Conservatives: What is it you expect Biden to do about baby formula?

Biden could alleviate a lot of problems with energy, supply chains & inflation by doing a few simple things.
1) Officially declare the dempanic over
2) No more PCR tests or clot shot mandates, public or private
3) Tell the world no more zero emission, fossil fuels boogeyman push for a green revolution BS
4) Tell govt regulators to suspend all but the most life threatening regs, in particular for food manufacturing
5) Tax breaks & other incentives to bring manufacturing & industry back from foreign lands

These would all get the recovery going quickly but they won't do it since they want the crash to come
What about the worker shortage?
No, it is an answer, just one you don’t like. We have a massive water and coming energy shortage too. But hey, let’s keep importing millions of illegals. They can take our food and water while we go on rations.
Couldn't be too many illegals coming over, if there was we would not have a worker shortage.
The one he created....?
The one Trump created? Goes both ways. Covid deaths didn't take every one not working. I said a few years ago if migrants could not go to work here it would hurt the economy and lead to a shortage of workers. Just wait until your produce goes to waste because no American's want to harvest it. Meat is another story, most manufacturers had many legals and illegals working there, give them all work visa's.
Allow the company to reopen. Lift the prohibition on formula imported from Europe. Halt distribution to illegals and sent to Ukraine.

Undo everything he did to starve the babies.
You're old, how the hell did you get fed when you were a baby? Everything these mother's of today need to know about making their own is on the internet and Amazon sells baby formula.
What about the worker shortage?
Declaring the dempanic over removes obstacles like PCR requirements & disincentives like excessive unemployment payments.
Getting rid of clot shot mandates will open up a new pool of workers who refuse to bend the knee.
Easing govt restrictions will also bring back workers frustrated by onerous wok regulations.
Tax breaks can translate to higher wages & expansion of employment.
Getting out of the way of fossil fuels brings very good paying jobs back.
These are all simple, free market type solutions that have always worked before & will continue to work when applied appropriately
There are only four major manufacturers of baby formula in the entire Country, fool.
Now explain how it Biden's fault that those companies have the market sewn up for baby formula, a product that is essential for the health & well being of infants.
Let's have it.
All Xiden had to do is sign an EO allowing (high quality) imported formula, duh.
Stupid is as stupid does...
No, it's a failure of government. The FDA shut down Abbott. Do you know what the FDA is?
Keeping contaminated baby formula out of babies is a success of government. Making contaminated baby formula and not having a backup plan is a failure of capitalism.

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