considering what's going on in US... which state would you prefer to live in?

until that asshole Mouse showed up.
Not sure I understand about the "mouse." Missouri Breaks are in north central Montana. They have extreme low density population there. I love it. The greater the population of an area, the more whack jobs are attracted to it making things difficult for sane people. Look what happened to the left coast.
Not sure I understand about the "mouse." Missouri Breaks are in north central Montana. They have extreme low density population there. I love it. The greater the population of an area, the more whack jobs are attracted to it making things difficult for sane people. Look what happened to the left coast.

Sorry. my bad. I just assumed the Breaks was in Missouri.

The Mouse = Disney.
can't make up my mind btw FL and TX

there seems to be another one, but can't think of it.. Of course, economics is not the only reason to live somewhere... so there would be other states on my list... I'd just have to sit down and write up a pro and con list and etc... but these are the 2 states I like best...
Areas that don't pedal in Right-wing hatred and bigotry.
Sorry. my bad. I just assumed the Breaks was in Missouri.

The Mouse = Disney.
OK, I get it. Yeah it seems after Disney set up shop, theme parks exploded in the Orlando area. The Missouri Breaks gets it's name from the fact that the Missouri river runs through the area. It is pretty desolate, LOL, my cup of tea.
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OK, I get it. Yeah it seems after Disney set up show, theme parks exploded in the Orlando area. The Missouri Breaks gets it's name from the fact that the Missouri river runs through the area. It is pretty desolate, LOL, my cup of tea.
I live in Central Florida. As a kid it was rural, sparely populated, very Conservative and was teaming with wildlife. Clear lakes, pastures, orange groves, upland woods, swamps with all kinds of wildlife, amazing fishing and hunting and fantastic beaches not far away. When Disney moved in the population exploded and ruined everything.

I would love to move to more rural North Florida but my wife and I have family and extensive roots here so it won't happen at our age.
I live in Central Florida. As a kid it was rural, sparely populated, very Conservative and was teaming with wildlife. Clear lakes, pastures, orange groves, upland woods, swamps with all kinds of wildlife, amazing fishing and hunting and fantastic beaches not far away. When Disney moved in the population exploded and ruined everything.

I would love to move to more rural North Florida but my wife and I have family and extensive roots here so it won't happen at our age.
We had a similar situation in CA. We lived there for 45 years--the parents past and we headed for points less populated. I like cold weather, but I also like the ocean and we found a place that filled the bill, but liberals and covid have kind of thrown a wrench into our leisure plans.
Areas that don't pedal in Right-wing hatred and bigotry. are such an idiot. No wonder you voted for Joe Biteme.

Not a Republican city

Not a Republican city

Not a Republican city

Not a Republican city

But you go ahead and keep your stupid progressive ass out of my State, we dont want your dumb ass here.
I live in Central Florida. As a kid it was rural, sparely populated, very Conservative and was teaming with wildlife. Clear lakes, pastures, orange groves, upland woods, swamps with all kinds of wildlife, amazing fishing and hunting and fantastic beaches not far away. When Disney moved in the population exploded and ruined everything.

I would love to move to more rural North Florida but my wife and I have family and extensive roots here so it won't happen at our age.
Florida is the place to be.
Insanity--must be something in the water.
Good thing i have a 3 stage filtration system that keeps stupid out of the water.

I live in central MN. Cold as hell in winter and hot and humid in summer.
I like the change in seasons and love snowmobiles and ice fishing. Summer is boating season.
This is lake country and damn near everyone has boats, and snowmobiles and ATV'S for the ice in winter. Hunting is huge also. The endless forests and huge lakes of the north are spectacular recreation areas.
Rural MN in nothing like loon bat central down in the Twin Cities. We just get outvoted by the sheer population of two damn counties of the metro crime region.
can't make up my mind btw FL and TX

there seems to be another one, but can't think of it.. Of course, economics is not the only reason to live somewhere... so there would be other states on my list... I'd just have to sit down and write up a pro and con list and etc... but these are the 2 states I like best...

Florida is the poorest choice of them all, tactically speaking, as its entire landmass is a peninsula, which means water on three sides limits the directions one can flee government tyranny. Trust us, you don't want to get caught out on the high seas or the Gulf by modern armed vessels or aircraft. Sure, you could flee deep into the Everglades, but who wants to camp out indefinitely with pythons and other biting critters?

Texas is a classical Trojan Horse. On one hand a fair percentage of Texans still mean what they say when they profess to embody a certain high grit all American spirit. However, radical woke leftism has been infiltrating deep for years into Texas government and even the most conservative elected Texan official is going to choose gold over the lives or freedoms of his/her constituents when push comes to shove. Also, for me at least, not enough snow falls down there.

My wife and I were looking very hard at Maine. Gun laws up there are mostly great. However, there's no Castle Doctrine, which sucks, and vehicle taxes/registration is silly out of this world expensive. Maine is still a possibility for us, if we could find the right large, secluded property over 100 acres.

Alaska is both the Mt. Everest of SHTF states and the Pompei of surviving what could be coming in the near future. On one hand Alaska is vast, remote, thin on the law enforcement side and chock full of game and fish to harvest in a crisis. On the other, the Alaskan level of remoteness could work against the average survivalist, and one is sort of trapped up there, with Russia to the west, the Arctic wastes to the north and east, and fascist Canada to the south, south-east. Additionally, one can hardly order survival goodies and expect them to arrive in this lifetime up there because Canada forbids overland shipping of so many "fun" items.

At the moment, Pennsylvania—the Pa mountains—are our huckleberry.
Dude! You'll freeze your ass up there 11 months out of a year. And the bugs will eat what's left in July.
Not quite.

You'll freeze your ass up there about four months of the year, roast your ass four months (it gets fucking HOT in the Dakotas for being that far north), while the short spring and fall are great....But when the wind blows in any season, you better keep the small dogs indoors.

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