Constitutional Right To Peacefully Assemble Latest 'Victim' of Govt COVID-19 Crackdown

I already sunk my teeth into that canard and tore it to shreds like a puppy in your other whiny HEY LOOKA ME thread. You had no answer there either. Remember? The word "peaceably" ring a bell? The lynch mob?

Yeah, I remember - you tried to compare a racist lynch mob to Americans exercising their Constitutionally-protected humiliating for you, snowflake.

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it...

That's not what he did at all. He pointed out that assembly which endangers lives can be banned.
I already sunk my teeth into that canard and tore it to shreds like a puppy in your other whiny HEY LOOKA ME thread. You had no answer there either. Remember? The word "peaceably" ring a bell? The lynch mob?

Yeah, I remember - you tried to compare a racist lynch mob to Americans exercising their Constitutionally-protected humiliating for you, snowflake.

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it...

Nope, once AGAIN you can't read. Number one I mentioned nothing about "racist" anything, why can't you just read what's on the page and quit plugging in your own shit. What I said was that that hypothetical lynch mob was by definition an "assembly" but not a "peaceable" one. I then presumed you would agree with that. Perhaps that was presuming too much so let's start there.

IS a lynch mob, out to murder let's say, Leo Frank, a "peaceable" assembly? Or is it not?
If only we could see the Covid-19 virus as well as we can see second hand smoke........ then we could just ban the people who expose others to it.
hell if we're gonna pull useless shit out of our ass, lets just say covid19 doesn't exist anymore and let the fairy godmother go grant more wishes elsewhere.

I see you have your thinking cap on. </sarcasm>
yea, the "like 2nd hand smoke" comment inspired me.

That you could smoke on any plane should be inspirational as well.
I already sunk my teeth into that canard and tore it to shreds like a puppy in your other whiny HEY LOOKA ME thread. You had no answer there either. Remember? The word "peaceably" ring a bell? The lynch mob?

Yeah, I remember - you tried to compare a racist lynch mob to Americans exercising their Constitutionally-protected humiliating for you, snowflake.

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it...

Nope, once AGAIN you can't read. Number one I mentioned nothing about "racist" anything, why can't you just read what's on the page and quit plugging in your own shit. What I said was that that hypothetical lynch mob was by definition an "assembly" but not a "peaceable" one. I then presumed you would agree with that. Perhaps that was presuming too much so let's start there.

IS a lynch mob, out to murder let's say, Leo Frank, a "peaceable" assembly? Or is it not?
Speaking of strawmen.


You don't get to play that game with me, asshole. I never said anything about the Constitution, you did.

Yes I did. 'Game'? I asked you to provide a link to the direct, specific legal Constitutional law / justification that provides local, state, and / or federal governments the authority to limit and / or suspend Constitutionally protected rights....

It must be the fact that I asked you to provide another link that triggered you into an uncontrollable panic.... :p

But God forbid the American Right doesn't take this opportunity and stand up and scream "Constitutional" at every opportunity - except when your President broke the law and should have been impeached and removed from office. Not one of you defended the Constitution when that happened.

Actually a LOT of us defended the Constitution then as the House Democrats coted to admittedly politically Impeach the US President based on ZERO crime - which they declared they did not need to politically Impeach the President, ZERO evidence - which caused Schiff to author and illegally attempt to present his own fake evidence in his committee hearings, and ZERO witnesses.

The effort was officially cited as 'the fastest rush to Impeach in US history based on the weakest case to Impeach in US history, and was appropriately rejected by the Senate - a result Pelosi herself admitted before proceeding with Impeachment she knew would happen.

I understand your ignorance and confusion about all of this and your inability to provide links, even the ones you swear exists - after all, you are Canadian.

I already sunk my teeth into that canard and tore it to shreds like a puppy in your other whiny HEY LOOKA ME thread. You had no answer there either. Remember? The word "peaceably" ring a bell? The lynch mob?

Yeah, I remember - you tried to compare a racist lynch mob to Americans exercising their Constitutionally-protected humiliating for you, snowflake.

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it...

Nope, once AGAIN you can't read. Number one I mentioned nothing about "racist" anything, why can't you just read what's on the page and quit plugging in your own shit. What I said was that that hypothetical lynch mob was by definition an "assembly" but not a "peaceable" one. I then presumed you would agree with that. Perhaps that was presuming too much so let's start there.

IS a lynch mob, out to murder let's say, Leo Frank, a "peaceable" assembly? Or is it not?

So you're still trying to defend your racist lunch mob comparison AND you still can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it....
I already sunk my teeth into that canard and tore it to shreds like a puppy in your other whiny HEY LOOKA ME thread. You had no answer there either. Remember? The word "peaceably" ring a bell? The lynch mob?

Yeah, I remember - you tried to compare a racist lynch mob to Americans exercising their Constitutionally-protected humiliating for you, snowflake.

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it...

Nope, once AGAIN you can't read. Number one I mentioned nothing about "racist" anything, why can't you just read what's on the page and quit plugging in your own shit. What I said was that that hypothetical lynch mob was by definition an "assembly" but not a "peaceable" one. I then presumed you would agree with that. Perhaps that was presuming too much so let's start there.

IS a lynch mob, out to murder let's say, Leo Frank, a "peaceable" assembly? Or is it not?
Speaking of strawmen.


So you don't know what "Strawman" means EITHER?
I already sunk my teeth into that canard and tore it to shreds like a puppy in your other whiny HEY LOOKA ME thread. You had no answer there either. Remember? The word "peaceably" ring a bell? The lynch mob?

Yeah, I remember - you tried to compare a racist lynch mob to Americans exercising their Constitutionally-protected humiliating for you, snowflake.

So you can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it...

Nope, once AGAIN you can't read. Number one I mentioned nothing about "racist" anything, why can't you just read what's on the page and quit plugging in your own shit. What I said was that that hypothetical lynch mob was by definition an "assembly" but not a "peaceable" one. I then presumed you would agree with that. Perhaps that was presuming too much so let's start there.

IS a lynch mob, out to murder let's say, Leo Frank, a "peaceable" assembly? Or is it not?

So you're still trying to defend your racist lunch mob comparison AND you still can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

Got it....

So you literally CAN'T SAY whether a lynch mob, which was nowhere described as either "racist" or "lunch", but IS described as intending to murder, is a "peaceable" assembly?

What are you afraid of, wimp? Because you know you'll lose?
So you don't know what "Strawman" means EITHER?

No, you gave a perfectly good demonstration of one with your racist lynch mob (that did not happen) comparison attempt.
If only we could see the Covid-19 virus as well as we can see second hand smoke........ then we could just ban the people who expose others to it.
hell if we're gonna pull useless shit out of our ass, lets just say covid19 doesn't exist anymore and let the fairy godmother go grant more wishes elsewhere.

I see you have your thinking cap on. </sarcasm>
yea, the "like 2nd hand smoke" comment inspired me.

That you could smoke on any plane should be inspirational as well.
give it a shot. see what happens and be prepared to pay the price for doing it.

same as i said this church can do. which is why i said there are better ways to challenge the rule.

keep up.
So you don't know what "Strawman" means EITHER?

No, you gave a perfectly good demonstration of one with your racist lynch mob (that did not happen) comparison attempt.

So you have no clue what the word "hypothetical" means EITHER?

What are you guys, Russian?

And again, who the fuck told you you could not only inject your own adjectives into this hypothetical lynch mob, but take them out to lunch as well?
So you literally CAN'T SAY whether a lynch mob, which was nowhere described as either "racist" or "lunch", but IS described as intending to murder, is a "peaceable" assembly?

What are you afraid of, wimp? Because you know you'll lose?
What 'Lynch Mob'?

Again, speaking of 'strawman'? We were / are discussing the actual, factual, REAL event of local law enforcement suspending Americans' Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble to protest more / other limits / suspensions of Constitutional Rights through local / state / federal mandates.

Then you came up with this fictitious racist lynch mob comparison....

So you still can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?
So you literally CAN'T SAY whether a lynch mob, which was nowhere described as either "racist" or "lunch", but IS described as intending to murder, is a "peaceable" assembly?

What are you afraid of, wimp? Because you know you'll lose?
What 'Lynch Mob'?

Again, speaking of 'strawman'? We were / are discussing the actual, factual, REAL event of local law enforcement suspending Americans' Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble to protest more / other limits / suspensions of Constitutional Rights through local / state / federal mandates.

Then you came up with this fictitious racist lynch mob comparison....

So you still can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

STILL running away, yet still posting to make sure everybody KNOWS you're running away.

What a wimp.
So you have no clue what the word "hypothetical" means EITHER?

It's an alternative word for 'strawman' to describe something that did not happen - like a racist lynch mob comparison attempt, which a snowflake throws out to distract from addressing the actual event that DID happen but the snowflake does not want to talk about......

So you still can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?
So you have no clue what the word "hypothetical" means EITHER?

It's an alternative word for 'strawman' to describe something that did not happen - like a racist lynch mob comparison attempt, which a snowflake throws out to distract from addressing the actual event that DID happen but the snowflake does not want to talk about......

It's an analogy, you know like the Jesus used parables for small simplistic minds. Apparently not simple enough for you super-small-me sized mind.

Again from post 11:

The BASIS of a hypothetical lynch mob (and I didn't say it was racial, did I) is irrelevant here just as the basis of the hypothetical congregation, but apparently you're saying that a lynch mob has the right to peaceably assemble then? Because in either case the outcome is death. The main difference is in the latter it's potentially many more deaths and they're indiscriminate, whereas the lynch mob has its specific target.

So the question we're STILL down to is, whether an assembly that results in death as a direct consequence of that assembly, can be called "peaceable".

I don't look much like MC Hammer but You Can't Touch This. And it's instructive that to try to run away from it you keep changing its character from what I posited. The mark of the dishonest.

So you still can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

STILL running away from the responsibility of PROVING that premise.
So you have no clue what the word "hypothetical" means EITHER?

It's an alternative word for 'strawman' to describe something that did not happen - like a racist lynch mob comparison attempt, which a snowflake throws out to distract from addressing the actual event that DID happen but the snowflake does not want to talk about......

It's an analogy, you know like the Jesus used parables for small simplistic minds. Apparently not simple enough for you super-small-me sized mind.

Again from post 11:

The BASIS of a hypothetical lynch mob (and I didn't say it was racial, did I) is irrelevant here just as the basis of the hypothetical congregation, but apparently you're saying that a lynch mob has the right to peaceably assemble then? Because in either case the outcome is death. The main difference is in the latter it's potentially many more deaths and they're indiscriminate, whereas the lynch mob has its specific target.

So the question we're STILL down to is, whether an assembly that results in death as a direct consequence of that assembly, can be called "peaceable".

I don't look much like MC Hammer but You Can't Touch This. And it's instructive that to try to run away from it you keep changing its character from what I posited. The mark of the dishonest.

So you still can't find / post a link providing legal Constitutional authority to limit / suspend Constitutionally protected rights through local / state / federal mandate?

STILL running away from the responsibility of PROVING that premise.

'It was not a racist lynch mob comparison'...
it was a hypothetical situation that never
happened I threw out to counter your reference
to a situation that DID happen...It is NOT the
same thing as a 'strawman'....

]Shane Holmberg on Twitter: Sure Vic owes almost half a million ... it says below:


I propose that these church groups continue to meet and that the minister who convenes them, gets charged gross negligence causing death, for every one of his/her parishoners who dies after attending one of his gatherings.
Criminally negligent homicide? Seriously?

Not homicide - death. Legally, there is a difference. You won't be charged with homicide because you didn't kill the person, and you didn't mean for them to die. Homicide means you did something intended to cause their death. If you were supposed to administer their life saving medication and withheld it knowing they would die, that would be criminally negligent homicide.

In this case, the Minister has been told that holding large gatherings could lead to his congregants getting sick and dying. He had chosen not to believe this, or he believes that God will protect his flock. Whatever his reasons, he has been warned of the problem. If he elects to hold services anyway, knowing the risks, it would be criminally negligent death. He didn't intend for them to die, but he disregarded a known risk and created the circumstances where they got sick and died, just as he had been warned they could.

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