Conservatives: What is it you expect Biden to do about baby formula?

No, it is an answer, just one you don’t like. We have a massive water and coming energy shortage too. But hey, let’s keep importing millions of illegals. They can take our food and water while we go on rations.
Literally does nothing for the baby formula issue, but you be you.
Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?

I was going to answer this but the quote below beat me to it.

How about closing the fucking border so more pregnant women just dont come across the border and drop more anchors? That a good first step, then give baby formula to only US citizens first, and if there is enough left over any illegal can then get the rest. What a novel idea, but Joe Biteme isnt about America first, but America worst. Dumbass.

My thoughts exactly.
I don't expect the government to do anything about it take a crisis and blame the party in power for it to achieve a politial end is SOP in politics. If this was going under Republican control of the government we would see the Democrats doing the exact same thing the Republicans are now. You never let a serious crisis go to waste that little gem came from Rahm Emanuel though he was hardly the first to express it.
Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?

How about prioritizing getting baby formula to American mothers/ babies 1st rather than sending shipments to illegals at the border 1st?
Brandon should have already done it.

He should have prevented this atrocity from happening in the first place. Abbott's South Dakota plant closed 3 months ago, this wasn't a surprise to those who knew about it, including the Biden FDA.
Michigan, not even close and it was October.
Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?
i expected what is happening

i had no real surprise dembot policies would cause shortages and hunger
In relevant news, the governor of bare shelves Biden's home state of Delaware today signed into law statewide paid family and medical leave for new parents.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

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The governor of Biden's home state of Delaware today signed into law statewide paid family and medical leave.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

I have an even better solution, I'll pay the white house a bundle to kick out Biden and keep Harris out.
I suppose it's also just irony that the cackling chickens on The View were just the other day arguing for paid family medical leave as a solution for the infant formula shortage.

Never let a perfectly good manufactured crisis go to waste and whatnot...
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How about closing the fucking border so more pregnant women just dont come across the border and drop more anchors? That a good first step, then give baby formula to only US citizens first, and if there is enough left over any illegal can then get the rest. What a novel idea, but Joe Biteme isnt about America first, but America worst. Dumbass.

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