Constitutional Conservatives Support Open Borders

Huh? That doesnt make any sense. Coming here from another country makes you an immigrant. That's kind of the definition of the word.

No... An immigrant is someone who comes here from another country with the intention of staying permanently. Coming here from another country makes you a migrant.
If that were the case then students from overseas coming to study in the US would be exempt from immigration laws. They aren't.
Try again.

Again... EVERYONE is subject to US laws, including you and I. Just because it is a law that doesn't necessarily apply to you doesn't mean you are exempt from it. Students coming from overseas to study are not immigrants. They are non-immigrants.
If the lower court can't consider a matter
This is an academic question, not tethered to reality. Like the Kobayashi Maru. There is always some way to work a case up the judicial ladder.

Keep thinking that, there's only a few instances where the supremes have original jurisdiction. Try reading the Constitution occasionally.
Huh? That doesnt make any sense. Coming here from another country makes you an immigrant. That's kind of the definition of the word.

No... An immigrant is someone who comes here from another country with the intention of staying permanently. Coming here from another country makes you a migrant.
If that were the case then students from overseas coming to study in the US would be exempt from immigration laws. They aren't.
Try again.

Again... EVERYONE is subject to US laws, including you and I. Just because it is a law that doesn't necessarily apply to you doesn't mean you are exempt from it. Students coming from overseas to study are not immigrants. They are non-immigrants.
So they don't come here when they come here?
This is the aprt I love. When posters' ignorance is revealed because they start posting contradictory and absurd things.
If the lower court can't consider a matter
This is an academic question, not tethered to reality. Like the Kobayashi Maru. There is always some way to work a case up the judicial ladder.

Keep thinking that, there's only a few instances where the supremes have original jurisdiction. Try reading the Constitution occasionally.
Synth things the "Bill of Rights" is something you get in the mail every month you'ev got to pay.
Also as far as Cruz introducing a bill, the last one he introduce passed both houses unanimously and your dear leader signed it.
What bill was that?

What's wrong smarty pants, is your google broke?

Senate votes to bar Iran's UN pick from entering US | Fox News
Oh, I thought it was going to be a re-naming of a post office in Reagan's honor. But this is close.

A showboat bill. OK, that's cool. But it's nothing of consequence.

Cruz is a civil service, elective lightweight. He should have followed Al Franken's lead and kept his fucking mouth closed for the first term, and do a lot of work. Ted Cruz could have done the work. He has a decent brain. But he chose to run for POTUS after 3 years of being in public office, and never having any Executive experience.

Hum, who's resume does that sound like. But unlike your dear leader, Cruz has extensive constitutional legal experience.
Anyone styling himself a constitutional conservative must support open borders. Those who do not are merely statists as the has no power to regulate borders.

Securing our borders is clearly a defense issue
Huh? That doesnt make any sense. Coming here from another country makes you an immigrant. That's kind of the definition of the word.

No... An immigrant is someone who comes here from another country with the intention of staying permanently. Coming here from another country makes you a migrant.
If that were the case then students from overseas coming to study in the US would be exempt from immigration laws. They aren't.
Try again.

Again... EVERYONE is subject to US laws, including you and I. Just because it is a law that doesn't necessarily apply to you doesn't mean you are exempt from it. Students coming from overseas to study are not immigrants. They are non-immigrants.
So they don't come here when they come here?
This is the aprt I love. When posters' ignorance is revealed because they start posting contradictory and absurd things.

No... They come here, they're just not coming here to stay permanently, therefore, they are not immigrants. Now..maybe they lied and they fully intend to overstay their visas and stay permanently? In that case, they ARE immigrants, illegal ones.

You continue to confuse "migrant" with "immigrant" and you need to go look up the definitions so that you don't continue sounding like an idiot.

What happened to you? Did you fall out of bed this morning and suffer a blow to the head? Seriously, bro... I am worried about you because this entire thread is totally uncharacteristic for you. Earlier I noticed you defending Cruz... do you think Cruz favors open borders? So far, the only people I know of who favor open borders are Socialists who want to destroy America. What gives? :dunno:
Nope. They are NOT immigrating. They are "migrating" perhaps... but to "immigrate" is to come in order to live permanently.
Wrong. Even people who come as students or temp workers are subject to immigration laws.

No, they are subject to laws established for guest workers, students and temporary visas. These are NOT immigrants. Go look up the definition of immigration and you'll see that it's meaning is not how you are applying it.
Check 8US Code Para 1101 under defintiions. Anyone coming here from a foreign country who is not a citizen is considered an alien and thus an immigrant and subject to immigration laws.

gonna hold you to the same standard... post the text or you're blowing smoke.
Post what text? The definition? Here.
(15) The term “immigrant” means every alien except an alien who is within one of the following classes of nonimmigrant aliens—
an ambassador, public minister, or career diplomatic or consular officer who has been accredited by a foreign government, recognized de jure by the United States and who is accepted by the President or by the Secretary of State, and the members of the alien’s immediate family;
upon a basis of reciprocity, other officials and employees who have been accredited by a foreign government recognized de jure by the United States, who are accepted by the Secretary of State, and the members of their immediate families; and
upon a basis of reciprocity, attendants, servants, personal employees, and members of their immediate families, of the officials and employees who have a nonimmigrant status under (i) and (ii) above;

Now tell me which part of the Constitution authorizes this law.

The part that gives the president the authority to negotiate treaties and diplomatic agreements. That would be Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2. Damn, you're getting more stupid by the day.
If the lower court can't consider a matter
This is an academic question, not tethered to reality. Like the Kobayashi Maru. There is always some way to work a case up the judicial ladder.

Keep thinking that, there's only a few instances where the supremes have original jurisdiction. Try reading the Constitution occasionally.
Synth things the "Bill of Rights" is something you get in the mail every month you'ev got to pay.

That's ok, you think "migration or importation of persons", only applies to black people.
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
Maybe you should stick to Halakha. Here in the U.S. our Constitution gives the SCOTUS the authority to rule whether any law that comes before them is Constitutional or not.

That's it. Period.
Please cite which clause fo the Constitution does this, you ignorant prick.
Clause 2, Section 2.
There is no such thing as "Clause 2 Section 2" in citing the Constitution. Cites are by Article, Section, and Clause.
You are truly an ignorant prick.
I'm ignorant?

Section 2: CLICK
Section 2, Clause 2: CLICK

Stick to Halakha.
If Obama will not enforce a law then he effectively legalizes whatever the law criminalized. That is making law.

You remain an idiot who thinks he's smart. The saddest type.

Please show me where conservatives have railed against prosecutorial discretion, because that's all this is.
Obama is a prosecutor? Wow, who knew?
You stupid ignorant prick,an EO is not the document a prosecutor issues.
It's still the use of legal discretion. Prosecutors have it in determining whether to prosecute a crime, and the POTUS has it in determining whether to enforce.
What section of the Constitution gives the POTUS the power to choose which laws he wants to enforce? There is none, you ignorant prick.

You keep calling me ignorant, and then I reply with facts that actually prove your ignorance. It's very amusing.

Here - I'll do it again:

Where did it give Reagan or Bush or Clinton or Bush the power? How about all the POTUS before Reagan?



You should quit. I'm kicking your ass again and again.
Also as far as Cruz introducing a bill, the last one he introduce passed both houses unanimously and your dear leader signed it.
What bill was that?

What's wrong smarty pants, is your google broke?

Senate votes to bar Iran's UN pick from entering US | Fox News
Oh, I thought it was going to be a re-naming of a post office in Reagan's honor. But this is close.

A showboat bill. OK, that's cool. But it's nothing of consequence.

Cruz is a civil service, elective lightweight. He should have followed Al Franken's lead and kept his fucking mouth closed for the first term, and do a lot of work. Ted Cruz could have done the work. He has a decent brain. But he chose to run for POTUS after 3 years of being in public office, and never having any Executive experience.
Wow, imagine the nerve of a white man running for president after only 3 years of being in public office!
Actually Cruz was in public office since 2003 as Solicitor General.
Federal bureaucrat - the type you abhore. Except when it's a conservative. He was appointed, not elected.

Cruz is unqualified.
Who are all these 'Constiutional Conservatives?' Can we get some names? And don't give me Ted Cruz either. He's just a Bush Family/Goldman Sachs-owned douche.
Anyone who styles himself a Constitutional Conservative must agree with this. The Constitution nowhere gives power over immigration to the federal government.

Article 4 most certainly does, traitor.
I don't know if he qualifies as traitor - he's never been for America first.
Wrong. Even people who come as students or temp workers are subject to immigration laws.

No, they are subject to laws established for guest workers, students and temporary visas. These are NOT immigrants. Go look up the definition of immigration and you'll see that it's meaning is not how you are applying it.
Check 8US Code Para 1101 under defintiions. Anyone coming here from a foreign country who is not a citizen is considered an alien and thus an immigrant and subject to immigration laws.

gonna hold you to the same standard... post the text or you're blowing smoke.
Post what text? The definition? Here.
(15) The term “immigrant” means every alien except an alien who is within one of the following classes of nonimmigrant aliens—
an ambassador, public minister, or career diplomatic or consular officer who has been accredited by a foreign government, recognized de jure by the United States and who is accepted by the President or by the Secretary of State, and the members of the alien’s immediate family;
upon a basis of reciprocity, other officials and employees who have been accredited by a foreign government recognized de jure by the United States, who are accepted by the Secretary of State, and the members of their immediate families; and
upon a basis of reciprocity, attendants, servants, personal employees, and members of their immediate families, of the officials and employees who have a nonimmigrant status under (i) and (ii) above;

Now tell me which part of the Constitution authorizes this law.

The part that gives the president the authority to negotiate treaties and diplomatic agreements. That would be Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2. Damn, you're getting more stupid by the day.
Which power or country was the Immigration and Naturalization Act negotiated with? Why did the House vote on it when only the Senate ratified treaties?
Methinks you are out of your depth here.
If the lower court can't consider a matter
This is an academic question, not tethered to reality. Like the Kobayashi Maru. There is always some way to work a case up the judicial ladder.

Keep thinking that, there's only a few instances where the supremes have original jurisdiction. Try reading the Constitution occasionally.
Synth things the "Bill of Rights" is something you get in the mail every month you'ev got to pay.

That's ok, you think "migration or importation of persons", only applies to black people.
No, actually I KNOW that clause in the Constitution refers to slavery. And I cited sources that agree with me while you have yet to cite one.
Damn you're losing big here.
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
Maybe you should stick to Halakha. Here in the U.S. our Constitution gives the SCOTUS the authority to rule whether any law that comes before them is Constitutional or not.

That's it. Period.
Please cite which clause fo the Constitution does this, you ignorant prick.
Clause 2, Section 2.
There is no such thing as "Clause 2 Section 2" in citing the Constitution. Cites are by Article, Section, and Clause.
You are truly an ignorant prick.
I'm ignorant?

Section 2: CLICK
Section 2, Clause 2: CLICK

Stick to Halakha.
Damn, son. I click on the link and it brings me to the article headed:
Article Three of the United States Constitution
The stupid has really got a hold of you today.
If Obama will not enforce a law then he effectively legalizes whatever the law criminalized. That is making law.

You remain an idiot who thinks he's smart. The saddest type.

Please show me where conservatives have railed against prosecutorial discretion, because that's all this is.
Obama is a prosecutor? Wow, who knew?
You stupid ignorant prick,an EO is not the document a prosecutor issues.
It's still the use of legal discretion. Prosecutors have it in determining whether to prosecute a crime, and the POTUS has it in determining whether to enforce.
What section of the Constitution gives the POTUS the power to choose which laws he wants to enforce? There is none, you ignorant prick.

You keep calling me ignorant, and then I reply with facts that actually prove your ignorance. It's very amusing.

Here - I'll do it again:

Where did it give Reagan or Bush or Clinton or Bush the power? How about all the POTUS before Reagan?



You should quit. I'm kicking your ass again and again.
Damn are you one stupid son of a bitch. I'd say you're merely trolling and know better but from your posts I know your knowledge of American gov't comes from reading Cracker Jack boxes.
How about EOs have zero to do with the Constitution? ANd then just go from there.
Also as far as Cruz introducing a bill, the last one he introduce passed both houses unanimously and your dear leader signed it.
What bill was that?

What's wrong smarty pants, is your google broke?

Senate votes to bar Iran's UN pick from entering US | Fox News
Oh, I thought it was going to be a re-naming of a post office in Reagan's honor. But this is close.

A showboat bill. OK, that's cool. But it's nothing of consequence.

Cruz is a civil service, elective lightweight. He should have followed Al Franken's lead and kept his fucking mouth closed for the first term, and do a lot of work. Ted Cruz could have done the work. He has a decent brain. But he chose to run for POTUS after 3 years of being in public office, and never having any Executive experience.
Wow, imagine the nerve of a white man running for president after only 3 years of being in public office!
Actually Cruz was in public office since 2003 as Solicitor General.
Federal bureaucrat - the type you abhore. Except when it's a conservative. He was appointed, not elected.

Cruz is unqualified.
Dayum you just keep racking up the points. Are you trying for dumbest poster on USMB? Some kind of contest with Nutwinger?
Cruz was SOlicitor General of Texas, dumbshit, which isn't a federal position. Yet. And the fact tht he was appointed not elected does not make that position not a public office.

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