Constitutional right to privacy

Yes to privacy

No to killing kids
Tha'ts not what the abortionists say.

I guess they don't consider a fetus a child.

Is it a child? A child is something that can live independently.
So, your definition of life is being able to survive on your own?

If you go look at a definition of "life" in the dictionary, you might be surprised to find more than one definition.

life | Definition of life in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

This one has five different definitions with subsections for some of those.

I also don't remember talking about a definition of life.

I wrote a definition of "child".

child | Definition of child in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

"A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority."

Generally meaning a human from birth up to the age of 18. Though definitions can often vary.

However, are we getting back to "life being important" argument?

I love this argument, because almost everyone who says that life is important will find that life isn't so important.

I have a few questions for you.

1) Did you support the US war in Iraq in 2003?
2) Do you support executions?
3) Do you eat meat?
Yes to privacy

No to killing kids
Tha'ts not what the abortionists say.

I guess they don't consider a fetus a child.

Is it a child? A child is something that can live independently.
So, your definition of life is being able to survive on your own?

If you go look at a definition of "life" in the dictionary, you might be surprised to find more than one definition.

life | Definition of life in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

This one has five different definitions with subsections for some of those.

I also don't remember talking about a definition of life.

I wrote a definition of "child".

child | Definition of child in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

"A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority."

Generally meaning a human from birth up to the age of 18. Though definitions can often vary.

However, are we getting back to "life being important" argument?

I love this argument, because almost everyone who says that life is important will find that life isn't so important.

I have a few questions for you.

1) Did you support the US war in Iraq in 2003?
2) Do you support executions?
3) Do you eat meat?
I REPEAT using your definition then you MUST support banning abortion after 20 weeks RIGHT?
Yes to privacy

No to killing kids
Tha'ts not what the abortionists say.

I guess they don't consider a fetus a child.
What else is it? Does a human fetus develop into something OTHER then a human child?

Is an acorn a tree?

Never mind. I'm sure you'll say yes, despite that being a really stupid thing to say.
Is a seed a flower? Someone familiar with horticulture could look at a seed and tell you exactly what it will become. That seed is a stage of development of the flower. It is not a different species. A fetus is not a different species. An acorn will not grow into some other species. It will not become a fern or a puppy. A fetus will develop into a child. The child is not a separate species from adult. It is a stage of development. A fetus is to a child what the child is to adult.
Yes to privacy

No to killing kids
Tha'ts not what the abortionists say.

I guess they don't consider a fetus a child.
What else is it? Does a human fetus develop into something OTHER then a human child?

Is an acorn a tree?

Never mind. I'm sure you'll say yes, despite that being a really stupid thing to say.
Is a seed a flower? Someone familiar with horticulture could look at a seed and tell you exactly what it will become. That seed is a stage of development of the flower. It is not a different species. A fetus is not a different species. An acorn will not grow into some other species. It will not become a fern or a puppy. A fetus will develop into a child. The child is not a separate species from adult. It is a stage of development. A fetus is to a child what the child is to adult.

What it will become, not what it is.

Is a Caterpillar a butterfly? No, it will become a butterfly, but it isn't.

But then again there's an interesting question. How many holes does a drinking straw have?

Some say one. Some say two.

Is it one hole at the top and one hole at the bottom, or is it one continuous hole all the way through.

I go with three.

It's about how we see words.
Tha'ts not what the abortionists say.

I guess they don't consider a fetus a child.
What else is it? Does a human fetus develop into something OTHER then a human child?

Is an acorn a tree?

Never mind. I'm sure you'll say yes, despite that being a really stupid thing to say.
Is a seed a flower? Someone familiar with horticulture could look at a seed and tell you exactly what it will become. That seed is a stage of development of the flower. It is not a different species. A fetus is not a different species. An acorn will not grow into some other species. It will not become a fern or a puppy. A fetus will develop into a child. The child is not a separate species from adult. It is a stage of development. A fetus is to a child what the child is to adult.

What it will become, not what it is.

Is a Caterpillar a butterfly? No, it will become a butterfly, but it isn't.

But then again there's an interesting question. How many holes does a drinking straw have?

Some say one. Some say two.

Is it one hole at the top and one hole at the bottom, or is it one continuous hole all the way through.

I go with three.

It's about how we see words.
It will become what it is. An oak. Acorn, or tree it’s an oak. Its genetic code is even identical. You can actually verify this if you wanted to. Age is the only difference...
Tha'ts not what the abortionists say.

I guess they don't consider a fetus a child.
What else is it? Does a human fetus develop into something OTHER then a human child?

Is an acorn a tree?

Never mind. I'm sure you'll say yes, despite that being a really stupid thing to say.
Is a seed a flower? Someone familiar with horticulture could look at a seed and tell you exactly what it will become. That seed is a stage of development of the flower. It is not a different species. A fetus is not a different species. An acorn will not grow into some other species. It will not become a fern or a puppy. A fetus will develop into a child. The child is not a separate species from adult. It is a stage of development. A fetus is to a child what the child is to adult.

What it will become, not what it is.

Is a Caterpillar a butterfly? No, it will become a butterfly, but it isn't.

But then again there's an interesting question. How many holes does a drinking straw have?

Some say one. Some say two.

Is it one hole at the top and one hole at the bottom, or is it one continuous hole all the way through.

I go with three.

It's about how we see words.
I see you are ignoring the fact that your inconvenient definition makes you a liar.
Yes or no?

Please show where that is found.

The 9th amendment.

The 9th amendment does not call out a right to privacy.

It says all other "rights" belong to the people.

Somebody has to show that there is such a thing as a right to privacy (and you can spare me Stephen Douglas).

The constitution establishes limitations upon the government and therefore the burden is on them to show an absence of such right.
Yes or no?

Please show where that is found.

The 9th amendment.

The 9th amendment does not call out a right to privacy.

It says all other "rights" belong to the people.

Somebody has to show that there is such a thing as a right to privacy (and you can spare me Stephen Douglas).

The constitution establishes limitations upon the government and therefore the burden is on them to show an absence of such right.
Except of course when it comes to firearms right?
We have yahoos with loud radios stealing away our privacy every minute of the day And they usurp the right to privacy and insert freedom of expression and pervert it instead. . And the right to privacy. I don't think our forefathers could have anticipated bass amplified stereos going BOOM BOOM BOOM , On the other hand , um, the Geneva convention bans loud BOOM BOOM BOOM noise as a form of torture. So why are our legislators pandering to people that purvey to this this BOOM BOOM BOOM shit. Why defend those that that despise peace and quiet and freedom of peace ? Why can't our legislators figure that out? Why are our legislators conniving with these jerk wads to destroy our last bastion of freedom, privacy? Why aren't they defending our privacy, instead? I am betting those that support this trash live in isolated pockets with a strong home owners association.
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Yes or no?

Please show where that is found.

The 9th amendment.

The 9th amendment does not call out a right to privacy.

It says all other "rights" belong to the people.

Somebody has to show that there is such a thing as a right to privacy (and you can spare me Stephen Douglas).

The constitution establishes limitations upon the government and therefore the burden is on them to show an absence of such right.

And was the right first acknowledged ? In the 1920's.

Given that rights are general protections afforded Americans....which were not afforded for 150 years and then only on a limited's hard to take the argument it is right....seriously.
Yes to privacy

No to killing kids
Tha'ts not what the abortionists say.

I guess they don't consider a fetus a child.

Is it a child? A child is something that can live independently.
Does that mean people on life support can be killed on a whim?

Well, here's the issue. A person on life support could live independently. They have connections to the world around them.
People on life support can have that life support taken away from them. On a whim? Potentially.

But the real issue here is that of the connections around them, friends, family and the like. If there's a good chance they'll recover, then no. If there's a huge chance that they won't, then yes, they might have their life support turned off.

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