cop pepper sprays motorist that gave him the finger

Actually....SCOTUS ruling Maryland v. Wilson excuses that cop. Cops can make you get out of a car. You cant refuse. If you do...they can use force.

Sorry. You're wrong on this.
And therein lies a tale.

I remember a time not long ago when a police officer had to have distinctly definable probable cause to subject a citizen to a search. But owing directly to car stops, which are an essential component of the drug war, that Constitutional protection was abandoned and substituted with the reasonable suspicion requirement, which is a hunch -- a notion. That outrageous decision was the authoritarian Supreme Court spitting the face of ordinary Americans.

The ordinary citizen is becoming aware of this substantial expansion of police authority and it's a source of subliminal resentment. This is especially true of those who are old enough to remember when the Fourth Amendment was taken seriously.
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Pismoe has really shed some light on us folks.

If your son or daughter is considering a job as a blue collar worker like roofing or logging or construction. ...tell them no!!! Send them to a SAFER the Army or Marines.
I find it interesting that current generations of Americans actually think of military service as a job in the same sense as a civilian occupation. When I joined the Marines in 1956 it was considered a patriotic obligation -- not a job. And if I hadn't joined I was 1-A and probably would have been drafted anyway.

But today we have people saying, "Thank you for your service to our Country," to veterans, which is another way of saying, better you than me.
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Pismoe has really shed some light on us folks.

If your son or daughter is considering a job as a blue collar worker like roofing or logging or construction. ...tell them no!!! Send them to a SAFER the Army or Marines.
I find it interesting that current generations of Americans actually think of military service as a job in the same sense as a civilian occupation. When I joined the Marines in 1956 it was considered a patriotic obligation -- not a job. And if I hadn't joined I was 1-A and probably would have been drafted anyway.

But today we have people saying, "Thank you for your service to our Country," to veterans, which is another way of saying, better you than me.

Yep. People say "better you than me" to cops now too. Otherwise...more people who dont like how police operate would sign up and do the job how they feel it should be.
Bucs there is no shortage for applicants for good , easy , safe police jobs that have good benefits , good retirement that I've heard of . Things might slow down in the big cities until the new 'federal' police system gets going though Bucs .
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all you gotta do is check out the 'odmp' and see the stats . You will find that police die of the same causes as their taxpaying employers Bucs .
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But today we have people saying, "Thank you for your service to our Country," to veterans, which is another way of saying, better you than me.
Horseshit. You're meds have fogged your mind. I do a lot of work for military personnel and after learning I was in they've told me thanks for your service. It just means what it means at face value. No need to twist it into something ugly.
I never say thanks to the new generation , I figure that they just made a carreer choice to work for government . I think that it was different in the earlier generations .
and I never said thanks to the older generations which included my Dad and Uncles . I just figured that they did their jobs for very little pay , benefits or recognition . Also found out that they didn't want THANKS because as well as them fighting for their kids , they were fighting for themselves and their wives , family . My Dad or Uncles would never walk around wearing a veterans hat .
It seems to be popular these days for some old boys to put stickers on their cars, hats in the windows, license plates holders, etc. boasting of their military service. That, I'm not too fond of.
But then again there seems to be this movement where a lot of people like to advertise themselves, wife, kids dogs, etc. I really don't give a fuck, just drive!
agreed , course tying yourself to family doesn't bother me . Its the worship of gov or gov authority or approval that I disdain .
all you gotta do is check out the 'odmp' and see the stats . You will find that police die of the same causes as their taxpaying employers Bucs .

Yep. Police arent in the most dangerous jobs. Neither is military. Right?
Public Relations Officer:

now you are being funny I guess Bucs . Look , cops are ok , probably considered essential by gov of all types but I just don't think that they are above the general public that pays their salary .
both military and police seeks out their jobs Bucs , same as loggers , roofers , I just don't worship them . My Dad and Uncles , all ww2 weren't anything special to anyone other than their families and that's how I see the new military and police groups today . Nothing special , do your job , get paid on Friday !!
Pismoe has really shed some light on us folks.

If your son or daughter is considering a job as a blue collar worker like roofing or logging or construction. ...tell them no!!! Send them to a SAFER the Army or Marines.
I find it interesting that current generations of Americans actually think of military service as a job in the same sense as a civilian occupation. When I joined the Marines in 1956 it was considered a patriotic obligation -- not a job. And if I hadn't joined I was 1-A and probably would have been drafted anyway.

But today we have people saying, "Thank you for your service to our Country," to veterans, which is another way of saying, better you than me.

Yep. People say "better you than me" to cops now too. Otherwise...more people who dont like how police operate would sign up and do the job how they feel it should be.

If I had good knees and bad morals, I'd do it in a second. (Fuck, I'd be more than halfway to retirement by now.)
I flipped off Geo. Bushes motorcade a few years back. I will do the same discourtesy for Obama if he drives past. It's my right as an American. Arrested for showing a cop the bird? REALY? All the motor accidents I have almost been in, people speeding, running red lights, tailgating, where the hell are the COPS when I needed them? Oh, the local speed trap down the street. I love cops, but sometimes they make it hard.
I flipped off Geo. Bushes motorcade a few years back. I will do the same discourtesy for Obama if he drives past. It's my right as an American. Arrested for showing a cop the bird? REALY? All the motor accidents I have almost been in, people speeding, running red lights, tailgating, where the hell are the COPS when I needed them? Oh, the local speed trap down the street. I love cops, but sometimes they make it hard.

You know the reason people were driving like because no cop was around. They set up the speed "trap" to catch THOSE people.

But...cops messed up. Their "trap" probably failed. See...the idiots hung all these big flat metal cheat sheets all over the roadways giving away the tricks to avoid a ticket!! Haha...those dummies...I just follow those cheat sheets and never get caught in the traps!
Horseshit. You're meds have fogged your mind. I do a lot of work for military personnel and after learning I was in they've told me thanks for your service. It just means what it means at face value. No need to twist it into something ugly.
Really? You say, Thank you for your service to our Country, to them and they say, Thank you for your service to our Country, to you? How touching. I can't even guess how many ex-Marines I've run into since I was separated in 1960 and not one of them ever said that to me. Nor would I think of saying it to them. Why in the world would I?

In an earlier message I said "people" who say that annoy me. That was an error. I should have said it doesn't annoy me when a woman or a disabled male says it. But for an able-bodied male to say, "Thank you for your service," it clearly means, Better you than me.
and I never said thanks to the older generations which included my Dad and Uncles . I just figured that they did their jobs for very little pay , benefits or recognition . Also found out that they didn't want THANKS because as well as them fighting for their kids , they were fighting for themselves and their wives , family . My Dad or Uncles would never walk around wearing a veterans hat .
Military service was a patriotic obligation until the Military Industrial Complex profiteers realized that after the Vietnam fiasco, which made billionaires of them, they wouldn't get away with drafting any more young men to sacrifice in any more enterprises, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. So they encouraged their representatives in Congress to suspend the draft and transform patriotic military service into a mercenary occupation.

Every shot fired in these wasteful, unnecessary and avoidable military adventures puts a dollar in somebody's pocket. And now we have the "Wounded Warrior" project for those employees who were injured on the "job." And we hear, "Thank you for your service to our Country," mainly from those who were made rich by these wounded warriors' sacrifice -- and from those who are simply too naive to understand the new reality.

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