Conservatives who oppose withdrawing from Afghanistan, what would you do?

ww2 has nothing to do with it, the FACT is that the US controlled the Afghan country side with 2500 troops air power and artillery support was all the Afghan Army needed.
RetiredGySgt hey---AND--AND---we don't keep troops in Germany to keep terrorists out or keep the country stable or keep order---stop civil war/etc- [ as it is in Afghanistan ] --we keep them there for Russia/etc----so--that right there-destroys your whole argument .......
RetiredGySgt hey---AND--AND---we don't keep troops in Germany to keep terrorists out or keep the country stable or keep order---stop civil war/etc- [ as it is in Afghanistan ] --we keep them there for Russia/etc----so--that right there-destroys your whole argument .......
No it does not the FACT is for the last 18 months we lost noone and the afghan troops held well with just our support.
I believe that most conservatives agree it is time to leave Afghanistan.

What they oppose is the embarrassing way the Biden administration is conducting the withdrawal.
Trump got the Afghan government to release over 5000 Taliban prisoners being held in Afghan prisons.
That was a dumb move

but the war it was designed to end involves afghans killing each other not Americans

until biden went completely full senile there was still time to bring the White House to its senses
That was a dumb move

but the war it was designed to end involves afghans killing each other not Americans

until biden went completely full senile there was still time to bring the White House to its senses
"but the war it was designed to end involves afghans killing each other not Americans"?


No American has died in the Afghanistan with draw.
The last two Americans that died there was on February 8 2020.
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

I am all for leaving. But why did the idiots in DC allow all of that military hardware to just fall into the hands of the taliban?

Why aren't hellfire missiles raining down destroying all of the aircraft and armored vehicles?

Fucking stupid.
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Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

Excellent post.

When Afghanistan refused to give up Al-Qaeda, we should have just bombed the holy fuck out of them until they did - or until the country was reduced to smoldering ruins, whichever came first. No invasion, no occupation, just a devastating retaliation for the 9/11 attacks. And yes, many "innocent" people would have died. That's the price that "innocent" people pay for letting terrorists camp in their backyard.

But that's not what we did. We moved in. And the current shitshow was a foregone conclusion from that point forward. I was just a matter of time.
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I think the majority of the conservatives were in favor of the withdrawl but we wanted a plan to get out the americans and all the people who helped our troops like the interpreters and their families . This is not what Biden did ..
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

Well......a good case was made for the 3,500 troops plus intelligence and helping them with their air support........that could have been maintained for decades.
When we finally pull out I think we all know what is likely to happen if we are being honest the Taliban takes over again but look how long we have been there and not much has changed. There is no good answer to this question.

I agree.
When we finally pull out I think we all know what is likely to happen if we are being honest the Taliban takes over again but look how long we have been there and not much has changed. There is no good answer to this question.

The one silver lining?

This shows all the morons who voted for biden why mean tweets are a lot better than a democrat party with a mental defective as their puppet......
I think the majority of the conservatives were in favor of the withdrawl but we wanted a plan to get out the americans and all the people who helped our troops like the interpreters and their families . This is not what Biden did ..
Retreats are never orderly and graceful. More often, they're like this:


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