Conservatives: What is it you expect Biden to do about baby formula?

How? Are you arguing the fed should be in charge of formula purchase and distribution?
I am suggesting Biden has violated both Constitution and Law in facilitating an illegal invasion and that diverting baby food to illegals while American infants are starving is treason, betraying Americans.

The Fed should NOT be in the business of confiscating baby food and giving it to illegals.
i expected what is happening

i had no real surprise dembot policies would cause shortages and hunger
You guys do realize this is a plan of the Progressives, that if they have shortages of food, then people will think differently of having babies. This will then cascade with maybe a generation of citizens lacking a replacement, while millions of diseased illegal cross the border to replace them. Blacks murdering blacks in the 1000s a month, aborting babies by 36% now forcing those women who want babies to postpone, because they cant feed those babies. Damn the Dementicraps hate blacks so much, the KKK of old couldnt hold a candle to these guys today.
No, it is an answer, just one you don’t like. We have a massive water and coming energy shortage too. But hey, let’s keep importing millions of illegals. They can take our food and water while we go on rations.
Your answer is retarded.
CNN warned about this in November 2021. Biden ignored it.
There are only four major manufacturers of baby formula in the entire Country, fool.

Now explain how it Biden's fault that those companies have the market sewn up for baby formula, a product that is essential for the health & well being of infants.

Let's have it.
Progs interfere. Progs are powerful. Riots, Covid, and cheating during an election. They achieved their goals. Only they ran and are running the nation into the ground.
Nobody outside your embarrassing cult subscribes to your childish fantasies.
There are only four major manufacturers of baby formula in the entire Country, fool.

Now explain how it Biden's fault that those companies have the market sewn up for baby formula, a product that is essential for the health & well being of infants.

Let's have it.
It's Biden's fault because he's in charge. He wanted the job.
Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden quickly turned into Joe 'It's Everyone's Fault But Mine' Biden.

In other words, he's your typical lying POS Democrat.
You want Biden to issue an EO ordering formula manufacturers to get busy & produce more, mouth breather?

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