Consumer Spending Plummets After Payroll Tax Increase...

Yes Big Brother, we know. It's the Taxpayers' fault we're in this awful mess. It has absolutely nothing to do with your bloodthirst and insatiable appetite for spending. Just Tax and steal more from Citizens. Yup, that's the answer. Thank you Big Brother. What would we do without you?
I happen to like people who use impartial sources and factual information.

and the libturds idea of an impartial source is the Walter Duranty NYTimes!!!
you are so predictable. Only the far right con tools like you think the NY Times is partial.
As I said, you are a joke.
A bad joke.
But a joke.

Too completely 100% stupid and liberal !!! Even the NY Times admits its partial!!! No one is really as plain (&((^ as you are. Nice try!!

and the libturds idea of an impartial source is the Walter Duranty NYTimes!!!
I happen to like people who use impartial sources and factual information.
Then you are wasting your time having a discussion with EdwardBaiamonte, he is the king of throwing out whatever pops into his head as fact then being unable to support it with an actual source.

Yes Big Brother, we know. ... (blah blah) ... Thank you Big Brother. What would we do without you?
Yep, we know. Your contributions to discussions rarely have anything to do with them you just babble about big brother. Instead of making any attempt to address the questions on your claim spending is plummeting just dust off some big brother cliches. Brainless twit.
Taxing and stealing more from Citizens. Sounds like a great idea. Ain't Big Brother cool?
Taxing and stealing more from Citizens. Sounds like a great idea. Ain't Big Brother cool?

he is cool to liberals in large part becauce the liberal has been brainwashed to believe that taxing a person or business will cause them to spend, invest, and save more.

Everything about liberalism is based on pure ignorance.
Taxing and stealing more from Citizens. Sounds like a great idea. Ain't Big Brother cool?
Look. You are a libertarian. Totally discountable because you believe in an economic system that has never, ever worked to provide a stable government. Kind of like communism. Will never, ever work because the people do not like it. Unless, of course, you prefer a dictatorship. Like, oh, say, Somalia.
An economic system cannot produce a stable government when the government actively works to undermine said economic system.
Taxing and stealing more from Citizens. Sounds like a great idea. Ain't Big Brother cool?
Look. You are a libertarian. Totally discountable because you believe in an economic system that has never, ever worked to provide a stable government. Kind of like communism. Will never, ever work because the people do not like it. Unless, of course, you prefer a dictatorship. Like, oh, say, Somalia.

Punishing Citizens for this despicable Politician-created mess, is unforgivable. The Taxpayers are not the problem. The corrupt bastard Politicians are. They spent us into this horrifying debt. Yet now they're demanding more hard-earned money from Citizens? They're a disgrace. And so are all those who support them.
blah blah blah
You still haven't been able to support your initial post in this thread that spending is plummeting. Typical brainless pattern from your type, spits out what they see on agenda-driven websites without understanding the issue or being able to support their claims.

Quick, hit the macro key you have tied to "big brother" babble again.
blah blah blah
You still haven't been able to support your initial post in this thread that spending is plummeting. Typical brainless pattern from your type, spits out what they see on agenda-driven websites without understanding the issue or being able to support their claims.

Quick, hit the macro key you have tied to "big brother" babble again.

I just call em like i see em. You are a Big Brother-Worshipping dimwit. ;)
Taxing and stealing more from Citizens. Sounds like a great idea. Ain't Big Brother cool?
Look. You are a libertarian. Totally discountable because you believe in an economic system that has never, ever worked to provide a stable government. Kind of like communism. Will never, ever work because the people do not like it. Unless, of course, you prefer a dictatorship. Like, oh, say, Somalia.

Punishing Citizens for this despicable Politician-created mess, is unforgivable. The Taxpayers are not the problem. The corrupt bastard Politicians are. They spent us into this horrifying debt. Yet now they're demanding more hard-earned money from Citizens? They're a disgrace. And so are all those who support them.
Look, you are a libertarian. I know what you will say about any subject before you open your mouth. Which to me makes you immaterial.
Perhaps, since you are a libertarian, you could show me a time when unemployment was high that cutting taxes and spending worked. Specifically, when taxes were lowered for the wealthy. Or across the board. You should know this off the top of your head, since you spout tax decreases from there.
Look. You are a libertarian. Totally discountable because you believe in an economic system that has never, ever worked to provide a stable government. Kind of like communism. Will never, ever work because the people do not like it. Unless, of course, you prefer a dictatorship. Like, oh, say, Somalia.

Punishing Citizens for this despicable Politician-created mess, is unforgivable. The Taxpayers are not the problem. The corrupt bastard Politicians are. They spent us into this horrifying debt. Yet now they're demanding more hard-earned money from Citizens? They're a disgrace. And so are all those who support them.
Look, you are a libertarian. I know what you will say about any subject before you open your mouth. Which to me makes you immaterial.
Perhaps, since you are a libertarian, you could show me a time when unemployment was high that cutting taxes and spending worked. Specifically, when taxes were lowered for the wealthy. Or across the board. You should know this off the top of your head, since you spout tax decreases from there.

Goose Stepping nonsense. The Taxpayers aren't the problem. Your 'hero' Big Government Politician assholes are. They spent us into this horrifying debt mess. The Taxpayers didn't do that. So why should they be punished? Maybe one day you'll stop the Boot-Licking and come to your senses. Good Tax-Paying Citizens are not the problem.
blah blah blah
You still haven't been able to support your initial post in this thread that spending is plummeting. Typical brainless pattern from your type, spits out what they see on agenda-driven websites without understanding the issue or being able to support their claims.

Quick, hit the macro key you have tied to "big brother" babble again.
Sorry, me brainless libertarian. I do not use agenda driven web sites. Though, of course, to you any source that is not quoted on, or right of there, is agenda driven.
You were questioning where the source of the statement showing decreasing debt came from. You should be able to find this easily enough, if you could get your nose out of the libertarian sites. Maybe you could look at an impartial site:

If the current laws that govern federal taxes and spending do not change, the budget deficit will shrink this year to $845 billion, or 5.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), its smallest size since 2008. In CBO’s baseline projections, deficits continue to shrink over the next few years, falling to 2.4 percent of GDP by 2015.
CBO | The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023
I just call em like i see em. You are a Big Brother-Worshipping dimwit. ;)
Translation: I cannot support my post, so will just resort to my usual babble about Big Brother.

You are pathetic.

Nah, but you Big Brother-Worshippers are. You should be ashamed of yourselves for defending him.
Well, we could go back to Reagan, who tripled the national debt and ended up with an excellent economy. Or Bush 1 who kept on the Reagan national debt train. Or Clinton, who had a SURPLUS. One of those rare coinsurance. And did so by increasing taxes and spending at the beginning of his term. Or W, who lowered taxes, and ended up with a great economy. Oh, my mistake, W ended up with the great republican recession of 2008.
By the way, where are your examples of when the economy was improved by cutting US income taxes and spending during a bad economic time with high unemployment? As a libertarian, we all know you are capable of following an agenda that is a looser. You also have not responded to where a successful libertarian country with a libertarian economy exists, or ever has existed.
Before you say someone should be ashamed of themselves perhaps you can explain why we should follow your libertarian ideals. Or when these non libertarian ideals failed us during high unemployment times, like we are experiencing NOW.
Then, me boy, we can see who does look pathetic.
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By the way, where are your examples of when the economy was improved by cutting US income taxes and spending during a bad economic time with high unemployment?

too stupid and 100% liberal !! Obviously when you cut taxes on the private sector the private sector then has more to spend, save and invest and the economy and aggregate demand grows.

Taxing the private sector to help it grow is like chocking a man to help him breath.
Before you say someone should be ashamed of themselves perhaps you can explain why

Hah! Paulitician has never been able to explain anything, I'm thinking he is in 8th grade.

All he's got when pressed his "big brother" references produced in poor context.

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