Constitutional Right To Peacefully Assemble Latest 'Victim' of Govt COVID-19 Crackdown

If you research, and really get into it, every locality and state government now has more allegiance, at least the majority of the bureaucracy, to agenda 2030, than to the Constitution or Constitutional government.

Look at some of the comments in this thread, people openly talking to what amounts to treason. . .

"Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?"

"The public's health takes precedence over the Constitution for now."

. . . and now an agent of the crown chimes in to lecture us on what we need to do. . . .

How interesting that her suggestions align perfectly with Agenda 2030. :45:

It makes you wonder if the founding revolutionaries had been more concerned for their lives than for liberty, if we would have ever had freedom at all. . . .
Raleigh is a liberal democrat dominated city

of course the libs in charge are going to push their weight around
Funny how the word has come to mean anything BUT liberal.

"Funny" because the Cult of Ignance can't be bothered to learn what it actually means.
Okay, genius. Tell me what "liberal" means?

Thought you'd never ask.

Liberalism is the belief that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from a hierarchy of clergy and aristocracy --- or in other words authoritarianism. The Liberal government acts like a referee, it stands out of the way unless that body of the governed is ITSELF threatened. Otherwise it's the political philosophy version of the Wiccan Rede: "An' ye harm none, do what ye will".
I guess Wiccans can define themselves however they please

sort of like boys calling themselves girls

but the rest of us do not have to agree

Whether you frickin' "agree" is irrelevant to anything. The poster asked me for a definition and I gave him one.
Its not the one that most people accept

What you think "most people accept" is even more irrelevant. Especially we're STILL waiting to find out what you think the word "stupidity" means. It's been a fucking month.
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Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peacefully".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceful" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

I thought about it...and it's stupid.

I did not ignore the word 'peacefully' at all.

You are trying to compare a racist lynch mob with Americans being forced to stay at home, denied their rights to exercise their freedom of religion, and denied their right to peacefully assemble.

There is no danger to their freedom of religion. They can live stream any service they choose without endangering their lives.

To portray a public health crisis as an attack on personal freedom, shows that the religious right has collectively, lost their minds. Personally, if these fools want to get together and spread the virus amongst themselves, by all means. The fewer Trump voters the better.

But sadly, these deranged idiots will not only infect themselves, but their innocent offspring, and their neighbours, shopkeepers, and countless thousands of others. So as much as watching Trumps base disappear by virtue of their own hubris, is enjoyable, if each of these people takes down 3 innocent bystanders, it's never going to end.

Personally, I have found this to be a far more Christian, religious, and spiritual Easter than the usual consumer chocolate and bunny filled extravaganza that retail America has turn the holiday into. Rabbits, eggs, candy, are the symbols of the spring pagan fertility festivals our European ancestors retained when they converted to Christianity. Just as the Pagan Christmas tree has been adopted as the Christian symbol of his birth, rabbits carrying baskets of candy have become the symbol of his death.

I'm also noticing that TV ads don't scream buy, buy, buy, during this pandemic. Advertizers are now urging us to stay home and contain the virus. The model of consumer frenzie that the American economy encourages has left your workers sick and dying, and without health care. You need to stop, take a break and look and what you're doing to your fellow citizens, and just who is being forced back to work here.

Your economy only works if it is continually expanding, and growing larger. And the profits from all of that growth are only going to 20% of your population. The lower 40% is being asked to do more and more with less and less, and told to like it. No overtime, no health care, no child care, no vacations, no maternity leave. 9 increases to the minimum wage in 40 years.

That lower 40% are the people who are getting sick and dying. Until you fix that. Until those people have a living wage, and health care and sick leave. Your country will never fully re-open.

1. Cheap, quick and accurate testing for everyone;

2. PPE's for all workers who need them

3. Universal Health Care and sick leave

And Americans will never be allowed into other countries. You'll just be this outlaw country where the virus rages around and everyone is getting it. Trump wanted America alone. Well, you got it!!!

Are you tired of all of this winning yet?
That's all right, most folks will continue to beg to come here, after they see what the global elites have planned for the rest of the planet.

No thanks to your evil agenda though. Take it else where.

We'll take freedom, no matter how disingenuously you spin it.
To portray a public health crisis as an attack on personal freedom, shows that the religious right has collectively, lost their minds. Personally, if these fools want to get together and spread the virus amongst themselves, by all means. The fewer Trump voters the better.

What a long-winded bullshit diatribe based on - surprise surprise - a false narrative...

No one is attempting to 'portray a public health crisis as an attack on personal freedom'. I am asking for THE official, Constitutional law that gives local / state / federal governments to suspend / limit Constitutional Rights.

You believe it exists - prove it. Provide the link...or are you just blindly going along with it because someone TOLD you it is legal / justified? Are you a gullible sheep or do you KNOW and have the prof?

The simple question is what SPECIFIC legal document declares the Government can issue mandates that suspends Constitutional rights during declared crises.

The suspending and / or limiting of Constitutional Rights must be founded on the basis of existing, legitimate Constitution-supported law - provide it. Provide the link to that specific existing, Constitutional Law.

(Yeah, I know - you can't even post a link to the law you and Schiff claim exists that affords whistle blowers the protection of 'anonymity', so asking you to provide any link that gives local / state / the federal government the right to suspend Constitutional rights based off of local / state federal mandates is ridiculous....)
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Raleigh is a liberal democrat dominated city

of course the libs in charge are going to push their weight around
Funny how the word has come to mean anything BUT liberal.

"Funny" because the Cult of Ignance can't be bothered to learn what it actually means.
Okay, genius. Tell me what "liberal" means?

Thought you'd never ask.

Liberalism is the belief that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from a hierarchy of clergy and aristocracy --- or in other words authoritarianism. The Liberal government acts like a referee, it stands out of the way unless that body of the governed is ITSELF threatened. Otherwise it's the political philosophy version of the Wiccan Rede: "An' ye harm none, do what ye will".
I guess Wiccans can define themselves however they please

sort of like boys calling themselves girls

but the rest of us do not have to agree

Whether you frickin' "agree" is irrelevant to anything. The poster asked me for a definition and I gave him one.
Its not the one that most people accept

What you think "most people accept" is even more irrelevant. Especially we're STILL waiting to find out what you think the word "stupidity" means.
It means a lot to me and those who see through the lib lies
To portray a public health crisis as an attack on personal freedom, shows that the religious right has collectively, lost their minds. Personally, if these fools want to get together and spread the virus amongst themselves, by all means. The fewer Trump voters the better.

What a long-winded bullshit diatribe based on - surprise surprise - a false narrative...

No one is attempting to 'portray a public health crisis as an attack on personal freedom'. I am asking for THE official, Constitutional law that gives local / state / federal governments to suspend / limit Constitutional Rights.

You believe it exists - prove it. Provide the link...or are you just blindly going along with it because someone TOLD you it is legal / justified? Are you a gullible sheep or do you KNOW and have the prof?

The simple question is what SPECIFIC legal document declares the Government can issue mandates that suspends Constitutional rights during declared crises.

The suspending and / or limiting of Constitutional Rights must be founded on the basis of existing, legitimate Constitution-supported law - provide it. Provide the link to that specific existing, Constitutional Law.

(Yeah, I know - you can't even post a link to the law you and Schiff claim exists that affords whistle blowers the protection of 'anonymity', so asking you to provide any link that gives local / state / the federal government the right to suspend Constitutional rights based off of loca; / state federal mandates is ridiculous....)
In the end local officials govern at the pleasure of the public

in times of natural disaster they are granted certain dictatorial powers

or at least until the public decides to ignore them

these baby hitlers are getting close to their limit in some places
Raleigh is a liberal democrat dominated city

of course the libs in charge are going to push their weight around
Funny how the word has come to mean anything BUT liberal.

"Funny" because the Cult of Ignance can't be bothered to learn what it actually means.
Okay, genius. Tell me what "liberal" means?

Thought you'd never ask.

Liberalism is the belief that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from a hierarchy of clergy and aristocracy --- or in other words authoritarianism. The Liberal government acts like a referee, it stands out of the way unless that body of the governed is ITSELF threatened. Otherwise it's the political philosophy version of the Wiccan Rede: "An' ye harm none, do what ye will".
I guess Wiccans can define themselves however they please

sort of like boys calling themselves girls

but the rest of us do not have to agree

Whether you frickin' "agree" is irrelevant to anything. The poster asked me for a definition and I gave him one.
Its not the one that most people accept

What you think "most people accept" is even more irrelevant. Especially we're STILL waiting to find out what you think the word "stupidity" means. It's been a fucking month.
It means a lot to me and those who see through the lib lies

Explain how refusing to indulge a liar in a fake news story constitutes "lies" let alone anything about "lib".
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
Raleigh is a liberal democrat dominated city

of course the libs in charge are going to push their weight around
Funny how the word has come to mean anything BUT liberal.

"Funny" because the Cult of Ignance can't be bothered to learn what it actually means.
Okay, genius. Tell me what "liberal" means?

Thought you'd never ask.

Liberalism is the belief that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from a hierarchy of clergy and aristocracy --- or in other words authoritarianism. The Liberal government acts like a referee, it stands out of the way unless that body of the governed is ITSELF threatened. Otherwise it's the political philosophy version of the Wiccan Rede: "An' ye harm none, do what ye will".
I guess Wiccans can define themselves however they please

sort of like boys calling themselves girls

but the rest of us do not have to agree

Whether you frickin' "agree" is irrelevant to anything. The poster asked me for a definition and I gave him one.
Its not the one that most people accept

What you think "most people accept" is even more irrelevant. Especially we're STILL waiting to find out what you think the word "stupidity" means.
It means a lot to me and those who see through the lib lies

Explain how refusing to indulge a liar in a fake news story constitutes "lies" let alone anything about "lib".
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
You lost me on that one
To portray a public health crisis as an attack on personal freedom, shows that the religious right has collectively, lost their minds. Personally, if these fools want to get together and spread the virus amongst themselves, by all means. The fewer Trump voters the better.

What a long-winded bullshit diatribe based on - surprise surprise - a false narrative...

No one is attempting to 'portray a public health crisis as an attack on personal freedom'. I am asking for THE official, Constitutional law that gives local / state / federal governments to suspend / limit Constitutional Rights.

Stop your strawman right there and prove that said Constitutional Rights [sic]" have been "limited".

Remember "churches"? Why you run away?
Raleigh is a liberal democrat dominated city

of course the libs in charge are going to push their weight around
Funny how the word has come to mean anything BUT liberal.

"Funny" because the Cult of Ignance can't be bothered to learn what it actually means.
Okay, genius. Tell me what "liberal" means?

Thought you'd never ask.

Liberalism is the belief that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from a hierarchy of clergy and aristocracy --- or in other words authoritarianism. The Liberal government acts like a referee, it stands out of the way unless that body of the governed is ITSELF threatened. Otherwise it's the political philosophy version of the Wiccan Rede: "An' ye harm none, do what ye will".
I guess Wiccans can define themselves however they please

sort of like boys calling themselves girls

but the rest of us do not have to agree

Whether you frickin' "agree" is irrelevant to anything. The poster asked me for a definition and I gave him one.
Its not the one that most people accept

What you think "most people accept" is even more irrelevant. Especially we're STILL waiting to find out what you think the word "stupidity" means.
It means a lot to me and those who see through the lib lies

Explain how refusing to indulge a liar in a fake news story constitutes "lies" let alone anything about "lib".
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
You lost me on that one

It's your claim. Read the link. The memory is the second thing to go.
If only we could see the Covid-19 virus as well as we can see second hand smoke........ then we could just ban the people who expose others to it.
hell if we're gonna pull useless shit out of our ass, lets just say covid19 doesn't exist anymore and let the fairy godmother go grant more wishes elsewhere.

I see you have your thinking cap on. </sarcasm>
Stop your strawman right there and prove that said Constitutional Rights [sic]" have been "limited".

Easy (no pun intended)

The recent law enforcement act to disband Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble....

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it.
Apropos to the whole singing thing is this elephant in the room....

>> In interviews with the paper, eight members who attended the rehearsal said no one showed any signs of being ill or even coughed or sneezed. They said everyone avoided physical contact and brought their own sheet music.​
But one local health official believes it may have been the act of singing that led to the virus’ spread.​
"I think singing with a wide-open mouth and projection of your voice can certainly cause droplet spread of the illness,” Dr. Howard Leibrand with Skagit Public Health told Q13 FOX. “We know that two people face to face in conversation can contaminate each other.” << -- Choir Practice Became Super-Spreading Event
Related story here
>> A 40th birthday bash that a Connecticut woman held earlier this month is now being eyed by health experts as a suspected coronavirus “super-spreading event” after more than half of its 50 guests later tested positive for the sickness, a report says.​
The March 5 gathering at a home in the small town of Westport – which the New York Times is dubbing “Party Zero” – occurred when Connecticut had no confirmed cases of COVID-19. As of Tuesday, the state is now dealing with 415 cases, 270 of which are in Fairfield County, where Westport is located, according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University. <<​

It's kind of astounding that summa y'all STILL need to be informed that this is going on. Hell I live in Nowhere Appalachia and everybody here knows all about it.
In the end local officials govern at the pleasure of the public.
in times of natural disaster they are granted certain dictatorial powers or at least until the public decides to ignore them.

these baby hitlers are getting close to their limit in some places

Speaking of which.....

"Hundreds of cars, trucks and SUVs descended on Michigan’s state capital Wednesday afternoon as part of a noisy protest against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s social-distancing restrictions that critics say have gone too far.

Dubbed “Operation Gridlock” and organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, the protest did just that – creating bumper-to-bumper traffic throughout downtown Lansing as demonstrators blasted their horns, waved Americans flags and hoisted placards deriding Whitmer’s orders and demanding that she reopen the state’s economy."
Stop your strawman right there and prove that said Constitutional Rights [sic]" have been "limited".

Easy (no pun intended)

The recent law enforcement act to disband Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble....

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it.

I already sunk my teeth into that canard and tore it to shreds like a puppy in your other whiny HEY LOOKA ME thread. You had no answer there either.

Remember? The word "peaceably" ring a bell? The lynch mob?
If only we could see the Covid-19 virus as well as we can see second hand smoke........ then we could just ban the people who expose others to it.
hell if we're gonna pull useless shit out of our ass, lets just say covid19 doesn't exist anymore and let the fairy godmother go grant more wishes elsewhere.

I see you have your thinking cap on. </sarcasm>
yea, the "like 2nd hand smoke" comment inspired me.
I already sunk my teeth into that canard and tore it to shreds like a puppy in your other whiny HEY LOOKA ME thread. You had no answer there either. Remember? The word "peaceably" ring a bell? The lynch mob?

Yeah, I remember - you tried to compare a racist lynch mob to Americans exercising their Constitutionally-protected humiliating for you, snowflake.

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it...
I can't stand your strawmen up for you. That's what makes them strawmen.
What the fuck kind of copout response is that shit?

You're wrong and you can't admit it.

This shit is NOT liberalism and you fucking know it.

What you named isn't Liberalism. NOR DID I SAY IT WAS. Those were YOUR strawmen, I identified them as such, and now you want to sell them to me??
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

It's amazing how you completely forget the shit you type.

Post#45: "Raleigh is a liberal democrat dominated city"

Post #47, I stated: "Funny how the word has come to mean anything BUT liberal."

Post #55:
More Franklin weasel-quoting out of its context. Franklin btw survived multiple smallpox epidemics and regretted for the rest of his life failing to have his son who died from it at the age of four, inoculated. Here's what he was talking about in this cherrypicked quote --- the State's right to tax an absentee landlord:

>> WITTES: He was writing about a tax dispute between the Pennsylvania General Assembly and the family of the Penns, the proprietary family of the Pennsylvania colony who ruled it from afar. And the legislature was trying to tax the Penn family lands to pay for frontier defense during the French and Indian War. And the Penn family kept instructing the governor to veto. Franklin felt that this was a great affront to the ability of the legislature to govern. And so he actually meant purchase a little temporary safety very literally. The Penn family was trying to give a lump sum of money in exchange for the General Assembly's acknowledging that it did not have the authority to tax it.

SIEGEL: So far from being a pro-privacy quotation, if anything, it's a pro-taxation and pro-defense spending quotation.

WITTES: It is a quotation that defends the authority of a legislature to govern in the interests of collective security. It means, in context, not quite the opposite of what it's almost always quoted as saying but much closer to the opposite than to the thing that people think it means. << -- Franklin's "Liberty Safety" quote lost its context in the 21st century

WHICH IS FUCKING WRONG!!! Benjamin Franklin on Liberty and Safety

Post #59, you stated: ""Funny" because the Cult of Ignance (sic) can't be bothered to learn what it actually means."

Explain your way out of your own stupidity.

Better watch out. Professor Pogo claims to be sitting on a stockpile of everything constitution and KKK. I'm still waiting for him to show it to us, but all he does is say "link".
Stop your strawman right there and prove that said Constitutional Rights [sic]" have been "limited".

Easy (no pun intended)

The recent law enforcement act to disband Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble....

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it.

You don't get to play that game with me, asshole. I never said anything about the Constitution, you did.

I propose that these church groups continue to meet and that the minister who convenes them, gets charged gross negligence causing death, for every one of his/her parishoners who dies after attending one of his gatherings.

I notice that the Florida Minister who was arrested has now suspended holding live gatherings because his church's insurance company cancelled their public liability insurance. I guess he doesn't have enough faith in God keeping his congregation safe to go ahead without insurance against harming his parishoners.

I am also willing to bet real money that many of these ministers want butts in the pews because they want the cash in the collection plate. It has nothing to do with spiritual leadership or religious rights. They want the cash.

I have a deeply religious evangelical friend. His church began live streaming services and bible studies early in March. Long before my church started live streaming. They did this to keep their parishoners safe. In Canada. Where we had fewer than 200 cases at the time.

But God forbid the American Right doesn't take this opportunity and stand up and scream "Constitutional" at every opportunity - except when your President broke the law and should have been impeached and removed from office. Not one of you defended the Constitution when that happened.
If only we could get Dr. Fauci to tell the truth and drive it home on National TEE VEE. . .

If only they could ask a question that doesn't require a prognosis of future events, or the possible effects of actions taken in the past, then we'd all be safe!

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