Conservatives waking up to climate change

Dumb ass. We have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from 280 ppm to 400 ppm. The amount of CH4 from 700 ppb to over 1800 ppm. That is significant, considering that 100 ppm of CO2 is the differance between an ice age, and an interglacial period. And that the amount of CH4 in the atmosphere has not been seen for many millions of years.

People like you keep repeating that meme, "contributing a tiny amount to the total", knowing that is is a complete lie.

Wow! So you should have no problem demonstrating this "Climate Change Global Warming" in a lab setting, amiright?

I mean those gases are so so so so powerful! There should be a demonstrable difference by adding even half those amounts, amiright?
Have you actually done any kind of research on what is happening, right here and now? I don't think so, in fact, I bet you have never read a single scientific article concerning how GHGs work, and what the effects we have already seen.

Simply repeating that tired "Conservative" meme will simply getted you tagged as an utter fool as the consequences of a changing climate become more evident every year.

You have any laboratory experiments showing how GHG's alter the Jet stream?

Yes, a really great big one;

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]


"Save the planet!"
Have you actually done any kind of research on what is happening, right here and now? I don't think so, in fact, I bet you have never read a single scientific article concerning how GHGs work, and what the effects we have already seen.

Simply repeating that tired "Conservative" meme will simply getted you tagged as an utter fool as the consequences of a changing climate become more evident every year.

You have any laboratory experiments showing how GHG's alter the Jet stream?

Yes, a really great big one;

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]

That's not how real science works, Dear.

Have you eliminated all the variables save a wisp or CO2?
Frank -

Either respond to the topic, or scroll past.

Please do not spam every thread in this section with illiterate gibberish.
Frank -

Either respond to the topic, or scroll past.

Please do not spam every thread in this section with illiterate gibberish.

You keep telling me you've eliminated all variables save for changes in trace gases and I keep asking why the science lab refuses to validate your incorrect theory

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
AGW Cult: 200ppm of CO2 and 1000ppb of CH4 will warm planet Earth by 2-7 degrees

Normal people: can you show us this in a lab?

AGW Cult: there are too many other variables for this to work in a lab

Normal people: if there are too many variables how can you be certain your theory is correct?

AGW Cult: long stream of invective and insults ending with denier!

Normal people: Are you ok? you seem upset?

AGW Cult: denier upset us! You must accept your fate as a spewer of deadly CO2 and turn control of your life over to us.
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Dumb ass. We have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from 280 ppm to 400 ppm. The amount of CH4 from 700 ppb to over 1800 ppm. That is significant, considering that 100 ppm of CO2 is the differance between an ice age, and an interglacial period. And that the amount of CH4 in the atmosphere has not been seen for many millions of years.

People like you keep repeating that meme, "contributing a tiny amount to the total", knowing that is is a complete lie.

How was that measured?

Has somebody been sampling the atmosphere for increases of CO2 and Methane?

BTW, man has done more than pump GHGs into the air. He's deforested the Brazilian Rainforest and most of the continent of Africa is now nothing but desert. Could that have anything to do with it? And why are developing countries like Mexico exempt from Green Laws? They do much of the polluting?
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Dumb ass. We have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from 280 ppm to 400 ppm. The amount of CH4 from 700 ppb to over 1800 ppm. That is significant, considering that 100 ppm of CO2 is the differance between an ice age, and an interglacial period. And that the amount of CH4 in the atmosphere has not been seen for many millions of years.

People like you keep repeating that meme, "contributing a tiny amount to the total", knowing that is is a complete lie.

How was that measured?

Has somebody been sampling the atmosphere for increases of CO2?

BTW, man has done more than pump GHGs into the air. He's deforested the Brazilian Rainforest and most of the continent of Africa is now nothing but desert. Could that have anything to do with it? And why are developing countries like Mexico exempt from Green Laws? They do much of the polluting?

From 1957 to present, directly from stations worldwide. Before that, from bubble in ice from glaciers, the Greenland Ice Cap, and the Anarctic Ice Cap.

Trends in Carbon Dioxide

Temperature and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere over the past 400 000 years | GRID-Arendal - Publications - Vital Climate Graphics

The deforestation of the Brazilian Rain forest is but one of many foolish actions by man. The desertification of North Africa has little to do with man. As the earth warmed from the last ice age, the Hadley cells expanded northward, even as they are doing now.

Mexico and the third world nations have in the past contributed very little to the rise of the GHGs. However, as you point out, that is changing, and needs to be addressed. As for their doing much of the polluting, although we outlawed PCBs here, we still produce that chemical and sell it to nations like Mexico.
Dumb ass. We have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from 280 ppm to 400 ppm. The amount of CH4 from 700 ppb to over 1800 ppm. That is significant, considering that 100 ppm of CO2 is the differance between an ice age, and an interglacial period. And that the amount of CH4 in the atmosphere has not been seen for many millions of years.

People like you keep repeating that meme, "contributing a tiny amount to the total", knowing that is is a complete lie.

How was that measured?

Has somebody been sampling the atmosphere for increases of CO2?

BTW, man has done more than pump GHGs into the air. He's deforested the Brazilian Rainforest and most of the continent of Africa is now nothing but desert. Could that have anything to do with it? And why are developing countries like Mexico exempt from Green Laws? They do much of the polluting?

From 1957 to present, directly from stations worldwide. Before that, from bubble in ice from glaciers, the Greenland Ice Cap, and the Anarctic Ice Cap.

Trends in Carbon Dioxide

Temperature and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere over the past 400 000 years | GRID-Arendal - Publications - Vital Climate Graphics

The deforestation of the Brazilian Rain forest is but one of many foolish actions by man. The desertification of North Africa has little to do with man. As the earth warmed from the last ice age, the Hadley cells expanded northward, even as they are doing now.

Mexico and the third world nations have in the past contributed very little to the rise of the GHGs. However, as you point out, that is changing, and needs to be addressed. As for their doing much of the polluting, although we outlawed PCBs here, we still produce that chemical and sell it to nations like Mexico.

That's weird. When you run those two charts over each other they show CO2 lagging temperature on the increase and decrease.
Dumb ass. We have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from 280 ppm to 400 ppm. The amount of CH4 from 700 ppb to over 1800 ppm. That is significant, considering that 100 ppm of CO2 is the differance between an ice age, and an interglacial period. And that the amount of CH4 in the atmosphere has not been seen for many millions of years.

People like you keep repeating that meme, "contributing a tiny amount to the total", knowing that is is a complete lie.

How was that measured?

Has somebody been sampling the atmosphere for increases of CO2?

BTW, man has done more than pump GHGs into the air. He's deforested the Brazilian Rainforest and most of the continent of Africa is now nothing but desert. Could that have anything to do with it? And why are developing countries like Mexico exempt from Green Laws? They do much of the polluting?

From 1957 to present, directly from stations worldwide. Before that, from bubble in ice from glaciers, the Greenland Ice Cap, and the Anarctic Ice Cap.

Trends in Carbon Dioxide

Temperature and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere over the past 400 000 years | GRID-Arendal - Publications - Vital Climate Graphics

The deforestation of the Brazilian Rain forest is but one of many foolish actions by man. The desertification of North Africa has little to do with man. As the earth warmed from the last ice age, the Hadley cells expanded northward, even as they are doing now.

Mexico and the third world nations have in the past contributed very little to the rise of the GHGs. However, as you point out, that is changing, and needs to be addressed. As for their doing much of the polluting, although we outlawed PCBs here, we still produce that chemical and sell it to nations like Mexico.

I'm not talking about N. Africa.

Have you ever been there?

Much of the countryside has been deforested by nomads cutting down trees for firewood.
I'm not talking about N. Africa.

Have you ever been there?

Much of the countryside has been deforested by nomads cutting down trees for firewood.

I was there last week, actually.

And although you are right that deforestation and poor land use have played a role, a far bigger role is being played now by rising temperatures, increased drought frequencies (and rising sea levels).
S.j. -

When was the Office of the Chief Science Adviser caught lying?

Rather than just jam your fingers in your ears, it is perhaps worth reading what conservative science sources have to say and responding accordingly.

Oh, saggy, NIWA's shenanigans are oooooold news! Must keep up with the times there old boy! This is a little dated now but it will get you started...

UPDATE 15:49 NZDT - NIWA's news release in response to this story appears to have been delayed, and according to a radio news report a few minutes ago Rodney Hide, leader of the minority Act Party and a minister in the National Government, is now calling on his Cabinet colleague, Climate Change Minister Nick Smith, to "please explain" [normal transmission now resumes] The New Zealand Government's chief climate advisory unit NIWA is under fire for allegedly massaging raw climate data to show a global warming trend that wasn't there. The scandal breaks as fears grow worldwide that corruption of climate science is not confined to just Britain's CRU climate research centre. In New Zealand's case, the figures published on NIWA's [the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research] website suggest a strong warming trend in New Zealand over the past century: - See more at: BREAKING: NZ?s NIWA accused of CRU-style temperature faking
Westwall -

I do wish you would read material with a view to actually understanding it. The office of the Chief Science Adviser is NOT NIWA. It's task is to keep the conservative government of New Zealand up to speed with objective science - which it obviously sources from institutions it considers impeccable.

Try and apply a little common sense here - if you are the conservative Prime Minister of New Zealand and you had some questions about climate change - you'd get it from people you had every reason to trust, wouldn't you?

btw. Independent enquiry backed NIWA's research methodology, and a new study produced very similar results to that which some right-wing lobbyist had criticised.
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I'm not talking about N. Africa.

Have you ever been there?

Much of the countryside has been deforested by nomads cutting down trees for firewood.

I was there last week, actually.

And although you are right that deforestation and poor land use have played a role, a far bigger role is being played now by rising temperatures, increased drought frequencies (and rising sea levels).

Absolute rubbish. Man IS responsible for the crap going on in Africa, but it ain't the temperature.
Meanwhile...from today's NZ Herald...

A major US report held as the world's most authorative annual climate check has shown a range of records were broken last year - and mostly for the wrong reasons.

The 2012 State of the Climate report, released this morning, found that average temperatures across global land and sea surfaces last year ranked among the 10 warmest years on record.

And it showed New Zealand stood on the edge on an area experiencing the fastest rising sea levels on Earth.

Vital Statistics

* 392.66 parts per million - the projected concentration of CO2 in the world's atmosphere in 2012, a level exceeded in some parts of the globe.
* 35.6 billion tonnes - projected global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel and cement production.
* 97 per cent - a worrying new melt extent record observed at the Greenland Ice Sheet last September, meaning nearly all of the vast body was seen to be melting.
* 285 - people killed when Hurricane Sandy struck the US.
* 2.1C deg - mid-range projections for average temperature rises in New Zealand by 2090.

Range of climate records broken - report - National - NZ Herald News
Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see the man made climate change theory is a complete fraud and most people don't believe it any longer.

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