Conservatives! You guys Rock! You got what you wanted! Farms, however, now need help!

Maybe if they hid the welfare and unemployment checks in the heads of lettuce.......
The farmer does not pay with check he pays with cash how do you think illegals do not have to pay taxes?

They pay lots of taxes wehn they purchase things.

They make so little they would pay no income taxes anyway

And they suck up tax dollars when they send their kids to public school, collect Medicaid for them, food stamps for them, and section 8 housing for them. Illegal immigration costs California alone over $10 billion a year. Aren't you a California crackpot?

in 2002 the combined agriculture production and processing industry in California directly accounted for $97.7 billion of the state sales output, 3.8 percent of jobs, 2.5 percent of labor income and $39.6 billion (2.9 percent) of labor and property income and indirect business taxes.

News Stories - Agriculture and Natural Resources - University of California

How much would that produce actually cost without immigrants doing the "picking"?
Growers now are scrambling to find enough workers to keep their crops from withering on the vine and rotting on the ground. Each spring and early summer, thousands of undocumented workers, mainly from Florida, travel to Georgia and states further north to work. Charles Hall, executive director of Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Association, said farmers are finding only between 30 percent and 50 percent of the 11,000 farm hands needed to the harvest their crops, producing a labor shortage that will hit the industry with a loss of $250 million.

The shortage clearly puts the lie to the myth held by critics of U.S. farming practices that desperate unemployed U.S. citizens will do farm work if it is available to them. The Georgia Labor Department released a survey showing that unemployment in Irwin County, where blackberries are a major crop, is at 13 percent, yet very few people went to the fields. Of those who did, the overwhelming majority walked away.

Get-Tough Laws Hurt More than Immigrants « Farmworkers Forum

More failed Republican policies.


OK GOP, take a good long look at your "farm workers".

Because Ed Schultz and the rest of his ilk are fighting hard to keep the "99er's" home on the couch instead of going out and getting work...

Can't blame those guys on Ed Schultz".
Maybe if they hid the welfare and unemployment checks in the heads of lettuce.......

Welfare is cut off after three years..and unemployment checks go to people who PAID for them in the first place.
Amazing. A thread advocating for using and abusing illegal immigrants. Somehow hispanics are supposed to react positively to the left who want to keep them being used and abused. I don't think it will turn out as well as they think in the end.

There will be plenty of people who will pick crops. People need jobs. It's time the people humble themselves and do whats necessary.

George Orwell would be shocked that his vision has come to fruition in the form of American Conservatism.

You're becoming quite the fool, Sallow. Shame on you.

For what?

Advocating a different stance then your own?
The U.S. Department of Labor has awarded nearly $2.5 million to an Arizona organization to help combat chronic unemployment and underemployment among migrant and seasonal farmworkers.

In Arizona, Portable Practical Educational Preparation Inc. was awarded $2.1 million to help eligible workers improve their agricultural job skills, and to help them train for careers in emerging industries and occupations that offer higher wages and stable employment.

The organization's micro business and housing development arm was awarded $355,000 to provide permanent housing assistance and temporary and emergency housing assistance to farmworkers.

The awards are part of more than $78 million that will go to 52 organizations nationwide to provide training, employment and support services for farmworkers and their families. An additional $5.7 million will go to 16 organizations across the U.S. to provide temporary or permanent housing assistance.

Read more: Ariz. farmworkers to get $2.5M in jobless aid
and now we see the REAL reason. Why are we providing benefits for migrant workers? I mean besides dumbassed democratics and thier stupid assed policies?

Migrant workers doesn't mean "illegal".

The children of migrant workers often don't attend school.

Many times these people don't have access to medical care and so they can spread disease.

And finally,

Helping other Americans is the American thing to do.

Right wingers don't understand that. The Republican LT. Gov of South Carolina says poor people are like animals. Feed them and they'll "breed". He's only voicing "GOP" sentiments.

There is just something about this that sets me off, I'm not sure if it is the horrid generalization of 'Right wingers' or the not so delicate insight toward 'poor people'.
Never thought anyone would blame another person for enforcing the law.

You Howler monkeys are never satisfied.

How about you Howlers demand the welfare lifers get off thier dead asses?

This would be funny..before Clinton.

Here's an update.

Welfare runs out after 3 years.

Not it you have kids under the age of 18.

sucks to learn, donought
and now we see the REAL reason. Why are we providing benefits for migrant workers? I mean besides dumbassed democratics and thier stupid assed policies?

Migrant workers doesn't mean "illegal".

The children of migrant workers often don't attend school.

Many times these people don't have access to medical care and so they can spread disease.

And finally,

Helping other Americans is the American thing to do.

Right wingers don't understand that. The Republican LT. Gov of South Carolina says poor people are like animals. Feed them and they'll "breed". He's only voicing "GOP" sentiments.

There is just something about this that sets me off, I'm not sure if it is the horrid generalization of 'Right wingers' or the not so delicate insight toward 'poor people'.

Pulitzer Prize Winner "Kathleen Parker", a life long Republican has lamented at what's become of that party. She says the Republican Party has become the "Party of Ooga Booga".

Bay Buchanan, sister of former Republican Presidential Pat Buchanan told Anderson Cooper that Republicans need to get intellectuals OUT of the Republican Party. That the Republican Party does NOT represent "intellectuals". He gave her every chance to recant that statement, but she would not. She went on to say we need common sense solutions and need to stop "studying" everything to death.

This Republican Party doesn't base it's decisions on "study" and "data". They don't see "consequence". That's how you could have a president like Bush who said his decisions were based on a "gut" feeling. Many times, the "gut" feeling is the "wrong decision".
Yep, work for starvation wages, cheat, steal, murder, or whatever is necessarily just like they do in 3rd world countries.
$12 per hour in a rural GA community is not starvation wages.

Migrant Farm Workers are not Paid By the hour there Braniac, They are usually paid by the Bushel, and can Make 12 Bucks an Hour, but they have to break their Backs to do so. The Vast majority Of Illegals who work on Farms in this Country, Do it for Wages that are not even legal. The Dirty Little Secret that Libs want to Ignore and allow to keep happening.
maybe your dumbass should learn to read, the positions were advertised locally for $12 per hour. Your assertions are complete bullshit, having been in the employment industry in NC for most of the last 10 years I can tell you from experience that illegals by and large demand higher wages than disadvantaged Americans of any stripe, particularly in the constructions trades. Also having lived on a vadalia onion farm in rural GA about 14 years ago I can say with absolutely no doubt that the migrants are not only paid well, but treated very well. As to your whining about hard work... so fucking what?
One issue not raised is the fact that the farmers paid them & thats it. If an American were to do the work, they'd have to make the standard tax-deductions from the checks.
Farmers are required to withhold payroll taxes from migrant workers pay, legal or illegal. Some probably don't and others just pocket the money.
Yeah, because not expensing the COL would be so beneficial... :cuckoo:
I'm on the fence about this. I have often asked the question, "who will pick the tomatoes"? There are few people willing to work long hours in the hot sun. Why can't they get work visas?

How about this idea? In industries that have difficulty finding labor (farming, meat packing plants, commercial fishing), anyone employed with legitimate identification (not phony papers) and a clean criminal history can get an "emergency visa" good for one year and renewable annually. This "pass" must be carried at all times (which is already law) and anyone picked up without a "pass" is immediately deported. Win/win for employers and those "hard working Mexicans". Lose/lose for the freeloaders and criminals.

I spoke with a guy who was busted for hiring illegals on his commercial fishing boats. Despite paying a huge fine, he said it was a blessing in disguise. The people at ICE put him in touch with a Russian employment agency and sent him some outstanding workers. There are people all over the world willing to do the "jobs Americans won't do". These companies just need to get in touch with the right people.

I'd like to see people on public assistance work for their check. But that will never happen.
How about this one, if you're on the governments teat and the job becomes available work or fucking starve.
Maybe if they hid the welfare and unemployment checks in the heads of lettuce.......

Welfare is cut off after three years..and unemployment checks go to people who PAID for them in the first place.
for the first 26 weeks, after that it's just welfare through the unemployment office.

Welfare does not get cut off after 3 years, the time limit is 5 years, and even then it's not cut off, people just emmigrate to different programs. Not that it matters because thats not the point, the point is they should get off thier lazy asses and work when it's available, if they're not willing to do that... fucking starve.
Migrant workers doesn't mean "illegal".

The children of migrant workers often don't attend school.

Many times these people don't have access to medical care and so they can spread disease.

And finally,

Helping other Americans is the American thing to do.

Right wingers don't understand that. The Republican LT. Gov of South Carolina says poor people are like animals. Feed them and they'll "breed". He's only voicing "GOP" sentiments.

There is just something about this that sets me off, I'm not sure if it is the horrid generalization of 'Right wingers' or the not so delicate insight toward 'poor people'.

Pulitzer Prize Winner "Kathleen Parker", a life long Republican has lamented at what's become of that party. She says the Republican Party has become the "Party of Ooga Booga".

Bay Buchanan, sister of former Republican Presidential Pat Buchanan told Anderson Cooper that Republicans need to get intellectuals OUT of the Republican Party. That the Republican Party does NOT represent "intellectuals". He gave her every chance to recant that statement, but she would not. She went on to say we need common sense solutions and need to stop "studying" everything to death.

This Republican Party doesn't base it's decisions on "study" and "data". They don't see "consequence". That's how you could have a president like Bush who said his decisions were based on a "gut" feeling. Many times, the "gut" feeling is the "wrong decision".

Well... in becoming more of whatever it is I am becoming I saw the 'flag' warnings that 'intellectuals' are the destroyers, and for good reason, I suppose. We represent Lucifer. Why find out the what could heal a land full of needy people when they could all just be punished and killed accordingly with their blood and guts used for food, shelter, and such other securities that would ensure a cheaper solution.

On the same page, however, transparency sometimes only emphasizes the importance of taking some things for their face value.

Obviously, this is why some of 'us' are fence straddlers. :eusa_hand:

Being an intellectual is a drop in the proverbial bucket. IT is perhaps more about what an individual does with their knowledge than the fact that they merely are knowledgeable.
$12 per hour in a rural GA community is not starvation wages.
Try living all year year on $12/hr for 3 months of picking.
pssssttt... they're MIGRANT workers.

Honestly, what you people think you know is amazing... amuzing too!

So... this means ??? Ahhh, that the three months worth of work was not designed to be what sustains them for the whole twelve months within a year. :eusa_whistle: What other programs are available then for the other nine months? Ohhhhh, public school.... :doubt: Yep, our teachers may very well deserve that raise! :evil:
Try living all year year on $12/hr for 3 months of picking.
pssssttt... they're MIGRANT workers.

Honestly, what you people think you know is amazing... amuzing too!

So... this means ??? Ahhh, that the three months worth of work was not designed to be what sustains them for the whole twelve months within a year. :eusa_whistle: What other programs are available then for the other nine months? Ohhhhh, public school.... :doubt: Yep, our teachers may very well deserve that raise! :evil:
They're migrant workers... they MIGRATE. Moving around from state to state as crops come in or need to be planted working the whole year. Why would they need any fucking programs?

Honestly, what you people think you know is truly amuzing.
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pssssttt... they're MIGRANT workers.

Honestly, what you people think you know is amazing... amuzing too!

So... this means ??? Ahhh, that the three months worth of work was not designed to be what sustains them for the whole twelve months within a year. :eusa_whistle: What other programs are available then for the other nine months? Ohhhhh, public school.... :doubt: Yep, our teachers may very well deserve that raise! :evil:
They're migrant workers... they MIGRATE. Moving around from state to state as crops come in or need to be planted working the whole year. Why would they need any fucking programs?

Honestly, what you people think you know is truly amuzing.

I apologize for not knowing better or as much as you obvious seem to. From what I understood, or misunderstood, was that the PROBLEM with migrant workers, border control and such is that they were NOT in fact MIGRATING. :doubt:
The solution to that problem is so ridiculously simple that even a Liberal should be able to understand it.....

North Carolina has an unemployment rate of about 9.7% (the latest I could find online). That should be more than enough people to fill in for the illegals. Of course if those people don't want the work they can always choose not to collect unemployment either since I believe that anyone on unemployment who turns down a job should have their benefits canceled.
The only problem is they are not willing to do this work

Why would they be? They have a welfare state to take care of them, brought to us by people like you who believe we should all get something for nothing.
It's stooping over all day picking vegetables in 100 degree temperatures that's keeping people out of the fields. Most Americans aren't physically fit enough to do this work.

If the choice is between stooping over all day picking vegetables in 100 degree temperatures or going hungry, they'd pick the vegetables, I assure you.

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