Considering that everything the left has claimed about Trump has been PROVEN false....

All of it, right?


President Snowflake is a liar- proven.
President Snowflake was a Birther- proven

Not everything that has been claimed about President Snowflake has been proven true- but plenty has.

And like your Dear Leader- you are just lying.

And like all hard core commies, you are just mentally ill.

LOL- and I am 'mentally ill' because I point out that your dear leader is a liar and was an idiot Birther.

You poor Fascist snowflakes can't handle anyone even thinking ill of your Dear Leader.
No, you're mentally ill because you are obviously unhinged and anti social.

You calling ANYONE unhinged and anti social is hysterical. You're the right wing rabid pitbull of the forum. You've probably graced more ignore lists than any poster on this board, including Shoots Speeders.
All of it, right?


President Snowflake is a liar- proven.
President Snowflake was a Birther- proven

Not everything that has been claimed about President Snowflake has been proven true- but plenty has.

And like your Dear Leader- you are just lying.

Shut up.

LOL- typical Trump response.

Ignore the lies and shut up.

I notice you edited out my entire post and left that.

Typical lib response: lies.

Where was my lie? Oh wait- that would be you lying.

LOL- typical Trump response.

Ignore Trump's lies and shut up.
We need to stop speaking in absolutes! That only prevents compromise and proves nothing. Any large group has extremes. So you can prove any point about any group by quoting the extremes that support your point.
A thinking man evaluates a SPECIFIC action, or statement!

But here at USMB you realize by now- that the actions by any wingnut on the right or the left, is taken as an example of how everyone on the right or the left thinks- and acts.

Yeah- that happens far to often here.

Compromise has become a dirty word.

President Snowflake is a liar- proven.
President Snowflake was a Birther- proven

Not everything that has been claimed about President Snowflake has been proven true- but plenty has.

And like your Dear Leader- you are just lying.

And like all hard core commies, you are just mentally ill.

LOL- and I am 'mentally ill' because I point out that your dear leader is a liar and was an idiot Birther.

You poor Fascist snowflakes can't handle anyone even thinking ill of your Dear Leader.
No, you're mentally ill because you are obviously unhinged and anti social.

Coming from you fascist snowflakes, that is a complement.

Not fascist.
Not a snowflake.
And it's "compliment" not complement.

You= fascist & snowflake.

And yeah coming from you that is a compliment. (a word fascist also....)
I stopped believing liberalfilth a long time ago. Having busted a gazillion liberals in a gazillion lies about a gazillion things, I'm seriously convinced that they are the most pathological liars in the history of mankind, including their oh-so-precious muslim crybabies. Let me put it another way: I don't believe anything that comes out of a mouth that has had muslim semen in it.

So basically youre saying that some liberals in your mind have lied to you so much that you dismiss any and everything anyone says that you label a liberal.

What a convienient excuse to ignore all information, just say its liberal and go back to your bubble. Poor snowflake.
Did you notice he cant even say what the lie is? With this handy dandy excuse he doesn't have too!

"Everything" is a lie. Awwww!
All of it, right?


President Snowflake is a liar- proven.
President Snowflake was a Birther- proven

Not everything that has been claimed about President Snowflake has been proven true- but plenty has.

And like your Dear Leader- you are just lying.

Shut up.

LOL- typical Trump response.

Ignore the lies and shut up.

I notice you edited out my entire post and left that.

Typical lib response: lies.

Where was my lie? Oh wait- that would be you lying.

LOL- typical Trump response.

Ignore Trump's lies and shut up.

What are you 10 years old? Go out side and play kid, stop bothering the adults. Dismissed.

President Snowflake is a liar- proven.
President Snowflake was a Birther- proven

Not everything that has been claimed about President Snowflake has been proven true- but plenty has.

And like your Dear Leader- you are just lying.

Shut up.

LOL- typical Trump response.

Ignore the lies and shut up.

I notice you edited out my entire post and left that.

Typical lib response: lies.

Where was my lie? Oh wait- that would be you lying.

LOL- typical Trump response.

Ignore Trump's lies and shut up.

What are you 10 years old? Go out side and play kid, stop bothering the adults. Dismissed.


President Snowflake is a liar- proven.
President Snowflake was a Birther- proven

Not everything that has been claimed about President Snowflake has been proven true- but plenty has.

And like your Dear Leader- you are just lying.
All of it, right? I am not going to make the list. We know it.

Considering how they have been caught in nothing but lies over and over and over again, how is it that you suppose these fucking left wing losers keep posting the same shit here?

Is it as creepy to you as it is to me? They are such clowns.

Other than mental derangement, what could the explanation possibly be? Is the power of group think or conformity?
What are you talking about? Every Trump statement makes the previous one a lie.
Why are the fucking snowflakes calling others snowflakes.

I, just fucking hate them. I do. I fucking hate them.
All of it, right? I am not going to make the list. We know it.

Considering how they have been caught in nothing but lies over and over and over again, how is it that you suppose these fucking left wing losers keep posting the same shit here?

Is it as creepy to you as it is to me? They are such clowns.

Other than mental derangement, what could the explanation possibly be? Is the power of group think or conformity?

Does the left ever take a break from being stupid?


That's their default position.
Why are the fucking snowflakes calling others snowflakes.

I, just fucking hate them. I do. I fucking hate them.

How wise of you owl. You hate liberals. Bet you love the Russians though. And I'll bet you believe Putin when he denies hacking the US election.

Hate hurts the hater. You can't get ahead when you're trying to get even.
Why are the fucking snowflakes calling others snowflakes.

I, just fucking hate them. I do. I fucking hate them.

Snowflakes like you live your life filled with hate.

It is all you have. You embrace it and live your life for your hate.

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