consumer reports study


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
Consumer Reports Index: Americans' sentiment improved as financial difficulties declined

Consumer sentiment climbed back to positive territory this month, and financial troubles continued a four-month decline, according to the Consumer Reports Index, an overall measure of Americans' personal financial health.

The monthly Index comprises five measures: Employment, Retail, Sentiment, Stress, and the Trouble Tracker.

Consumer sentiment rose across all income segments to 50.7 from 48.9 a month earlier, and the trouble tracker measure stands at 38.8, near its all-time low of 38.7 in November 2012. In addition, the level of stress that consumers feel was unchanged from last month, at 56.1.
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what will you cons do to try and stop the recovery this time?

another debt ceiling mess?
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Fresh out of Ideas on how to destroy the country this time?
That's cuz they think they voted for Obama's socialist freebies! Derp!

jk ;)
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they ONLY care about their little cult members.

they want the rest of America to just go away
what will you cons do to try and stop the recovery this time? another debt ceiling mess?
We've ordered our man at the Federal Reserve to print money until the dollar is destroyed.

Chance you know what I'm talking about: Zero.

Why hasn't the dollar been destroyed already? We have been doing this printing for quite some time. Have any info on when the destruction will occur?

You might be just a wee bit of an alarmist. No?
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the right seems to have no interests in good economic news
Consumer Reports Index: Americans' sentiment improved as financial difficulties declined

Consumer sentiment climbed back to positive territory this month, and financial troubles continued a four-month decline, according to the Consumer Reports Index, an overall measure of Americans' personal financial health.

The monthly Index comprises five measures: Employment, Retail, Sentiment, Stress, and the Trouble Tracker.

Consumer sentiment rose across all income segments to 50.7 from 48.9 a month earlier, and the trouble tracker measure stands at 38.8, near its all-time low of 38.7 in November 2012. In addition, the level of stress that consumers feel was unchanged from last month, at 56.1.

Now this is good news.
what will you cons do to try and stop the recovery this time? another debt ceiling mess?
We've ordered our man at the Federal Reserve to print money until the dollar is destroyed.

Chance you know what I'm talking about: Zero.

Why hasn't the dollar been destroyed already? We have been doing this printing for quite some time. Have any info on when the destruction will occur?

You might be just a wee bit of an alarmist. No?
The US Dollar has lost 95% of it's value since 1913.

If your House is 95% burned down would you say it's not destroyed?
Do any of you know how much the Fed prints every month?

Hint: It's more than the Sequester difference.

And don't give me some sh*t like "The Fed doesn't print money!" and prove your ignorance. The Fed SIGNALS the Mint to print.
Ah, this is about the 14th economic recovery we've had since Obama took office. You'd think people would have jobs and get off food stamps by now. A couple more of these "Obama economic recoveries" and we may as well throw in the towel.
We do NOT live in a capitalist economy, folks.

We live in a monetarist economy.

That is why we are mostly slaves.

The vast majority of us (including the very wealthyt I note) have to make money by doing something productive.

Unlike our masters whose power to manipulate the currency makes them (after 100 years of having this power) THE MASTERS of our universe.

Sooner or later, I hope my chums on the right and left finally get this.

Until they do?

They will forever be duped into hating whatever scapegoat the agent provocateurs of the MASTERS tell them to hate.

Some of you will hate the very poor who work their asses off just to keep alive.

Some of you will hate the very rich whose intelligence and productivity has made them very wealthy despite the sham economic system they have to cope with.

But very few of us seem to understand how the system is REALLY WORKING.

You note that inflation hurts you but you do not understand the mechanism that causes it.

All your guns won't help.

All your occupying wall street won't help either.

The System is corrupted against all your efforts BECAUSE when the masters who control the specie, they control EVERYTHING.

After 100 years with this power there is no aspect of this society (or frankly most of the world) that they do not control.

All this left versus right nonsense is the INVENTION of the propagandists, folks.
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by not allowing the wealthy to control what our founders designed as a Democracy
why are none of you right leaning people happy when this country makes progress ?

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