heatwave set new daily records for the 27th, 28th and 29th being the hottest day of the year with 40°C only 2 degrees from the absolute record. A day earlier the 2013 Formula One Hungarian Grand Prix was the 2nd hottest in recent Grand Prix history just behind the 2005 Bahrain Grand Prix. Track temperature reached 56°C and air temperature was 38°C.

China heatwave[edit source]

In July a heat wave struck China with alerts covering nine provinces, including Anhui, Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei, Shanghai and Chongqing. Shanghai has seen 24 days with temperatures at or above 35˚C in July. Temperatures in Shanghai reached 40.6 degrees Celsius, the highest ever temperature recorded in 140 years of weather recording in the city.[52]

As predicted, wider and wilder weather swings, with an overall warming. Exactly what we are seeing.

oldsocks,your cherry-picking has become a problem...

From the same site, BEFORE what you cited....

China[edit source | editbeta]
In China the average January temperature became the coldest in 28 years.[38] In northeast China the average temperature in January 2013 decreased to 4.5 °F (−15.3 °C), the coldest in 43 years, while in northern China it dropped to a 42-year low of 18.7 °F (−7.4 °C).[38] About a thousand ships were stuck in ice in Laizhou Bay, while 10,500 square miles of ice reportedly covered the surface of the Bohai Sea.[38] About 180,000 cattle deaths were reported in northern China by January 10. On May 2, 2013, a minimum temperature of 16.6 degrees Celsius was recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory, making it the coldest May temperature since 1917. It was also the third coldest minimum temperature in May since recorded.

LOL, so the first 5-6 months of the yearwas extremely cold in china... How inconvenient.. And as I said it was before the heat wave section you cited....

Dude,you really need to get a grip..

United States[edit source | editbeta]
See also: February 2013 nor'easter
The cold wave in the United States was influenced by a low-pressure area called a "Clipper" which brought an Arctic cold front that caused rapidly falling temperatures and strong northwest winds with gusts of 35–50 miles per hour (56–80 km/h).[12]
In Salt Lake City January, 2013 with the average temperature of 19.4 °F (−7.0 °C) became the coldest month on record since 1949 and the sixth coldest January since 1874.[13]
On March 5 a record 6-inch snow depth was noted in Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, exceeding the previous 1999 record by 2.2 inches.[14] On the same day 900 flights were cancelled in O'Hare Airport, while Midway Airport reportedly cancelled 240 flights. U.S. Airways reported 350 flight cancellations for March 6.[14]
In Orlando, Florida the temperature lowered to 41 °F (5 °C) on March 28, 2 degrees below the record of 1955.[15] The lowest minimum temperature record of 1971 (51 °F (11 °C)) was also broken in West Palm Beach, Florida, where a temperature of 48 °F (9 °C) was recorded on March 28.[16]
On 1–3 May, a late snow storm occurred across the central United States from Arkansas to Minnesota. The storm formed form a deep upper level trough which became a cut-off low, the event was named "Achilles" by the Weather Channel. The storm broke records for depth of snow and lateness in the season, and was cited as the worst May snow since 1947.[17]
During May, the May 18–21, 2013 tornado outbreak and May 26–31, 2013 tornado outbreak resulted in over 100 tornadoes, including two separate EF5 tornadoes in Oklahoma. The related storms also resulted in record-breaking rains in North Dakota, New York, and Vermont. The May 31st Tornado that went through El Reno, OK broke the record for widest tornado ever recorded, at 2.6 miles wide.

COld in the US too...

Europe[edit source | editbeta]
During March a cold easterly flow across northern Europe from Russia brought intense snowfalls across the continent as it met moisture filled air masses from Ukraine to Ireland.

colder in Europe too...

Why it would seem the first half of the year was colder in all those places you cited previously.... In fact looking at it in perspective, one has to ask what are these records anyway? or even how it all plays in the grand scheme of climate...

but hey you have a baking earth to sell... LOL, cherry picker..
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4 former EPA chiefs for Republican presidents ask for action on global warming.

Just another indication of what a extremist bunch the current batch of denialists is. According to them, even the Reagan administration was a bunch of dirty socialists. Denialism is now only a political cult, one that cares nothing about any actual science.

I think that the current denialist cult are hard cores unable in any way to learn. The admission of being wrong is not possible in their world. We have a few in the world apparently still claiming a flat earth 1600 years after the first proof of spherical, so there is never the possibility of complete agreement.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter any more. Doers have the main stage now and deniers are irrelevant.
Yeah... 4 EPA officials..

Rucklehaus is over 80 yrs old and was a lawyer by trade. I doubt that he supplied anything but a signature.. So WHO could have pushed this??

Christine Todd Whitman writes op-ed advancing her client's interest --- NYT runs it |

For starters, Christie Todd Whitman is co-chair of a nuclear-industry lobby group called “CASEnergy.” Nuclear companies would profit from regulation of greenhouse gases. This doesn’t disqualify Whitman’s argument, and it doesn’t actually argue against the regulation of GHGs. It does indicate that maybe Whitman should have disclosed this.

Whitman also runs Whitman Strategy Group, with offices in Princeton and on K Street. Whitman Strategy Group helps corporations “navigate through the maze of ever-changing laws and regulations, governmental red tape and business bureaucracies.” It’s no longer registered as a lobbying firm, but when it was, its clients included solar energy companies.

Here’s the interesting detail about her consulting work, from the firm’s website:

The Whitman Strategy Group was hired by a company that was considering investing in an air quality consulting firm. They turned to WSG to help them identify the long-term value of this consulting firm….

In a very short timeframe, WSG prepared a detailed summary of key federal policy and regulatory trends and observations related to clean air, including various scenarios dependent upon Presidential and Congressional election results, with a horizon of 5 years. We also engaged with the company’s Board of Directors to discuss our results and answer various questions. Our forecasting report played a significant part in the company’s decision to move forward and purchase the air quality consulting firm.

In brief, a Whitman client started a business that profits only when the EPA uses the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gases.

This isn't a capitulation on the part of "key Republicans".. It's a made for media PR campaign to promote causes that these former administrators are now engaged in...

Don't you ardent leftists usually check for CORPORATE COLLUSION before you accept a propaganda move such as this???
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4 former EPA chiefs for Republican presidents ask for action on global warming.

Just another indication of what a extremist bunch the current batch of denialists is. According to them, even the Reagan administration was a bunch of dirty socialists. Denialism is now only a political cult, one that cares nothing about any actual science.

I think that the current denialist cult are hard cores unable in any way to learn. The admission of being wrong is not possible in their world. We have a few in the world apparently still claiming a flat earth 1600 years after the first proof of spherical, so there is never the possibility of complete agreement.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter any more. Doers have the main stage now and deniers are irrelevant.

Help a guy out willya

Someone asked me to show them an experiment that shows a temperature increase from adding 200ppm of CO2 and I can't find anything, where did you go for the proof of the Global Warming hypothesis
Did you know that co2 is a greenhouse gas and do you know what that means?
4 former EPA chiefs for Republican presidents ask for action on global warming.

Just another indication of what a extremist bunch the current batch of denialists is. According to them, even the Reagan administration was a bunch of dirty socialists. Denialism is now only a political cult, one that cares nothing about any actual science.

I think that the current denialist cult are hard cores unable in any way to learn. The admission of being wrong is not possible in their world. We have a few in the world apparently still claiming a flat earth 1600 years after the first proof of spherical, so there is never the possibility of complete agreement.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter any more. Doers have the main stage now and deniers are irrelevant.

Help a guy out willya

Someone asked me to show them an experiment that shows a temperature increase from adding 200ppm of CO2 and I can't find anything, where did you go for the proof of the Global Warming hypothesis

Like all science, the most reliable experiment would be to wait and see.

But, also like most science, waiting to see would probably be the most costly approach because by the time we saw, we would have no choices left. We'd be stuck with what we saw.

So, like most science we look for ways to model the system mathematically so that we can have insight to the problem, so that we can manage it, to a less costly consequence.

Here's how such an scientific approach has worked in the field of AGW.

There is the big picture and there are the details. All have to be satisfied.

The biggest picture is any body in space. If the radiant energy coming out is less than the radiant energy going in, warming will occur.

On our planet, mankind uses the atmosphere as a dumping ground, including for greenhouse gases. They unequivocally restrict outgoing radiation. That unequivocally produces global warming until the energy of the radiation is sufficiently increased to overcome their restriction.

The next level of detail is in energy budgets. There is simply no way for you to produce a more accurate global energy budget than the IPCC. You might try to guess objections to theirs, but your guessing will always be less informed than theirs. Nothing personal, we are all in that same boat.

Part of energy budgeting is the accounting for positive feedbacks. Effects caused by GHG global warming that add to its warming. Things like melting snow and ice reducing earth's albedo and melting permafrost adding it's sequestered GHGs to fossil fuel's. Again, sorry, we are already out of our class of science and must rely on the IPCC's superior resources to do the heavy lifting.

Now, to the details. Each sq meter of earth, each cubic meter of ocean and atmosphere, all have their own story to tell. And it changes every minute. If they're average, and not blocked from incoming solar radiation, they have more energy falling on them than their temperature allows them to radiate away. An unstable condition. Which must be resolved.

The resolution is weather. Before stability is finally restored, that excess energy will be transferred innumerable times between media that will each in turn be warmed by it until they pass it on to other media.

Over time though, the unstable media must resolve. The detailed understanding of that though will have to wait until we are capable of multi year weather forecasts. That's for future generations to work on. That's out of everyone's reach for now.

That's the state of science now.

However, as usual, the state of politics is less settled.

However, people who make a living solving problems have enough science to see the opportunity in all of this. The opportunity to help civilization as well as the opportunity to make money. They left the starting gate some time ago and more do everyday. The only political issue left is whether to celebrate the opportunity or hope that science is wrong.

That brings us back to denialists of all stripe hoping science is wrong because of fear of the presently predicted future. That group has always been with us. They see trauma instead of opportunity. They fear truth and want stasis.

Politics is about picking sides. Science is about unconvering truth. The two don't mix although there are mostly economics forces that try to mix them for profit.

So we have science. Certain about the big picture. Unable to build multi year weather models. We have data that support the reliability of the models that can be built. We have a global organization of qualified experts to do the science.

Then we have the politics. Never certain. Always chaotic. Full of charlatans.

Then we have doers, engineers, investors, problem solvers. They are out of the gate and more join everyday. They don't wait for risk free certainty. They look for opportunity.

So, things are unfolding as they should.

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