Constitutional right to privacy

Everyone is ‘pro-life’ – including those who acknowledge and respect a woman’s right to privacy, and that government has no authority to compel a woman to give birth against her will.

A woman, her family, and her doctor are best suited to decide personal private matters such as whether to have a child or not, consistent with her own good conscience and good faith, not government.

You're not.

You are pro abortion.

Abortion is not "privacy." A procedure done by strangers in a public facility is not "private."

Then we have no privacy in our medical decisions?

One of the issues we face is that you Communists are so very dishonest that words have little relation to their actual meaning. Words mean only what you Bolsheviks choose them to mean.

Definition of privacy
plural privacies
1a : the quality or state of being apart from company or observation : seclusion
b : freedom from unauthorized intrusion
  • one's right to privacy
: a place of seclusion
3a : secrecy
b : a private matter : secret}

Sitting in an office with 40 to 100 other people is not "private."

An activist SCOTUS passed a law. In violating the United States Constitution, they attempted to justify their treason couching their newly crafted legislation in absurd perversions of language and law. The 4th guarantees protection from unwarranted search and seizure. This is an amendment blatantly violated by the IRS and other agencies each and every day as they force you at gun point to detail the most intimate elements of you life to them.

A "right" to privacy is not only a fabricated right invented by the 7 traitors who crafted the legislation in violation of the Constitution they swore to uphold, it is also a farce. The ONLY way you have any right to "privacy" is if the word "privacy" mean abortion, which is exactly what it means when used by the left.

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