Consumer Spending Plummets After Payroll Tax Increase...

Wait a minute. Are you saying that when the Gov't takes money from us that we have less to spend and therefore the Economy slows?

Where have I heard that before?

Taxes discourage behavior. When are the moonbats going to figure that out?
What I want to know is when the moonbats, as in conservatives like you, are going to show a case where increasing taxes in an economy with high unemployment has ever hurt that economy. Or when lowering taxes on the wealthy has ever helped that economy.
Some proof of your agenda driven accusations would be sooooo refreshing.
show a case where increasing taxes in an economy with high unemployment has ever hurt that economy.

too stupid by 1000% as usual!! Companies are very busy firing people as we speak in order to avoid paying the taxes associated with Obama care!!

Retail is way down as we speak because payroll taxes just went way up!!!

IF as a liberal you are not intelligent to be here why are you here???
show a case where increasing taxes in an economy with high unemployment has ever hurt that economy.

too stupid by 1000% as usual!! Companies are very busy firing people as we speak in order to avoid paying the taxes associated with Obama care!!

Retail is way down as we speak because payroll taxes just went way up!!!

IF as a liberal you are not intelligent to be here why are you here???
And, of course, you can not back any of what you just said with actual proof. Because, you see, you are lying again, me boy.
Unemployment is not going up, it has been going down. It will not be hurt by obamacare, but it may be hurt by the incredibly stupid tea party repubs who want sequester to occur. Because, me boy, they want to destroy this economy.
And, of course, the CBO states that the affordable care act will decrease the deficit.

And relative to retail being way down, you have no proof of that. Looks like there was a slight downturn, and time will tell if it continues. But you say way down, with no proof. Again. Because you are lying. Again. And the payroll taxes going "way up"?? Myh poor ignorant con tool, you simply have to post the dogma even though you must know you are lying. 2% is only way up in the prattle of con tools.
Are you out of dogma, or are you simply admitting by default that you are simply a con tool with nothing to say?
Perhaps a little integrity wherein you did not lie continually would cause people to pay attention to you. As is, no thinking person even bothers to read your prattle.
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The Taxman is locked & loaded. He's gonna be very very busy in the coming years. Thanks a lot Big Government stooges.
And you proof is WHERE??? Apparently up your ass, since that is where your head is.
Paulitician isn't actually responding to anyone with that post, he's just trying to change the subject after screaming about plummeting spending when actual data show nothing of the sort.

Either way his pattern is to focus more on creating threads by regurgitating what he's seen elsewhere, not actually having the intellectual capacity to support or debate what he states.
Increasing taxes on the consumer class (as opposed to the investment class) is going to have an immediate effect on sales numbers.
The Taxman is locked & loaded. He's gonna be very very busy in the coming years. Thanks a lot Big Government stooges.

yes the last I read said the IRS had hired 15,000 new agents!!

It's interesting that you bring that up. Just like last year and in years past, the feds hire IRS agents for the tax season. In their 'infinite wisdom', the feds tout these as 'new hires' to make the jobless rate seem lower than it actually is. Except that these are only temporary workers who will be laid off again after the tax season has passed. That is, until next year when they will be re-hired and reported as new hires once again..
" What I want to know is when the moonbats, as in conservatives like you, are going to show a case where increasing taxes in an economy with high unemployment has ever hurt that economy. "

Well, that would be Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, among others. Soon to be France thanks to the idiot they elected there. And sadly, here in the US after Obama raised taxes on Jan 1.
Do you mean the third year payroll tax extension that Obama wanted and the GOP opposed because they do not believe in temporary stimuli? The extension that not enough Republicans changed their minds from last year to extend it?

Some Republicans could cede payroll tax cut to Obama - Chicago Tribune

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a turnabout from a year ago, some Republican lawmakers say they are open to backing President Barack Obama's proposal to extend the payroll tax cut for a third year, possibly bringing the sides closer to a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff.

Last year Speaker John Boehner, the leading Republican in the House of Representatives, suffered through a revolt by ultra-conservative Republicans opposing the cut. They argued cutting the payroll tax would add to the deficit and hurt the retirement program it helps finance.
The Taxman is locked & loaded. He's gonna be very very busy in the coming years. Thanks a lot Big Government stooges.

yes the last I read said the IRS had hired 15,000 new agents!!
I'm sure as a Misinformation Voter you did read that bullshit in the GOP hate media echo chamber, but I'm also sure as a Misinformation Voter you are too stupid to figure out that it is not true!
The Taxman is locked & loaded. He's gonna be very very busy in the coming years. Thanks a lot Big Government stooges.
And you proof is WHERE??? Apparently up your ass, since that is where your head is.
Paulitician isn't actually responding to anyone with that post, he's just trying to change the subject after screaming about plummeting spending when actual data show nothing of the sort.

Either way his pattern is to focus more on creating threads by regurgitating what he's seen elsewhere, not actually having the intellectual capacity to support or debate what he states.
Yup. We have a number of those types. What i refer to as conservative tools. Simply setting up threads with bogus data from far right sites and posting conservative propaganda. They may be incapable of rational conversation, though I think most simply believe what they want to believe. Odd.
Increasing taxes on the consumer class (as opposed to the investment class) is going to have an immediate effect on sales numbers.
That is true. But a 2% payroll tax will probably have a small impact. That is the economic thought I see out there, and seems to be backed up by the sales numbers. But hell, we will never really know after we go over the cliff. This could be a really rough ride.
" What I want to know is when the moonbats, as in conservatives like you, are going to show a case where increasing taxes in an economy with high unemployment has ever hurt that economy. "

Well, that would be Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, among others. Soon to be France thanks to the idiot they elected there. And sadly, here in the US after Obama raised taxes on Jan 1.

Trying to compare the us to cypress tends to show that you are an idiot, again. Ever been there??? It is a tiny country. With no resemblence to the US. And a very little economy.

And if you are saying that austerity is working there, you are in a very small crowd, which is dwindling fast. But, what the hell. Dogma is dogma, eh.

So, you are projecting that the end of the bush tax decrease, which was subject to expire a couple years ago, is going to be a problem. But, of course, that would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion. And calling it an Obama tax increase is disingenuous, obviously. He simply let it expire. Which is different. Look up expire, and then look up create. See if you can see any difference.

Now, I assume you have given up showing where an income tax decrease in the US has ever helped in an economy with high unemployment?? Want to admit that?? Or do you simply lack integrity, as I assume. Because, me boy, if you increase taxes on the wealthy, and not on the middle class specifically, and use that added revenue for stimulus, you will see the economy turn around. As we saw with FDR. And Clinton. And Reagan.
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" What I want to know is when the moonbats, as in conservatives like you, are going to show a case where increasing taxes in an economy with high unemployment has ever hurt that economy. "

Well, that would be Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, among others. Soon to be France thanks to the idiot they elected there. And sadly, here in the US after Obama raised taxes on Jan 1.

Trying to compare the us to cypress tends to show that you are an idiot, again. Ever been there??? It is a tiny country. With no resemblence to the US. And a very little economy.

And if you are saying that austerity is working there, you are in a very small crowd, which is dwindling fast. But, what the hell. Dogma is dogma, eh.

So, you are projecting that the end of the bush tax decrease, which was subject to expire a couple years ago, is going to be a problem. But, of course, that would be your opinion. And you know how much I respect your opinion. And calling it an Obama tax increase is disingenuous, obviously. He simply let it expire. Which is different. Look up expire, and then look up create. See if you can see any difference.

Now, I assume you have given up showing where an income tax decrease in the US has ever helped in an economy with high unemployment?? Want to admit that?? Or do you simply lack integrity, as I assume. Because, me boy, if you increase taxes on the wealthy, and not on the middle class specifically, and use that added revenue for stimulus, you will see the economy turn around. As we saw with FDR. And Clinton. And Reagan.

First of all, you asked for examples, and I gave you some. As even an idiot like you must know, there are no other countries that approach the size of our economy; one can however look at smaller nations to see what worked for them. Of course, when it contradicts your political ideology then you have to discredit it, as liberals typically do.

I think you are very aware that Obama fought endlessly for several years to allow the tax cuts for the top 2% to expire, which is in reality a tax hike. Pretty disingenuous of you to refuse to take responsibility for the result, but then again that's what people like you do.

As for tax decreases helping an economy, that would be LBJ in the 60s and Reagan in the 80s. And of course the republican Congress in Clinton's 2nd term, when they lowered taxes and significantly exceeded the economic growth numbers of Clinton's 1st term when he raised rates.

So tell me, if spending more money stimulates the economy then how come we're no better off than we were when the recession was over in June 2009? Obama has borrowed and spent way more money than any previous president, and what do we have to show for it? A bigger debt burden, that's about it. When do we get to a real, sustained recovery? Revised 4th qtr GDP numbers show only .1% growth; that really sucks dude. Were we not told the 2009 stimulus bill would lower UE to under 7% by now? WTF man, you already got a tax hike on the rich, just how much more do you want? How much more do you think you can take before the rich guys say Fuck You and go somewhere else or send their money somewhere else?
Wait a minute. Are you saying that when the Gov't takes money from us that we have less to spend and therefore the Economy slows?

Where have I heard that before?

Taxes discourage behavior. When are the moonbats going to figure that out?
What I want to know is when the moonbats, as in conservatives like you, are going to show a case where increasing taxes in an economy with high unemployment has ever hurt that economy. Or when lowering taxes on the wealthy has ever helped that economy.
Some proof of your agenda driven accusations would be sooooo refreshing.

The great Depression would be an amazing example... 12 years of pure shit.
Taxes discourage behavior. When are the moonbats going to figure that out?
What I want to know is when the moonbats, as in conservatives like you, are going to show a case where increasing taxes in an economy with high unemployment has ever hurt that economy. Or when lowering taxes on the wealthy has ever helped that economy.
Some proof of your agenda driven accusations would be sooooo refreshing.

The great Depression would be an amazing example... 12 years of pure shit.

Yeah, check out Herbert Hoover in the early 30s. Raised taxes big time, wasn't the answer.
What I want to know is when the moonbats, as in conservatives like you, are going to show a case where increasing taxes in an economy with high unemployment has ever hurt that economy. Or when lowering taxes on the wealthy has ever helped that economy.
Some proof of your agenda driven accusations would be sooooo refreshing.

The great Depression would be an amazing example... 12 years of pure shit.

Yeah, check out Herbert Hoover in the early 30s. Raised taxes big time, wasn't the answer.
Wow. You are really twisting at it, trying to get an answer, eh dipshit. Hoover. Excuse me while I laugh for a while.
Sorry, me poor economic idiot. Hoover's tax increase was in RESPONSE to the great republican depression of 1929. The Revenue Act of 1932, which became law in 1932, was the ONLY Hoover tax increase. By then, republican policies had driven the unemployment rate from about 3% in 1929 to over 24% when the act went into law.
Revenue Act of 1932 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Great Depression Statistics

So, it takes two conservatives to come up with a major lie. Impressive. Just think what three conservatives could come up with. So, within a year unemployment rates had started down in a major way. Jesus, if you would just do a bit of quick research, you would see how ignorant you are about to look, posting this drivel. What a pair of clowns.
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The great Depression would be an amazing example... 12 years of pure shit.

Yeah, check out Herbert Hoover in the early 30s. Raised taxes big time, wasn't the answer.
Wow. You are really twisting at it, trying to get an answer, eh dipshit. Hoover. Excuse me while I laugh for a while.
Sorry, me poor economic idiot. Hoover's tax increase was in RESPONSE to the great republican depression of 1929. The Revenue Act of 1932, which became law in 1932, was the ONLY Hoover tax increase. By then, republican policies had driven the unemployment rate from about 3% in 1929 to over 24% when the act went into law.
Revenue Act of 1932 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Great Depression Statistics

So, it takes two conservatives to come up with a major lie. Impressive. Just think what three conservatives could come up with. So, within a year unemployment rates had started down in a major way. Jesus, if you would just do a bit of quick research, you would see how ignorant you are about to look, posting this drivel. What a pair of clowns.

Hoover raised taxes big time in 1932 and the economy stayed in the tank for the rest of the decade.. Only a dumb liberal asshole can ignore the facts and spew bullshit.
Can you guys argue with compartmentalizing each other into political labels?
Sorry. I do not like cons who post dogma, which I can easily find in the bat shit crazy con web sites. I happen to like people who use impartial sources and factual information. And I hate people who waste my time with propaganda.

And no, I do not use propaganda or bat shit crazy liberal sites. I try to find impartial ones. Simple as that.

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