Cop pepper sprays high school kids

To me getting pepper sprayed is better than being shot at.

God bless you always!!!

I have never been pepper sprayed but want my peppers so hot that a Mexican says, "Too Hot for Me".

One night after shift we had a shit ton of paperwork and sent a trainee to taco bell. He came back and in fun he talked shit back too us saying we were to scared to put pepper spray on our tacos.

We did it.

It was a bad idea.

Lots and lots and lots of ice water. Lots.haha.
Water will just make it worse because it will spread the capsaicin around your mouth. Milk works better.
Ok so he's arresting a brat who is trespassing at the school (I'm sure there is a back story there). As he's doing it....a herd of 50-60 Obama voters begin to encircle the officer, heckle him and close in on him.

(HINT TO OBAMA VOTERS: When a cop is arresting someone....your herd should NOT begin to surround him, close the space and heckle him.)

So.....the cop disperses the herd with some pepper spray.

They came to school to learn lessons. THEY GOT ONE. Don't fuck with a cop while he's arresting someone.

What's the problem?
No one was closing in on this pansy ass cop they were KIDS filming it and he STUPIDLY pepper sprayed kids filming a dumb ass arrest. Not like was dealing with a hardened criminal here. You would defend a cop if he was in the middle of shooting his own mother for looking at him weird. Guaranteed.
And there are those that whine whenever a cop uses any force at all.
Yeah some do. I don't. This was unnecessary force.
Ok so he's arresting a brat who is trespassing at the school (I'm sure there is a back story there). As he's doing it....a herd of 50-60 Obama voters begin to encircle the officer, heckle him and close in on him.

(HINT TO OBAMA VOTERS: When a cop is arresting someone....your herd should NOT begin to surround him, close the space and heckle him.)

So.....the cop disperses the herd with some pepper spray.

They came to school to learn lessons. THEY GOT ONE. Don't fuck with a cop while he's arresting someone.

What's the problem?
No one was closing in on this pansy ass cop they were KIDS filming it and he STUPIDLY pepper sprayed kids filming a dumb ass arrest. Not like was dealing with a hardened criminal here. You would defend a cop if he was in the middle of shooting his own mother for looking at him weird. Guaranteed.
Watch your own link idiot. The cop was hit in the head with a rock. Anyone would have done the same thing.
Students pepper-sprayed at local high school

Really you are trying to arrest a kid over "trespassing" at the high school? Jesus christ....GROW THE FUCK UP! Why is the cop even there? No reason to pepper spray anyone damn what happened to cops that weren't pussies and/or mentally ill fucks that kill people for no reason?

The kid was told to leave and refused.
Then apparently someone hit the cop in the head with a rock.
Ok so he's arresting a brat who is trespassing at the school (I'm sure there is a back story there). As he's doing it....a herd of 50-60 Obama voters begin to encircle the officer, heckle him and close in on him.

(HINT TO OBAMA VOTERS: When a cop is arresting someone....your herd should NOT begin to surround him, close the space and heckle him.)

So.....the cop disperses the herd with some pepper spray.

They came to school to learn lessons. THEY GOT ONE. Don't fuck with a cop while he's arresting someone.

What's the problem?
No one was closing in on this pansy ass cop they were KIDS filming it and he STUPIDLY pepper sprayed kids filming a dumb ass arrest. Not like was dealing with a hardened criminal here. You would defend a cop if he was in the middle of shooting his own mother for looking at him weird. Guaranteed.
Watch your own link idiot. The cop was hit in the head with a rock. Anyone would have done the same thing.
That could definitely send someone into panic mode.
Ok so he's arresting a brat who is trespassing at the school (I'm sure there is a back story there). As he's doing it....a herd of 50-60 Obama voters begin to encircle the officer, heckle him and close in on him.

(HINT TO OBAMA VOTERS: When a cop is arresting someone....your herd should NOT begin to surround him, close the space and heckle him.)

So.....the cop disperses the herd with some pepper spray.

They came to school to learn lessons. THEY GOT ONE. Don't fuck with a cop while he's arresting someone.

What's the problem?
No one was closing in on this pansy ass cop they were KIDS filming it and he STUPIDLY pepper sprayed kids filming a dumb ass arrest. Not like was dealing with a hardened criminal here. You would defend a cop if he was in the middle of shooting his own mother for looking at him weird. Guaranteed.
Watch your own link idiot. The cop was hit in the head with a rock. Anyone would have done the same thing.
That could definitely send someone into panic mode.

There was a thread a while back about a group of high school kids who viciously beat some old guy who told them to get off his truck.

The libs were blaming the victim for putting himself in that position when he had no "street cred" with the little savages.

Now, that a cop defends himself, they are back to being innocent little children,.
To me getting pepper sprayed is better than being shot at.

God bless you always!!!

I have never been pepper sprayed but want my peppers so hot that a Mexican says, "Too Hot for Me".

One night after shift we had a shit ton of paperwork and sent a trainee to taco bell. He came back and in fun he talked shit back too us saying we were to scared to put pepper spray on our tacos.

We did it.

It was a bad idea.

Lots and lots and lots of ice water. Lots.haha.
Water will just make it worse because it will spread the capsaicin around your mouth. Milk works better.

Yes, we learned. Did I mention what a dumb idea it was?
Students pepper-sprayed at local high school

Really you are trying to arrest a kid over "trespassing" at the high school? Jesus christ....GROW THE FUCK UP! Why is the cop even there? No reason to pepper spray anyone damn what happened to cops that weren't pussies and/or mentally ill fucks that kill people for no reason?

The kid was told to leave and refused.
Then apparently someone hit the cop in the head with a rock.
SOMEONE hit him so he sprays EVERYONE....yep makes sense.
Students pepper-sprayed at local high school

Really you are trying to arrest a kid over "trespassing" at the high school? Jesus christ....GROW THE FUCK UP! Why is the cop even there? No reason to pepper spray anyone damn what happened to cops that weren't pussies and/or mentally ill fucks that kill people for no reason?
Why is the cop there you ask...

Well logic would make me think that schools are patrolled when closed to prevent someone from smuggling in weapons or stealing valuables.
Secondly if you want to question why someone was there why not question the one who was CLEARLY there illegally instead of the one defending the property?
Thirdly, did the moron survive the spray?

And last but not least.....Stop being a moron.
Students pepper-sprayed at local high school

Really you are trying to arrest a kid over "trespassing" at the high school? Jesus christ....GROW THE FUCK UP! Why is the cop even there? No reason to pepper spray anyone damn what happened to cops that weren't pussies and/or mentally ill fucks that kill people for no reason?

The kid was told to leave and refused.
Then apparently someone hit the cop in the head with a rock.
SOMEONE hit him so he sprays EVERYONE....yep makes sense.
That's how security works in THE REAL WORLD. I've been in a couple places where pepper spray was used on others and it affected everyone around them. It stopped the offenders and no liberal sissies sued over it.
Students pepper-sprayed at local high school

Really you are trying to arrest a kid over "trespassing" at the high school? Jesus christ....GROW THE FUCK UP! Why is the cop even there? No reason to pepper spray anyone damn what happened to cops that weren't pussies and/or mentally ill fucks that kill people for no reason?
You should be pepper sprayed because of that gosh awful run on sentence....
To me getting pepper sprayed is better than being shot at.

God bless you always!!!

I have never been pepper sprayed but want my peppers so hot that a Mexican says, "Too Hot for Me".

One night after shift we had a shit ton of paperwork and sent a trainee to taco bell. He came back and in fun he talked shit back too us saying we were to scared to put pepper spray on our tacos.

We did it.

It was a bad idea.

Lots and lots and lots of ice water. Lots.haha.
Water will just make it worse because it will spread the capsaicin around your mouth. Milk works better.

Yes, we learned. Did I mention what a dumb idea it was?
We all did dumb shit when we were kids. Stuff like BB gunfights or zapping each other with Tasers.
Students pepper-sprayed at local high school

Really you are trying to arrest a kid over "trespassing" at the high school? Jesus christ....GROW THE FUCK UP! Why is the cop even there? No reason to pepper spray anyone damn what happened to cops that weren't pussies and/or mentally ill fucks that kill people for no reason?

The kid was told to leave and refused.
Then apparently someone hit the cop in the head with a rock.
SOMEONE hit him so he sprays EVERYONE....yep makes sense.

Yes, it does.

A cop surrounded by an angry mob, is attacked, he doesn't have the time or ability to wade into the crowd and find the one that threw that rock. That could get him killed.

THe mob is the danger, the mob gets dispersed.
Students pepper-sprayed at local high school

Really you are trying to arrest a kid over "trespassing" at the high school? Jesus christ....GROW THE FUCK UP! Why is the cop even there? No reason to pepper spray anyone damn what happened to cops that weren't pussies and/or mentally ill fucks that kill people for no reason?

The kid was told to leave and refused.
Then apparently someone hit the cop in the head with a rock.
SOMEONE hit him so he sprays EVERYONE....yep makes sense.

Things can escalate quickly,I dont blame him one bit.
Students pepper-sprayed at local high school

Really you are trying to arrest a kid over "trespassing" at the high school? Jesus christ....GROW THE FUCK UP! Why is the cop even there? No reason to pepper spray anyone damn what happened to cops that weren't pussies and/or mentally ill fucks that kill people for no reason?

The kid was told to leave and refused.
Then apparently someone hit the cop in the head with a rock.

I don't care if he was hit in the head with a tooth pick... you do ANYTHING to a cop, and he has every right to retaliate. Refusing to obey the order of an officer of the law, is a crime in nearly every state.
^^^ Amen to this! They are called law enforcement officers for a reason.

God bless you and those who put their lives on the line for us always!!!

Wow. I am not sure if you could have picked a lamer martyrdom story. The police officer was hit in the head with a stone. You'll have to excuse me if I don't shed any tears for those that were pepper sprayed.

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