Constitutional Right To Peacefully Assemble Latest 'Victim' of Govt COVID-19 Crackdown

Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?

The shut down sucks, but the whining (and I'm not talking about job loss, a valid complaint) but the whining about not being able to get together in large groups is pretty shallow.

Quarantine is nothing new. Restricting large gatherings is during an epidemic is nothing new. But this level of whining is.

Anyone over 70 probably remembers quarantine during the polio outbreaks...

“But absolutely, when coronavirus hit, the first thing I thought of were those summers in the 1940s, how you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home,” says Gray, who as a child lived in Kansas City. “When I was in high school, a wonderful young man got polio. It was just so terrifying for us.”
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

The public's health takes precedence over the Constitution for now. A bunch of far right wing extremists complaining does not impress me at all. Many churches are streaming their services so people can still attend services online.

I don't think Corbett is saying we need to use violence, all he is saying is non-compliance, en masse, is enough to foil the plans of the global elites.

This is the whole reason for this hyped up state of affairs in the first place. This is, after all, an extension of Agenda 2030. Folks were not going along with the carbon tax agenda in a timely enough manner for the global bureacracy, that was a plan for some time, it kept getting pushed back.

Now this. If folks treated this, with the same way they treated AGW, in regards to their liberty? It would go nowhere in regards to ceding their civil rights and civil liberties.

Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peacefully".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceful" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

I thought about it...and it's stupid.

I did not ignore the word 'peacefully' at all.

You are trying to compare a racist lynch mob with Americans being forced to stay at home, denied their rights to exercise their freedom of religion, and denied their right to peacefully assemble.
Yeah, I am pretty sure Pogo knows what a false equivalency is, he is just being retarded to push a political agenda.


Intellectual sloth. My favourite thing.

Read post 11 and try to refute it.
I don't have to "try."

It was already addressed by Thoreau and James Corbett in Post #3, before you made a fool and a petty tyrant of yourself.

If you had bothered to watch the video, you could have more specifically answered the question HE posed to you at the end of his video now, couldn't ya?

I am beginning to think you aren't an American at all, but an agent of the Crown, this is becoming clear.

I wasn't responding to your post downthread; I responded directly to the OP. Which isn't even yours.

THAT''S KIND OF WHY IT'S QUOTED IN THE POST, isn't it. DAMN, fulla yourself much??

Having now burned eight minutes and fourteen seconds I'll never get back of your hair-on-fire tinfoil conspiracy cry-the-blooze-and-hey-looka-me Chicken Little egomaniac video it's irrelevant to my point.

And it's bullshitting a strawman too --- nobody is "locked in their own homes", so even if it were relevant to the point it would be fallaciously tilted. "Corbett Report", holy shit what an ego.

I give you St. Louis and Philadelphia in the 1918 pandemic. One isolated, one didn't. And the latter paid a hefty price. One had more personal freedoms, and also WAY more dead. Essplain to the class what personal freedoms are enjoyed by the dead.
Damn, you are both THICK, and STUBBORN.

You said, I quote; "try to refute it."

The argument was presented to you even before you posted, but you equivocated all sorts of bullshit reasons why you don't need to have a conversation?

Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?

The shut down sucks, but the whining (and I'm not talking about job loss, a valid complaint) but the whining about not being able to get together in large groups is pretty shallow.

Quarantine is nothing new. Restricting large gatherings is during an epidemic is nothing new. But this level of whining is.

Anyone over 70 probably remembers quarantine during the polio outbreaks...

“But absolutely, when coronavirus hit, the first thing I thought of were those summers in the 1940s, how you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home,” says Gray, who as a child lived in Kansas City. “When I was in high school, a wonderful young man got polio. It was just so terrifying for us.”

All I can think of is that these nutballs are honestly UNAWARE that there's an infectious pandemic going on, OR that they are aware but it's more important to "get muh name on the innerwebs". What a gaggle of sociopaths.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peacefully".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceful" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

I thought about it...and it's stupid.

I did not ignore the word 'peacefully' at all.

You are trying to compare a racist lynch mob with Americans being forced to stay at home, denied their rights to exercise their freedom of religion, and denied their right to peacefully assemble.
Yeah, I am pretty sure Pogo knows what a false equivalency is, he is just being retarded to push a political agenda.


Intellectual sloth. My favourite thing.

Read post 11 and try to refute it.
I don't have to "try."

It was already addressed by Thoreau and James Corbett in Post #3, before you made a fool and a petty tyrant of yourself.

If you had bothered to watch the video, you could have more specifically answered the question HE posed to you at the end of his video now, couldn't ya?

I am beginning to think you aren't an American at all, but an agent of the Crown, this is becoming clear.

I wasn't responding to your post downthread; I responded directly to the OP. Which isn't even yours.

THAT''S KIND OF WHY IT'S QUOTED IN THE POST, isn't it. DAMN, fulla yourself much??

Having now burned eight minutes and fourteen seconds I'll never get back of your hair-on-fire tinfoil conspiracy cry-the-blooze-and-hey-looka-me Chicken Little egomaniac video it's irrelevant to my point.

And it's bullshitting a strawman too --- nobody is "locked in their own homes", so even if it were relevant to the point it would be fallaciously tilted. "Corbett Report", holy shit what an ego.

I give you St. Louis and Philadelphia in the 1918 pandemic. One isolated, one didn't. And the latter paid a hefty price. One had more personal freedoms, and also WAY more dead. Essplain to the class what personal freedoms are enjoyed by the dead.
Damn, you are both THICK, and STUBBORN.

You said, I quote; "try to refute it."

The argument was presented to you even before you posted, but you equivocated all sorts of bullshit reasons why you don't need to have a conversation?

I'm afraid posting movie memes does not CHANGE the fact that your tinfoil video, and my point about the word "peaceably" ------ ARE NOT FUCKING RELATED.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

There is one helluva whiplash coming and it's going to take off a lot of heads. The suspension of civil rights and common sense in arbitrary, capricious and frivolous ways will be accounted for in the courts and heads will indeed roll.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Benjamin Franklin - Liberty/Security - Comments on Mass. Refusal to Alter Charters/Laws to Avoid War

As to the other two acts, the Massachusetts must suffer all the hazards and mischiefs of war rather than admit the alteration of their charters and laws by Parliament. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’


I don't think Corbett is saying we need to use violence, all he is saying is non-compliance, en masse, is enough to foil the plans of the global elites.

This is the whole reason for this hyped up state of affairs in the first place. This is, after all, an extension of Agenda 2030. Folks were not going along with the carbon tax agenda in a timely enough manner for the global bureacracy, that was a plan for some time, it kept getting pushed back.

Now this. If folks treated this, with the same way they treated AGW, in regards to their liberty? It would go nowhere in regards to ceding their civil rights and civil liberties.



I don't think Corbett is saying we need to use violence, all he is saying is non-compliance, en masse, is enough to foil the plans of the global elites.

This is the whole reason for this hyped up state of affairs in the first place. This is, after all, an extension of Agenda 2030. Folks were not going along with the carbon tax agenda in a timely enough manner for the global bureacracy, that was a plan for some time, it kept getting pushed back.

Now this. If folks treated this, with the same way they treated AGW, in regards to their liberty? It would go nowhere in regards to ceding their civil rights and civil liberties.



^^ Gets invited to refute point about assembling "peaceably" --- responds with "Agenda 2030". Then wonders why not taken seriously.

Reading is a lost art.
Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?

The shut down sucks, but the whining (and I'm not talking about job loss, a valid complaint) but the whining about not being able to get together in large groups is pretty shallow.

Quarantine is nothing new. Restricting large gatherings is during an epidemic is nothing new. But this level of whining is.

Anyone over 70 probably remembers quarantine during the polio outbreaks...

“But absolutely, when coronavirus hit, the first thing I thought of were those summers in the 1940s, how you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home,” says Gray, who as a child lived in Kansas City. “When I was in high school, a wonderful young man got polio. It was just so terrifying for us.”
"you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home"



The two time periods and diseases, and how the government is treating the public are nothing alike.

The polio scourge was treated with rationality, and folks had freedom, this one is being used by governments to impose tyranny, and this piece by USA Today is nothing but a puff piece spun as propaganda.

Some of us still have relatives that were alive then and can talk to them about that time, what do you take us for, fools?


I don't think Corbett is saying we need to use violence, all he is saying is non-compliance, en masse, is enough to foil the plans of the global elites.

This is the whole reason for this hyped up state of affairs in the first place. This is, after all, an extension of Agenda 2030. Folks were not going along with the carbon tax agenda in a timely enough manner for the global bureacracy, that was a plan for some time, it kept getting pushed back.

Now this. If folks treated this, with the same way they treated AGW, in regards to their liberty? It would go nowhere in regards to ceding their civil rights and civil liberties.



^^ Gets invited to refute point about assembling "peaceably" --- responds with "Agenda 2030". Then wonders why not taken seriously.

Reading is a lost art.

^^ Either clueless about what is going on, or an active agent of disinformation and misinformation.

Critical thinking is a lost art. Familiarity to great works of intellectual research and study has vanished.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

There is one helluva whiplash coming and it's going to take off a lot of heads. The suspension of civil rights and common sense in arbitrary, capricious and frivolous ways will be accounted for in the courts and heads will indeed roll.
I do hope you are right.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peacefully".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceful" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

I thought about it...and it's stupid.

I did not ignore the word 'peacefully' at all.

You are trying to compare a racist lynch mob with Americans being forced to stay at home, denied their rights to exercise their freedom of religion, and denied their right to peacefully assemble.
Yeah, I am pretty sure Pogo knows what a false equivalency is, he is just being retarded to push a political agenda.


Intellectual sloth. My favourite thing.

Read post 11 and try to refute it. The OP can't do it; all he can come up with is nervous laughter.
serious man - when was the last time you were outside? i mean even long before our isolation of today?

i have to think you're the person at work who people just nod at and suddenly their desk phone rings and they have to dismiss the rest of your conversation. only, you never seem to realize that EVERY TIME YOU GO UP to someone's cube, they get a phone call soon after.

it's the rest of your team covering for each other. everyone knows they could be next to have to sit and listen to you so they save each other from your inane inaneness by calling the unfortunate soul you happen to be verbally torturing to save them from you.

watch out for it. i hate to rat out your co-workers carefully plotted system, but maybe it's you doing the nervous laughter in the corner.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peacefully".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceful" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

I thought about it...and it's stupid.

I did not ignore the word 'peacefully' at all.

You are trying to compare a racist lynch mob with Americans being forced to stay at home, denied their rights to exercise their freedom of religion, and denied their right to peacefully assemble.
Yeah, I am pretty sure Pogo knows what a false equivalency is, he is just being retarded to push a political agenda.


Intellectual sloth. My favourite thing.

Read post 11 and try to refute it. The OP can't do it; all he can come up with is nervous laughter.
serious man - when was the last time you were outside? i mean even long before our isolation of today?

i have to think you're the person at work who people just nod at and suddenly their desk phone rings and they have to dismiss the rest of your conversation. only, you never seem to realize that EVERY TIME YOU GO UP to someone's cube, they get a phone call soon after.

it's the rest of your team covering for each other. everyone knows they could be next to have to sit and listen to you so they save each other from your inane inaneness by calling the unfortunate soul you happen to be verbally torturing to save them from you.

watch out for it. i hate to rat out your co-workers carefully plotted system, but maybe it's you doing the nervous laughter in the corner.

That was a bizarre hallucination what with all the cubism, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't touch my point about assembling "peaceably" at all. That not-touching of the point is pretty popular in this thread.
Is anyone getting tired of this rightwing whine fest about "shut downs" and "constitutional rights"?

The shut down sucks, but the whining (and I'm not talking about job loss, a valid complaint) but the whining about not being able to get together in large groups is pretty shallow.

Quarantine is nothing new. Restricting large gatherings is during an epidemic is nothing new. But this level of whining is.

Anyone over 70 probably remembers quarantine during the polio outbreaks...

“But absolutely, when coronavirus hit, the first thing I thought of were those summers in the 1940s, how you couldn’t go to pools, you couldn’t go to the movies, you just stayed home,” says Gray, who as a child lived in Kansas City. “When I was in high school, a wonderful young man got polio. It was just so terrifying for us.”
maybe. maybe people are pretty shallow. but if people have legitimate questions about what we're being told vs. seeing, calling them shallow for asking is simply another form of shaming. you don't believe it, i will call you names.

and while a quarantine may be nothing new, i certainly have never seen an entire city do it; much less most of the world. to think people will sit and behave for an indefinite undefined period of time and not question why is simply unreasonable.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peacefully".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceful" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

I thought about it...and it's stupid.

I did not ignore the word 'peacefully' at all.

You are trying to compare a racist lynch mob with Americans being forced to stay at home, denied their rights to exercise their freedom of religion, and denied their right to peacefully assemble.
Yeah, I am pretty sure Pogo knows what a false equivalency is, he is just being retarded to push a political agenda.


Intellectual sloth. My favourite thing.

Read post 11 and try to refute it.
I don't have to "try."

It was already addressed by Thoreau and James Corbett in Post #3, before you made a fool and a petty tyrant of yourself.

If you had bothered to watch the video, you could have more specifically answered the question HE posed to you at the end of his video now, couldn't ya?

I am beginning to think you aren't an American at all, but an agent of the Crown, this is becoming clear.

I wasn't responding to your post downthread; I responded directly to the OP. Which isn't even yours.

THAT''S KIND OF WHY IT'S QUOTED IN THE POST, isn't it. DAMN, fulla yourself much??

Having now burned eight minutes and fourteen seconds I'll never get back of your hair-on-fire tinfoil conspiracy cry-the-blooze-and-hey-looka-me Chicken Little egomaniac video it's irrelevant to my point.

And it's bullshitting a strawman too --- nobody is "locked in their own homes", so even if it were relevant to the point it would be fallaciously tilted. "Corbett Report", holy shit what an ego.

I give you St. Louis and Philadelphia in the 1918 pandemic. One isolated, one didn't. And the latter paid a hefty price. One had more personal freedoms, and also WAY more dead. Essplain to the class what personal freedoms are enjoyed by the dead.
Damn, you are both THICK, and STUBBORN.

You said, I quote; "try to refute it."

The argument was presented to you even before you posted, but you equivocated all sorts of bullshit reasons why you don't need to have a conversation?

I'm afraid posting movie memes does not CHANGE the fact that your tinfoil video, and my point about the word "peaceably" ------ ARE NOT FUCKING RELATED.

You never answered the question in the video.

Folks have had the flu before, and it could be traced to other people getting sick and dying before. . . did that make them involuntary mass murderers back then? If not, why?

What has changed now?

. . .oh I know, you can't address the logic in the video. . .

b/c. . . CONSPIRACY THEORIST. . . :no_text11:

You are a piece of shit. I usually respect you, but you are doing a terrible job here if you can't address the issue with a valid argument, sorry.

There is nothing in that video that is tinfoil hat, you won't specify because the logic in that video is air tight. When you have to use Ad Hominem, and not address specifically what you believe is "tin foil," THEN YOU LOSE, de facto, by using a fallacy w/o naming that part you believe is illogical or "conspiracy.

Sorry buddy.
Govt flexes muscle to show citizens / Constitution / Founding Fathers who's 'Boss'....

One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”

'Raleigh, North Carolina police suspended the First Amendment Tuesday, dispersing a protest against the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdown and arresting one protester for failing to disperse. The police issued a statement declaring “Protesting is a non-essential activity” that was in violation of an executive order by Governor Roy Cooper (D) prohibiting mass gatherings.'

What is considered 'non-essential activity' by the government is a right protected by the Constitution from a government who seeks to quell all peaceful assemblies...

Add this one to the list of Constitutional Rights - like exercise of religious freedom - being trampled in the name of 'preventing the spread of CPVID-19'.

Here's what y'all infectophiles keep missing.

-- What's the adverb before the word "assemble"? "Peacefully".

Therefore an assembly of, say, a lynch mob would be an assembly but not a "peaceful" one, agreed?

Whelp, same for a congregation that huddles together despite a known contagious infection going around. One uses a rope, the other uses a virus.

Think about it.

I thought about it...and it's stupid.

I did not ignore the word 'peacefully' at all.

You are trying to compare a racist lynch mob with Americans being forced to stay at home, denied their rights to exercise their freedom of religion, and denied their right to peacefully assemble.
Yeah, I am pretty sure Pogo knows what a false equivalency is, he is just being retarded to push a political agenda.


Intellectual sloth. My favourite thing.

Read post 11 and try to refute it. The OP can't do it; all he can come up with is nervous laughter.
serious man - when was the last time you were outside? i mean even long before our isolation of today?

i have to think you're the person at work who people just nod at and suddenly their desk phone rings and they have to dismiss the rest of your conversation. only, you never seem to realize that EVERY TIME YOU GO UP to someone's cube, they get a phone call soon after.

it's the rest of your team covering for each other. everyone knows they could be next to have to sit and listen to you so they save each other from your inane inaneness by calling the unfortunate soul you happen to be verbally torturing to save them from you.

watch out for it. i hate to rat out your co-workers carefully plotted system, but maybe it's you doing the nervous laughter in the corner.

That was a bizarre hallucination what with all the cubism, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't touch my point about assembling "peaceably" at all. That not-touching of the point is pretty popular in this thread.
i'm pretty sure no one but you has ever touched your point.

kinda my point.
If only we could see the Covid-19 virus as well as we can see second hand smoke........ then we could just ban the people who expose others to it.

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