Coons up 16 points over McDonnell

I agree that O'Donnell's a nut, but I honestly can't figure out why the left is spending so much time on her. She's going to lose. She was going to lose before she became a national story.

In the meantime, there are literally dozens of competitive races that hold the balance of power. Those races are far more important the balance of power than O'Donnell, who most agree will lose regardless. Yet endless resources are being poured into redefeating a candidate who is doing a fine job of defeating herself without our assistance.

Like I said, I think she's nuts but I also think it's a massive misallocation to waste time beating that dead horse. Let's beat a live horse in a competitive race instead.
"The boys back home in West Virginia might be upset and I never thought I'd utter these words, but I'm supporting Coons for Senator. Ain't that a riot?" -- Robert KKK Byrd
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Meanwhile Obama is going to CA to shore up support for Boxer and Brown.

In the big picture, the Tea Party is making this a year to remember
There is a good reason to spend some time on O'Donnell and the other wingnuts. Force the Republicans to either support her outright, or to disavow her lunacy. Either way, the Democrats win. That is good politics, and also marginalizes the lunatics.
Meanwhile Obama is going to CA to shore up support for Boxer and Brown.

In the big picture, the Tea Party is making this a year to remember

It surely is, just as the John Birch Society helped make the Goldwater run at the Presidency a time to remember.

[ame=]YouTube - "Barry's Boys"[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - John Birch Society Song[/ame]
I'm OK with O'Donnell losing in a year when the country can't throw Democrats out of office fast enough and with such severity that Gillibrand in NY and Boxer in CA are in a real race.
Meanwhile Obama is going to CA to shore up support for Boxer and Brown.

In the big picture, the Tea Party is making this a year to remember

The Republicans will remember the seats that they should have won, that were lost because the ego of the right wing Baggers nominated a lunatic. :clap2:
Meanwhile Obama is going to CA to shore up support for Boxer and Brown.

In the big picture, the Tea Party is making this a year to remember

The Republicans will remember the seats that they should have won, that were lost because the ego of the right wing Baggers nominated a lunatic. :clap2:

Nov 5th, Democrats will wake up and think Mondale kicked ass in comparison
Meanwhile Obama is going to CA to shore up support for Boxer and Brown.

In the big picture, the Tea Party is making this a year to remember

The Republicans will remember the seats that they should have won, that were lost because the ego of the right wing Baggers nominated a lunatic. :clap2:

Nov 5th, Democrats will wake up and think Mondale kicked ass in comparison

and they will still control the Senate and the White House.
The Republicans will remember the seats that they should have won, that were lost because the ego of the right wing Baggers nominated a lunatic. :clap2:

Nov 5th, Democrats will wake up and think Mondale kicked ass in comparison

and they will still control the Senate and the White House.

y'know, it seems like every time someone calls the admin to task for not doing something even though both houses of congress are controlled by their party, there's a chorus of *we don't reeeeeeally control the senate because of those damned obstructionist repubs and that's why we haven't done jackshit.*

so which is it?
How great would it be if Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell lose, and the GOP comes up 2 seats short of a majority in the Senate?
Meanwhile Obama is going to CA to shore up support for Boxer and Brown.

In the big picture, the Tea Party is making this a year to remember

So now Fiorina and Meg Whitman are Tea Party candidates. I predicted this.

Um, no I never said that. It's just to show how Americans are reacting to Obama's Fundamental Transformation
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