Conspiracy nuts getting worse- Now hurricane readings are a gov't hoax...

The RW BS propaganda machine is dangerous in so many ways...And Trump is backing off pledge to support election results...a disgrace.

Hurricane Matthew: Matt Drudge conspiracy comments kick up storm - BBC News

One good conspiracy theory deserves another. The left conspires to create anthropogenic global warming fear, and the right conspires to deny it. You reap what you sow, fair is fair.
RW BS vs science. Only the bought off GOP in the world denies it.

Bought off by whom? I can send you as many links against as you can send me in support of anthropogenic global warming which now seems to be called global climate change (as if the global climate has never changed or isn't constantly in some state of flux).

The facts are climate science is VERY complex, That's why people get PHD's in it, nearly all the dire consequences predicted by the models have not played out, science is never settled because if it were we would be preparing for the ice age predicted by some scientists in the 1970's-
A 1974 Time magazine article Another Ice Age? painted a similarly bleak picture:

"When meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe, they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age."

I am not saying we aren't experiencing global warming, and I am sure we are experiencing climate change, because we always are. However I think it is very arrogant of people to think we can alter the climate to suit us, or to believe we understand it well enough to know the consequences of our burning fossil fuels. Did you know the Sahara Desert was full of lush vegetation and many species of animals not too long ago? Did man cause it to dry up? Did man cause it to suddenly go from desert to lush grassland and then back to desert. Scientist can't explain with absolute certainty what caused these changes, so why should we expect them to predict with absolute certainty where are climate is going now. Healthy skepticism is in short supply by many when it comes to global warming. That is all I am saying.

A timeline of Sahara occupation [See Map]:

  • 22,000 to 10,500 years ago: The Sahara was devoid of any human occupation outside the Nile Valley and extended 250 miles further south than it does today.
  • 10,500 to 9,000 years ago: Monsoon rains begin sweeping into the Sahara, transforming the region into a habitable area swiftly settled by Nile Valley dwellers.
  • 9,000 to 7,300 years ago: Continued rains, vegetation growth, and animal migrations lead to well established human settlements, including the introduction of domesticated livestock such as sheep and goats.
  • 7,300 to 5,500 years ago: Retreating monsoonal rains initiate desiccation in the Egyptian Sahara, prompting humans to move to remaining habitable niches in Sudanese Sahara. The end of the rains and return of desert conditions throughout the Sahara after 5,500 coincides with population return to the Nile Valley and the beginning of pharaonic society.
Sahara Desert Was Once Lush and Populated
Bought off by Big Oil and the usual greedy idiot billionaires (Murdoch, Adelson, Kochs, Moonies) who run your bs propaganda machine.
I was around for that TIME issue, which was about the whole crisis lol and an immediate joke.

I enjoy your scientific history stuff- one theory I liked was the one that it slowly heated during early civ. and that explained the movement from Egypt to Greece to Rome to Northern Europe. Also goats eating all the vegetation and wrecking economies as they moved North lol. But all irrelevant to MMGW.
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The RW BS propaganda machine is dangerous in so many ways...And Trump is backing off pledge to support election results...a disgrace.

Hurricane Matthew: Matt Drudge conspiracy comments kick up storm - BBC News

One good conspiracy theory deserves another. The left conspires to create anthropogenic global warming fear, and the right conspires to deny it. You reap what you sow, fair is fair.
RW BS vs science. Only the bought off GOP in the world denies it.

Bought off by whom? I can send you as many links against as you can send me in support of anthropogenic global warming which now seems to be called global climate change (as if the global climate has never changed or isn't constantly in some state of flux).

The facts are climate science is VERY complex, That's why people get PHD's in it, nearly all the dire consequences predicted by the models have not played out, science is never settled because if it were we would be preparing for the ice age predicted by some scientists in the 1970's-
A 1974 Time magazine article Another Ice Age? painted a similarly bleak picture:

"When meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe, they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age."

I am not saying we aren't experiencing global warming, and I am sure we are experiencing climate change, because we always are. However I think it is very arrogant of people to think we can alter the climate to suit us, or to believe we understand it well enough to know the consequences of our burning fossil fuels. Did you know the Sahara Desert was full of lush vegetation and many species of animals not too long ago? Did man cause it to dry up? Did man cause it to suddenly go from desert to lush grassland and then back to desert. Scientist can't explain with absolute certainty what caused these changes, so why should we expect them to predict with absolute certainty where are climate is going now. Healthy skepticism is in short supply by many when it comes to global warming. That is all I am saying.

A timeline of Sahara occupation [See Map]:

  • 22,000 to 10,500 years ago: The Sahara was devoid of any human occupation outside the Nile Valley and extended 250 miles further south than it does today.
  • 10,500 to 9,000 years ago: Monsoon rains begin sweeping into the Sahara, transforming the region into a habitable area swiftly settled by Nile Valley dwellers.
  • 9,000 to 7,300 years ago: Continued rains, vegetation growth, and animal migrations lead to well established human settlements, including the introduction of domesticated livestock such as sheep and goats.
  • 7,300 to 5,500 years ago: Retreating monsoonal rains initiate desiccation in the Egyptian Sahara, prompting humans to move to remaining habitable niches in Sudanese Sahara. The end of the rains and return of desert conditions throughout the Sahara after 5,500 coincides with population return to the Nile Valley and the beginning of pharaonic society.
Sahara Desert Was Once Lush and Populated
Bought off by Big Oil and the usual greedy idiot billionaires (Murdoch, Adelson, Kochs, Moonies) who run your bs propaganda machine.
I was around for that TIME issue, which was about the whole crisis lol and an immediate joke.

I enjoy your scientific history stuff- one theory I liked was the one that it slowly heated during early civ. and that explained the movement from Egypt to Greece to Rome to Northern Europe. Also goats eating all the vegetation and wrecking economies as they moved North lol. But all irrelevant to MMGW.

Only irrelevant to those who aren't seeking scientific knowledge. Enjoy your bliss. Later.
Oh hell, the warnings have been nothing short of apocalyptic, the reality not so much.
But, but, those warnings were made by two REPUBLICAN Governors, AND the FOX rumor mill!!!!

“This storm will kill you, it will kill your children, it will kill your pets and everyone you know who wants to mess with it unless you get lucky.”
- FOX news anchor Shepard Smith

"Are you willing to take a chance to risk your life? Are you willing to take a gamble?" That's what you're doing. If you're reluctant to evacuate, just think of all the people the storm has already killed. You and your family could be among these numbers if you don't take this seriously."
- Florida Gov. Rick Scott
Oh hell, the warnings have been nothing short of apocalyptic, the reality not so much.
But, but, those warnings were made by two REPUBLICAN Governors, AND the FOX rumor mill!!!!

“This storm will kill you, it will kill your children, it will kill your pets and everyone you know who wants to mess with it unless you get lucky.”
- FOX news anchor Shepard Smith

"Are you willing to take a chance to risk your life? Are you willing to take a gamble?" That's what you're doing. If you're reluctant to evacuate, just think of all the people the storm has already killed. You and your family could be among these numbers if you don't take this seriously."
- Florida Gov. Rick Scott

They were paid off by the Clinton Foundation and are closing on a new vacation home next week right next to Bernie Sanders.
One good conspiracy theory deserves another. The left conspires to create anthropogenic global warming fear, and the right conspires to deny it. You reap what you sow, fair is fair.
RW BS vs science. Only the bought off GOP in the world denies it.

Bought off by whom? I can send you as many links against as you can send me in support of anthropogenic global warming which now seems to be called global climate change (as if the global climate has never changed or isn't constantly in some state of flux).

The facts are climate science is VERY complex, That's why people get PHD's in it, nearly all the dire consequences predicted by the models have not played out, science is never settled because if it were we would be preparing for the ice age predicted by some scientists in the 1970's-
A 1974 Time magazine article Another Ice Age? painted a similarly bleak picture:

"When meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe, they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age."

I am not saying we aren't experiencing global warming, and I am sure we are experiencing climate change, because we always are. However I think it is very arrogant of people to think we can alter the climate to suit us, or to believe we understand it well enough to know the consequences of our burning fossil fuels. Did you know the Sahara Desert was full of lush vegetation and many species of animals not too long ago? Did man cause it to dry up? Did man cause it to suddenly go from desert to lush grassland and then back to desert. Scientist can't explain with absolute certainty what caused these changes, so why should we expect them to predict with absolute certainty where are climate is going now. Healthy skepticism is in short supply by many when it comes to global warming. That is all I am saying.

A timeline of Sahara occupation [See Map]:

  • 22,000 to 10,500 years ago: The Sahara was devoid of any human occupation outside the Nile Valley and extended 250 miles further south than it does today.
  • 10,500 to 9,000 years ago: Monsoon rains begin sweeping into the Sahara, transforming the region into a habitable area swiftly settled by Nile Valley dwellers.
  • 9,000 to 7,300 years ago: Continued rains, vegetation growth, and animal migrations lead to well established human settlements, including the introduction of domesticated livestock such as sheep and goats.
  • 7,300 to 5,500 years ago: Retreating monsoonal rains initiate desiccation in the Egyptian Sahara, prompting humans to move to remaining habitable niches in Sudanese Sahara. The end of the rains and return of desert conditions throughout the Sahara after 5,500 coincides with population return to the Nile Valley and the beginning of pharaonic society.
Sahara Desert Was Once Lush and Populated
Bought off by Big Oil and the usual greedy idiot billionaires (Murdoch, Adelson, Kochs, Moonies) who run your bs propaganda machine.
I was around for that TIME issue, which was about the whole crisis lol and an immediate joke.

I enjoy your scientific history stuff- one theory I liked was the one that it slowly heated during early civ. and that explained the movement from Egypt to Greece to Rome to Northern Europe. Also goats eating all the vegetation and wrecking economies as they moved North lol. But all irrelevant to MMGW.

Only irrelevant to those who aren't seeking scientific knowledge. Enjoy your bliss. Later.
I agreed the climate changed in the past. Nothing like the last hundred years, say all the climatologists not working for Big Oil or the GOP propaganda machine. CO2 hasn't been this high since the dinosaurs.
RW BS vs science. Only the bought off GOP in the world denies it.

Bought off by whom? I can send you as many links against as you can send me in support of anthropogenic global warming which now seems to be called global climate change (as if the global climate has never changed or isn't constantly in some state of flux).

The facts are climate science is VERY complex, That's why people get PHD's in it, nearly all the dire consequences predicted by the models have not played out, science is never settled because if it were we would be preparing for the ice age predicted by some scientists in the 1970's-
A 1974 Time magazine article Another Ice Age? painted a similarly bleak picture:

"When meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe, they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age."

I am not saying we aren't experiencing global warming, and I am sure we are experiencing climate change, because we always are. However I think it is very arrogant of people to think we can alter the climate to suit us, or to believe we understand it well enough to know the consequences of our burning fossil fuels. Did you know the Sahara Desert was full of lush vegetation and many species of animals not too long ago? Did man cause it to dry up? Did man cause it to suddenly go from desert to lush grassland and then back to desert. Scientist can't explain with absolute certainty what caused these changes, so why should we expect them to predict with absolute certainty where are climate is going now. Healthy skepticism is in short supply by many when it comes to global warming. That is all I am saying.

A timeline of Sahara occupation [See Map]:

  • 22,000 to 10,500 years ago: The Sahara was devoid of any human occupation outside the Nile Valley and extended 250 miles further south than it does today.
  • 10,500 to 9,000 years ago: Monsoon rains begin sweeping into the Sahara, transforming the region into a habitable area swiftly settled by Nile Valley dwellers.
  • 9,000 to 7,300 years ago: Continued rains, vegetation growth, and animal migrations lead to well established human settlements, including the introduction of domesticated livestock such as sheep and goats.
  • 7,300 to 5,500 years ago: Retreating monsoonal rains initiate desiccation in the Egyptian Sahara, prompting humans to move to remaining habitable niches in Sudanese Sahara. The end of the rains and return of desert conditions throughout the Sahara after 5,500 coincides with population return to the Nile Valley and the beginning of pharaonic society.
Sahara Desert Was Once Lush and Populated
Bought off by Big Oil and the usual greedy idiot billionaires (Murdoch, Adelson, Kochs, Moonies) who run your bs propaganda machine.
I was around for that TIME issue, which was about the whole crisis lol and an immediate joke.

I enjoy your scientific history stuff- one theory I liked was the one that it slowly heated during early civ. and that explained the movement from Egypt to Greece to Rome to Northern Europe. Also goats eating all the vegetation and wrecking economies as they moved North lol. But all irrelevant to MMGW.

Only irrelevant to those who aren't seeking scientific knowledge. Enjoy your bliss. Later.
I agreed the climate changed in the past. Nothing like the last hundred years, say all the climatologists not working for Big Oil or the GOP propaganda machine. CO2 hasn't been this high since the dinosaurs.

Hmm, so you have proof that any scientist who disagrees with global warming have been paid off by big oil? Show the proof that this scientist, who disagrees with your assertion that climate has not changed like this in the past.
Climate change in the earth's past faster than previously thought

Together with a British colleagues, palaeobiologist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kießling and geosciences student Kilian Eichenseer, both from FAU, have published a pioneering study in Nature Communications explaining that the idea that environmental changes in the earth's past happened slowly in comparison to current, rapid climate change is wrong. The reason for this incorrect assumption is the different time periods that are examined in climate research. 'Today we can measure the smallest fluctuations in climate whenever they occur,' Kilian Eichenseer explains. 'Yet when we look at geological history we're lucky if we can determine a change in climate over a period of ten thousand years.'

Read more at:

Look, I am really not seeking a debate on this, because you're not going to convince me to not be skeptical towards the alarmist view, and I doubt seriously that you are inclined to question that man is heating the planet, and we are doomed if we don't all install solar panels on our house (have you?)
My position is that the science is far from settled, and we should not be spending billions of dollars to line the pockets of companies like Solyndra to save mankind.
Solyndra misled government to get $535M solar project loan: report

So let's just agree to disagree.
The RW BS propaganda machine is dangerous in so many ways...And Trump is backing off pledge to support election results...a disgrace.

Hurricane Matthew: Matt Drudge conspiracy comments kick up storm - BBC News

According to a Reuters news report tonight over 800 people died in Haiti alone due to this storm and it's not over yet.
It's been lucky here. No hoax.
There is no such thing as luck. As for America - there are still some faithful followers of Jesus Christ in America- many have prayed. In comparison - Haiti's religion is Voodoo / Witchcraft. Haiti was dedicated to Satan as a nation. It's steeped in the occult. When you are in the occult, you're on your own. It's the price of rebellion against God. Look at the cost! The good news is that these people can repent of their involvement with witchcraft / voodoo and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Then God's hedge of protection will be about them and He will hear their prayers.
Oh hell, the warnings have been nothing short of apocalyptic, the reality not so much.
But, but, those warnings were made by two REPUBLICAN Governors, AND the FOX rumor mill!!!!

“This storm will kill you, it will kill your children, it will kill your pets and everyone you know who wants to mess with it unless you get lucky.”
- FOX news anchor Shepard Smith

"Are you willing to take a chance to risk your life? Are you willing to take a gamble?" That's what you're doing. If you're reluctant to evacuate, just think of all the people the storm has already killed. You and your family could be among these numbers if you don't take this seriously."
- Florida Gov. Rick Scott
My son showed me that report from Fox news on his iphone. I was amazed at those words. This storm will kill you, it will kill your children.... that was way over the top to say it WILL kill you, it WILL kill your children - he was literally speaking death over their listeners and trying to incite panic - but I think Lew has the right idea -wait until the storm is over and then ask FOX to fire these people. The way they worded that warning was not right. Not at all. I wasn't impressed with Rick Scott or Governor Deal either.
The RW BS propaganda machine is dangerous in so many ways...And Trump is backing off pledge to support election results...a disgrace.

Hurricane Matthew: Matt Drudge conspiracy comments kick up storm - BBC News

The RW BS propaganda machine is dangerous in so many ways...And Trump is backing off pledge to support election results...a disgrace.

Hurricane Matthew: Matt Drudge conspiracy comments kick up storm - BBC News

According to a Reuters news report tonight over 800 people died in Haiti alone due to this storm and it's not over yet.
It's been lucky here. No hoax.
Definitely no hoax, 6 dead in Florida. Funny how Limbaugh called it a hoax, but ran away from Palm Beach to sunny California.
The RW BS propaganda machine is dangerous in so many ways...And Trump is backing off pledge to support election results...a disgrace.

Hurricane Matthew: Matt Drudge conspiracy comments kick up storm - BBC News

According to a Reuters news report tonight over 800 people died in Haiti alone due to this storm and it's not over yet.
It's been lucky here. No hoax.
Definitely no hoax, 6 dead in Florida. Funny how Limbaugh called it a hoax, but ran away from Palm Beach to sunny California.
He should be ashamed of himself. My son was truly disgusted hearing Fox news telling their listeners, You WILL die, Your children WILL die.... he was literally speaking death over his audience! He saw the report on his iphone and showed it to me. That reporter should be fired. Better yet Fox news should be shut down and put out of business. Still - as Lew said - it is better to wait until after the hurricane is over and people have some time to get back on their feet. It was certainly no conspiracy or hoax. It was a deadly storm and more people died from this storm that Super Storm Sandy. Rush Limbaugh doesn't know what he is talking about.

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